
(I swear Fizz and Ozzie are so cute together!)

The episode begins with a wideshot of Asmodeus's Palace, in which we then see his bedroom. Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are sleeping together in the same bed. An alarm clock shaped like a rooster with an erected penis goes off, to which Fizzarolli wakes up. He punches the clock and stretches his arms out to the kitchen, passing by a laundry woman wearing an apron and black panties and makes himself some coffee. But he burns himself, so he takes the coffee back, passing the same laundry woman from before making her twirl in place, and sets it on a desk. he stretched out and grabs one of his hats, and stretches, Fizzarolli then grabs the coffee and drinks it, before throwing it away and stretching his limbs to above Asmodeus. "Rise and shine, Ozzie!" Fizz said. Fizzarolli shakes and airhorn and sets it off, startling Asmodeus, who lays back down. "Huehahahahaha!" Fizz laughed. "Ugh, again with the horn?" Ozzie said. He turns in bed, covering his head with a pillow. "Don't blame me, blame how fuckin' fun they are!" Fizz said. He blows the horn again. "Mmkay, so; Today you have a meeting with the distributor about the new shipment of vvvibrators, then you gotta host a safety meeting because of what happened with the old shipment of vvvvvvibrators~. And then you have a nooner with Prince Stolas." Fizzarolli said. As he speaks, Asmodeus gets out of bed and puts on his robe. "Ahh, you scheduled me during lunch?" Asmodeus asked. " Well, you're pretty good at squeezing things in." Fizz said. As he speaks, he squeezes the robe in, eyeing Asmodeus' butt, before stretching onto his shoulder. "But I left time for a big ol' breakfast!" Fizz said. "Let me guess; I'm handling that too?" Asmodeus asked. "I mean... unless you want me to take a crack at cooking again." Fizz said. "Hahahahahaha! No. Never again." Asmodeus said. "Whaaaat? Maybe I could burn the milk this time!" Fizz said. "Stooopp...!~" Asmodeus said. "OH! You know what I'm craving? Burgers!" Fizz said. "No! It's too early for burgers, you maniac!" Ozzie said. "Burger time! Burger time! Burger time!!!" Fizz cheered. The two laugh together. In the kitchen, Fizzarolli opens up a newspaper. An article reads- "King of Ozz- a HYPOCRITE?!" Fizzarolli stuffs the paper into a trash can, then proceeds to throw the entire can out of a window while Asmodeus hums, making breakfast. Asmodeus opens the door to the refrigerator, which lacks milk. "Yeah yeah, I know, I can pick up some more while I'm out today." Fizz said. "About that. You're still going to that contest rehearsal... without me?" Asmodeus asked.  Welll... y- you have a packed day today.... and I know you aren't big on the whole Mammon thing, soo...." Fizz said. "It's the Greed ring One of the cities is literally called Ransom." Asmodeus said. "Ah, you worry too much, You know I ain't afraid of ropes. 'Sides, I'm slippery~." Fizz said. "I mean... only after I..." Asmodeus began. "What?" Fizz said. "What?" Ozzie said. "Come onnnn, Ozz. I can be on my own one day!" Fizz said. "But you haven't been to the Greed ring alone since becoming Mam's big brand figure." Ozzie said. "Yeah, I guess, but it's not like I'm gonna stick around!" Fizz said. "I can get you an escort." Asmodeus said. "Ah! I can handle it! Come on, Big Daddy. Pweeeaasee?" Fizz asked as he puts on some puppy eyes. "Mmhahahaha! Well, you know I can't say no to a face that cute." Ozzie said. "Mhm. That's why I use it." Fizz said. "Just try to stay out of trouble, Fizzy-frog." Ozzie said. "Ah, stop it!" Fizz said. "Noooo~!" Ozzie said, Asmodeus picks Fizzarolli up in a tight squeeze, laughing. A small succubus walks into the room holding a stack of boxes. Succubus employee: "Ozz, I have the new shipment of-" She stops as she sees the two. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli stare at the worker wide-eyed. "Ya mind?! Tryna have an unemotional bang sesh here!" Fizzarolli said. "Yeah! Cuz we're so not in love!" Ozzie said. "Yea! Love is stupid!" Fizz said. The succubus sets the boxes down and walks out of the room, staring oddly at the two. "Whew! That was close, huh?" Fizz said. Asmodeus sighed. "Just come right back when it's over. And keep your phone on ya, okay?" Ozzie said. "Got it riiight here! Be riiight back after. Don't worry, Ozz! I'll be super lowkey. Nobody will notice me" Fizz said. Fizzarolli sips his cup of coffee, while Asmodeus facepalms in doubt. Meanwhile, Minnie was at home, sleeping soundly, she woke up to her alarm clock blaring. She sits up and yawns, not feeling like going to work today, she got up and got dressed into her clothes, she made her hair fluffy and a bit messy, she brushed her teeth and put some mascera on, she then grabbed her purse and went downstairs, luckily her parents gone back to the Lust ring, she grabbed the necklace from the picture of striker, she put it on and walked out of her house, she then got into her car and started to drive to her favorite coffee shop, she realized that it was crowded, so she'd have to travel to the greed ring which is a few hours away, she smirked. She put on her sunglasses and and sped off towards the greed ring.


