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In the early spring of Rongcheng, there is still a bit of coldness.

    Sheng Mingzhao heaved a sigh of relief and maintained a trance-like state from the moment he got up.

    "Madam—" Mrs. Zhang hesitated.

    Sheng Mingzhao came back to his senses, waved at Mrs. Zhang, and turned back to the room. The food on the table remained untouched. Sister-in-law Zhang sighed, knowing that she would not listen to her advice, she swiftly put away her things and went to work on other things.

    Sheng Mingzhao really has no appetite.

    She and Qin Changyi have been married for three years. They can't say that they are affectionate and loving, but they are also respectful to each other, right? Now she suddenly realizes that she is in a novel of tyrants, not the protagonist - but she is still somewhat related to the heroine Qin Changyi. She is Qin Changyi's ex-wife who refused to let go to make room for Xiaobaihua. She doesn't remember the specific plot, but she only knows that the heroine of the book, Xiaobaihua Su Weiran, is currently an 18th-tier artist in Qin Changyi's company -

    she has no idea about Qin Changyi, but she likes her cold and ascetic face very much. But now because of her lust for beauty, her life is threatened.

    Sheng Mingzhao thought about it, she was really angry, she sent Qin Changyi an emoji.

    Qin Changyi was in a meeting, and when she heard the movement of her mobile phone, she glanced at it.

    Sheng Mingzhao: Dog stuff.jpg

    Qin Changyi: "..."

    As Sheng Mingzhao expected, there was no reply from Qin Changyi. She was also used to Qin Changyi's appearance, so she packed up and prepared to go out.

    The Sheng family and the Qin family belonged to each other, and they were both prominent figures in Rongcheng. She is the only daughter of the Sheng family. Not long after she married Qin Changyi, the Sheng family went abroad to develop, leaving her alone in the country. In the novel, if she remembered correctly, because the Sheng family supported her, Qin Changyi stood up for the little white flower heroine, disregarding the affection of the two families, and shot at the Sheng family - Sheng

    Mingzhao frowned. She is not a temperament to be manipulated, and if it really follows the plot of the novel, she will not be polite.

    Bitter Rain is a tea house, opened by Sheng Mingzhao and his friend Song Li. Nine o'clock is not a suitable time for tea. The shop is deserted, and there is not even a shadow of a person.

    "Why are you here so early?" Song Li yawned and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

    "Didn't you go home last night?" Sheng Mingzhao asked.

    Song Li held her chin and made a cup of instant coffee, she nodded and said, "The old man is too long-winded."

    Sheng Mingzhao understood, she also imitated Song Li and lay on the table, absent-mindedly said: "What do you think of Qin Changyi? Song

    Li glanced at Sheng Mingzhao in surprise, she whispered: "Your own partner, don't you know?" After a pause, she said again, "Yan Hao, she is more suitable for debut than the actresses in her company. Seeing Sheng Mingzhao sullen, she said again, "What's the matter? Before you married her, you declared that you would be satisfied if you could see your face every day." Everyone loves a beautiful sister, but someone like Sheng Mingzhao accuses Qin Changyi. It's really rare that the face is so controlled that she wants to marry her. Qin Changyi is indeed stunning in the world, but her aura that no strangers should be approached made her like a lotus since she was a child—it can only be viewed from a distance and not to be played with. Only Sheng Mingzhao worked tirelessly and finally got the man.

    "By the way, speaking of Qin Changyi, I remembered something." Song Li was mysterious.

    Sheng Mingzhao was still caught in the tragic truth, raised his brows lazily, and said in a low voice, "Huh?"

    Song Li was interested, she took a sip of coffee, opened an album on her phone, and pointed to one of the photos. : "Do you think the woman on the left looks like Qin Changyi?" This photo was obviously taken secretly, with only a blurred profile face. The two people in the camera are quite close and look extremely intimate. "It was passed on to me by a friend of mine. I heard that I came across it when I secretly photographed a little star."

    Sheng Mingzhao raised his eyebrows, noncommittal. As the boss of Huangyue Entertainment Group, Qin Changyi, although married, never lacks scandals. Whether it is a male artist or a female artist from her company, they may appear in the hot search with her. Sheng Mingzhao was not interested in such a thing. At first Qin Changyi would explain a few words, but then he simply did not speak, pretending that nothing happened. "Which artist is that?" Sheng Mingzhao suddenly asked.

    "What's it called Jin Yangyang?" Song Li couldn't remember clearly, and his tone was uncertain.

    If it wasn't for Su Weiran, Sheng Mingzhao breathed a sigh of relief.

    "Zhaozhao, are you in a bad mood?" Song Li finally noticed Sheng Mingzhao's strangeness, and she looked at Sheng Mingzhao with some worry.

    How can I feel good when I find out that I am a vicious female supporting role? Sheng Mingzhao thought to himself. It's just that she didn't show it on her face, she put the bangs behind her ears, and said casually, "It's fine."

    Song Li patted her chest and said, "That's good." The

    two went out for another day, and Sheng Mingzhao went home. When the time came, the car was full of large and small bags - shopping made her depressed a lot. Anyway, Qin Changyi is the owner of the money, so instead of leaving it to that little white flower, it is better to let her go now.

    The chandelier in the living room illuminated the whole room, Qin Changyi was sitting on the sofa in home clothes and reading a book.

    When Sheng Mingzhao saw Qin Changyi, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

    Qin Changyi is a workaholic who spends most of her time in the company, so how could she be a full-time "lady" like her? Why did she come back so early today? It's so weird. Sheng Mingzhao's expression adjusted quickly, she threw the bag on the sofa, and she planned to go upstairs and go back to the room to take a bath.

    Qin Changyi suddenly put down the book in her hand, and said solemnly, "What does that emoticon package mean?" She frowned, her expression serious.

    In the past, Sheng Mingzhao liked her iceberg that was cold and abstinent, but now when he thinks of the plot in the book, he feels a big imbalance. She squinted at Qin Changyi, and said strangely: "Don't President Qin know how to read?"

    Qin Changyi glanced at Sheng Mingzhao, her tone did not fluctuate, she replied, "That's a picture."

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..." She didn't want to. Talking to this fellow will only get more and more angry.

    Qin Changyi didn't care about Sheng Mingzhao's emotions, and followed him upstairs.

    Although Qin Changyi was icy cold, in matters of love, he basically let Sheng Mingzhao toss.

    The small table lamp emits a halo.

    Qin Changyi's long hair was scattered on the pillow, her eyes still had a bit of love, and the cold and alienation added a bit of charm. She stretched out her hand to turn off the lamp, but Sheng Mingzhao held her hand first and sneered, "Does President Qin have any other expressions?"

    The protagonist Qin Changyi in the book was later a strong "1", but now— -

    Sheng Mingzhao got even more angry, got up directly and turned his back to Qin Changyi.

    There were still tears in the secretions of the eyelashes, Qin Changyi's line of sight was a little dazed, and after a while, her complexion returned to calm. She got up and went into the bathroom to rinse, then lay down to sleep without saying a word.

    Sheng Mingzhao listened to the subtle breathing sound in his ears, and it was difficult to fall asleep.

    The next morning, Song Li saw the screened information on his mobile phone:

    "Who is Qin Changyi? Is she still human?"

  "I don't know if Qin Changyi is human, but it's true that you are not human."

    "My phone was blocked by your messages."

    Sheng Mingzhao woke up and saw two messages replied by Song Li, she rubbed it. Eyes, yawned, and tossed the phone aside. It was already chilling by the pillow, Qin Changyi had already arrived at the company if she wanted to come. The things on the table were neatly arranged, and even the corner of the book he was looking at was flattened by Qin Changyi with a heavy object.

    Qin Changyi is a bit obsessive - this is something Sheng Mingzhao knew for a long time.

    She has a bad temper, and in their circle, her popularity is just average. Few people send messages asking her to go out. Most of the time, she stays in the house and feels at ease as a "vase of wealth". The Sheng family's company doesn't need her to be busy, and neither does the Qin family's. Sheng Mingzhao was originally happy to be idle, but after learning that she was a character in the novel, she couldn't be more idle.

    - What's the use of being born well? Not a vase yet?

    This sentence was spoken through the mouth of others, which perfectly interprets her character in the novel.

    The most prosperous commercial district in Rongcheng is full of high-rise buildings. The traffic is busy and the flow is endless.

    Qin Changyi stood in front of the window, frowning. Her marriage to Sheng Mingzhao was proposed by the Sheng family, and she didn't care about these things, so she responded casually. In the past three years, she and Sheng Mingzhao have been in a bit of a tacit understanding, at least in some things, they can be considered in harmony. It's never happened like last night. Did you provoke her by yourself? A trace of distress appeared on Qin Changyi's face.

    Wang Zhao, the assistant on the side, was fidgeting.

    When it's time for work, there are a lot of documents on the table, but Mr. Qin has been standing in front of the window and pondering for fifteen minutes. This is a situation that has never happened before.

    "President Qin—" Just as Wang Zhao spoke, Qin Changyi turned around abruptly.

    Wang Zhao's words stopped abruptly.

    Qin Changyi said sternly: "Is there any news related to me recently?" Qin Changyi thought for a moment before finishing the sentence.

    Wang Zhao was taken aback. Qin Changyi never cares about these matters, they are all handled directly by the public relations department. Now, what is it for? She quickly returned to her senses and quickly counted a long list of people - all of which were hyped by Qin Changyi. Wang Zhao felt that the air pressure around his boss's body suddenly dropped.

    Got it—she thought to herself.

    But Qin Changyi didn't say anything, just waved his hand. There was a hint of tiredness hidden between her eyebrows, there were too many people to judge. After a pause, she added: "Say hello, and don't let these things happen in the future."

    When Sheng Mingzhao received Qin Changyi's transfer text message, she was finishing the call with Wan Chunsheng. Wan Chunsheng is an up-and-coming director in the circle. He has become popular all over the country by relying on a "Qin Emperor". He is going to shoot a costume drama recently. Please go and watch it. It was also by chance that she met Wan Chunsheng. She designed a set of antique jewelry and put it on the trumpet Weibo. She never thought that Wan Chunsheng would take a fancy to him and want to buy the right to use it - such a small thing, of course she would not shirk. Because of this, there was a relationship later.

    Sheng Mingzhao's mind turned from the Wan Chunsheng incident, and looking down at the text message, she lowered her eyelashes and sneered softly.

    Qin Changyi is also quite interesting sometimes.

    They have been married for three years, and it is not that they have never quarreled. Qin Changyi is cold and indifferent, she always replies "en" when you say anything, maybe she is busy with other things at hand, which is a perfunctory visible to the naked eye, sometimes adding fuel to the fire, sometimes pouring it down like a basin of cold water— -What are you arguing with such an unfeeling person? This transfer should have happened last night as well. She couldn't figure it out, but she transferred a sum of money to settle it.

    Sheng Mingzhao was about to laugh angrily.

    She didn't even bother to reply to Qin Changyi, and went out with her bag.

    Wan Chunsheng's costume drama has entered the stage of preparation and casting, and the drama is titled "Feng Yufei". Sheng Mingzhao didn't know the specific content of the play, but after listening to Wan Chunsheng's introduction, he suddenly remembered one thing-isn't this the foundational work of Su Weiran's entry into the circle in the novel? The princess she plays is Bai Yueguang in the hearts of many people!

