Day Three: It's too Much

Back at the Science Commision Golf Ball and Tennis Ball had gathered all the parts of the rocket that they needed. They had it all littered out in a room nearby the building's 'backyard', so that they could put together things and bring them outside for the final project.
They were writing out the plans for the rocket to explain to the rest of the objects when the sun began to set.

"Where are they?" Golf Ball asked Tennis Ball as she finished writing out another explanation in the rocket's plan, "They won't pick up my calls."
"Maybe Pencil lost her phone. Happens all the time," Tennis Ball said.
"Or maybe they're goofing off and forgot about us," Golf Ball said.
"Now why would they do that? Have a little faith in our objects GB. Why in their right minds would they want to abandon the mission?" Tennis Ball said.
"Er, I donno, but when has the objects really been that reliable anyway? Maybe I should've just done everything myself," Golf Ball said.

"But then we never would have been able to finish designing the rocket. Besides, the object hunt isn't that important. It's just for the other object's sakes," Tennis Ball said.
"Hmm, I suppose..." Golf Ball rubbed her chin, "But without the objects the rocket won't ever be built in time,"
"The scientists here won't help?" Tennis Ball asked.
"They want a paycheck I can't give them. We used up all the money in the grant," Golf Ball said.
"Are you feeling ok GB?" Tennis Ball asked.

GB made eye contact with him.
"That's none of your concern," She said.
Tennis Ball felt his stance petrify. He suddenly felt very small, and tried to focus on his work. Golf Ball did the same, although she didn't feel the weight in the room.


The next day Pencil drove the objects back to the Science Commision without telling the scientists. She walked in with them like a knight bringing back a princess.
"I'm back!" She said in the main lobby. Tennis Ball walked up to her, but Golf Ball was nowhere to be seen.

"Where were you all yesterday! This is ridiculous! We gave you a phone number to keep in contact! And where is Match?" Tennis Ball asked.
"Oh she's out sick, and don't worry about yesterday. It's all figured out." Pencil said.
"How many objects did you find?" Tennis Ball asked.
"Well.. two," Pencil looked away but tried to keep a hopeful atmosphere.
"WHAT!?" From up above on a balcony Golf Ball descended down some stairs. She had a coffee mug in her hand, "What do you mean you only found two objects yesterday!? What were you doing!?"

"We just couldn't find any more.." Pencil's stance shrunk.
"BS. There's sixty-four plus of us! We're never going to be able to make the rocket now. You're fired!"
Pencil smiled as Golf Ball walked past her back in the direction of the stairs.

Tennis Ball gave a gesture for the objects to follow, and so they did. In the prep room with all of the rocket parts Tennis Ball found that Golf Ball hadn't gone in with them when he looked around.
"Uh... Excuse me for a moment," He said leaving everyone in the tan and white room.
He looked about the hallways of the second floor and looked through every door. Eventually he got to the computer room where he found her doing some sort of cursed chemistry.
She had some vials of the stuff and was looking at some of it using a microscope.

"What are you doing?" TB asked her.
"I'm researching this new mixture. I think it might have some sort of element in it I've never seen before. Heh, might name it after myself," Golf Ball said.

"Uh GB, why are you doing this? We're supposed to be working on the rocket," Tennis Ball said.
"The rocket is a lost cause. Besides space travel is illegal," Golf Ball continued to look at the activator and take pictures of it through a microscope camera.
"It's only illegal because you said so! This is stupid GB, just come help me explain the directions to the objects. I can't do this alone. I still don't know everything about the rocket. You designed it for the most part," Tennis Ball said. He walked a little closer.

"Like I said before," Golf Ball stood up and faced him, "The rocket is a lost cause," She pretended to poke him, "Space travel is Illegal and there's no way to build a rocket in less than two days. Just give up!" She shouted.
Tennis Ball scowled.
"What happened to you? The GB I know doesn't give up on her team so easily!" He roared.
"What team? It's always been just me trying to organize a bunch of buffoons!" She raised her arms "Here at least I have a little respect!"

