(This is what I kinda look like when one of these people had a birthday dinner @ Fridays)

"Honestly I have no fucking clue" Cheyenne said with a bored look.

"Uh truth or dare?" I suggested

"Ok sure why the hell not?" Cheyenne said.

"Sure I guess" Alyssa said.

We did some weird truths and dares. Cheyenne had to swim in holy water. Alyssa and I had to turn her back to the evilness. I had to decide between spending a day with guy Lucifer or the Ram and honestly it wasn't even fair. Alyssa burned the forest behind the school. Welp nothing much to do until something went up in Cheyenne's head.

"What do you think of those guys from earlier?" Cheyenne stated with a smirk.

I blushed slightly- no scratch that a lot. You devious little devil I thought to myself. Alyssa was covered in a blanket.

"Trriiish~" she started "What do you think?"

I groaned as she pressured me to answer. I stood up and grabbed my phone to respond to her since words don't work for me. Yes now will you leave me alone?  It read.

"Fine fine how about you Alyssa?" she asked.

Alyssa probably blushed under her blanket.


OMFG That took forever! I'm sorry I have a serious case of writer's block and its os tearing me apart. *rips a picture or me* get the joke? Naw it was bad anyway

                           -Trish M.™


Word count 244
