Alice Angel x Desperate Singer Reader

     *Your POV*

     You've wanted to be a singer for every now. As a child it was your dream to sing. You loved music and you wrote a few pieces yourself. You would sing them every so often just to try them out. As you did, you would think back to when you were in school as you grew up. Every time your school put on a play, they would pick you to be the lead singer. You've impressed everyone in your choir group and everyone envied your voice. Even your teacher said you were destined to become a singer.

     You were able to fulfill your dreams by putting in for a job at a place called Joey Drew Studio. You've heard of the place before. It's where the 'Bendy and Friends' cartoon was born. You've watched a few of the episodes and was impressed with the little demon character. There was one character that peaked your interest...and that was Alice Angel. You thought her singing voice was amazing. So...well, angelic. You envied her voice and wished your could sing like that. Not only that but you had developed a crush on the angel.

    Even thought she isn't real, you could still fantasize. You sighed as you laid down in your bed and closed your eyes. You had an interview at the studio tomorrow, so hopefully things work out. You breathed heavily as the darkness pulled you into a dreamless sleep...

     The next day came rather quickly. You showered and walked into the kitchen and made (favorite food) to eat before you left. It was about a 15 minute drive there but you left early in order to beat traffic. You pulled into the driveway and stepped out and walked up to the entrance. You opened the door and noticed that a lot of people were walking back and forth. You were able to stop someone and ask for directions to the boss's office. They gave you directions and you were on your way.

    You walked up to a door with a big sign over it that said 'The Office of Joey Drew.' You knocked on the door and you heard a voice.

    "Enter." You opened the door.

    "Hi, are you Mr. Drew??"

    "I am yes, you must be (Y/N) (L/N)." He held a hand out for you and you gave him a firm shake.

    "Yes sir."

    He went over the whole ordeal of asking me questions about why I want the job this that and the other. He seemed satisfied with my answers then grabbed his phone and pressed a button.

    "Lawrence...need ya in my office." Then he hung up.

    A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

    "Enter." A man with a cigar in his mouth came in.

    "You wanted to see me Drew??"

    "Yes I did. This is (Y/N). She's/He's gonna be one of our new singers."

    "Alright, come with me miss/sir." You followed the man out and to his office.

    " that we're here...would you mind showing me what it is you got??

    You eyes widen and you crossed your arms/legs.

   "N-not like that. I meant your singing talents."

   "Oh mistake." You pulled out one of your song pieces and sang it

    You had sung this song for a talent show when you were in high school. It was one of your favorites. You wrote it for a guy/girl you liked in school. They did know you were singing it directly to them.

    After you finished, you were given an applause by the music director.

    "I think you will do well with our other singer. Would you like to meet her??"

    "Yes please."

    Sammy got up and you followed him to the music room. Inside was a.......a ink...person. She had black hair and a black dress with a bow. She had white horns and a halo over her head. You let out a small gasp as you look to see the one and only, Alice Angel.

     "(Y/N) this is our one and only Alice Angel. Alice, this is (Y/N) (L/N), she'll/he'll be working with you."

    "It's so nice to meet you Ms/Mr (Y/N)." She pulled you in for a hug and your face turned red.

    " scaring the newcomer hehe. Sorry about that, Alice is known to hug just about anyone she sees."

    "I-it's ok." 

     You're dreams were starting to come true. Not only did you get to be in a place where Alice was get to work with the actual character herself. You inner self was screaming on the inside. 

     "So I'll leave you two to get acquainted." Sammy then left the room.

     "I'm so happy to meet you!! I love your singing so much."

     "That's sweet of you to say. Being an angel does have it's perks."

     You and Alice talked for a little bit longer until you stood up.

     "I should probably head for home. Gotta be here bright an' early."

     "I'll see you tomorrow Ms./Mr. (Y/N)??"

     "Yes ma'am. See you tomorrow Alice."

     "See you tomorrow."