"So what!? You're just going to leave us to die? That's it then?!" Tennis Ball shouted.
"Oh! don't act like this failure has anything to do with me! It's not my fault this is impossible!" GB put a hand on her chest and put her eyebrows up.
"It's not impossible! You haven't even tried yet! You just don't seem to give a feather about us anymore!" Tennis Ball put his arm out.
"I already tried bozo! We've only got two days left. We're doomed! So you can take your little glimmer of hope and SNUFF IT. I'm not helping! I don't care what happens to the objects! I don't even care what happens to you! It's a waste of time! And what I say goes!" GB screached.
There was silence for a moment.
Golf Ball turned back to her activator tests.

"You do care about me..." Tennis Ball said quietly.
"What?" Golf Ball looked over her shoulder for a moment.
"You care about me," Tennis Ball said again.
"What do you know about me TB? You think I need you, think I care. You're the one who can't seem to live without me. Leave,"
After a while, Golf Ball didn't hear anything.
She turned around and took a fierce step to him.

But he was already gone. Golf Ball was alone and she was shouting at nobody.


After Pencil was fired she immediately drove herself to the yoyle highschool. It was time for class and she was already late for the party.

Through the front door Pencil walked into the school while everyone was transitioning classes. As she pushed through the current she eventually made her way to the only working elevator. Taking out a secret key attached to a lanyard around her neck, she unlocked the elevator and headed in.

Going down she walked out to an abandoned basement, but it wasn't abandoned anymore.
In the basement was a small group of students drinking and eating snacks along with tables that were found down there. The basement had access to the ventilation system which the club used to spy and pull pranks.
Good Day Bad Day was about skipping class and getting justice, but for now it was just about skipping class.

"Heya Tiff. Where ya like, bin?" Match asked, she was standing against the wall with Bubble, also known as Gracie Tremor.
"Slept in by mistake. Got here late," Pencil, also known as Tiffany Eisenhower shrugged. She walked up to them.

"So, What's up?" Pencil asked.
"Dora won't like, pick up our calls, "Match said, "There's like, also a lot of students out, oh, and my parents are so totally upset with me about last night. Totally cray cray of them. I didn't even do anything wrong. Said I was like, gone for like, three days. I was only gone for one. What dumb dumbs!"
"Gone for three days!? What were they thinking? It was only an afternoon," Pencil rolled her eyes and gestured with a hand.
"Moi parents koipt thinking I wois looney when I wos talking aboit objects or soimthin. Coin't remember what it wois all aboit now," Bubble said.
"Haha like, what? Objects?" Match giggled.
"What about them? Objects aren't real!" Pencil snapped.

"Jeez Tiff chill out. Gracie was probs raving about a dream she had," Match said.
"Oi yeah. I thoink I had a droim where I was a boibble, like the one I koip unpopped in moi room," Bubble said.

"Well I never had a dream like that," Pencil grumbled.
"I had like, a realllyy weird dream the other night. You were in it Tiff Tiff!"
"Oh cool, uh I don't believe in dreams," Pencil said.

"You don't have to fam, omg. I'm gonna like tell you guys my dream so like, listen in.

It was like the fifth or sixth most coldest day of the, like year and me and Tiffany were having a sleepover at her house in her basement. Her parents were out, so we were just like, playing Lego Star Wars Two when we heard the biggest explosion I have ever heard." Match said.

"Liok a nuclear?" Bubble asked.

"I donno but it was so scary. Then we like, felt an earthquake so we hid in the corner of the room while everything shook around. I told Tiff that I was scared and she nodded, then the lights went out and water started to like, flood the basement. It was like, dripping from the windows and the door upstairs so Tiff like went out to check the door. She opened it up and all the water started gushing all pfftyts pshhdrhtd! It was like so scary! The floor was filled with water and the windows started bursting open! I didn't even know where it was coming from!

Eventually the water was up to the ceiling! I like, kept close to Tiff but for a moment I thought she had disappeared. She like, bursts back up from the water and we just try to keep swimming. Soon the water is so high that I like, breathe in the little pocket stuck to the ceiling and that's like, all I had left. At this point I was like, terrified because I was really going to die. I run out of air, and Tiff is nowhere to be seen. It's just like, black water. I'm like freaking out because I don't wanna die. I like, inhale but it's just water. My heart is pounding, and then it just stops." Match said.