    "Feng Yu Fei" is a historical costume drama involving the court and the rivers and lakes. Wan Chunsheng's plan was to design a set of costume jewelry with an obvious style in line with the characteristics of the play based on history. The art team has been discussing it for a while, but he was still not satisfied, so he thought of Sheng Mingzhao. The investor of this drama, Huangyue, is the big one. The staff thought that Sheng Mingzhao was here for Qin Changyi, and whispered behind his back as soon as they passed by.

    After all, the rumors of these two business marriages and their separation have been circulating for a long time.

    "Has the heroine been chosen?" Roughly flipping through the script, Sheng Mingzhao raised his head and looked at Wan Chunsheng.

    Wan Chunsheng looked at the young woman in front of him. She was twenty-six or seven years old. She was different from Qin Changyi's coldness, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and a smile remained on her face. But just because of her appearance, it is widely rumored on the Internet that this eldest lady is domineering and not easy to get close to. Wan Chunsheng returned to his senses, he smiled and asked, "Did you change your mind and plan to enter the entertainment industry?" With an indescribably glamorous face, Sheng Mingzhao is very popular among the people in the circle. It's a pity that this eldest lady lacks everything and is not easy to impress.

    Sheng Mingzhao's expression did not change, she smiled and said, "No, just asking."

    Wan Chunsheng did not hide his regret at all, his eyes swirled around Sheng Mingzhao's body. Her temperament is also more suitable for the role in his play - as for acting, as long as there is enough sight, he believes that Sheng Mingzhao's ability can be competent. After all, he had seen the drama that the eldest young lady performed on a whim during her college days, and she looked very good.

Contrary to what Wan Chunsheng expected, Sheng Mingzhao didn't show any interest in playing the role in the play, and he didn't even care about the protagonist who just mentioned it, as if it was just a common inquiry.

    Wan Chunsheng sighed in disappointment.

    Sheng Mingzhao's words changed abruptly, and the topic fell on the business they wanted to talk about. This is what they want to talk about, isn't it? As for Su Weiran - she is still a stranger who has nothing to do with herself. She can tease Qin Changyi occasionally, but she can't shoot at Su Weiran. Everyone is very vivid, and they may not really develop along the plot of the book. For example, now, isn't what she does also completely inconsistent with the characters in the book?

    Sheng Mingzhao smiled softly. She pointed to the styles that Wan Chunsheng had brought out on the table, and expressed her opinions one by one. At the end, she paused and said, "I will pass the design to you when the time comes", taking this as the topic understanding.

    Wan Chunsheng nodded quickly, he was afraid that he would not be able to invite the eldest lady.

    Everyone in the crew was very busy, and the casting was handled by the assistant director, but Wan Chunsheng almost always checked for the quality of the work. Before the matter between him and Sheng Mingzhao was settled, people outside had already called to urge him. After hearing Sheng Mingzhao's final words, Wan Chunsheng breathed a sigh of relief, he got up and smiled apologetically at Sheng Mingzhao, and said, "Sorry."

    Sheng Mingzhao didn't care, she took a sip of tea and said softly, "Director Wan , go get busy."

    Wan Chunsheng looked at Sheng Mingzhao's elegant and decent movements, captured a trace of the charm he wanted most, and invited him like a ghost: "Miss Sheng, why don't you go and watch it together? This drama Huangyue has also invested. A lot."

    Sheng Mingzhao thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay." If you are idle, you are idle, so why not join in the fun?

    There are not many people who came to run for the heroine. There are students in the school, some who have debuted for a long time, and even a little flower who is in the limelight... Sheng Mingzhao glanced at them lightly, and then withdrew his gaze.

    Sheng Mingzhao went in with Wan Chunsheng, all kinds of eyes fell on her for a while, but she looked calm and indifferent.

    Still waiting outside, looking at the closed door, he was obviously a little restless. If this is the heroine chosen by Director Wan, what are they doing? Accompany you to run?

    "Who was that person just now?" The waiting person was a little restless, and finally couldn't help but open the chat box.

    "I don't know, with Director Wan, is the heroine already decided?" Someone replied in a low voice.

    "Of course." A girl with short hair and a beautiful face pulled the hand of the long-haired girl beside her. She did not come to participate in the casting, but accompanied her friend Su Weiran. They all debuted in the girl group. Later, Su Weiran was signed into Huangyue, and they all thought it was a good opportunity. But in fact, in Huangyue, where handsome men and beauties appeared, Su Weiran, who had no works, was in an extremely embarrassing situation. The agent would not put her eyes on her at all. She won this audition opportunity by herself.

    Su Weiran's hands trembled a little, and after a long while she found her own voice, she whispered: "The heroine is a girl." Although she said so, but there are many "goddesses of youth" in the circle, in their twenties and thirties It is not necessarily impossible to perform the beauty of 16, 7, 8 girls.

    "Why do I think that person is a little familiar." Someone whispered. Said he took out his mobile phone, searched for a long time, and finally remembered a name - Sheng Mingzhao!

    "God, it's the eldest Miss Sheng! I actually met the real person!"

    "It's better not to come to the audition."

    "What is the eldest Sheng of the Sheng family doing?" The

    whispered discussion stopped abruptly when the door opened.

    Lack of acting skills, lack of verve, lack of spiritual energy - Sheng Mingzhao glanced at it and was not very satisfied with the people who came to audition, but what did this have to do with her? She snorted, and before the last person finished auditioning, she got up and left.

    Looking at her back, Wan Chunsheng sighed heavily, and weakly shouted, "Next." Perhaps the expectation was lowered, and the performance of the girl who auditioned in front of her was not bad. The staff whispered and finally unanimously selected the right person.

    Sheng Mingzhao didn't know what was going on inside, the cold wind was blowing on his face like a knife, and there was cold air in his throat. The smile on her face converged, her eyelashes lowered, and her indifferent expression was like the cold spring weather.

    "Miss, hello, I see you—"

    Sheng Mingzhao had already stepped forward before the person who approached him had finished speaking, with an awe-inspiring and inviolable aura. The man scratched his head, said "what a pity", and started looking for a new target.

    Huangyue Group Headquarters.

    Qin Changyi closed the documents and arranged them meticulously before leaving the company.

    It was time to get off work, but there were still many people in the company busy. When they saw Qin Changyi striding away, they couldn't help but look surprised, knowing that the lights in President Qin's office were always the last to go out.

    Wang Zhao looked down at the company's gossip group, and sure enough, it exploded inside, making speculations about President Qin leaving the company so early.

    [Could it be President Qin's wedding anniversary? That's not right——]

    [No way? Didn't it say that President Qin and Miss Sheng were at odds? ]

    [Things about the wealthy, eh, no matter the joys or sorrows, the poor dogs will envy them. 】

    Wang Zhao tapped his finger on the screen, and quickly sent out a sentence——

    【President Qin was in a daze early in the morning and asked about things on the Internet, probably because he was dissatisfied with the public relations department. ]

    She pushed up her glasses and smiled mysteriously, she felt that her speculation was very reasonable.

    When Qin Changyi returned home, the house was still deserted, and Sheng Mingzhao was nowhere to be seen. After a few years of marriage, she knew a little about Sheng Mingzhao and knew that she didn't like to go out. She turned on her phone and looked down at the screen - the message Sheng Mingzhao sent her was still on the emoji, and they didn't have any communication after that. Turning up the page, there are only a few words, are they too alienated? Qin Changyi thought to himself.

    Sheng Mingzhao left the studio where Wan Chunsheng was casting and did not go back directly at all. She drove to the museum, which happened to have an exhibition related to Song and Yuan jewelry. Her eyes passed over the bamboo hairpins, golden flower tube hairpins and other hairpins, and she was so excited that she obviously forgot the time. With the plot of "Feng Yufei" lingering in her mind, she had a preliminary concept of the design drawing. By the time she walked out of the museum with no end in sight, the sky had already darkened.

    The gray-white clouds slowly engulfed the light of the day and pulled down the curtain of night.

    When Sheng Mingzhao got home, Song Li just made a phone call, and for some reason the topic came to Qin Changyi.

    Sheng Mingzhao didn't pay attention, she just said lightly: "You said Qin Changyi, what's so good about her? What can't she do? She looks like a dead fish on the bed. There is one more thing, I don't understand, you say Is her finger insured? It's so precious..." Sheng Mingzhao scolded Qin Changyi like he was pouring beans, completely unaware that the person sitting on the sofa had put down what was in his hand, and was looking at him with a complicated expression. she.

    Song Li: "..." Is it so fierce?

    Sheng Mingzhao said that he was relieved, only to realize that something was wrong. She put down her phone and raised her eyes, just in time to meet Qin Changyi's calm and self-controlled face.

    Damn— why is

    she at home!

    A crack appeared in Sheng Mingzhao's perfect smile, and a string in her mind snapped and broke completely.

    What an embarrassing scene, she could use her toes to dig out four rooms and one living room. Sheng Mingzhao quickly regained his senses. She adjusted her facial expression and showed a not so deliberate smile. She asked, "Why did you come back so early today?"

    Qin Changyi didn't say a word, and kept looking with an inquiring look. looking at her.

    Sheng Mingzhao's scalp was numb.

    Just when she couldn't help but want to break the eerie silence, Qin Changyi stood up, and she replied lightly, "Yeah." She turned and walked towards the kitchen, as if nothing had happened.

    Sheng Mingzhao ran upstairs quickly, his figure very embarrassed.

    Did she not hear? She definitely didn't hear it, did she?

    At this time, Qin Changyi went to the kitchen to turn off the fire.

    Sister Zhang is not here today, she cooks by herself. When she came to the living room with the boiled soup, Sheng Mingzhao was nowhere to be seen. She lifted her eyelids, looked upstairs, and landed on the soup in her hands.

-Why did you suddenly hang up on me?

    Sheng Mingzhao closed the door of the study, only to feel that the embarrassment that came like a flood was isolated from the door by her. She picked up the phone and saw the message from Song Li.

    - I'm done.

    Sheng Mingzhao replied.

    The phone rang, but Sheng Mingzhao didn't plan to answer the phone, so she quickly typed a string of words and sent it over.

    —— Qin Changyi overheard what I said just now, what the hell is she doing today, coming back so early! Ahhh! Crazy.jpg

    Song Li looked at the message sent by Sheng Mingzhao, and could really feel the embarrassment of overflowing the screen.

    ——You don't like Qin Changyi anymore? You scumbag, you get tired of marrying a goddess, I despise you.

    -Is it wrong that I like her face? I decided to present her as a beauty picture.

    Sheng Mingzhao replied, she thought to herself, she was doing it for Qin Changyi's face, and Qin Changyi was - anyone can do it, everyone can take what they need.

    Song Li's reply was quick: "Dive."

    Sheng Mingzhao frowned and saw the two words Song Li sent - this guy is full of yellow waste! She ignored Song Li, took a deep breath, pulled out tools such as a notebook, ruler, and pen, and began to draw the picture in her mind.

    Although it is not her own job, but she has to show her attitude when she promises others.

    Qin Changyi sat on the sofa and waited until the soup was almost cold, but did not wait until Sheng Mingzhao went downstairs.