We immediately transition to the Greed ring, where Fizzarolli runs over a cup in a glamorous limo. He steps out on the red carpet, while speakers and confetti blasters, seemingly shaped like dildos push out of the car. The confetti sprays over everyone, while one demon brushes it off, and another demon chokes to death on one of them. Fizzarolli walks off and his devil dogs come out the car and start to feast on the dead corpse. Fizzarolli whistles to get the dogs' attention to start going. They arrive and spiral around Fizz, spinning him as he chuckles. Roller skates come out of his shoes as he blasts off. "Whoa, girls, girls, girls! Heheheheh!" Fizz said. Fizz rolls around the block, with his dogs, also being Valentino's queef running at top speed. His glasses' built-in window wipers wipes all the mud off of his glasses. "Man, it's great not being in the spotlight for once." Fizz said. All of the demons immediately spot Fizzarolli. While he is skating, he encounters Blitzø and Minnie. and while we don't know why Blitzø is in greed. we do know they're currently getting kicked out of a coffee shop. "Look, lady, it's not my fault that you only know how to make coffee that tastes like piss!" Blitzø said. Minnie sighed. "Blitzø maybe be a bit more polite?" Minnie asked. Blitzø looked annoyed. "They keep saying that we're married! and we're fucking not!" Blitzø said. Minnie sighed. Fizzarolli becomes shocked, and hits the brakes on his skates, while Blitzø stammers in fear. "Oh, wow. Lookee who it is." Fizz said. "Oh, fuck. You again." Blitzø said. Minnie immediately introduced herself. "Hey! I'm Minnie! Minnie Mayday! Nice to meet you!" She seemed excited. Fizz was surprised. "Oh, I'm going to like this chick, anyway..." Fizz said. "Stalkin' me now, huh?" Fizz said to Blitzø. "Oh, don't fucking flatter yourself, clown. I have my own life, y'know, WITHOUT YOU IN IT." Blitzø said. "Uh huh, sure. Blitzo." Fizz said. "The "O" is silent now, bitch! And gee whiz, we've been in each other's relative vicinity TWICE, in the last 15 YEARS! That would make me, THE SHITTIEST STALKER IN HISTORY!"  Blitzø said. Minnie got worried. Fizzarolli pets his dogs. "Twice, is ALREADY WAY TOO MUCH." Fizz said. Minnie looked even more worried. "Okay guys let's just calm down and talk this out without any violence, yes?" Minnie asked them. Blitzø dusts himself off and says something to Fizz before he walks away. "Yeah, well at least I'm still actually working for my shit. And not getting everything handed to me like some pampered attention whore!" Blitzø said. Blitzø has now stuck a nerve in Fizzarolli, as we can see when he growls out of anger. But he regains conciousness that Asmodeus is really someone faithful to him when we see his devil dog hand him a bone, then Fizzarolli moves the bone to show the leash, with gold lettering saying, "From Ozzie with 💛". Minnie kept trying to diffuse the situation. "Would ya hush your pretty little mouth for just one second?" Fizz asked. Minnie blushed at the fact that he called her pretty. Fizz then looked at Blitzø. "Yeah well, guess that's what resilience & talent gets ya'. Plus, my horns were always bigger than yours. Weren't they?" Fizz said. It grows silent for a bit, while Blitzø stands in anger. Before Fizzarolli walks away, Blitzø charges at him and they start to get into a street scuffle. Minnie tried to pull Blitzø off of Fizz. The screen shifts upward to find a skyscraper-like building where, Striker and Crimson unknowingly reside. "So, you say you're good? Cuz' we really need a big score right now." Crimson said. "The best. Had a royal on the ropes just last week!" Striker said. One of Crimson's mafia members pours him a glass of wine, while he follows up Striker's response. " Sure, but not dead?" Crimson asked. "It was... called off. But I have a body count in the hundreds! I ain't afraid to go after anyone. Women, kids-" Striker's speech is cut off by one of Fizzarolli's devil dogs getting launched on the outside of the building window. "And cute little-faced puppy looking things. Don't matter!" Striker said. Striker then catches onto the fact that some drama is going on outside. He listens to Crimson's judging while still walking to see the problem. "Hm. I'll tell you what, if you can deliver something of value... I'll consider it." Crimson said. "One moment..." Striker said. Striker pulls out his surprisingly long lasso, to pull the root of the outside problem, Fizzarolli, Minnie & Blitzø into the room, considering them something of value. He does so, and he slams them against the wall. "Hired! Hahahahaha!" Crimson said. " Funny to run into ya' again, Blitzy!" Striker said. Minnie regained her vision. "Uncle?" Minnie asked. "Hey there Minnie!" Striker said. Minnie looked relieved. "I thought you were dead..." Minnie said. Striker looked at her. "You ain't ever gettin' rid of me that easily sunshine" Striker said as he ruffled her hair. He then turned to Fizzarolli. Striker pulls out his knife in notice of Fizzarolli, knowing he's in cahoots with a "blue-blood". "And with a famous friend..." Striker said. "Oh, fuck me." Blitzø said. Fizz then spoke. "For the record, we are not friends." Fizz said.