The whole club went silent. They were all listening in.
Pencil looked away. She tried to keep herself from crying, but the story was causing her to remember it too. She had never known of a memory more stressed than that, and she had not known of memories for very long.

"...But that's like, not the end of it. Suddenly I am alive again and I swim up to a window. I go through it and I like, get sucked down the streets by like the current or whatever. I get so exhausted fighting the current, all the while I hear more explosions, but I'm somehow not like, drowning!

I wash up in a desert and I hear something so I call out for help. I look for Tiff, I scream but I like, can't remember her name. I like, end up finding her in this stream after she washes up too. Now she's like, a giant pencil and I get her out of the stream so she doesn't like, float away. I wasn't even told it was her, I just knew she was my friend from the get go," Match said.

"Whoit happened aftoi that?" Bubble asked.
"Uh, I donno. I think that's like, the end of my dream," Match shrugged. She looked to Pencil who was staring. Pencil couldn't help it anymore. A tear fell down her face and she sobbed.

"OMG Tiff are you ok?" Match was surprised at her reaction.
"No Match, I, I remember It now... But I don't remember the object parts... I can't remember them!" Pencil sniffed, "Were we still friends when we were objects!? What happened!? Why can't I remember!?" Pencil sobbed.

Match gave her a hard thinking look. She then lit up and put her hand on her head in shock.
"PENCIL, WHAT'S GOING ON?" Match started to shake. She felt like her whole universe was falling apart.
"I..." Pencil choked on her words.

Match's eyes suddenly met Pencil's again.
"You.. you were trying to manipulate me," She burned her gaze into Pencil with her realization, "Distracting me, dragging me away from my job. Y-y-you even tried to say that object's weren't real just now," Match hissed softly. She stood up straight, her face quivering, and pointed to Pencil, "I... TRUSTED you," She sniffed, "And you were trying to make me human! You were trying to shape me! Into this, dead girl who just does whatever you say? Just has careless fun all the time? No... nononono... I was almost gone! Oh my goSh!"
Match broke down at the fear that she had been so close to disappearing for good.
Pencil could only watch. There was nowhere she could hide.

"Whoit's ... hoipinginng?" Bubble asked.
Nobody answered her, but eventually Match got the strength to say something.
"... You're Bubble," Match sniffed as she began to put herself back together.
Bubble's eyes widened.

"AH!" Bubble put her hands on her head. She looked at everyone else in the room, "Whoy didn't anyoine tell me!"
The other students in the club shrugged their shoulders.
"I have honestly no clue what is happening right now," a lad said.

The girls headed out of the school and back to the van. All the while Pencil didn't dare look to Match, as every time she did Match gave her a nasty glare that burned.
Match got into the driver's seat, and Bubble and Pencil sat in the back.

At first they only drove quietly, but Bubble spoke up.
"... Heh moi parents would noit approve, but noi I doin't even care anymoire!" Bubble chuckled.
Pencil opened her mouth, but then became afraid and closed it.
A few moments later she got the confidence to speak up again.
"Match.. Match I didn't mean it like that..." She said. She got no response, "Match I.."
"THEN WHAT! DID YOU MEAN IT BY!" Match exploded the silence.

"Match I don't know that much because of my memory, but I started remembering some things... and I saw us having a good time when we were humans. You were just so upset at me now, and stressed out I, I just wanted to be friends again," Pencil whimpered.
Match glanced at her through the mirror and grumbled.
"...We still stayed friends after we became objects Pencil. At first it was a lot of fun, but we started to go bad. You used me to do bad things and bully people, and we only really cared about ourselves. Not even Bubble,"

Match got louder, "But ya know I was always just in your shadow Pencil! I never thought for myself and I thought that I liked it, but now I see things differently. You became human, became better, and helped me on my way to be who I am now. A better Match because there was a better Pencil. I'll admit that in a way, I was still copying you, but I'm still glad I copied that part of you, because you let me become someone I never thought I could be, and on my own terms too. Without you, I felt like I could breathe, and that I was my own person, at least after I got used to it.

But now, with you trying to pull me back into your old lazy ways, I just can't anymore. I can't keep just living in your shadow. I've learned I'm better than that, and at one point you did too..."