    Sheng Mingzhao's words lingered in her mind, and her face became colder and colder. The fingers tapped on the table rhythmically, and the sound was loud. The hour hand ticked, and Qin Changyi stood up abruptly and entered the kitchen with the food expressionlessly. When the soup was reheated, she couldn't help adding a handful of salt.

    After putting out the fire, she leaned back against the stone platform and let out a long sigh of relief, untied the apron around her waist and went upstairs.

    The door to the room was left open, and no one was there.

    Qin Changyi's eyes flicked to the closed study door. In her impression, Sheng Mingzhao rarely entered the study. The books she was going to read were all in a mess on the bedside table.

    Qin Changyi knocked on the door, but there was no response in the study. She hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to open the door and go in. It's already time for dinner, maybe it's past time. Could it be that she's always like this when she's home alone?

    This thought only stopped in Qin Changyi's mind for a second, she quietly walked into the study, just in time to see Sheng Mingzhao's soft profile under the light. She held one hand, and her expression was a little scattered, but when she finished writing, her eyes suddenly shone with light.

    She had never known the person next to the pillow.

    Qin Changyi's heart trembled suddenly.

    Qin Changyi held his hands and looked at Sheng Mingzhao silently.

    The light on the phone screen flickered, and I didn't know who sent the message. Sheng Mingzhao's mind was on the sketches he wrote, and he had no time to take care of the affairs next to him. When the painting was finished, she put down the pen and stretched. First, he turned on his mobile phone to read some news, and after a while, the corner of his eyes swept to Qin Changyi who was silent on the side.

    Sheng Mingzhao was taken aback, looking at Qin Changyi's cold and solemn face, he thought she was here to ask for guilt.

    "Do you want to use the study?" Sheng Mingzhao raised his eyebrows.

    Qin Changyi was suddenly a little angry. She pursed her lips and said, "Have dinner." She turned around and left.

    Sheng Mingzhao shrugged, ignoring Qin Changyi's petty temper.

    Sheng Mingzhao is not a picky eater, but she still has a keen sense of food. She took a spoonful of soup and took a sip, frowning slightly, and she said casually, "Sister Zhang, why did you put too much salt today?"

    Qin Changyi looked over. She glanced at it and said in a low voice, "Sister Zhang is on leave." The

    implication was that she made this meal.

    Qin Changyi didn't touch the bowl of soup with too much salt at all, but Sheng Mingzhao was picky and picky, so he drank some to save face.

    Qin Changyi seldom went home on time. After dinner, Sheng Mingzhao looked at the person sitting on the sofa reading quietly, not knowing how to get along with her for a while. In the vague memory, they can no longer find the leisure time they spend together. Most of the time, they do it by themselves, right? The thought lingered in her mind for a moment, then she let go. She glanced at Qin Changyi with complicated eyes, turned around and went upstairs into the study.

    Qin Changyi couldn't read a word of the book. They...do they all get along like this?

    "It's nothing but a face—"

    Sheng Mingzhao's words echoed in her mind, as if she had pressed the replay button.

    Are you really that bad? Qin Changyi frowned, she took out her mobile phone and searched for "shengmingzhao#qinchangyi", and immediately jumped out a lot of results.

    ——Who is Sheng Mingzhao? Take me, President Qin!

    ——Cry and cry, why did President Qin get married?

    ——Is Sheng Mingzhao worthy of President Qin? Okay, the family is well-matched, but a worthless young lady? With President Qin?

    ——"Qin Sheng emotional discord? Take you into the truth about the marriage of wealthy families"


    all kinds of lace news poured into my eyes, when I saw that "the two people have no relationship or interaction on Weibo, and rarely appear together in public, it is clear that they are plastic wives. Wife time", Qin Changyi's breath suddenly stagnates. She really didn't pay attention to Sheng Mingzhao. There are very few on her watchlist. She pondered for a moment and searched for the three words Sheng Mingzhao, but to her surprise, the bloggers "Sheng Mingzhao's trumpet" and "Grand and Mingzhao" were found... The relevant Eddie clicked in and looked, no One looks like Sheng Mingzhao.

    Qin Changyi thought over and over again, and sent a message to Wang Zhao: "What's the name of Miss Sheng's Weibo?"

    Wang Zhao was watching the newly aired TV series of the dog blood tyrant, and she smiled extremely happily. When Qin Changyi's news came, her smile suddenly Stiff in the face. Miss Sheng, what Miss Sheng? Does the company have this number? Is it President Qin's lover? When she got rid of this incredible thought in her mind, she found that Qin Changyi sent her another sentence: "Sheng Mingzhao."

    As a conscientious assistant, she naturally knew this kind of thing, and hurriedly replied: "Sun and Moon Zhaozhao."

    Sun and Moon Zhaozhao - Sheng Mingzhao.

    Qin Changyi read these words with a faint smile on her face.

    She found Sheng Mingzhao's Weibo and clicked on the homepage to see that there were only dozens of updates. The most recent one was three months ago, and the number of people who liked it was extremely rare. At a glance, she knew that the owner did not take care of it. Could it be that Sheng Mingzhao doesn't actually play Weibo? But she doesn't go out, what is she doing at home? draw? Qin Changyi felt even more disappointed when he thought of the manuscript that he had inadvertently glimpsed.

    She really didn't know Sheng Mingzhao at all.

    Qin Changyi struggled in the living room for a long time, but Sheng Mingzhao kept busy in the study. After finishing all the things, the light in the bedroom was still on. She glanced at Qin Changyi in pajamas and asked, "You haven't slept yet?"

    Qin Changyi was about to respond when Sheng Mingzhao turned his head and entered the bathroom with a change of clothes.

    The sound of rushing water came out.

    Qin Changyi lowered her eyelashes and slowly curled her fingertips.

    Sheng Mingzhao was in a good mood, humming a song in the bathroom. Although the manuscript is not finished, she has a clue. She can send some to Wan Chunsheng at that time. As for the final product, she plans to make a few of them herself, and the rest is someone else's business.

    Qin Changyi was still immersed in his delicate emotions, the bathroom door made a soft noise, and Sheng Mingzhao had already walked out.

    The slightly curly long hair was draped wetly on his shoulders, and soon he was wet and sleepy. Sheng Mingzhao casually picked up his hair and turned on the hairdryer to blow slowly. Qin Changyi looked at her for a long time and couldn't bear it any longer. After closing the book and putting it on the bedside table, she slowly walked towards Sheng Mingzhao.

    Sheng Mingzhao looked up and saw the shadow above and was startled, his hand trembled, and the hair dryer was facing Qin Changyi.

    Qin Changyi frowned, she took the hair dryer in Sheng Mingzhao's hand, and said in a muffled voice, "I'll come."

    Of course Sheng Mingzhao would not refuse someone to serve him.

    It's just

    that there was a tingling pain on the scalp, she turned her head to look at Qin Changyi, saw a few strands of hair in her palm, and that look full of guilt, didn't this fellow take revenge for complaining about her words? Miss Qin didn't serve anyone, but she was very quick to get started. She slid her fingers on Sheng Mingzhao's smooth hair, and her movements became more and more gentle and skilled.

    Qin Changyi didn't pay attention to Sheng Mingzhao's long hair, and his fingertips shuttled between the long hair, but it was a bit more lingering.

    "Alright?" Sheng Mingzhao said suddenly.

    Qin Changyi pursed her lips, turned off the hairdryer, turned around and walked into the bathroom to wash her hands.

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..." What do you say to her if you dislike it? Is it intentional?

    Qin Changyi didn't have as many thoughts as Sheng Mingzhao. She dried her fingers, and her eyes stayed on her trimmed nails for a moment before walking out of the bathroom gently. Sheng Mingzhao was already lying on the bed.

    She silently turned off the light and slowly groped to the side of the bed.

    Sheng Mingzhao originally planned to watch the video for a while, but Qin Changyi planned to fall asleep, so she could only regret it.

    After his eyes adjusted to the dark night, everything in front of him could see a vague outline.

    Qin Changyi was also in Sheng Mingzhao's line of sight. Sheng Mingzhao noticed that someone was staring at her. After thinking about it, she said, "Good night.

    " the waist, she pressed it to Sheng Mingzhao's lips.

    The warm breath came to her face, Sheng Mingzhao opened her eyes, and for some reason she felt a nervous feeling, and her hand hanging by her side couldn't help clenching tightly.

    Light kiss on her face, like the lingering rain in spring.

    At this time, Sheng Mingzhao only had one thought -

    Qin Changyi came back so early because he didn't have a good time last night? !

Qin Changyi didn't know what Sheng Mingzhao was thinking.

    A light kiss fell on Sheng Mingzhao's eyebrows and lips.

    She slipped her hand through the opening of her pyjamas.

    Sheng Mingzhao gasped lightly, her chest heaving up and down, she really lay motionless, allowing Qin Changyi to stroke her up and down.

    She felt like a driftwood at sea, rising and falling with the waves. It's like a sponge, being squeezed mercilessly. Dazed in the mind.

    The night covered her expression, she thought to herself: Maybe I have to take back some of the previous words, not that Qin Changyi's fingers are too precious, but too dishonest!

    A faint moonlight shone into the room from the window.

    The contented Qin Changyi slept soundly, but Sheng Mingzhao couldn't sleep all night. Clear water washed away the sticky sweat, but couldn't wash away the restlessness accumulated in his heart. She turned to look at Qin Changyi, stretched out her hand and pinched her face, but the person who was sleeping soundly didn't react at all except to turn around.

    Like dead.

    How is it described in the novel? Perhaps it is the dead of night, and it is easy to recall some things. Those vague fragments gradually became clear in my mind. "She picked up the person gently, and the light in the room softly fell on the face as white as porcelain jade, and the long eyelashes cast a shadow. She was at a loss for a while, but she didn't want to disturb her deep sleep. Lover of - "

    Are eyelashes a brush? Still a shadow! Sheng Mingzhao shouted in his heart, but he was so angry that he was about to cry because of the cold reality and rich brain.

    Why is there such a dog in the world Qin Changyi? !

    Sheng Mingzhao went to bed very late, the bizarre dream, the hysterical person, the weightlessness when falling, and the wind blowing on his face like a knife, gave her a very real feeling, as if she really fell from a tall building. After struggling from the nightmare, she broke out in a cold sweat, and it took her a long time to get used to the light while lying on the bed. The pillow is empty, and there is no trace of temperature left.

    She gave a wry smile, but quickly regained her spirits.

    Just a dream.

    When Sheng Mingzhao went downstairs in a trance, he saw Qin Changyi who was running back. She was dressed in blue and white sportswear, looking youthful and beautiful, like a popular goddess in the lush campus. But this guy is also cold and inhuman in college, right? Sheng Mingzhao looked away and asked casually, "Don't go to the company today?"

    Qin Changyi replied, "Weekends."

    Does she still have the distinction between weekends and working days? Sheng Mingzhao raised his eyebrows and did not answer. She turned into the kitchen, looking for something to quell her hunger, and then went back to her room to take a nap, so as to forget about the terrible night last night.

    Qin Changyi looked at Sheng Mingzhao, her face was pale, and her eyes floated without expression. She frowned and asked, "Sick?"

    "No." Sheng Mingzhao covered her lips and yawned, and she waved her hand casually. , It seems that he doesn't want to talk to Qin Changyi anymore. Qin Changyi pursed her lips and was a little displeased, but she didn't bother Sheng Mingzhao again.

