Chapter 13 ~ Late

~Clarke's POV~
   I wake up in Bellamy's arms and a wave a nausea hits me. I jerk up, prying myself from Bellamy's hold, and rush to the bathroom in time to throw up everything I had for dinner the night before. This has been happening all week. Sick in the mornings and fine the rest of the day.
   Bellamy stands in the doorway. "Are you ok, Clarke?" He asks and kneels down next to me.
   "Yeah, I'm fine," I told him and sighed. I threw up again and Bellamy rubbed my back.
   "You have been like this for a while Clarke. Are you sure?" he asked. I lean back into his knee and looked up at him.
   "Yeah. I'll go to medical and check myself out if that makes you feel better," I said and he took a towel and wiped something off my chin.
   "Yeah, do that. I'm just worried about you Clarke," he said and kissed my forehead. I smile and he helps me stand up. I walk back into my room with Bellamy behind me. I pull my shirt off, which got some vomit on it, and Bellamy taps me on the shoulder.
   "It's pretty cold outside," he said and handing me one of his sweaters. I smile and take it.
"Thanks," I said and kissed his cheek. I pulled the sweater over my head and Bellamy slides his jacket on over his shoulders.
"I gotta go. Guard detail," he said and hugged me, "tell me what is going on when you find out, ok?"
"Sure thing," I said and we split paths outside the door.

I walk into medical and start thinking about what could be wrong with me. Just then, Octavia walks in.
   "Hey, Bellamy told me you haven't been feeling well for the past week," she said and sat down on the bed next to me, "is that Bellamy's sweater?"
   "Yeah. I came here to see if I could figure out what's wrong," I said lowly. She looked at me curiously.
   "So what's wrong? What are your symptoms?" She asked.
   "Well, I wake up nauseous, throw up, fine the rest of the day, sometimes I have head aches, and..." I trailed off.
   "Oh my!" I yelled and rushed over to the cabinet. I pulled out a tool my mom has used to test before. I hold it and just stare.
   "Clarke?" Octavia's voice was faint.
   "Octavia," I said and turned around to face her, "I'm late."
   "Clarke," she said and looked at what I held in my hand.

The results came in. I was right. "Octavia," I said quietly and I walked out of the bathroom. We locked the door so no one, especially my mom, would come in. She watched me and she looked at me concerned.
   "What is it Clarke? What does it say?" She asked.
   "I'm... I'm pregnant," I said, "and it's Bellamy's."