It went quiet again, but Match wasn't finished.
"I forgive you Pencil."

Pencil didn't say anything, instead she just leaned into the window and silently cried.


At the science commision the girls burst in and looked about the lobby. Objects were starting to leave. Match walked up to Blocky who was on his phone.
"Where do you think you're going! You have to like, stay here!" Match said waving at him to get his attention.

"Huh? Uh I'm late for lunch with my wife," Blocky said, still not paying attention.
"You're a wooden block Blocky!" Match yelled at him.
Blocky gave her a look.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked slowly.
"Oh gosh it's getting worse!" Match said, "Where's Golf Ball and Tennis Ball?"
"Upstairs.. er somewhere," He said looking back at his phone.
"Grr," Match rolled her eyes and grabbed his phone. She then looked to Bubble and Pencil, "Keep the objects from leaving! I'm gonna go find GB and TB!"
"Okie!" Bubble gave a thumbs up. Pencil copied her, but with much less vigor.

Match ran past Blocky and went up the stairs to the second floor balcony. She then entered the second floor hallway to look for the scientists.
She looked inside lockers and closets and lunchrooms and labrooms, but eventually she found Golf Ball face down on the floor of the computer room.

She gasped at first as she thought GB was dead, but when she walked down the ramp to the platform on the bottom of the room the lass was still breathing.
"Leave me.. alone..." Golf Ball grumbled at her.
"Golf Ball what are you doing? The objects are forgetting and are starting to leave the SC. We can't waste any time," Match said.
"Who cares. We're never gonna make it out of here. I'm already gone... I'm gone," Golf Ball sighed.

"... Are you ok? Where's TB," Match looked around the room. One of the glass beakers on the table she was lying next to was broken and had spilled the activator, "What did you do?"
"Broke it. I, it was. I held it too hard.." Golf Ball explained.
"And where's Tennis Ball?" Match looked back to Golf Ball.
Golf Ball said nothing.
"GBeee," Match sighed. She crouched down to her level.
"Go away," Golf Ball said.
"And why should I? What are you like, going to do then hmm? Just sit here? Wallo in your own mysterious sadness?" Match asked with a tiny grin.

"What do you want?" Golf Ball raised her head and rested her chin on the floor to look at Match, "I'm, I'm not helping with the rocket so you can just forget it."

"I'm not here to talk about the rocket I'm here to talk to you," Match said. She thought about talking about the rocket, but that wasn't what Golf Ball needed to hear right now.
"I'm gone, Match don't you get it? I can't do anything anymore, I'm too snobby, I'm too bossy, I'm too scared. I'm petrified like a stone gargoyle, and just as terrifying. I don't care enough to keep going."

"You said you were too scared, but what are you afraid of?" Match asked.
"Nothing...Becoming human, eh... myself... I'm so confused. I'm losing my grip! I need to focus on myself or I start to disappear. I'm, I'm just so flip floppy. I'm upset because I don't care, when really I do care, It's just becoming my nature to be cold, unfeeling. I'm fighting my nature, but I'm losing, and now I've lost the only person who evEr cared about me..." Golf Ball whimpered, but didn't cry.

"Tennis Ball?" Match said mostly to herself, "What did you say to him?"
"I told him I didn't care about him and that I wasn't going to help with the rocket anymore. I don't even know if it's true. I don't know ANYTHING anymore!" Golf Ball slammed her fist into the floor in an outburst. Match thought about the broken beaker and inched a step back.
"I'm gonna like, go back to what I asked before. What are you going to do?"
"I don't know." Golf Ball said she put her head down again.

"That's not an answer, you're either going to sit there and become what's keeping you here, or you're going to get up and build the rocket," Match said.
"Can't build the rocket," Golf Ball grumbled.
"Of course you can-" Match was interrupted.
"TB designed some of it. I don't know everything about it. He'd have to explain some parts of it to me, and I pushed him away," Golf Ball said dryly.
"Well I guess you're going to go find him then," Match said.

For a moment nothing happened.
Golf Ball sighed. She put her hands on the marble floor and picked herself up. Match got up too, but was still dwarfed by Golf Ball.