    "Zhaozhao, why don't you reply to my message."

    "How are you and Qin Changyi?"

    "If you don't like it, just change it?"


    Sheng Mingzhao's phone was placed on the coffee table, and the screen lit up as soon as the message came. . Unfortunately, Qin Changyi caught a glimpse of the message from Song Li.

    Could it be that Song Li spoke ill of himself to Sheng Mingzhao, and secretly pushed him? Qin Changyi didn't know Song Li, but only knew that he belonged to the Song family and had a good relationship with Sheng Mingzhao. He was one of Sheng Mingzhao's only best friends. Song Li was also in her address book. After thinking for a moment, she sent Song Li a message: "Has Miss Song had breakfast?"

    Song Li was startled when she saw the low-key gray avatar, and after a while, she posted in horror. One sentence: "Zhaozhao, Qin Changyi suddenly threatened me!"

    Qin Changyi pursed her lips, her eyes darkened.

    Sheng Mingzhao has changed, but why?

    Sheng Mingzhao, who was lying back on the bed after breakfast, was exhausted, but his mind was so awake that he couldn't sleep at all. She sighed and got up, rubbed her face, and finally turned around and walked towards the study. Now that you are so awake, let's continue drawing.

    "Sister Zhang, make me a cup of coffee and bring it to the study."

    Sheng Mingzhao obviously forgot that Mrs. Zhang wasn't there.

    Qin Changyi was doing business in the living room with her notebook open, and when she heard Sheng Mingzhao's words, she glanced upstairs in surprise. She thought that Sheng Mingzhao went back to the room to sleep, after all, her spirit was not very good. Qin Changyi pondered for a moment, then put down the business in her hand, got up and made a cup of coffee, the corner of her eyes swept to the mobile phone on the coffee table, and she finally took it with her.

    Sheng Mingzhao doesn't like the taste of coffee. Compared with coffee, she prefers tea with fragrant lips and teeth and endless aftertaste, but she needs coffee to improve when necessary. Smelling the strong smell of coffee, she didn't even lift her head, she just said casually, "Let's put it here." What she was designing was a bamboo hairpin - the heroine in "Feng Yu Fei" had a moment when she left the palace. Day, to reflect her chic, Jinyu is obviously not suitable. According to the book, she is as beautiful as bamboo, so naturally a bamboo hairpin is more suitable.

    The eyelids were almost glued together, Sheng Mingzhao sighed lightly, she reached for the coffee, and suddenly noticed the shadow above her head. She turned to look at Qin Changyi, her beautiful eyes filled with wonder.

    Qin Changyi put her mobile phone aside and explained softly, "Sister Zhang is not here."

    Sheng Mingzhao nodded slowly, "Oh." The bitter taste of coffee stimulated her nerves, so she jolted and picked up the pen I sketched it on paper and revised it several times, but I was not satisfied. She sighed softly again, turned to look at Qin Changyi who was holding her arms, and blurted out a sentence: "Why haven't you left yet?"

    Qin Changyi: "..."

    Realizing that she made a mistake, Sheng Mingzhao said again: "You want to Do you use the study room?"

    Qin Changyi shook his head and said, "No." Her gaze fell on Sheng Mingzhao's draft, and she wondered, "This is—"

    Sheng Mingzhao did not hide it from Qin Changyi, she said in a low voice, "Isn't Director Wan's "Feng Yufei" in the preparatory stage? He asked me to design a set of jewelry and services."

    Qin Changyi was startled, just saying that she might not have Impression, but "Feng Yufei" is known. This is a small project of their company, which is currently under planning. Is it just that there is an art group? Why did Wan Chunsheng get Sheng Mingzhao's body? And she didn't even know. Her eyes fell back to the design drawings - the sketches had already taken shape, but she didn't know that Sheng Mingzhao's design skills were so good, not inferior to the designers in his studio.

    Sheng Mingzhao captured Qin Changyi's emotions, she simply put down the pen, looked at Qin Changyi with great interest and said, "Are you shocked?"

    Qin Changyi nodded and said, "Yeah." She was indeed shocked. People online say they have a relationship with plastic, and now that seems to be the case. Obviously already married, but both of them maintain their individual personalities and do not have any concept of family.

    "President Qin is in charge of all kinds of opportunities, and it's normal not to know about this." Sheng Mingzhao's tone was light.

    Qin Changyi suddenly felt uncomfortable, she frowned, and there was a trace of anxiety in her eyes. Looking at Sheng Mingzhao with a playful face, she said after a while: "I really don't know what Miss Sheng is studying and what she is doing on weekdays, but—" Her voice changed suddenly, and she looked down at Sheng Mingzhao condescendingly. , the tone was as light as the breeze, "But does Miss Sheng know what I'm learning?"

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..." She was too careless, she didn't remember, they were half a catty. No, there is a slight distinction between not remembering and not knowing all the time. "Isn't Mr. Qin busy?" Sheng Mingzhao started the topic.

    Qin Changyi was sullen, she swiped to the screen of Sheng Mingzhao's mobile phone, and answered the question: "Don't you reply to Miss Song's message?"

    Sheng Mingzhao was confused.

    Staring at Qin Changyi's eyes, she picked up the phone, hooked her lips deliberately and said, "I'll reply right away." There were many people who sent her messages, but most of the messages were sent by Song Li, and she acted like a thief. He slid up quickly, for fear that Qin Changyi would see something he shouldn't have seen. Until her fingertips touched the line "Qin Changyi suddenly threatened me".

    Sheng Mingzhao glanced at Qin Changyi in astonishment, is he really unbelievable? But why did she intimidate Song Li? Could it be because of her phone that Song Li knew a "secret"?

    "Mr. Qin can tell me directly if he has any dissatisfaction." Sheng Mingzhao put down the phone, she looked at Qin Changyi with a charming smile.

    Qin Changyi rubbed her temples, and she muttered: "I don't." After a while, she met Sheng Mingzhao's eyes again and said, "Miss Sheng didn't tell me directly?"

    Sheng Mingzhao lied without changing his face. : "I'm not dissatisfied with President Qin."

    Qin Changyi put on an expression of disbelief.

    Sheng Mingzhao frowned and sighed softly, as if he was saddened by being misunderstood. She suddenly stood up and turned to get close to Qin Changyi. The distance between the two was extremely close, and she could feel the temperature of each other's breath—perhaps this was the closest distance after leaving the bed? A mocking smile appeared on Sheng Mingzhao's face. She stared at Qin Changyi and said deliberately, "Don't you believe me, Mr. Qin?"

    Qin Changyi took a step back and pulled the distance between the two. She said, "I don't believe it.

    " It's such a pity." Sheng Mingzhao shrugged, and she said, "Then I'll tell the truth." She waved to Qin Changyi, motioning her to come and listen.

    Qin Changyi really got close.

    Sheng Mingzhao stretched out his hand and embraced Qin Changyi's waist, while the other hand brushed away a strand of Qin Changyi's long hair and pinned her behind her ear. Aware of the dazed look in Qin Changyi's eyes, she restrained her smile, her lips deliberately brushed against Qin Changyi's cheek, and finally blew a breath toward her earlobe. She noticed the trembling of the person in her arms, and she whispered: " If you are dissatisfied, there are still some. Don't you think you are too good, Mr. Qin? What if Mr. Qin had more time to practice the piano? "

The corners of Sheng Mingzhao's mouth twitched, she squinted slightly, watching Qin Changyi's unchanging iceberg face collapse in front of her eyes with great interest.

    It's like a piece of absorbent paper thrown into red dye, and it's completely dyed in an instant.

    Qin Changyi stared at Sheng Mingzhao, her heart burning like fire. She took a deep breath and didn't want to show her weak side in front of Sheng Mingzhao, but Sheng Mingzhao whispered "Do you need to be taught?" in her ear. She couldn't restrain her emotions and trembling body, turned around and walked out of the study .

    The back is a bit embarrassed to flee in a hurry.

    Sheng Mingzhao smiled, her physical exhaustion and heavy heart seemed to be dispelled by Qin Changyi's abnormality, she returned to the desk in a good mood, picked up a pen and continued her unfinished work.

    Qin Changyi looked at the mirror in the bedroom, her heartbeat was still a bit fast. The upsurge on the face has never receded, like a scorching peach blossom in full bloom. Frustration, embarrassment, dazed, puzzled... Multiple emotions intertwined in his eyes, and finally turned into a sigh.

    Sheng Mingzhao was really a little abnormal, and even took her to herself. Qin Changyi sorted out her emotions before returning to the living room to continue working. Wang Zhao had already sent a schedule. She looked at the week-long business trip above and fell into contemplation.

    This trip was optional, but if she stayed at home, Sheng Mingzhao's mocking and teasing eyes would make her even more unbearable.

    "Get ready and leave tomorrow." Qin Changyi sent Wang Zhao a message.

    Wang Zhao was stunned.

    How come one day earlier than on the schedule?

    It is obviously under the same roof, but one is in the living room and the other is in the study.

    At the end of a busy day, Sheng Mingzhao was not in the mood to do anything, so he lay down and went to sleep early. After Qin Changyi returned to the room, he glanced at Sheng Mingzhao who had rolled the quilt into a long strip, rubbed his eyes and sighed softly. Her movements were very light, for fear of awakening the sleeping person. When Sheng Mingzhao woke up the next morning, Qin Changyi was no longer there.

    Sheng Mingzhao was also used to such days.

    Only when he caught a glimpse of the note paper that Qin Changyi had pasted on the bedside table, did he slightly raise his eyebrows.

    ——Sister Zhang is back today, and I am on a business trip for a week.

    The handwriting is vigorous and powerful.

    Why can't the fingers work?

    "Zhaozhao, you've changed. You ignored me all day yesterday. Could it be that Qin Changyi gave this or that?" Song Li opened the harassing phone early in the morning, and before Sheng Mingzhao could speak, he cracked and poured beans. Said a lot.     Sheng Mingzhao moved the phone away in disgust. After she finished speaking, she said slowly, "I'm busy

    doing business. What's wrong?"

    Song Li was shocked, and after a while, he said, "Come out and play!"

Sheng Mingzhao was also tired of the pen and computer. Song Li had such a suggestion. She nodded and agreed without thinking much.

    Sunday's bars are bustling even before night.

    Sheng Mingzhao lowered the brim of his hat and quickly found where Song Li was.

    At this moment, Song Li had already hooked up with the handsome bartender, blowing rainbow farts to the bartender who made a fantastic cocktail.

    "Song Li—" Sheng Mingzhao lowered his voice.

    Song Li froze, turned around and said, "Zhaozhao, are you here?" The

    bartender gave a smile that he thought was handsome, and said, "This

    lady—" Sheng Mingzhao threw a knife at him.

    Song Li was a frequent visitor in the bar and was able to navigate the crowds with ease. Sheng Mingzhao asked her why she didn't directly open a bar, and she said regretfully, "The old man is not allowed." It seems that if someone hadn't pressed her on top, she would have actually gone to open a bar.

    "What's the matter with me?" The resident singer in the bar sang an old song, with a hoarse and dark tone, like a tired customer who has been in the dust for a long time, which drew applause from many people. Sheng Mingzhao didn't like this kind of hustle and bustle, she frowned at Song Li, and said dissatisfiedly, "How did you choose this place?"