We cut to Asmodeus' factory back in his palace, where they manufacture things for Ozzie's, and for general Lust ring products. Currently, they are creating a new toy to test for the new vibrator shipment. An imp flies away with a box containing the test vibrator, while we pass some painter imps working on dildos. A transition can show two more imps fighting with dildos on the job, while we now pass to a different imp carrying the same test vibrator. "Larger. You can never be too large, mmhahaha, you can never be too large." Ozzie said. We see a conveyor belt passing the test vibrator onto a hazmat-suited imp, who flies away to return the final product to Asmodeus. "Hm... smaller, smaller. Hit the spot right there, oh, that's good. I like-oh, I like that, that's good, mhm!" Asmodeus said. Asmodeus now has the test vibrator in hand, only to hand it back to the hazmat-suited imp to then carry a blueprint to see if there's anything else needed to be modified. Two imps then put the vibrator into the test chamber to see if they get results. They turn on the machine after everybody gets safety goggles on and turn on the vibrator. Turns out, it explodes, and the project is a failure. Asmodeus groaned in annoyance. Asmodeus sits alone at his desk, missing Fizzarolli when he looks at a painting of them together. Lightning strikes, as Fizzarolli's eyes strangely glow blue. Asmodeus is startled, both to the lightning, and his watch, signaling an alarm for his lunch meeting with Stolas. We then transition to Stolas sitting on a couch in the waiting room, until Asmodeus finally opens his doors. "Stolas! Hey there, birdie babe. Haven't seen you since you crashed my club, how ya' been? Hmhmhm, still gettin' yo' kink on with that feisty imp?" Asmodeus asked. "Aha, well, um, that's actually what I'm here about! You see, I, um.... seem to have found myself with... feelings. For him. And, I'm not sure if it's a mutual thing...!" Stolas said. Asmodeus grows unamused, assuming he's looking for something to un-morally force Blitzø to love him. "Well, I can tell ya', if you're lookin' for a love potion, you came to the wrong. Fuckin'. Guy. I don't fuck with that artificial bullshit. Lust, shouldn't be about force. It's an art! To be, earned! And enjoyed... It's all about that journey, to Pleasuretown... ya' feel me? Hmhmhmhm..." Asmodeus said. As he speaks he picks up two cereal and/or candies shaped like a penis and a mouth, and shoves the penis through the mouth, demonstrating his point. He takes the penis out of the mouth and lifts it to where we, the audience, can see a flustered Stolas through the opening in the mouth. "Oh, no, never, never that! I just, you see-" Stolas began. While Stolas is speaking, Asmodeus decides to devour his whole bowl of various sex-shaped cereals and/or candy. "This imp has a business he runs; he needs to access the mortal realm to carry out his work. I know your demons are some of the only ones who can traverse freely and legally. I was wondering if you could assist me in... finding a way he could too?" Stolas asked. As he speaks, Stolas uses his powers to conjure up a large book and places it on the table, the book seen in The Circus that mentioned Asmodean crystals. surprising Asmodeus as he finishes eating up all the cereals and/or candy. "Oh! Hmm, Stolas, my heart bleeds for you! But my partner- uh, business partner, Fizzarolli, HATES your imp guy. Blitzo, right? Yeah. HAAATES." Asmodeus said. "He does? But, why?" stolas asked. "Not my story to tell, but trust me. I would help if I could, but I can't. Sorry..." Asmodeus said. Asmodeus notices his newly delivered message from Fizzarolli's contact, put under "Froggie 🤍". He smiles in relief and opens the notification, causing the phone to fly across the room in a grand display and grow larger to show a widescreen version of the message. "Hello, Asmodeus." Crimson said. Asmodeus and Stolas grow concerned at the appearance of Crimson, and not Fizzarolli. "You don't know me, but you don't need to. All you need to know is I have your little jester here with me." Crimson said. The recording shows Striker bringing Fizzarolli to the camera tied up with tape over his mouth. Asmodeus now grows enraged at the sight of this and tries to strangely grab the hologram out of anger. "If you want him back alive, you will give me exactly what I want." Crimson said. "Do you have any idea who you are FUCKING WITH?!" Asmodeus said. Asmodeus glows to turn a vivid neon version of his natural colors, while his head turns red, showing his outrage. "I... think it's a recording." Stolas said. "You probably just asked if I know who I'm dealing with. And, oh yes, I know. The weakest and most non-threatening of the Sins, the king who will do whatever it takes to save the worst kept secret in all of Hell." Crimson said. Asmodeus grows embarrassed and turns his head away from the video, with Stolas becoming worried for him and trying to console him. "We both know you won't risk anything happening to the clown. So be a good little bitch boy, and do the thing. My lawyers will be over shortly with the contract of demands. You have until the witching hour to sign it. Hueheheheheheheh! Now, cut. I SAID CUT IT, YA FUCKIN' MORON!" Crimson yelled. The phone falls back on the table, and Asmodeus grows powerful out of rage, and the whole room shakes. Stolas starts to step away when Asmodeus roars, making the whole room glow with a beam of energy. The transition shows Alessio giving Crimson a lighter to smoke a cigar. He walks off, while the mafia member sets Minnie, Blitzø and Fizzarolli in a cage, which Striker is on top of. Fizzarolli stammers in fear, while Blitzø scoots back, Minnie was annoyed and frightened. "Oh, chill out, jester. Christ on a stick, it's like you've never been tied up before!" Blitzø said. "Sure, but not by a bunch of psychos!" Fizzarolli said as he falls down. "And a piece of shit!" Fizzarolli said. "Am I- okay, Am I the psycho or the piece of shit?" Blitzø asked, Minnie was annoyed. "Both!" Minnie and Fizzarolli both say. "Yeah, that checks." Blitzø said. "How is this happening?! I was just supposed to grab some gas station milk and rehearse some juggling...!" Fizzarolli said. "Oh relax, I'm sure your big royal chicken ain't gonna let anything happen to his peppy lil' fuckdoll." Blitzø said. Minnie was wiggling and trying to get out of the ropes, Blitzø noticed this. "Min, you ain't finna get out of those ropes just by wiggling toots" Blitzø said. Minnie stopped and sighed, her sleeve fell off her shoulder, showing her recent scars. "Minnie..." Blitzø said. "Yeah?" She responded. "WHO THE FUCK HAS BEEN HURTING YOU?!" Blitzø yelled. Minnie was quiet, but she responded. "My mom..." She whispered. Blitzø was already pissed off he was even more mad. "goddamn it.." Blitzø said. Minnie sighed, giving up, she tried not to cry, she just closed her eyes feeling worthless. Blitzø and Fizz were back to bickering until Minnie told them to shut up. "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY?! Bicker like a couple of teen SKANKS." Minnie yelled, They both shut up instantly, Minnie sighed. "I'm sorry...I'm just...filled with a lot of stress y'know?" Minnie said as she sighed. Striker steps down onto the boxes, while leaning towards their cage. "As far as I'm concerned, you two are BOTH embarrassments to our kind for meddlin' with blue-bloods to begin with." Striker said to Blitzø and Fizzarolli. "But at least loud-mouth here has the sense to only fuck his rich bitch, instead of being a little purse dog." Striker said. "Oh, great. The fuckin' supremacist is on my side, wonderful." Blitzø said. "Neither of you filth-bags know what you're even talkin' about. If you think you're superior to ANYONE, then you're no better than any royal-" Fizzarolli began before he could finish his sentence. Striker grows agitated at the continuation of Fizzarolli's sentence. Before he could offend him enough, he stops Fizz from talking, and grabs him. "DON'T. YOU. DARE... FINISH THAT SENTENCE, CLOWN." Striker said. "HEY, hick-for-hire! I said watch em', not fuck em'. Keep ya' hands off the merchandise!" Crimson said. Striker looks at Fizzarolli one more time, before jumping off the cage. "EAUGH! EVER HEARD OF MOUTHWASH?! FUCK-FAAACE!" Fizzarolli said.