     You left the studio and headed for home. As you out your pajamas on and laid in bed you thought back to the past few hours.

    You got to meet your cartoon crush Alice Angel. She was prettier in person. The fact that she was even REAL blew your mind. You were so happy that you got to work with her....yet, you wished you were able to tell her what she meant to you and how much. You sighed as your eyes closed.

     Little did you know...a certain angel was thinking about you as well

     *The next day*

    You woke up feeling happy. Today was the day you get to work along side with your crush. You were so excited about seeing her again that you dressed and ate at lightning speed. You jumped into your car and drove off to the studio.

    You had arrived 15 minutes early, which is always a good sign, and walked up to the door and walked in. As before, the place was busy with everyone walking around. You headed for the music department to look for Sammy to ask what would be your task for the day.

     You found Sammy in his office smoking a cigar. You knocked on the door and heard movement from inside. The door opened, revealing Sammy in the doorway.

    "Ah (Y/N), your here early. Come on in." He opened the door wider for you to step in.

    "This is the song we will be working on for the episode." He hands you a music sheet as you  read it over.

    "Looks like fun."

    "Heh that's what they all say." He stood up and walked to the other side of the room. "Coffee??"

    "Oh yes, please. Thank you."

    "No problem. This place will drain you come lunch hour." 

    Sammy went over the song with you then stood up to take you to the singing booth where Alice was inside singing away without a care in the world. Sammy walked over and tapped on the glass.

    "Alice?? (Y/N)'s here, and she's/he's gonna work on the song with you."

   Alice said something then left the recording booth and came out from another door.

   "Hi (Y/N)!!" She gave you a big hug and you hugged back.

    "Well now...looks like you two got acquainted yesterday."

    Sammy sat down which resulted in you and Alice sitting down. He went over a few bars and demonstrated how it goes. He then sang a few lines to give us an idea. His voice sounded so amazing. Then he had me sing what he sang. Alice clapped and so did Sammy. Then when Alice sang, you fell over.

    "Ms./Mr. (Y/N)!! Are you alright??!!"

    "Yeah I'm ok..."

    "Are you sure?? You fell over pretty hard..." Sammy looked concerned.

    "Y-yeah I'm sure...just Alice's"

    "Hehe I will admit, when I first heard her voice I fell over too."

    Sammy went over a few other parts of the song with you then left to let you both practice. You both did amazing, but you were more focused on Alice's voice more so than your own. You took a little break to relax your voice and you drank your coffee. More like sipped it. The more you listened to Alice sing, the more you wanted her to yourself. 

     Finally lunch hit and you went to go eat. You had (favorite food) for lunch and (favorite drink) to eat. You downed your drink rather quickly since singing tended to dry your throat if you sang for long periods of time. Then you finished eating and stood up to go throw your trash away. As you walked back to the music room to join back up with Alice you felt a twinge in your bladder. 

    'When was the last time I used the bathroom?'

     You thought back to this morning and realized that you didn't use the bathroom this morning. It wasn't that bad, you would go later. Right now, you had to get back.

     As you walked back to the room, you felt the need worsen just a smidge. You stopped to cross your legs then continue on. You made it to the music room to see Alice already in the recording booth singing the song. You walked into the booth and she stopped singing.

     "(Y/N) you're back!! I think I have the song down."

     "That's good to hear. Soon we can sing this for the episode right??" 

     "I hope so."

    You felt a small wave of desperation hit you and you crossed your legs again and bent over a little. Thankfully, Alice didn't notice your predicament. You sat down in the other chair and you both started singing. About an hour later, you started shifting a little. Alice didn't notice cause she was too engrossed into the music. At one point Sammy came in to check on you guys.

     "Hello ladies/lady and gentleman, how's it going in here??"

     "It's going great Mr. Lawrence. We almost have the song down pat."

     "Do you now?? Mind if I hear a demonstration??

     'Oh crap...'