    Song Li looked at Sheng Mingzhao in surprise, and she said, "I thought you also needed to borrow wine. Sorrow."

    Sheng Mingzhao said indifferently: "No need." The

    two beauties sitting at the bar would naturally attract others to strike up a conversation, but Sheng Mingzhao exudes an aura that strangers should not approach, which makes many people Sorry to back off.

    "Qin Changyi is at home?" Song Li suddenly asked again. She didn't think that Qin, who was busy in the company, would always send herself such a message.

    "I'm on a business trip." Sheng Mingzhao said lightly.

    Song Li sighed after hearing this, and approached Sheng Mingzhao and said mysteriously, "Isn't that lonely?"

    Sheng Mingzhao squinted at Song Li and said with a sneer, "Go away!" She didn't care about Qin Changyi's schedule, even The notes left behind on business trips are also rare. What will happen on this trip? Will it be an important plot to promote the novel? Sheng Mingzhao thought casually that she had never even heard Song Li call her.

    "What are you thinking?" Song Li was quite speechless.

    "It's nothing." Sheng Mingzhao replied lightly, she leaned back, and said lazily, "What's the matter with you?"

    Her question completely opened Song Li's words.

    "Isn't the old man saying that I don't have a proper job all day long? Isn't my job a teahouse? Why do I just do nothing?" Song Li dissatisfied, she glanced at Sheng Mingzhao, and said indignantly, "The most annoying thing is that the old man made me Compared with you, don't you stay at home and do nothing?"

    Sheng Mingzhao: "...If you can't speak, I can teach you."

    "No, no, no." Song Li waved his hands again and again. She looked at Sheng Mingzhao, and under this eerie blue light, Miss Sheng was still indescribably beautiful. She said like a ghost, "Why don't you go out, I'll be your agent! I'm still a professional counterpart!" Song Li clenched her fist and became excited. She has money to waste at home, why should she worry about other things? ? Of course, what you have learned after graduation is given back to the professor. "I remember that your university was in the drama club."

    Sheng Mingzhao looked at Song Li with anger and amusement. She didn't know what was going on in her friend's little head all day. She said, "I didn't agree with Director Wan wanting me to play his role. Mo Wen, I just don't have any plans for this."

    "That's fine." Song Li said regretfully. She looked at Sheng Mingzhao for a long time, then pretended to sigh, "How did you let your fat water flow into Qinjiatian! What a pity! You two have digested it internally, and the rest, eh—" Song Li let out a long sigh .

    "How are you going to fool your old man?" Sheng Mingzhao asked.

    Song Li thought for a while, then she said: "Let the funds flow, and when I defeat the old man, I will know that I am a worm."

    Sheng Mingzhao gave a thumbs up and praised: "You are really a genius! Song

    Li smiled slyly and

    replied, "It's not." "Don't make jokes, just say it directly." Sheng Mingzhao didn't think Song Li was just talking casually, she probably really had something she wanted to do.

    Song Li squeezed her throat and coughed. She looked at Sheng Mingzhao and asked, "Do you still remember Zhao Xian?"

    Sheng Mingzhao shook his head and said frankly, "I don't remember."

    Song Li choked and snorted: "That's the ex who dumped me." At the end, he added, "The reason is that I'm not as good-looking as Qin Changyi!"

    Sheng Mingzhao said hypocritically, "Then what? Are you looking back?"

    "Of course not . !" Song Li gritted his teeth and said, "I heard that she is going to make a school drama."

    Sheng Mingzhao said, "Continue."

    Song Li sighed and said, "She has a nemesis named Li Ling, and I heard that she is also planning to shoot a school drama. The two are about the same age and have similar shooting styles, so they will inevitably be compared together. Zhao Xian is always the one who lost. "I

    've never heard of it, I'm not familiar with it. Sheng Mingzhao looked at Song Li and wondered: "So you want to avenge your old lover?"

    Song Li replied: "No, I heard that Li Ling's capital chain is broken, and I plan to invest."

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..." After all, I plan to do charity work. "How's the script?" she asked.

    Song Li sincerely said , "I don't know."

    Sheng Mingzhao couldn't tell whether Song Li really wanted to be a prodigal or a fake one. An ex is so obsessed with it?

    "She is still thinking about Qin Changyi, are you not coming?" Song Li urged.

    "Childish." Sheng Mingzhao snorted softly, and said again, "Let's take a look at the script first." I don't have an impression, he should not be an important character in the novel, at least not like himself, he is a vicious person who will soon cool down. female match. She has no interest in the love and hatred between the two, but Song Li wants to invest, and as her good best friend, it is naturally not easy to watch, and losing a little money is nothing.

    Song Li knew Sheng Mingzhao let go as soon as she heard it. She turned around and wanted to give Sheng Mingzhao a hug, but was pushed away by Sheng Mingzhao with disgust.

    deep city.

    After getting off the plane, Qin Changyi kept checking his mobile phone.

    Wang Zhao glanced at his boss who was behaving abnormally, not knowing what to say.

    Qin Changyi's expression was stern, and there were many people who sent her messages, but Sheng Mingzhao was not the only one. She irritably opened her seldom-used Weibo and looked at "Sun and Moon Zhaozhao" in her follow-up list. Sure enough, Sheng Mingzhao did not return. She withdrew from the list with a look of indifference, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a topic on the hot search.

    #Sheng Mingzhao Affair#

    For a moment, she thought she had read it wrong, so she exited Weibo and entered again. There is a word "explosive" at the back of the topic, and it climbs up layer by layer. Qin Changyi clicked on the topic and saw only a vague picture. The two seemed to be embracing, and one of them showed a straight face, which was indeed Sheng Mingzhao.

    As for the other one -

    Qin Changyi's complexion sank, she was planning to let Wang Zhao handle the matter, and she caught Sheng Mingzhao's news again.

    Riyue Zhaozhao V: I have the big and clear pictures here, thank you for taking them. [Picture][Picture][Picture]

    Qin Changyi clicked on the pictures, each of which was a group photo of Sheng Mingzhao and Song Li. There is even one, she is also in the mirror, but it is like a foil for two people, without the slightest sense of existence.

    Sheng Mingzhao is not a fool who knows nothing, she knows how to deal with this matter, and she doesn't need her help at all.

    Qin Changyi sighed lightly, and she sent Sheng Mingzhao a message: "I'm in Shencheng."

    After a long time, Sheng Mingzhao replied: "Okay."

Unlike Qin Changyi, Sheng Mingzhao rarely appears in the public eye, and there are very few photos that can be found on the Internet.

    This time it was also a coincidence that it happened to be photographed secretly by someone who recognized her.

    "I didn't expect that I would be able to get a hot search on your light --"

    Song Li teased in a message.

    It didn't take long for another post: "[Crying], will Qin Changyi kill me?"

    Sheng Mingzhao replied: "She doesn't care."

    There are a lot of people who are attracted by hot searches under Weibo, and the number of followers It also rose, and it quickly surpassed 100,000 - but the fans who are resident on Weibo are not enough to watch. Sheng Mingzhao did not open the private message function. She glanced at the replies below, some were licking, some were insulting, and a few were advertising.

    ——My Cao, I didn’t even know that Miss Sheng was so beautiful!

    ——Actually, I think these two young ladies are a good match?

    ——The nausea of ​​pulling CP is dead, and Sheng Mingzhao is already married, right? Pity me, President Qin.

    - By the way, have you found something? President Qin turned out to be a single concern? This plastic wife is a real hammer.

    Sheng Mingzhao raised his eyebrows when he saw this news, Qin Changyi is following her? How does she know her Weibo number? Qin Changyi could no longer be found in her fan list, so she clicked directly on Qin Changyi's homepage and really found herself in her follower list. The Weibo posts are all in a business-like tone, but it does not prevent the fans under her Weibo from screaming.

    At the beginning, she was also fascinated by Qin Changyi's cold and abstinence temperament, and she became the most successful one among the fans.

    But now - Sheng Mingzhao frowned, she was really addicted to Qin Changyi's face, but she didn't dare to gamble on her own and her relatives' future. No longer paying attention to the news on the Internet, she was about to put away her mobile phone when she suddenly received news from Qin Changyi - I'm in Shencheng.

    In the past few days, Qin Changyi has also become strange, and began to learn to report news. Is it because of dissatisfaction with desire? With an unyielding zeal to hold on? Sheng Mingzhao laughed and replied "good" perfunctorily.

    She sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips. His fingers were pressed against his legs, knocking one after another.

    Deep City, this is a familiar place.

    She recalled it carefully for a while, and the vague plot became clear again because it involved important place names and characters.

    Qin Changyi and Su Weiran met in Shencheng.

    This time Qin Changyi was on a business trip for an acquisition plan. After the acquisition plan was successful, she did not go back to Rongcheng directly, but went to an orphanage she funded. It happened that Su Weiran also went to the orphanage to visit the dean. And the children, because of herself, grew up in the orphanage. This part of the plot also unlocks Su Weiran's true identity - a daughter who was held in the wrong hands.

    Rongcheng's Su family -

    Sheng Mingzhao was slightly impressed this time. The current young lady of the Su family, Su Man, is very arrogant and full of daughter-in-law style. Although they are in a circle, but there is no common language, they cannot play together. In the middle of the novel, Su Weiran returned to the Su family with the help of Qin Changyi. Later, when dealing with the Sheng family, it was naturally the two together. Sheng Mingzhao's face was slightly cold, although the incident did not happen, but the thought of it was like a thorn in his heart. The Sheng family has developed abroad, but there are still some foundations in China. In the plot, it was given a little bit of Jamsil by the Su family, right?

    Sheng Mingzhao was thinking about this, when Sheng's father called: "Zhaozhao, how are you doing?"

    "Very good." Sheng Mingzhao smiled and replied.

    She has only one daughter in the Sheng family. Originally, Sheng's father and mother wanted her to go abroad together, but she was partial to Qin Changyi and did not want to leave Rongcheng. Sheng's father could only give up and kept telling Qin Changyi to take care of her. The Sheng family and the Qin family are old friends. Although the Sheng family is not there, the Qin family treats her very well, for fear that she will suffer the slightest grievance.

    After hanging up the phone, Sheng Mingzhao fell into deep thought. Some of the Sheng family's domestic assets are in her name, and she doesn't care about the company's operations. After clarifying the situation, she called the person in charge, and soon, a pile of documents appeared in her mailbox. She first glanced at the financial reports. Some of them are operating well, but there is a film and television investment company. How can I say that it is not a loss, but the profits are declining every year, and sooner or later it will become a burden.

    Sheng Mingzhao browsed carefully and found that this profit was also left by Huangyue deliberately. The current head of the company is named Wang Bian. Sheng Mingzhao had no impression at all. After searching the Internet for a while, he found a lot of "black history". The company is not well-known, and there are not many people who scold him, but those pickled things—Sheng Mingzhao rubbed his temples and felt a headache.

    "Dad, who is Wang Bian? Do you have an impression?" Sheng Mingzhao sent a message to Sheng's father.

    "Xiao Wang, he is a down-to-earth person, what's wrong?" Father Sheng replied quickly.