We cut back to Asmodeus, looking frustrated and slightly tired. He is holding the lawyer's contract for Crimson's ransom. Asmodeus groaned with annoyence. "Can I just sign it already, like, can we move this along?" Asmodeus asked. Crimson's lawyer shrugs it off and gives him the contract. Stolas suspects that the lawyer being fine with this could lead to something off. "Sire, you need to know the contents of this contract, you can't just sign it! A deal made with a sin like yourself would be everlastingly binding... Perhaps I can look it over, I'm a fast reader. Oh! Hmmm... This is a contract giving Crimson all of Ozzie's factory assets. And, giving him permission to use Fizzarolli's head for a wall decoration." Stolas said. "Wait, WHAT?!?!" Asmodeus said with surprise. "Juuust making sure you're paying attention! Here's the real contract." The Lawyer said. Stolas clapped. "Oohoohoohoo! This will be fun! I love words!" Stolas exclaimed. Asmodeus becomes angry and disintegrates the fake contract.


Fizzarolli struggles to escape his imprisonment, while Blitzø just watches it all happen. "Ya know, you're really bad at this." Blitzø said. Fizzarolli grunts, and falls down again "Hmmm, ya know? Last time I checked, I was a fucking jester, NOT an escape art-" Fizzarolli causes getting zapped due to rubbing his hands together on his wrap. He shoots up, his head indents the cage, and he falls back down. "I just wanna go home..." Fizzarolli said. "Hm... you want me to get you out?" Blitzø asked. "Ye-ye-yes..." Fizzarolli said. Blitzø smiles as he stands up, raising his foot to extract a knife from under his shoe. "You had a knife this whole time?!" Fizzarolli asked. Blitzø cuts the tape off himself, then grabs Fizzarolli by the shoulder, startling him, with the knife pointed in his direction. And while it looks like he's about to stab him, Blitzø actually cuts the tape off of him as well, freeing his arms, He then turned towards Minnie. "Hurry up and free me Blitzø!" Minnie said, but Blitzø decided to tease her. He grabbed her chin with his index finger and thumb. "Aww, sure I'll free ya princess, but what's the magic word?" Blitzø teased, she blushed profusely. "P-Please?" Minnie stuttered. Blitzø let go of her chin, then he freed her from her restraints, she gets up and dusts herself off and pulled her sleeve back up. "Thanks Blitzø" Minnie said. "Don't mention it, Now, stop bitching while I work this." Blitzø said. From below, Blitzø observes his surroundings; an imp on a forklift, imps playing on a pool table, a muscular imp stacking a card tower, and a few more demons lounging -- from there, he spots the remote that should control the cage. "Ahhh, bingo!" Blitzø said. "So what now, genius?" Fizzarolli asked. "See that remote?" Blitzø asked. "I mean, I could stretch down there..." Fizzarolli said. "No, no... I have a better idea." Blitzø said. Blitzø shakes the cage, causing some boxes to fall. This would create a domino effect, as the boxes collapse nearby a few demons, throwing his beer mug in the air. As the muscular imp finishes his card tower, the rest of the demons cheer, but the moment is quickly ruined as the beer mug knocks it all down; causing the muscular imp, in a fit of rage, to pull out a gun and shoot nearly everywhere and everyone. Mafia Imp: Keep it down! I'm shooting 8-ball over here! Forklift Imp: What's going on-- As the gunfire continues, the imp on the forklift gets shot, causing the truck to spin out of control, knocking everything in its way. Mafia Imp: SHUT THE FUCK UP-- He notices the forklift approaching him. Mafia Imp: Oh, fuck me... The forklift knocks him in the air in slow motion with a few pool balls in motion, while Fizzarolli, Minnie and Blitzø are observing the whole situation, with the latter enjoying popcorn. Amidst the explosion, the white cue ball lands on the scaffolding rolls closer to the far end of the warehouse. Blitzø shifts Fizzarolli's head to see where this goes, with the cue ball making a stop, right above the remote. As it falls over, it hits the "DOWN" button-- but nothing seems to have happened. "Well... that didn't w--" Fizz began. At the last second, the cage containing Blitzø, Minnie and Fizzarolli immediately drops down and collapses. As the smoke subsides, Fizzarolli coughs while Blitzø dusts himself off while smirking, knowing his plan to free themselves had worked. Fizzarolli just flips him off. "Show-off" Minnie said. Suddenly, Crimson and his goons came in upon hearing the commotion. Crimson lifts up a cucumber slice to see Blitzø, Minnie and Fizzarolli have freed themselves and caused a mess in the process. "THE FUCK?! GET THEM!!" Crimson yelled. One of the goons fire a net gun aimed at Fizzarolli, but Blitzø pushes him out of the way. He grabs his hand to escape from the rapid gunfire. Blitzø spots a nearby gun and fires back. While Fizzarolli makes a run for it, two of the goons push down some boxes to prevent him from escaping, causing him to run back where he came from. As a bigger demon approaches him, he throws a juggling stick, and blowing an airhorn. But he still gets caught, then throws a banana peel, but no one slips on it. "Augh! This usually works!  