Episode 1 Part 1

'Ruki Narrating'

'Ruki/personality thinking '


Hanazono Backyard

"Come on, put some back into it," said Jiro Hanazono to Hikari, who tried again, only to stagger back. After her stomach growled, the door slides open to show Su in control of Ruki Amakawa body (picture up top of how Ruki look when she young) with a tray of cookie. "Would you want some cookie?" she asked with a laid-back attitude. Jiro turned to look at his friend daughter and then back to Hikari. "Okay Hikari, do a good drop-kick and you can have a snack," Jiro said, looking at Hikari. Hikari nodded, getting into a stance and then running, delivering a drop-kick with lots of force, then landing.

'My father met Jiro thought his love of Pro-Wrestling. Jiro was nice to babysit me and train Daichi in pro-wrestling. Hikari acted like a big sister. Because of her training, she eventually competition and she was filled with confidence. It was then that we met Takishima. To Hikari, he was a rival and to me and my personality a friend who understood all of us.'

"901," Daichi was in control and was counting, for Hikari who was doing push-ups. A boy, his father and mine approached us. "902," "Daichi. Nagihiko is here." Daichi turned and smiled. "Also Hikari, this boy can pro-wrestling, too. " Hikari, with those word spoken, stopped what she was doing and turn to whom her father has spoken about. The boy in question was slender with golden brown hair, brown eyes and a pale face. Hikari scoffed. (I skip the match.)

Daichi had a smile on his face and asked excitedly "Can we have a match?" But Yoru took control and said "Nya. I don't want to. Nya ". The boy looks at the girl and thought of the change of character. "Yoru. Daichi. Stop fighting and you can fight him. If he agrees?" said Nagihiko. Kei then came to the conclusion that the girl had more than one personalities and nodded to have the match. They got into the stance and then charged. The match was won by Kei but Ruki had won over his heart while smiling and thanking him for the match.

'Kei Takishima, the first person to understand all of us.'

Hikari didn't like the look in Takishima when he was looking at her horary little sister. " Another match!" Hikari bitterly yelled, charging at Kei, only to be defeated once more. Hikari shoe went flying off. Miki took control and asked, "How did your shoe come off?". Ruki took control, she turned to Nagihiko and said "Hello Papa. How was your morning?" Nagihiko smiled, "I had a good morning." He then hugged her like a teddy bear, "But papa missed you!" Ruki sighed.

'And then...'

Amakawa Mansion

A 15-year-old Ruki, getting change into her uniform. She was brushing her hair, when Su take control of her mouth and says, "Don't forget the cake. It is too much effort to not take it." "I won't forget because its for our friends," Ruki said while straightening out her skirt and started to the door. She picks up her book bag and opens the door. Walking down the stair, she looks to see her father coming round the corner. "Good morning, papa." she smiled and jumped off the last step. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" Nagihiko asked with the same smile. "We slept fine." She replied and start to the kitchen. Nagihiko followed her and saw her go to the fridge. "What that?" he said and pointed to the box in her hand. "It a rainbow cake," she said while opening the box and showing the cake

"Who is it for?" Nagihiko asked. "The rest of S.A. Su also made one for you. It is the fridge. " Ruki replied and Nagihiko smiled. "Thank you for the cake." Ruki nodded and started to walk to the door. "Have a nice day," she said while walking to her limo.

Hakusenkan Academy High School

Ruki get out of her limo when she hears "Hey!" and see Hikari. "Amazing" Enough, already!" yelled Hikari. "You need to chill," said Miku taking control of Riku body. "Hello Riku, Miku, Yoru, Daichi, Su," said Hikari, turning to Riku who waved. "Form a line!" shouted a male student. The student did form a line, then bowed and yelled "Good morning!". Riku blushed and hide behind Hikari. "Come on guys, what did I tell you. Just treat us normally."

"Hikari, Riku!" Both girls turned around to face a girl with short purple hair and brown eyes, who, right after they turned to her, waived, "Good morning!"

'The girl was none other than my childhood friend, Akira Toudou. The daughter of a president of an airline, who ranked 6th in our class.'

Riku smiled and waved. Hikari grinned and yelled "Akira!" Then one of the females shouted, "It's Akira and Riku of S.A, their terrific!!!" Hikari deadpanned.

As they walk to the greenhouse

"It can't be helped, we have different uniforms and our classes are separated from the other classes. We're in the S.A class after all, " said Akira. Hikari look lost in thought. Akira gave her a strange look, then looked over to Riku and who was holding a box. "Hey, Riku. What in that box?" she asked. Riku looks at Akira and replied, "Su made a rainbow cake for S.A." She then smiled and then opened the box. Hikari and Akira looked inside and said: "It look's beautiful." Su took control. "I had control and cooked a cake. I didn't want it to go to waste." She knew that it was Su was in control now and still nodded. Akira saw that Hikari was back and continued her comment. "From the other student's viewpoint were unusual. There is only one S.A in the academy and only 8 students that got into the top 7 in academic are in it."