    Sheng Mingzhao looked at the negative news on the Internet and couldn't believe that Wang Bian was the down-to-earth man his father said. Sheng Mingzhao sent a lot of Wang Bian's black materials to Sheng's father. After a long time, Sheng's father replied: "You can solve it yourself. If you don't understand, ask Changyi."

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..." The name is Zhaoran Qin Changyi is also a shareholder of the film and television investment company, and has always had a cooperative relationship with Huangyue. Didn't Wang Bian act on Huang Yue's power?

    Sheng Mingzhao made a video call to Qin Changyi. She thought it would take a long time for Qin Changyi to reply, but she didn't expect to get through after dialing. At this time, Qin Changyi was still in the hotel. Sheng Mingzhao swept around and his eyes fell back to her face. She said, "Do you know Wang Bian?"

    Qin Changyi was surprised by Sheng Mingzhao's call, and she blinked. , replied: "Zhaoran." She actually didn't like Wang Bian very much, but because he was Zhaoran, she kept turning one eye and closing one eye. If this disgusting silverfish appeared in Huangyue, it would have been long ago. was fired.

    Qin Changyi did not hide her disgust for Wang Bian, Sheng Mingzhao saw it in her eyes, she chuckled lightly: "Do you know what he did?" Sheng Mingzhao's voice was very soft, but it fell into Qin Changyi's heart like a memory hammer. After a long while, she made a "hmm" sound.

    "Then what did you say to deal with it?" Sheng Mingzhao's attitude was very casual.

    Qin Changyi thought for a moment and said, "I quit." Such a person will only ruin the company's reputation. There is also Zhaoran's business situation, she also knows a little. She looked at Sheng Mingzhao and said, "If you want to continue the business, Wang Bian can't be kept." She seldom talked about these issues with Sheng Mingzhao. This time Sheng Mingzhao deliberately asked, so she said more. a few words. Sheng Mingzhao meant the same as Qin Changyi, she said "um" and stopped talking. The two stared at each other for a moment in the video, always feeling a sense of embarrassment lingering around them. Qin Changyi pursed her lips and wanted to ask about things on the Internet, but before she could speak, Sheng Mingzhao simply hung up.

    Qin Changyi: "..." The

    beauty is fascinating.

    Sheng Mingzhao breathed a sigh of relief, maybe the screen weakened her coldness and inhumanity, making her softer and more seductive than face-to-face. Qin Changyi's face was likable no matter what. Sheng Mingzhao thought to himself.

    Sheng Mingzhao's action is very strong.

    Knowing what happened to Zhaoran, she planned to go there in person.

    When Wang Bian learned that Sheng Mingzhao went to the company, he was surprised. Everyone calls him President Wang, but in fact, the word "vice" has to be added before the title. Sheng Mingzhao was a hands-off shopkeeper, so the management of the company fell into his hands. He was warned by Huang Yue a while ago, and he didn't dare to take any excessive actions. But now this eldest lady has come to the company.

    "Mr. Wang, what should I do? There is still a wine party." The assistant said in a low voice.

    Wang Bian gritted his teeth. When he thought that this eldest lady has never cared about things, how could Huang Yue have the means, he said, "I don't care about her." What if she just went to the company on a whim?

    The people in the company are fresh faces.

    Before she went out, Qin Changyi sent her an email, which contained the directory and faction relationship of Zhao Ran's senior management. Wang Bian is rooted in the company, and naturally he also has a few cronies. Sheng Mingzhao has absolute right to speak in the company. Seeing that Wang Bian did not appear, she simply said indifferently, "I will not use it in the future." Zhao Ran

    's people did not expect that the appearance of this eldest lady would be a big change in personnel, causing high-level personnel to change. shock.

    When Wang Bian received the news, he was drowsy and drowsy. He has no credit or hard work in the company for many years - how can he recognize this tone? Immediately rushed back to the company to seek justice.

    The noise came, like a noisy vegetable market.

    The lawyer sat drinking tea and looked at Sheng Mingzhao from time to time.

    "Miss Sheng, what do you mean?" Wang Bian said angrily.

    Sheng Mingzhao lifted his eyelids, glanced at Wang Bian lightly, and immediately withdrew his gaze, as if he had seen something disgusting. Wang Bian's face turned blue with anger, he said, "How can you, a young man, know about company management?"

    "Really? But what does this have to do with you?" Sheng Mingzhao chuckled lightly. The financial report was thrown on the table, and he said slowly, "That's the way it is, you were fired." "You—


    "If Mr. Wang has any dissatisfaction, talk to the lawyer." Sheng Mingzhao chuckled lightly. Seeing that Wang Bian's eyes were gloomy, she added, "For example, using the public to benefit one's own interests, for example, using power to force others—" Zhao Ran invested in many bad dramas. After investigation, it was found that Wang Bian had an affair with the behind-the-scenes personnel or actors. She doesn't care whether Wang Bian and those people are willing or forced, these things that damage the company make it impossible for him to stay in Zhaoran.

    The people in the novel, the life scene is like a treacherous dream. She watched herself step by step into the abyss as a bystander, how could she repeat the same mistakes again?

Wang Bian's face darkened.

    The lawyer stood up with a smile and said, "Mr. Wang, please come this way." His expression was gentle and his tone was polite, but Wang Bian still felt a little pressure. He stared at Sheng Mingzhao, bloodshot in his eyes. Huang Yue also knew about those things, but he never interfered, and occasionally gave him a warning, and he indulged. I didn't expect this eldest lady to take this matter! Without the power of the Sheng family and the Qin family, he really is nothing. Although he was unwilling, he was afraid that people would know his secrets, so he didn't dare to continue making trouble in Zhaoran.

    Looking at the fat-headed and big-eared Wang Bian, a trace of contempt flashed in Sheng Mingzhao's eyes, she was too lazy to stay here, and the follow-up things would naturally be done.

    "Zhaozhao, the script has sent you an email." Sheng Mingzhao glanced at his phone, and the first message was from Song Li.

    Sheng Mingzhao thought for a moment, then called Song Li. She said, "Zhaoran Film and Television Investment, you know, right? I plan to take over it myself. I didn't expect Wang Bian to take advantage of Zhaoran's power and disgusting people and open it directly.

    " Ah?" Song Li was in a trance, and after a long while he replied, "Zhaozhao, you have changed, you are no longer squatting at home, so the old man is going to whisper in my ear again."

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..."

    Wan Chunsheng The design draft requested there, the personnel change of Zhaoran, and the script sent by Song Li, Sheng Mingzhao was too busy for the next week. During this period, Qin Changyi didn't have any phone contact as before, Sheng Mingzhao laughed and left everything behind. Wang Bian left behind a lot of mess, and only professionals can finish it. After a small meeting, everyone agreed that the school drama would be a new beginning, and they had to get into intensive preparations.

    deep city.

    After talking about the company's acquisition, Qin Changyi did not return to Rongcheng immediately.

    After the video conference, Qin Changyi turned to look at Wang Zhao, and asked casually, "How's Zhaoran going?"

    Wang Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head honestly. She knew that Zhao Ran was in the name of Miss Sheng, and President Qin took more care of her, but Wang Bian was really ignorant. After warning her a while ago, she stopped paying attention.

    Qin Changyi heard the words "um", as if she didn't care at all. Wang Zhao's scalp was numb, and she immediately went out to contact the relevant people. The news she finally got surprised her.

    "Zhao Ran's personnel changed, the top management reorganized, and Miss Sheng went in person." Wang Zhao said. Her biggest impression of Sheng Mingzhao was her flamboyant beauty, as for the others - none at all. Perhaps there is also the impression that negative news on the Internet left her, such as being arrogant and ignorant... If she has a lot of money, she won't come out to work! Who wants to be a poor social animal?

    "So she's very busy?" Qin Changyi lowered her eyes, she looked at the phone and hooked her lips. Without waiting for Wang Zhao to respond, she put away that smile again, and said in a low voice, "Let the people below watch it, and help if you need it."

    Wang Zhao nodded. No matter who is in charge of the company, they have to take care of it.

    Sheng Mingzhao has changed.

    Qin Changyi's heart resurfaced with such emotion. During this period of time, Sheng Mingzhao's image was too vivid, and gradually erased the weak impression in her mind. Only then did she realize that she had a pitiful impression of Sheng Mingzhao after three years of marriage. The marriage between the two families was proposed by the Sheng family. Although they grew up together, they were not that close. The person who played with Sheng Mingzhao the most was Song Li. She could sense Sheng Mingzhao's attention to her—perhaps it was just for her face, Qin Changyi sighed lightly.

    Then what are you doing for yourself?

    The family's urging, she is not disgusted with Sheng Mingzhao -

    in her opinion, the past three years have been harmonious. It's just that in Sheng Mingzhao's eyes -

    "like a dead fish" and "too dishy", such an evaluation is really frustrating! Qin Changyi sighed softly while holding her hands.

    "Mr. Qin, it's time to go." Wang Zhao whispered.

    Qin Changyi recovered and said in a low voice, "Okay."

    An orphanage she funded happened to be in Shencheng. The dean invited her to visit it a while ago, but she never had time to spare. It happened to be in the deep city now, and I went to see it for myself to know what was going on there. Qin Changyi looked down at the time, and when the orphanage was over, she just flew back to Shencheng. One day earlier than expected, I wonder if Sheng Mingzhao would be happy?

    Qin Changyi realized that she was distracted again, thinking about Sheng Mingzhao several times more than before. Could it be because of Sheng Mingzhao's few words? Qin Changyi was a little at a loss.

    The orphanage is called "Qiguang" and has been established for more than 20 years. The current dean is the niece of the old dean and dedicated his life to the orphanage. The orphanage has its own source of income, but it can only maintain its own basic needs. More things are donated by caring people in the society. Among them, Qin Changyi has been funding Qiguang for several years.

    When Qin Changyi arrived, there was another guest at the dean's place. Qin Changyi didn't think she had anything special and needed everyone else to disperse. She nodded towards the strange young woman as a greeting.

    The dean introduced: "This is Mr. Qin from Huangyue."

    She pointed to the young woman beside her and smiled: "President Qin, this is Su Weiran, she also went out of our orphanage. Helping us."

    Su Weiran smiled at Qin Changyi, her eyes were shining, she pressed excitedly: "I know President Qin." She turned to the dean, and said a little embarrassedly, "President, I'm also a Huangyue artist, have you forgotten?" Although she is Huangyue's, the number of times she encounters Qin Changyi is very small, and the figure she sees from a distance is enough to make people appear in a row, not to mention the huge impact brought by face-to-face. . Su Weiran had seen many beauties in the circle, but Qin Changyi was obviously the one that attracted her the most and moved her the most.

    Qin Changyi's mood did not fluctuate when he met an artist in the company. It's just that Su Weiran's face was somewhat familiar, so she raised her eyes to take a few more glances. During this period, she also met Su Weiran's eyes, but she soon looked away, smiling coldly and estranged.

    Qin Changyi stayed at the orphanage and had a meal with them because the dean was kind. The dean likes Su Weiran very much. The words are all about Su Weiran's childhood. Su Weiran listened to her embarrassment, and a blushing appeared on her face. She looked at Qin Changyi shyly and timidly, and then turned to the hospital. Long said: "President, don't talk about it." And the dean kept laughing.