Goddamnit!" Fizzarolli cursed. One of the Mafia Imps approach him, about to hit him with a cane. "FUCK!" Fizzarolli yelled, Before he could get hit, Minnie saved him, she killed the Mafia Imps. "Well shit-" Fizzarolli said, impressed with Minnie's combat skills. Fizzarolli then bumps back to Blitzø. "What the fuck, Fizz?! How is someone this flexible, this useless in combat?!" Blitzø said. Blitzø dodges every one of the mafia's attacks with Fizzarolli beneath him. "I'm a performer! I sing, I dance, I promote products that I don't actually use... I don't do danger!" Fizz said. With a few of the demons out for the count, Blitzø , Minnie and Fizzarolli make a run for it. Blitzø began to speak. "Well, good to know you're still a wimpy circus-puss." Blitzø said. The three climb up a ladder while Blitzø quickly shoots a mafia member aiming for them. "I'd give you a comeback but that'd imply I give a shit what you think." Fizz said. "You always cared what I thought!" Blitzø said. "After what you did to me?" Fizz said. "I didn't do anything! It was an accident!" Blitzø said. "AN ACCIDENT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"  Fizz said. Minnie was fed up with them. "Both of you shut up!" Minnie yelled. Blitzø and Fizz both were shocked. Minnie continued to speak. "We all know that it wasn't either of your faults!" Minnie said. she sighed. she puts her hair up into a ponytail. "You both are best friends, neither of you did anything wrong, Blitzø remember when I told you that I was raised in the Wrath ring all of my life including my teenage years? Well that was partially true...But I got a gig at the circus you guys were at...My family went there to support me, I was getting ready in one of the rooms and my hairdryer caught on fire then, the fire started, I... panicked, My father died in that fire just to try and save me..." She sighed. "It was my fault that both of you hate each other, It was my fault that you lost someone Blitzø...It was my fault that you got hurt very badly Fizz...all of this was my fault..." Minnie said as she wiped her tears..."You have every right to be pissed off at me..." She sighed, looking away from them. They both look shocked. "Minnie I..." Blitzø began, Minnie sighed. then A goon appeared out of nowhere and held Blitzø in a headlock with a smug grin but it was short-lived (literally) as Blitzø pulled the gun under his captor's chin and blew up his head up off screen, with Fizzarolli witnessing it happen and the three imps put their heads back into the game as the trio scampered through the shelf hurriedly. A goon climbs up the ladder and attempts to attack Blitzø, Minnie and Fizzarolli. Blitzø uses his gun to blow up the goon's head. "WAAAOOOHHH, CHRIST ON A STICK!" Blitzø said. Two other demons walk up to the dead demon on the floor below them. "TRYING TO HAVE A FUCKIN' EMOTIONAL MOMENT, HERE!" Fizz said.


It cuts back to Stolas and Asmodeus still talking with Crimson's lawyer about the contract. Asmodeus looks at his watch as time flies by, not looking very happy. Stolas is walking around the room holding the contract and lecturing. "Okay, so! I believe this draft allows for some factory ownership, specifically located in the Greed Ring... With allocated funds going to your client for the foreseeable future... While ensuring the safe return of one "Fizzarolli." Stolas said. Stolas slams the contract on the table while saying this, sliding it towards the lawyer. Greed Lawyer: "Yeah, sure, sounds good... Now lemme just re-read thissssssuh..." The lawyer drank out of his white coffee mug which said "Live Laugh Law". Asmodeus was getting impatient by the time. "HURRY UP!" Asmodeus yelled Greed Lawyer: "Yelling won't make me read faster!" Asmodeus was starting to turn red with his flames getting higher. Stolas, who was startled by this, quickly stomped on the flames.