S.A Greenhouse

After finishing her statement, Akira, Hikari and Riku entered the greenhouse, though it was more advanced. "Jun, Megumi, Good morning." said when she saw them. A 16-year-old male with light-brown hair and brown eyes turned and smiled. "Oh, Good morning you guys." "That plant seems to be doing good," observed Hikari. "Yo. Jun, Megumi, " said Miki taking control, to see the plant to finish a drawing, while taking out her sketchbook. "Good morning, Miki and yes."

'The boy was none other than... Jun Yamamoto. The son of a music producer, genius vocalist and twin of Megumi, who ranked 3rd in his class.'

A 16-year-old female, with long light-brown hair and brown eyes, along with a sketchpad appeared beside Jun, startling him slightly. " Good morning." She wrote.

'She was none other than... Megumi Yamamoto. The daughter of a music producer and ranked 4th in her class.'

"Yo, where Ryu?" asked Miki while putting the cake on the table. Megumi answered by writing, "Over there <--". Where they saw a male with green hair, crouching down, "There, There that's a good boy." "What's the matter?" asked Hikari, causing him to turn around showing his greenish-brown eyes. "It's okay, he's just in the middle of eating," While he said that a sloth appeared from his arms.

'The boy was none other than... Ryu Tsuji. The son of the President of a sporting goods manufacturer and ranked 7th in his class.'

"So, today's a sloth. Huh," said Hikari. "Yeah, he just hates being left alone. He insisted on coming to school with me." Ryu responded while standing up. Hikari crouched down to the sloth's level, waving a hand in front of it, " He's kinda cute, isn't he? " (Behind Hikari, the twins could be seen deadpanning and Riku at the table cutting the cake. Megumi having written "Are you going to strangle that sloth?" in her sketchpad.) After a while, the sloth raised a claw and a bit of Hikari hair, causing to stagger back. "Be careful, unlike others this one a little faster," Ryu warned while pointing at the Sloth. Causing Yoru to say, "Nya. Next time warn people. Nya." Suddenly the twins appeared, Jun holding a violin and Megumi holding her sketchpad up. "Jun's gonna play the violin." "Please, listen up," Jun said before he and Megumi began glaring at the sloth. "Violin, huh? Pretty nice. I like it." said Hikari walking to stand beside Akira and Riku. Akira, who look to have realised something, said "Oh No! Ryu stop him.", just as Jun was going to start playing the violin. "Oh, well. I guess you better stop," muttered Ryu, before blowing a whistle and yelling: "Stay!" The twins froze, before hugging him and yelling: "Ryu!" "You can always depend on Ryu, knowing them sense they were baby's has its advantage," said Akira. A confused Hikari asked, "Hey. Why did stop him?" Surprised, Akira asked, "Haven't you two ever heard them perform?" But before they could answer a hand gripped Akira shoulder. She slowly turned her head in the direction the arm came from, but before she could see who it belong to the body landed in front of them, caused Akira and Hikari to scream, while Riku stared wide-eyed. Miki took control and had a blank face, "Who left a corpse here? Because it wasn't me."Akira looks at her as if she grew another head and responded, "Why would anyone leave a corpse and why would you need to hide a corpse!?"(In the background, Megumi could be seen holding her sketch pad, which said "Raw Garbage?") Miki shrugged and wave her off, "You never know what going to happen.""It's me. Need something to eat." The boy turns to an angle that you could clearly see a 16-year-old male with brown hair and dark brown eyes.

'The boy was none other than... Tadashi Karino. The son of the head of the academies board of directors and ranked 5th in his class.'

Sometime later

"Ah! This is Delicious," said Jun, after drinking some of the tea. Megumi, after finishing her tea, wrote "Delicious." in her sketch pad. "Today's brunch is, avocado shrimp sandwichs and Darjeeling tea, the cups are fine china," Akira said while holding her up.Tadashi gulped the tea down, then said: "That's when I realized I was holding Swegari straight. No money and not plastic." "I see, you were gone from school from two weeks.We were all worried about you." said Hikari. Daichi took control and said excitedly:"So, that what you were doing.". After Daichi finished his statement, Akira yelled: "You! Will you stop ruining the atmosphere, or rather give up this roaming of yours!", and pointed at Tadashi. He only reponded with: "Call it manly spirit of adventure. Anyway, seconds please!" Akira threw a workbook at him while yelling: "Get it yourself! You wild thing!" As this was going on Riku noticed that someone was missing. "Hey, where's Kei?", she asked while holding a piece of rainbow cake to Ryu. "Oh, he said he was going to the computer room and left awhile ago.", he said while taking the cake. Making Hikari say: "I see.", while Riku looked a little down and cut a extra slice of cake, just in case. A familiar voice said: "Are you lonesome without me?" Causing Hikari to choke in surprize and Riku to smile and to hand the piece of cake to the boy. The boy had golden-brown hair and brown eyes. "Takishima!", growled Hikari, who stood up so fast she hit her knee Hard, it took her awhile to notice the pain. The boy smirked at he,then turned to Riku and smiled: "This looks delicious."

'The boy was none other than... Kei Takishima. The son of the pressident of the Takishima group and ranked 1st in his class.'