    Before leaving, the dean took a photo with Qin Changyi, and because of the relationship between Su Weiran and the dean, they were naturally called over.

    When Su Weiran got the photo, he couldn't help it, so he posted a Weibo: President Qin is really a kind-hearted person. [Picture]

    She was originally from a girl group, although the popularity has dropped a lot, but she also has thousands of live fans on Weibo. Su Weiran did not hide the fact that he was from an orphanage, but instead gained a label of "honesty", which caused many people to feel distressed.

    ——Meimeimei, licking her face is coming!

    ——Fuck, who is that sister on the side? So sassy!

    - You don't know that, do you? It's Huang Yue's boss!

    If the fans below do not know it, those who know it will explain it to them immediately. The popularity of this Weibo rose steadily, surpassing any of Su Weiran's previous posts, and even rushed to the hot search. Su Weiran was both happy and apprehensive about this. What if President Qin doesn't like himself like this?

    With a small speaker like Song Li around, Sheng Mingzhao saw the news no matter how busy he was. She looked at the group photo on the picture, Qin Changyi's smile was very light, but Su Weiran smiled like a bright sunflower, her eyes clearly fell on Qin Changyi. In the plot, this is the beginning of their story, did they meet?

    Sheng Mingzhao threw the phone aside and continued to draw her own design drawings - she only gave Wan Chunsheng a few samples of the finished drawing height, and the rest were sketches. If Wan Chunsheng adopted it, let the artists in their group Continue to improve. Seeing 100% sent, Sheng Mingzhao breathed a sigh of relief. She pressed her eyebrows and closed the computer.

    The huge room was cold and silent, without fireworks, just like Qin Changyi.

    This guy will probably be back tomorrow, right? How is she feeling? Will the pleasure of "talking happily" with Su Weiran continue? They haven't divorced yet, if that's the case, is it considered a spiritual infidelity? Sheng Mingzhao's thoughts drifted farther and farther, and the sleepiness gradually came up. She hugged the pillow, curled up on the sofa and yawned.

    Qin Changyi didn't stay in the deep city for a long time. After leaving the opening, she went straight to the airport and flew back to Rongcheng. By the time she got home exhausted, it was almost twelve o'clock. Sheng Mingzhao huddled on the sofa, his whole body curled up into a ball. Qin Changyi's eyes fell on the notebook on the coffee table, and then fixedly on Sheng Mingzhao's face. She sighed faintly, approached Sheng Mingzhao, and said softly, "Zhaozhao, wake up, go back to the room to sleep." Before Sheng Mingzhao woke up, her face turned slightly red. She rarely addresses Sheng Mingzhao like that.

    "Huh?" Sheng Mingzhao was sleepy, she shrank, opened her eyelids and looked at the person in front of her.

    "No way? No way? Does President Qin live here?" Sheng Mingzhao's tone was a little rushed. She had a dream, and she obviously didn't know that she was not in a dream now.

    She was still thinking in a trance, not forgetting the yin and yang strangeness even in her dreams.

Where should she go if she doesn't come back here? Qin Changyi was stunned for a moment, and directly took Sheng Mingzhao's words as sleep talk.

    Chaos's brain gradually became sober, Sheng Mingzhao noticed a coldness, she shrank her body and looked up at Qin Changyi. The light illuminated the profile of her face, but it melted like spring ice, adding a bit of warmth. Her mind started to work when she got stuck, and she thought it was ridiculous when she thought of the yin and yang words. It's just that Qin Changyi didn't speak, she just assumed that nothing happened.

    "Did you come back overnight? Is there anything urgent tomorrow?" Sheng Mingzhao asked casually, rubbing her eyes and pounding her lower back. He actually fell asleep on the sofa, but the sleepy bug left, but his back was still sore.

    Her question did not expect Qin Changyi to answer.

    But Qin Changyi spoke unexpectedly, and replied, "Nothing urgent." Finally, he added, "Rest."

    "Oh." Sheng Mingzhao responded, and she stretched and stood up. Qin Changyi's hand that was going to rub her waist suddenly came to nothing. She was a little embarrassed.

    "It's getting late, let's wash up." Sheng Mingzhao walked up the stairs before turning to look at Qin Changyi, she said.

    Qin Changyi gave a soft "en" and neatly arranged the things that Sheng Mingzhao left on the coffee table.

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..." I'm afraid this guy's obsessive-compulsive disorder can't be saved.

    When Qin Changyi came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Sheng Mingzhao didn't fall asleep. She was sitting on the bed with a grey-blue pillow tucked behind her back, with an open book on her lap, her hands folded against the book. She closed her eyes and looked serious, as if thinking about something.

    Qin Changyi was afraid of disturbing Sheng Mingzhao, so she left the room lightly, and waited downstairs to dry her long hair before returning to the bedroom. Sheng Mingzhao still maintained his previous posture without any change. She glanced suspiciously, but didn't know what to say. Sitting back on the bed, she reached out and picked up the book by the lamp, glanced at it, and put it down in panic. His hand hit the cabinet, making a crisp "dong" sound, which also awakened Sheng Mingzhao who was wandering in his mind.

    "What's the matter?" Sheng Mingzhao's eyes stopped on Qin Changyi's elbow, and the words of concern came to her lips and were swallowed by her.

    Qin Changyi replied softly: "It's fine."

    Sheng Mingzhao said "oh", and only then did he find the book "not suitable for children" on the bedside table, but Qin Changyi is obviously not a child! She chuckled lightly, approached Qin Changyi, caught a blush on her face, and then smiled lowly, "Why are you shy?" Qin Changyi is so stunning, should she be squeezed in marriage, until the end Is it not a loss?

    "I didn't." Qin Changyi wanted to avoid Sheng Mingzhao, but soon found himself on the bed, and it was inevitable. When she met Sheng Mingzhao's bright eyes, she knew that she didn't believe it at all. "Aren't you sleepy?" she whispered, clasping her hands on her lap.

    Sheng Ming snorted lightly and replied, "Not now."

    Qin Changyi gave a "en" and subconsciously went to read the book, but suddenly realized that the book on top had been replaced by Sheng Mingzhao. She originally wanted to lie down, but Sheng Mingzhao sat on the side, disturbing her mind. After a long time, she said, "It's time to sleep." It was

    late at night.

    Sheng Mingzhao obviously noticed that Qin Changyi was at a loss, she lied down with a chuckle, and let Qin Changyi turn off the lights in the room. But when the people around her lay down, she turned over again and wrapped her arms around her waist. A faint fragrance came from his hair, Sheng Mingzhao remained silent, but the movements in his hands did not stop. After three years of marriage, she didn't know Qin Changyi's preferences, but she was very familiar with her body, and she was able to capture every sensitive point of Qin Changyi.

    "Turn around." Sheng Mingzhao's voice was a little hoarse.

    Qin Changyi turned around obediently, and she closed her eyes, ignoring Sheng Mingzhao's expression.

    But Sheng Mingzhao's movements suddenly stopped, but turned to hold her hand and rubbed her fingertips.

    "I'll teach you." Sheng Mingzhao smiled slyly, she bit Qin Changyi's earlobe and tempted, "You have to do it yourself and feel it yourself to know, right?"

    Qin Changyi's face was red and embarrassed, and her breathing became heavier. Of course she knew what Sheng Mingzhao meant, and her whole body was hot, as if she was in a stove. Her resistance was silent, but she was gradually influenced by Sheng Mingzhao -

    her mind was dizzy, she seemed to hear someone whispering in her ear.

    - I still like you very much.

    Is it the face or the body?

    After being tossed all night, Qin Changyi woke up late, and when she opened her eyes, she was already empty. The dazzling sunlight hit her eyes, she reached out to cover it, and pulled out her phone to see that it was almost eleven o'clock. Growing up, she had hardly ever woken up so late.

    Sheng Mingzhao was not in the study or downstairs, and Qin Changyi realized that she had gone out.

    "Madam, she's gone to the company," said Mrs. Zhang.

    Qin Changyi said "en" with a sullen face, she still had an unreal feeling. It was as if her roles with Sheng Mingzhao were reversed.

    There was no note left by Sheng Mingzhao in the house, and there was no message from her on the phone, but there were messages from others adding friends, Qin Changyi lowered his eyes and ignored them all.

    Sheng Mingzhao was obviously in a good mood, and she went out to the company very early. Some materials from Zhao Ran's past are piled up in her office, and there are many things missing. Spending money on one drama after another is rarely rewarded. She searched for a long time and could not find things such as market reviews and risk assessment reports - it is very doubtful whether such a team can do a good job.

    "Zhaozhao, have you read the script? How do you feel?" Song Li called and asked enthusiastically.

    "Look, it's not bad." Sheng Mingzhao replied, at least in the script, the ignorance and ambiguity of the two girls in their adolescence were written vividly. This story is not based on a novel, but an original work by the screenwriter. No wonder Song Li said that the director liked it, and even if he broke the pot and sold iron, he would shoot it.

    "Do you have Li Ling's contact information here? I'm in the company today." Sheng Mingzhao smiled.

    "There are some, you wait." Song Li hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

    After waiting for a few hours, the front desk called and said that there were guests visiting - Song Li brought Li Ling over directly.

    Li Ling's team was not fully formed. All parties came on stage and tried their best to attract investment, but the results were not satisfactory.

    Sheng Mingzhao looked at the young woman with a somewhat bookish air in front of him, and without waiting for her to speak, he asked directly, "How much is the budget?"

    Li Ling took out a stack of documents from his bag, and took out a small stack at the top, neither humble nor arrogant. Dao: "This is the budget table." The

    30-episode web drama has a two-month shooting period and a budget of 30 million yuan, which is a small amount for Sheng Mingzhao.

    Song Li opened his mouth and said, "I can give three million personally."

    Sheng Mingzhao: "..." Sheng Mingzhao was not very good at saying anything else to Song Li's eyes full of anticipation. She nodded towards Li Ling. Nodding his head, he said, "We need a team evaluation. Miss Li, you can leave your contact information and I will give you a letter of approval."

    Li Ling glanced at Sheng Mingzhao and knew that this person was not easy to be persuaded. , Thousands of words finally turned into a "Okay, thank you Mr. Sheng".

    Song Li and Sheng Mingzhao have something to talk about, but Li Ling has other things, so he doesn't keep it in the company.

    "This office——" Song Li wandered around and said in a long tone, "It's not bad."

    "It's not bad, do you want to return to the office life?" Sheng Mingzhao smiled.

    Song Li immediately showed panic, she waved her hands again and again: "No, salted fish is still suitable for me."

    "Where is your predecessor Zhao Xian now?" Sheng Mingzhao asked casually.

    Song Li slapped his face when he heard the name, but still gave Sheng Mingzhao accurate information. She said: "She is Tianhong now, and her school drama "Little Spring Breeze" was produced by Tianhong. It was adapted from the novel of the same name, which is considered a foundation."

    "Having readers is not necessarily a good thing." Sheng Mingzhao said meaningfully. She has heard of Rainbow Entertainment. Although she is not as good as Huang Yue, she is also a well-known figure in the circle and has produced many good films. Among the artists below, there are small students and acting talents, and sometimes they can compete with Huang Yue in the ring. Zhao Xian's drama has Tianhong as its backer, and the configuration is obviously not low. "I'll read the novel when I have time." Sheng Mingzhao said.