It cuts back to Blitzø, Minnie and Fizzarolli. Fizzarolli threw a goon far, and he was back-to-back with Blitzø and Minnie, Goons were running at them. Fizzarolli was a bit hesitant on forgiving Blitzø. "Misunderstanding or no, it's hard to just forgive you." Fizz said. Fizzarolli grabs Blitzø and pulls him closer to the goons as Blitzø killed them. "it's BEEN fifteen years and.... That's so much time... But!" Fizz began. Fizzarolli continued to fling Blitzø around in his flexible, robotic hands as Blitzø continued to shoot the goons. "I guess you didn't really ruin my life." Fizz said. "What, you're telling me getting BLOWN UP didn't ruin your life?" Blitzø asked. "It was painful, and challenging, and y'know, FUCK YOU STILL. but it's not like I'm broken, and I now have someone who understands me and-" Fizz said. Fizzarolli, Minnie and Blitzø fight more goons before landing to the ground. "My life has actually been pretty great." Fizz said. "Yeah, that's lovely. you got a good thing going with that horny rooster fucker don't ya?" Blitzø asked. "oh yeah, it's been...fantastic. cause, ya know, it's a great gig! Hehe, and he's got the BIGGEST COCK! Ya know, like MASSIVE! I mean imagine like the BIGGEST! just a GIANT, HUGE, like a KAIJU! b-but it's a cock, ya know what I mean? like a BIG monster! it's BIG it's HUGE-" Fizz said. "'kay, I get it, I get it! look I'm really happy for ya, Fizz." Blitzø said. Fizzarolli looks at Blitzø's hand on his shoulder and smiles at him, until the goons start to slowly corner them. Striker pushes them aside and walks forward. "If ya wanna prove yourself, cowboy, here's your chance!" Crimson said. Striker smirks while gritting his teeth and walks towards them. "You been a pain in my ass long enough, Blitzø." Striker said. Striker's sclera glows menacingly. "NOW, I'm gon' break you like a FUCKIN' HORSE!" Striker said. Minnie got in front of Blitzø to protect him. "I'm going to let you hurt him uncle..." She glared. Blitzø glared at Striker. Striker laughs as he, Crimson, and the goons corner them more.   "Fizz! Remember how you used to distract my dad so I could steal his booze?" Blitzø said.  "yeah? Why?" Fizz asked. "Yeah, well, I need to get up to that window there to bust us out." Blitzø said. Blitzø points at the window as Striker continued to uncannily and slowly corner them. "Ohohooo! One distraction, comin' up!" Fizz said. Fizzarolli makes everyone besides Blitzo look at him as the music to "Look at This" begins. 


'When I was a young boy, I never thought it comes to this.' 

He gets up and is in between three goons, looking at both of them with his arms around them both. At the next line, Fizzarolli grabs onto Crimson. 

'The scars all seem to heal...' 

He goes somewhere else and grabs onto it with his flexible arms Minnie goes to help Blitzø, she was being stealthy. 

'And soon all I feel is regret.' 

He climbs on top of it

'And noooow, I'm a grown man.'

He slides on the floor in front of the goons, Striker, and Crimson

'I've lost it all again!'

He climbs on the boxes, which in this case is his one of many "stages"

'But what I'll miss the most...'

Blitzø climbs on a box and throws small things of trash like banana peels and candy wrappers, which is being used as confetti, over Fizzarolli, Minnie helped throw the "confetti."

'Pay close attention, while you get a look at... this!'

Fizzarolli takes out Blitzø's keychain with a golden unicorn figurine on it. Blitzø then sneaks around as Fizzarolli gets out a treasure map. Minnie saw what happened, it seemed that Fizz and Blitzø had a bit of sexual tension, It made her feel a bit...hot...She flew down to where Blitzø was.

'Yeah, look at this!'

Fizzarolli notices Blitzø and stretches to above the mob and turns the heads of two of them in the direction opposite of blitzø.

'Then, look at that!'

Fizzarolli then gets out gets out a funny looking hat and puts it on his head.

'Hehey, here's a hat!'

Fizzarolli takes the hat off and twirls while in the background Blitzø and Minnie scoots across.

'This nonsense mostly doesn't mean a thing!'

Striker begins to turn his head, but Fizzarolli stretches his hand out to him and turns him back to him.

'But, listen closely, maybe it explains everything!'

Fizzarolli rolls down a projector screen that first shows an illuminati sign, then an add for bit coin. a computer screen with his silhouette then passes as Fizzarolli then does the Squidward interpretive dance.

'The secret to Bitcoin, computers, and microchips' 

He stretches towards one of the mafia members and gives him a gold coin, making his eyes sparkle.

'The key to the future' 

Fizzarolli leaps in between the members before landing in between striker and crimson.

'If you only look at this!'

Fizzarolli gives Striker and crimson two gold coins. striker looks at his blankly whilst crimson bites into his

'Riches untold, you'll have dollars of gold!'

Fizzarolli stretches up to see Blitzø create a tower of cardboard boxes to the window.

'If you focus on me, as the story unfolds!'

The screen becomes distorted before revealing Fizzarolli's face in front of the screen.


Fizzarolli leaps to the mafia gang's left and holds up a random book with a star pentagram.


Fizzarolli uses his limbs to constrict the whole gang like a snake.


Fizzarolli stretches into Crimson's face, random colors appear in Fizzarolli's eyes before going into Crimson's.


Fizzarolli releases the mafia gang, whilst making them spin rapidly in place.


Fizzarolli holds a flashlight up to his face making rabid sounds, as his shadow becomes a massive beast.

unintelligible growling


Fizzarolli sits on a pile of boxes while still holding the flashlight.


Fizzarolli leaps atop of a massive case study and looks to Blitzø who is trying to open the window with a blowtorch.

'I don't know how long I can do this!'

"I'mma need another sixty seconds!" Blitzø said.

"Aw, fuck" Fizz said.

Fizzarolli stands up as the goons look up to him.

'Okay, the thing that I'm trying to say is, I will say if you look this way...'

He points them all to a large corner of boxes, where a hellspider spins its web. Fizzarolli grows anxious, his armpits sweating, and wiping his forehead with a string of hankies as he thinks of something.

'Uh, you know it's uh...just as Nonna (Grandma) Fizzarolli used to say...'

Fizzarolli leaps down, grabbing a wig and fluffy neck collar as he proceeds to sing in crude Italian.