"Did you see him anywhere in the Science Commision?" Golf Ball asked, looking down at her now.
"No. I looked like, everywhere before I found you," Match said.
"He's got to of left the building then," Golf Ball said.
She headed up the ramp to the door, but before she left she turned around, "Keep the objects from leaving, and make up reasons for why they should stay if their thoughts are too human."
Match nodded. After GB left the room she silently fist pumped to herself.

On the balcony Golf Ball saw Blocky, Donut, Pin, Coiny, and Rocky trying to leave.

"And why shouldn't we!" Coiny yelled at Bubble.
"You noid to stay heior!" Bubble said.
"There's a special prize in store just for you guys!" Pencil said.
"I don't want a prize! I want to go home!" Coiny yelled. Golf Ball's eyebrows perked up at the statement.

"I could go for a prize," Pin said mostly to herself.
Rocky kept pulling on Pin's arm trying to get her attention. He saw Golf Ball up on the balcony.
"Golf Ball! They're trying to leave! I don't know what to do!" Rocky said.

"Hold on," Golf Ball walked down the stairs and walked up to the confused citizens, "Pleasure to meet you miss Creed," She put her hand out to shake Pin's hand, and while she was shaking Pin's hand she took out a business card with her other hand and gave it to Pin after she was done shaking it, "Drake Johnson head of innovative projects and president here at the science commision. I've invited you all here today for an exciting new endeavor that is top secret and personally, a lot of fun.

I have selected you objects, because of your special abilities. Object stands for uh, Original Builders of Justice, Edicate, Creativity and Teamwork. Please stay in the crafting room where you were before while I go collect my partner. His car broke down so if you don't mind, thank you for your cooperation," Golf Ball waved to them as she headed out through the front door.

"...Well I would leave but I don't feel like I could say no to him and sleep well at night," Donut said to the rest of them. The objects nodded while Pencil and Bubble just looked at each other.

In Drake Johnson's personal car, Golf Ball hopped in. She thought about what Coiny had said earlier, and about what all the confused objects wanted to do. They all wanted to go home.
"Gah! If only I..." Golf Ball stopped, and began to remember.

Sorry for the mess. We never get visitors so it's always like this.
It is like a cave.
... I guess it just needs bats.

The memory's detail shredded quickly, but the general idea of it did not. Golf Ball turned around to face the direction of David's apartment. Somehow she knew where it was.
Driving there she suddenly became afraid. What if things didn't go well? What if her humanisms got in the way?
She tried to avoid those thoughts as she wasn't even there yet. She couldn't let herself dip into giving up again.

When she arrived at the apartment building she heavily stepped into the lobby and over to the lady at the front desk.
"I would like to see David," She said standing up straight with her arms behind her back.

"David Davis, David Wander, or the Aw Seriously David?" The lady asked. She chewed her gum loudly.
"The last one," Golf Ball said.
The lady searched something up on her computer.
"Fourth Floor. 423 is the apartment number," The lady said. She wrote it down on a little post-it note and gave it to Golf Ball.
"Thank you," Golf Ball said looking down at the blue ink.
She rode up the elevator with a bunch of staring business people. They seemed drowsy.
"...Hi," Golf Ball waved quietly.

Out of the elevator was a short walk to David's apartment. She slowed when she approached the door. She looked down at the note and back at the door number. GB sighed and knocked.
Opening the door was an elderly man.

"You're not Tennis Ball! I got the wrong number," Golf Ball grumbled.
"Hmm?" From inside the apartment Tennis Ball was sitting on a couch. He looked over it at the mention of a tennis ball.
"Ok then," David's grandfather, also known as Loser was about to close the door when Golf Ball stopped him.
"Oh no no no, my bad. This is the right place. I'm here to see him," GB pointed to TB.
Tennis Ball's eyebrows went up with surprise.

"Drake Johnson!" TB exclaimed.
Golf Ball felt her body get a little heavier with disappointment. She walked in and let Loser close the door behind her.
"Kinda like a cave in this place eh?" Golf Ball joked while looking at the low ceilings.