     You heard Alice sing her part, then when it came to your part...your voice sounded slightly strained. You were hoping Sammy wouldn't notice but he did.

     "(Y/N), your voice sounds a bit strained...are you alright?? You're sweating..."

     "N-no, just that i-it's been a while s-since I've sang in front o-of an a-audience..."

     "Understandable...also you look pale. You're not getting sick are you? I'll get you some water." Then he left.

     "Are you ok Ms./Mr. (Y/N)?? You were looking pale earlier and you've been fidgeting for a while..."

    'Shit...she did notice.'

     "Y-yeah I'm alright..."

     Sammy then returned with the water, which you drank so that no one noticed anything was wrong.

     About a couple of hours, you were having a hard time concentrating on the song. Your hands would grip your pants and squeeze your legs together.

     "H-hey, do you by chance know what time it is??"

    "Oh my...I haven't paying attention. It's probably late."

     Alice stood up and went to open the door but it wouldn't open.

     "Oh dear..."

     "Wh-what is i-it??"    

     "I think we got locked in...well hopefully someone wi-..."

     She was cut off when she heard a moan from behind her. You were hunched over with your hands buried in your crotch. Your head was touching your knees, cause you couldn't really look at Alice at this point.

     "Ms./Mr. (Y/N)!! Are you alright??" She came over to your side and crouched beside you.

     "N-not reallly, n-no..."

     "What's wrong??"

     "N-need t-t-to use th-the y-yesterday n-now..." You hands were pressed tightly against your crotch.

    "Oh my...D-do you think you'll be alright??"

     "No...." You felt a spurt dampen your panties/boxers and you let out a gasp.

     "(Y/N) what happened??" 

     "A-a little c-came o-out..." You felt your eyes sting as tears hit.

     Alice started panicking a little. She had seen a few of the other workers in the studio like this and not very many good things came afterward. 

     "Hang on Ms/Mr. (Y/N)!! I'll see if I can get anyone's attention!!"

     She tried pounding on the door then tried pounding on the glass, however nothing worked. She would steal glances your way and couldn't help but feel sorry for you. She saw how much pain you were in and it pulled on her heart strings. She walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

     "Let it go (Y/N). I hate seeing you in so much pain..."

     "I-i-i can' hurts too much..."

     You felt more tears build up into your eyes but you refused to let them fall. Then Alice walked to the front of you and gently removed your hands. Your eyes widen and you about to protest when the flood gates opened up.


     *Alice's POV*

     I walked over to the front of (Y/N) and gently removed her/his hands. They were about to protest when I saw there pants grow dark in color followed by a loud hissing noise and the sound of water hitting the floor. (Y/N) had spread there legs a little and their head was leaned back. They looked like they were in Heaven almost. After they had stopped...they looked down  to see the damage and started crying. I put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder and they looked up at me...

     "It's alright Ms/Mr. (Y/N)...these things happen. Please don't cry."

     I saw how their face turned red in embarrassment. It looked cute...they were cute. I've had these feeling for a while. I think......I think I'm in love with (Y/N). I leaned forward and gave them a kiss. It must've been good, since they stopped crying.

     *Your POV*

     You were shocked...Alice Angel....was kissing you. While you were in wet clothes and tears streaming down your face. You were in seventh heaven. You melted into the kiss and hoped that it wasn't a dream

     "Ms/Mr. (Y/N).......I.....I like you. A lot. I have these feeling for you that I can't decipher."

     "I like you too Alice....always have."

     You watched as Alice's face brighten then pull you in for another kiss. 

     A few minutes later you heard the doorknob and you both pulled back. You looked to see a very worried Sammy.

     "There you guys are!! I was looking for y-......what is that smell??"

     "Uh.......we got locked in.....I had to use the bathroom...."

     "I apologies to you both. I'll go find Wally to take care of this, and you find some dry clothes."

     You nodded and walked out with Alice holding her hand. This was the weird awkward start to your guys relationship.    