'Puzza lasagna'

Crimson, being a mob boss and therefore fluent in Italian, is disgusted by what Fizzarolli was saying. The reptilian goon becomes lovestruck over Fizzarolli singing Italian, Minnie looked amazed.

'Contorni, limoncello'

Fizzarolli walks passed Crimson and striker. the former has his hands up and does a "are you kidding" gesture as he looks to striker who is equally confused.


Fizzarolli stretches his arms and pulls crimson in as he puts his collar around his neck. 

 'Buongiorno, ada Vongole'

Blitzø tries to break the window with the blowtorch, but he drops it and it falls to the bottom.

'Luigi, Firenze, Bucatini'

Fizzarolli sheds his wig as he sings atop a pile of boxes, He grabbed Minnie's hand and twirled her around, dipping her, he then let go of her, leaving her very confused and flustered. some of the mafia goons cry at his italian, clearly not knowing what they mean.


Blitzø looks to a box across from him labeled dynamite and grabs a stick. 


Blitzø smirks as he shoves the dynamite into the window. at the same time, fizzarolli gets out a cake and shoves his face into it.

'So, look at... this!'

Fizzarolli stretches up to striker with a bouquet of flowers that spray at him, while earth pigeons fly out of his sleeve.

'Please, look at this!'

Fizzarolli grows more and more upset, as he grabs striker by the collar and holds his hands on his head as Blitzø walks the columns above him carrying a push trigger. 

'I am running out of places I can take this bit'

Fizzarolli juggles while balancing plates atop of sticks.

'So, look at this! Look at my face!'

Fizzarolli stretches up to them revealing smudged makeup, making everyone back away. fizzarolli cries as he is atop a stack of boxes. 

'I regret every event that got me in this place' 

Blitzø throws a stick of dynamite at fizzarolli, which not only he notices, but the mafia goons who look up to blitzø, who flips them off, causing them to draw their guns.

'This little song is driving me insane'

The gang fire at blitzø, which fizzarolli and Minnie notice, Minnie pulled out a pistol and shoots some of the mafia goons.

'My exhaustion is audible'

fizzarolli makes his left arm form a slinky before punching striker in the face.

'Now, the ending is probable'

Blitzø pushes down the trigger, and the window explodes into a massive escapable hole.


Fizzarolli stretches up, allowing blitzø to leap onto his back, Blitzø grabbed Minnie's hand, pulling her ontop of him, Minnie was flustered but they were gonna escape. 

'So, fuckinggggg...'

Fizzarolli leans back, and slingshots forward into the hole with Blitzø and Minnie, riding on his back, with the mafia gang watching.


Minnie, Blitzø, and Fizzarolli flip everyone else off as they head out. As that happened, the whole building started caving in. Striker stood there wide-eyed in shock, one of the goons puts his hat to his chest knowing this was the end, and Alessio puts his hand in front of a visibly confused yet surprised Crimson as the entire warehouse collapsed on top of them all. Outside, Fizzarolli, Blitzø and Minnie were running free, laughing as well. They all stopped, panting. Minnie was super happy. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" She smiled happily. "You know, you're actually pretty good at this action-hero bullshit!" Fizz said to Blitzø.  "And you really know how to put on a show! Gasp Which is almost Gasp as impressive as the thing you said I was good at!" Blitzø said. Fizzarolli laughs, then stops when they find a broken truck. They all smirk at each other, Blitzø breaks the window as they head over to the truck and fix it. Blitzø climbs over the front of the car and opens the door for Fizzarolli, "I guess, royal jesters first?" Blitzø said. Fizzarolli bites his lip a little while looking away and somewhat covering his mouth before heading into the passenger's seat. Minnie was about to get in until she was dragged away by a rope abruptly. Blitzø screams and looks out the window. He heard Minnie screaming. Blitzø gets on the roof of the car and points a gun at them. "Get... Your... FUCKING shit-stain claws off of her!" Blitzø said, he seemed to be overprotective of Minnie. Behind the smoke was Striker with Minnie in his arm, laughing manically with his revolver in his other hand. "You think I'm just gon' let you get away after all this?" Striker said. He spins the revolver in his hand then points it at Minnie's cheek. Minnie was terrified. "I'm THROUGH losin' these fights! and Minnie, you've betrayed me!" Striker said.  "I'll at least enjoy gettin' of im'!" Striker said. Striker digs the revolver deeper into Minnie's cheek. as Blitzø looks over at two gasoline cans behind them. Blitzø sweats a little and shoots the gasoline can. Striker slowly turns away with a scared look and then the gasoline can blew up. Minnie hit a billboard, and falls on the ground with green flames surrounding. There was flames on Striker as he was on the ground, making worried critter noises before running away. Fizz decides to try and help Minnie, he gets to her, trying to protect her from the green flames. He tried to use his robotic limbs to reach a car being hung, but he was too weak at the time, His arm electrocuted as he began crying. Minnie thought that this was the end, she lost all hope, she lost consciousness as she was clinging onto Fizz. "FIIIIZZZZZ!!!!" Blitzø yelled. Blitzø rolled on a barrel and jumped off, grabbing onto swinging bars and jumping off of cars. He ran across the metal slope and used his tail to hang on the crane hook, reaching out for Fizzarolli, They successfully grab hands and get flung in the air. They grab onto each other as they are about to fall until Fizzarolli stretches his robotic arm and grabs onto the crane, making them land on it. eventually Minnie woke up Blitzø immediately asked if she was ok. "I'm fine Blitzø..." she smiled at him, she then looked at Fizz. "Thank you Fizz.." She smiled at him. Fizz nodded at her, he then turned towards Blitzø angrily and violently shakes him while yelling. "YOU BLEW ME UP AGAIN, YOU FUCKIN' PRICK!" Fizz yelled. "I did... But this time, I stuck around." Blitzø said. Fizzarolli pushes him away while looking away, then smiles and hugs him with his robotic arms. Blitzø, who wasn't expecting it, hugged him back while crying a bit, Minnie looked at them with a smile. She turned her back to them to look at the destruction they made, that was until she was grabbed by Blitzø and was basically hugged by Fizzarolli and Blitzø, she smiled and wrapped her wings around the both of them, enjoying their hug. "Wooooould iiit.... Fuck up the moment if we all made out right now?" Blitzø asked. Minnie immediately looked shocked. Fizzarolli pushes him away, with his hands still on his stomach while giving him a glare. Blitzø gives them a nervous but smug smirk.