"Sorry about the mess, uh I didn't expect you, of all people to be coming over. Uh.." Tennis Ball stood up and put his hand out to shake. Golf Ball hesitated, but took it anyway, "Why are you here anyway? I mean, why me?"
"Er, David is it? David Sechley?" Golf Ball asked.
"Yeah.. Uh, are you ok sir?" Tennis Ball asked.
"Uh.. ah, no," Golf Ball looked away.
"Oh..." Tennis Ball said.

"David you are not really David, you are Tennis Ball, and I am Golf Ball. We are being turned into human beings because of the magic of a possessed number. You need to come to your senses and come with me to build a rocket so we can reach that number," Golf Ball said.

"Ho, wow uh, heh that's really funny sir," Tennis Ball pretended to be amused for Golf Ball's sake.
"I'm!" Golf Ball raised her voice for a second but reverted quickly, "I'm being serious TB. You have to remember. Um, remember when we cloned you, and there was two of you, and I wrote down an interview you had with yourself?"
Tennis Ball gave her a look.
"Don't remember that eh... Remember when, uh remember when in BFDI Episode Two when they left us in the failure's waiting room all night?"

Tennis Ball shook his head.

"No... Eh, you don't remember when I asked if they were going to pick us up? And I said it again in BFB? Heh, I only noticed I said it twice when I rewatched it," Golf Ball smiled, but it vanished when she saw Tennis Ball's blank face.

She put her hand on her face in worry and thought.
"Remember when we were arguing about whether that circular cloud looked like either me or you?" Golf Ball drew a circle with her pointer finger.
"Uh.. no." Tennis Ball said blankly.
"Uh!.. Remember when, you built all those trebuchets just for fun and I aimed you just right so you would land in a tree?" Golf Ball started to shiver just a little bit.
"...No," Tennis Ball said, "I think you might be talking about somebody else sir."
Golf Ball locked her eyes at his.
"No. I will get you to remember. I'm just... all scrambled," She looked away, "I, I'm all scrambled."

She began to pace around, but she swiftly stopped and pointed to him.
"Remember how we met. I was stuck.. in the sand and you talked to me. I tried to go back home but I couldn't remember where it was. I was so scared because I had lost everything.. all my memories and my friends and my whole life. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do! And you said that I could come with you to wherever you're going. So I did," She was shaking more now.
"I'm.. sorry but-"
"NO!" Golf Ball shouted before turning away.

"Don't! Call me that! You have to remember!" Golf Ball walked up to Tennis Ball, but his face was still dull, "The time we found that record player, or when we visited the world's only Blockbuster! or when we built that car and we drove out south to see all those cows! Or when we made our underground factory and it kept flooding. Or when we rebuilt that Playstation, or that guitar!"
Tennis Ball shook his head.

Golf Ball walked over to the kitchen section of the apartment and put her head and an arm over a cabinet on the wall to look away from him.

"...I'm sorry but I just don't remember doing all of those things. I mean no-"
"It wasn't about the things! It was about us!" Golf Ball sobbed as she glanced his way. She then looked back to the cabinet, "I remember when we found the record player in that old shed out west next to a river," Golf Ball said quietly, "I fixed it up and you cleaned off the vinyl, and we put it in. At first it didn't work, but when we started to get some sound out of it your face lit up.
We kept trying to decipher the lyrics. I wrote an essay on it right there and you kept singing it. Just us.. in the valley of overgrown grass and deer, in a well made shed. When I was there I wanted to always remember it because it felt like the best, but it wasn't the best because I was doing it. It was the best because you were there.

You always have been, I took you for granted, but now I realize I can't stand to lose you! If you are in there then please come back!" She turned around with a stream of tears down her face.
"I know I pushed you away because of what I have become and I cAn only ask for your forgiveness! I have never known more grief than to someday forget your name!" She trembled, her face red.
"... I'm sorry but I just don't remember..." David said.

"ThAt's ok," Golf Ball weeped. She avoided eye contact and headed for the door, "I'm just gonna go." She tried to focus herself on leaving but bumped into a chair before getting to the door. She opened it and swiftly left.

"... Honestly at that point I would just go," Loser said to break the awkward silence.
"I mean, that would be the polite thing, but I think he might be in an unsafe state at the moment," David said.
"Oh yeah," Loser said in agreement.
