
Noe and I quietly look around while Vanitas seems to know where something is "hmm I think it should be right here." With that there is a click, and a stone begins to move from the ground reveling a hidden staircase.

I am in awe that Vanitas for once kinda knows what hes doing "oh wow so cool Vanitas."

"Where does it lead"

"To the catacombs"

"You mean"

"Not the same ones we saw today this is something secret somewhere only those in the know are able to reach."

I walk behind Vanitas down the steps and Noe follows behind me "So how do you know?" I question Vanitas but he only keeps quiet.

We walk down a dark passageway with lanterns lighting our path Noe also confirms my suspicions "you move with such confidence like you have been here before, hold on Vanitas tell me the truth you already know what is going on. All of the Vampire abductions everything that has been going on you know don't you."

I look at Noe and look back to Vanitas, but he doesn't turn around only speaks "the chassures all though you can't call these people chassures really."

There's a cold and damp feeling in the air and it's not the standing water we are walking through I have a bad feeling about this "what do you mean Vanitas."

"Listen Noe if you run into anyone down here and it comes down to a fight the first thing they will do is go for your eyes, you underestimate a human foe your dead."

I look over to Noe and he looks slightly shocked at what he said "Noe" I grab his shoulder he breaks from whatever thoughts were consuming him. I give his shoulder a small squeeze "I got your back and even that idiot over there so don't look so shaken up okay." I give a small smile, but I know he can still see the worry in my eyes knowing we are heading into the enemy's territory.

We see a lit room but what I see is disturbing "eh why...why must people play with the dead it's so displeasing." The room has shelves of skulls lining the walls each with a placard Vanitas puts his hand on my head "aww Sylvy I still can't believe that you're afraid of some old bones."

I give a shiver under his hand "I've already told you I'm not scared" he gives me a smirk "your body says otherwise." I look down at the goosebumps on what little of my arm is showing and give another shiver "whatever maybe I'm just catching a cold."

I walk over to Noe and Vanitas follows "do you think these are special or something" Noe questions as we look at the skulls.

"Inside this room all of the bones are from vampires" an unfamiliar voice speaks to us from behind.

We all look behind us to see a blond hair man with a big smile I feel my blood run cold shit we have already been caught.

"See that one if you look closely, you will notice that its skull has fangs even in death the bodies of high-ranking vampires leave vestiges of the formulaic world. All the bones that you see here in this chamber are from vampires that were killed by our predecessors in the underground Lamberth. The slayers name is mounted above each one those called to the Nobelist cause."

I get an eerie feeling from this man as he explains everything, I hear Vanitas speak up "and you are."

"Oh, I'm sorry where are my manors I'm Roland Fortis the Sixth paladin blessed with the honor of jasper gem." He greets eagerly with a great smile on his face and a proud aura around him.

Vanitas looks beside himself with shock "you mean you're one of the chassures twelves captains."

Roland is a blushing mess "oh cut it out I wasn't promoted to captain till recently so I can't brag, and I haven't been working this district for very long. I still need to memorize the map which is why I decided I should go out for a walk. Though who are two guys and of course my lady what could possible bring you guys down into the labyrinth at such a late hour."

I am in utter shock at what is happening I am trying to process everything, but I feel as though I have frozen Vanitas takes the lead. He bends and says "um please excuse us my name is Vincent, and my two companions are Gulber and Stella we happen to discover a secret passage in the church building. We should have simply reported it but instead we ventured inside to investigate then we ended up getting lost for several hours."

I think to myself of how he came up with such an elaborate lie on the spot and it sound so convincing then I think about how much of what he says is actually just a lie!

Roland sounds like he takes the lie "oh your lost that's funny I am lost as well."

We are all socked.

"I-I'm sorry your lost Sir Roland even though you work here."

"Yes, I'm afraid so I have no idea how I am supposed to navigate these halls" he starts to laugh and honestly, he seems genuine it relaxes me a bit.

He looks very sweet as he speaks about how the lord will help him and works in mysterious ways. He goes on about how the lord led him to us and how it was meant to be that we found each other. I can't help but think of how this guy made it all the way to captain he seems like a klutz and a bit air headed.

He marches forward down the hall "now let's go without fear, my subordinates are sure to be searching everywhere for me come along."

We walk down a corridor while fallowing Roland, Vanitas looks on edge "Noe, Sylvia things could get terribly ugly if we end up back at the chassures guard post. Do you think there is any possible way we could subdue this guy?" 

Noe is just as tense "no, no way at all not at least anything I could think of Sylvia what do you think?"

The tension between us and the paladin is thick I almost wonder if he knows if we are lying but I feel like he would have done something by now if he was suspicious.

I look between them "Honestly from what little I have heard about them I know they are no joke but there's one of him and three of us. I really hope hes just an air headed Teddybear but it's usually the least expecting that pack the most punch."

Roland walks to one side of the room "Vincent come here look at this."

I look at Vanitas and we give a shrug to each other I walk with him to go see what Roland had found "yea sure."

"I think there is some writing on this wall"

As Vanitas and I walk up to the wall Roland attacks' us, and we both go flying into the small room a metal door gate locks us in. I shake my head as I rush to get up, Vanitas is yelling at Noe to get his attention of Roland.

Roland throws something in the air Vanitas screams at Noe "Noe close your eyes now!"

A bright flash can be seen we all cover our eyes Noe looks disorientated and falls to the ground I can't believe what is happening. That damn Roland guy knew the whole time that rat bastard hes going to pay.

Roalnd looks down on Noe as he watches him struggle "ah so as I thought you really are a vampire, its painful isn't it. that light that just assaulted your vision has the power to render your eyes completely useless."

I grit my teeth as I hear Roland talk down to him it makes me sick, I yell out "Noe! just breath."

Roland looks back to Vanitas and I "you are wearing clothes that do not belong to you where might the owners be, have you murdered them."

Noe tries to speak "no" he shivers in pain.

"I don't know why you have come to the catacombs, but I can say for certain that no vampire that steps foot in here ever leaves alive. We are the chassures you crimsoned eyed known as the vampires are our pray and our blade sweeps eternal so say the lord God."