 It goes back to Stolas, Asmodeus, and Crim's lawyer. Stolas was asleep with a contract on his head, snoring like an owl. There were the fake contracts all over the table, and Asmodeus was exhausted and pissed. He checked the time again as the lawyer took another sip from his coffee, then Asmodeus stood up and slammed the table, immediately waking Stolas up. "THAT'S IT" Asmodeus said. Asmodeus grabs the lawyer by the shirt as the flames grew higher and his face became redder. "I'm going to fucking END YOUR LIFE!" Asmodeus said. Suddenly they hear the curtains. they turn to see Fizzarolli enter the scene, panting heavily while clenching his arm. "Fizzy!" Asmodeus shoves the Lawyer into the chair and heads to Fizzarolli, who tears up happily. "OZZIE!!!" Fizzarolli said. Asmodeus scoops Fizzarolli up as they twirl around for a moment, before Fizzarolli starts smooching Asmodeus affectionately. Stolas smiles before noticing the lawyer gathering up all the contract papers before leaving. "Get FUCKED, little one." Stolas said. Stolas then leaves. The lawyer then puts his briefcase on the desk trying to fit as many papers into it as he could, even stepping on it to try to close it, but he hears Fizzarolli chuckling before seeing him and Asmodeus standing above him. They smirk to one another before advancing on the shark demon who backs away to the chair as the camera scrolls to the window. Lawyer: OH MY SATAN!!! Lightning strikes as it cuts to outside Asmodeus office as he leaves with Fizzarolli in his arms, closing the door behind him and leaving demon blood on it. 


Asmodeus walks out of the door with Fizzarolli in his other arm.

Asmodeus sighed. "I'm so glad you're okay, babe..." Asmodeus said. He nuzzles Fizzarolli, then snaps, which causes the lights to turn off. "You ain't never leaving the palace without protection AGAIN." Asmodeus said. Asmodeus walks down the hall with Fizzarolli while doing some romantic but not sexual actions like nuzzling. The succubi gave them shocked looks. Fizzarolli blushes from embarrassment. "Oz... You know there's eyes around..." Fizz said. "I know. I don't care. Cuz they know if they tell anyone, I'll..." Asmodeus began. He punches a statue of a nude succubus right in the dick, causing a large crack and large chunks to fall off the statue. "...BREAK THEM." Asmodeus said. After the succubi hear and see that, they immediately leave the room. Asmodeus presses buttons on the elevator. "Well, don't worry. Today I learn that I hate going outside!" Fizz said. They get on the elevator. "You won't have to again." Asmodeus said. Fizzarolli leans against his chest, somewhat frowning and looking down. Their elevator the stops as Asmodeus walks forward. The scene then cuts to the workshop as Fizzarolli sits on a table. "Sorry for coming back all messy..." Fizzarolli said. Asmodeus sets down a box and opens it, and gets out a robotic arm to replace Fizzarolli's broken one. "You don't have to apologize for getting banged up, babe, I'm just sorry I couldn't be there." Asmodeus said. Fizzarolli gives a smile. "It's okay, Oz... guess I'm just not used to this kind of thing." Fizz said. Both of them sigh. "It's been an intense day. Just, take it easy, okay?" Asmodeus said. "Oh, it's fine, I'm fine, really! You know I bounce back fast!" Fizzarolli said. Fizzarolli giggles but then winces in pain over his broken arm, but still manages a thumbs up. "Soooo... besides my whole scary hostage thing, how was your day?" Fizzarolli asked. "Well, I was stuck with Stolas the whole time, who, by the way, asked me, to give him one of my crystals as a gift for that guy you hate! So... I told him, "NO!" Mm-hmm!" Asmodeus said. As Asmodeus cuts the sleeve from Fizzarolli's broken arm, the latter takes a moment to contemplate. "Meh... fuck it. Let him have it." Fizzarolli said. "Excuse me?" Asmodeus said. "Yeah, why not? You could say he earned it." Fizzarolli said. "Alright then... ♫Anything for you...♫" Asmodeus said. The scene shifts to Asmodeus giving Fizzarolli a new and improved robotic arm, which starts to glow as soon as it's attached. Fizzarolli starts stretching and jumping around until he lands in Asmodeus's arms, the latter walking to the door. "Now, I don't know about you, but having a violent brush with crime has given me a whole mess of new kinks! You wanna go... "make a mess?" Fizzarolli asked. "You really think that's a good idea right now, Fizz?" Asmodeus asked. "Sure... don't you?" Fizzarolli said. "Well... Obviously." Asmodeus said. Fizzarolli laughs as he snuggles with Asmodeus, with the doors closing in on them. "Meow, meow, cuddle meow..." Fizzarolli said, the episode cuts to an end.
