Updated Rules

I am so sorry to be a brat, but I just need to introduce and clarify a few rules. Please don't think I'm coming after you if I mention something that we have discussed. These are things that we have been running into a lot, and it is also my fault for not explaining them correctly.

▹ If you change your username, title of story, or unpublished a work at the time of judging, you will be disqualified. It's becoming a hassle for me to run this event smoothly because I find myself running into these issues and trying to fix them for judges. If you enter your book, then it is your responsibility to keep me informed. It's rude to expect me to keep track of your changes (I've gotten in contact with some of you and I thank you for your patience! From this point on, I will not be hunting people down to change their information here). Please, if you make any changes, let me know immediately.

▹ Do NOT contact the judges. This is a rule that has been stated previously, but has not been followed. No private messaging, no e-mails, no comments. Do NOT ask them after the judging period has been concluded for your final scores.

▹ Please reread the previous set of rules before asking me a question. There are several ways for you to find your answer. If you have a question about judging, then check out the Judging Criteria page. After you've looked through all the pages, and if you still can't find your answer, then I would be happy to assist you! I'm sorry, but I've been getting a ton of the same questions and they could easily be answered by reading certain pages of this event. When you stated in the form that you read the rules, you should have read the rules :)

▹ I have made a few mistakes. We're all human! Come to me privately, and we will fix them. There has been some issues with tags (something I can't always control since Wattpad has been glitching a lot lately), and assignment in categories. I will always try my best to make things work. I am running this event alone, so there is only one person behind all this work. Give me some time and patience, and I will help you. If we cannot come to an agreement, then maybe this event isn't for you. Thank you to everyone that has been cooperating and making this event fun to host :)

Lastly, I want this to be fun for everyone! This is a great opportunity for you to get your books shared with a new audience of readers. I want everyone to enjoy their time here.