    "It's just three female students in one show, what's so good about it?" Song Li said in a dazed voice, "It's not as good as Qin Changyi, who is a famous person. Speaking of which, she's on campus—" Song Li suddenly got stuck, and she scratched her head. He scratched his head, looked at Sheng Mingzhao and said, "I don't seem to remember much, can you tell me?"

    Sheng Mingzhao choked, and after a while, he said, "I don't remember either."

    Song Li said strangely, "You were not a fan of Qin Changyi. Sister?"

    Sheng Mingzhao said confidently: "Yeah, I'm only addicted to her face, I don't remember other things!"

    Song Li: "..." But it's too reasonable and she can't refute it.

    Sheng Mingzhao turned on the computer, searched for news related to "Little Spring Breeze", and jumped out of the overwhelming news, many of which were recent. Obviously, Tianhong has already started to build momentum for the show. Regarding the original work, a huge number of fans have also formed a super talk, and book fans will publish quotations, reflections or other related content on time.

    "How is it?" Song Li approached Sheng Mingzhao and asked curiously.

    Sheng Mingzhao said after a long while, "In the current state, you have already lost in terms of publicity."

    "You don't want to go back on it, right?" Song Li exclaimed in surprise, she was picking on Zhao Xian's shortcomings and said like a bean. Out, "Zhao Xian's camera sense is very poor, and her shooting method is very one-sided. Whether it is a TV series or a movie, it is like shooting an MV. I don't know how she was recruited into Tianhong..."

    "Stop——" Sheng Mingzhao Her eyes sank slightly, and she stopped.

    His eyes stayed on a Weibo that actually had little to do with "Little Spring Breeze".

    The spring breeze is ten miles away from you v: Am I the only one who thinks that Mr. Qin and Mr. Su are a good match? @Su Weiranv: President Qin is really nice and kind. [Picture]

    Song Li noticed the murderous aura overflowing from Sheng Mingzhao, she didn't wait for anyone to ask, she immediately said: "This fool, really has no vision! Who is this woman surnamed Su, who is less than one thousandth of yours! "

Song Li focused on Sheng Mingzhao, and of course he didn't think that the eighteenth line, who had never even heard of his name, would be a match for Qin Changyi. There were many people chasing Qin Changyi, but in the end only Sheng Mingzhao succeeded. In her eyes, Sheng Mingzhao and Qin Changyi standing together can be considered pleasing to the eye. Seeing that Sheng Mingzhao's murderous aura had dissipated, she asked again curiously: "Who is this person?"

    Sheng Mingzhao snorted: "Suspect No. 1."

    Song Li: "..." After a while, she glared at her. With wide eyes, he looked at Sheng Mingzhao and said, "Could it be that Qin Changyi has cheated on her?"

    "That's not true." Sheng Mingzhao replied, and added another sentence in his heart, at least not now.

    Song Li suddenly realized: "That's the imaginary rival number 10086."

    Not many people forwarded and liked this inexplicable Weibo, and Sheng Mingzhao didn't pay attention to it anymore, thinking that it would be submerged in information like many messages. In the trend of - but in the afternoon, this Weibo was suddenly fired. The names of Qin Changyi and Su Weiran are also linked together, and there are people who say something. Sheng Mingzhao is not a clay figurine with no temper. How can he not be emotional when he sees those words?

    - Are you blind? There is another person beside her, why don't you say that she is a good match for Su Weiran? The heat was all over Mr. Qin. Don't forget that Mr. Qin is married, and he is a match for the same frame. Let me calculate, how many spouses does Mr. Qin have?

    Sheng Mingzhao liked this reply with his Weibo account.

    People online are like sharks who smell blood and move on the wind.

    Sheng Mingzhao liked this reply to show his attitude towards this matter. As for Qin Changyi, there was no movement. Netizens rushed to Sheng Mingzhao's Weibo to leave messages and gossip about her relationship with Qin Changyi. After all, the number of times the two of them appear in the same frame is too small.

    The last time she was on a hot search, the target was Song Li.

    ——I hope Miss Shanda will post more selfies! So beautiful! It would be great if I could share the same frame with President Qin.

    This reply was posted on Sheng Mingzhao's last Weibo.

    Soon, someone else came to leave a message.

    ——What are President Qin and Miss Sheng so stunning! A Tianshan night snow, a sea of ​​pearls!

    Seeing these touted messages, Sheng Mingzhao's lips curled into a faint smile. That's it! What is Su Weiran? What is she worth? !

    Some sunspots just can't see other people's bright and beautiful lives, and try to find others, such as Sheng Mingzhao - her resume is too clean, people say she is an ignorant and ignorant rich second generation, with empty vases and rice. insect. Of course, some people will come out to speak justice, but turning a blind eye is the "basic quality" of Heizi.

    "They must not know that Zhaoran has been reorganized, and Xiaosheng will personally manage the company." Zhaoran's employees left a message.

    Qin Changyi did not go out all day.

    Sheng Mingzhao was quiet when he was at home, but he wouldn't be so...dead as he is now. Qin Changyi carefully recalled Sheng Mingzhao's past appearance, and found that she was flamboyant and wanton, and she would never be as quiet as she was three years after marriage. Or she knew too little about Sheng Mingzhao.

    Qin Changyi didn't pay attention to what's going on online, but when Wang Zhao saw the hot search, his forehead sweated. After all, not long ago, President Qin said that he didn't like to be involved with these lace news - she knocked people for emergency treatment, and slandered the netizens' eyes. How could she be so blind? How could an unknown little star with a little beauty match President Qin? Is she comparable to Miss Shanda?

    Among the several parties, only Su Weiran was secretly delighted. After getting close to President Qin, her thoughts became stronger and stronger!

    Qin Changyi knew this from Sheng Mingzhao's cold face.

    Sheng Mingzhao, who came back from the company, faced her, not with the usual indifferent attitude, but exuding cold air. Qin Changyi didn't expect to know the answer from Sheng Mingzhao's mouth, she thought about it for a while, turned on her mobile phone and found the root cause on the Internet.

    Eat without speaking, sleep without speaking.

    In fact, the two of them have implemented this mantra many times, but today at the dining table, Sheng Mingzhao poked the green vegetables and tofu in front of him with chopsticks, looked up at Qin Changyi and said, "Do you think green vegetables and tofu go well together?"

    Qin Changyi turned his head. Wushui, after a long time, said: "Blue and white is very beautiful."

    Sheng Mingzhao smiled meaningfully, and she didn't speak again until the meal was over. The two sat side by side on the sofa, but they were both busy with their own affairs.

    Sheng Mingzhao read some gossip.

    And Qin Changyi was busy making the gossip related to him disappear. She followed Sheng Mingzhao, and of course she knew the like that she used to express her attitude. She scanned the message on Sheng Mingzhao's Weibo again, and blinked in confusion. After a long while, she turned her head and stared at Sheng Mingzhao. She could clearly see the tiny fluff on her face under the light. She pursed her lips and was about to ask, "Do you want to take a photo?" Sheng Mingzhao suddenly handed the phone to her. , interrupted what she had been pondering for a long time.

    A picture with just a lock and key.

    "Does it match?" Sheng Mingzhao asked. Without waiting for Qin Changyi to respond, she slid to another one - Wang Ba and Mungdou, and continued to ask, "Are you worthy?"

    Qin Changyi heard her fluttering voice after a long time, and she replied, "Not worthy."

    Sheng Mingzhao Nodding contentedly.

    Qin Changyi felt that she was connoted by Sheng Mingzhao, but she couldn't say anything. She sat upright, her face tense.

    Sheng Mingzhao chuckled, and her fingers landed on Qin Changyi's face, slowly sliding down the lines of her face. Qin Changyi lowered his eyes, his eyes moved along Sheng Mingzhao's fingers, and there was an ambiguous atmosphere in the living room. Sheng Mingzhao smiled and said, "Qin Changyi, what are you nervous about?"

    She didn't call out "Mr. Qin" in a strange way, but Qin Changyi's heart was still lifted up by her, and after a while, it slowly fell again. Qin Changyi looked at Sheng Mingzhao's retracted hand, feeling a little disappointed for some reason.

    Sheng Mingzhao raised her eyebrows, she leaned towards Qin Changyi again, and said, "How about a smile?" Her tone was very soft, like the spring breeze in March. It reminded Qin Changyi of the night scene, and she also used this tone to coax her. She listened to Sheng Mingzhao's words, and her mouth became dry. She had a faint, somewhat shy smile on her face. Sheng Mingzhao looked at her, holding the phone in his hand with a click, and photographed the souvenir.

    After getting the photo, she got up slowly, and without looking at Qin Changyi sitting on the sofa, she walked upstairs slowly.

    Qin Changyi was sitting on the sofa, her ears getting more and more flushed. She looked at Sheng Mingzhao's figure, and had a sense of absurdity that she was abandoned after being used by "scumbags".

    Sheng Mingzhao, no matter what Qin Changyi thought, she didn't even bother to edit the photo, so she sent it directly in her large size.

    —Fuck, what did I see? Ask for a photo! Miss, please take more pictures!

    ——Why does President Qin look a little shy?

    - The one upstairs is not an illusion. Before that, who and who was so petty compared to Miss Sheng!

    ——Miss Shanda is beautiful and sassy, ​​and her aura is no weaker than that of President Qin!

    ——Actually, I also have a drama video that Miss Shanda acted in school back then! Viola kills me!

    --please! I also want!

    In a photo thrown by Sheng Mingzhao, the fans below exposed her video of her acting in a drama, and it was searched by enthusiastic netizens.

    That was still the "Twelfth Night" she played in the school drama club. Viola, who disguised herself as a man, was a heroic and valiant person, and she was a perfect match with Olivia! The play also changed the ending of Shakespeare's script. Viola gave up the duke and turned to be with Olivia. Everyone was happy.

    -Ahhh! Miss Sheng, please make your debut!

    I don't know how many netizens' thoughts expressed in this reply, and some directors even came out to make fun of them, saying that the olive branch was sent but they would not accept it!

    Of course Qin Changyi could also see the news. She pursed her lips and her face darkened. She didn't know Sheng Mingzhao's hobbies.

    When she fell asleep, she whispered, "You did a great job."

    Sheng Mingzhao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qin Changyi with a half-smile, and replied, "Thank you for the compliment." "I—

    " Qin Changyi was about to say Something, the line of sight unknowingly fell on Sheng Mingzhao's open pajamas, and her breathing suddenly stagnated.

    "Are you trying to say that you don't know me?" Sheng Mingzhao didn't know that her attitude was seductive. She replied casually, "I don't know you either." After a while, she smiled ambiguously, and whispered in Qin Changyi's ear. He said, "Of course, in some respects, I'm still better than you."

    Qin Changyi's eyes widened upon hearing this.

    Sheng Mingzhao reached out and covered Qin Changyi's eyes.

    There was darkness in front of him, his eyelashes swiped, and he could feel the warm palm in front of him.

    "What do you want to do?" Qin Changyi's words were clear, and his voice was loud in the silent house.

    Sheng Mingzhao snorted, and she smiled slyly and said, "Qin Changyi, how could you ever be a teacher? Just don't forget your master and me in the future."

    The author has something to say:

    President Qin: I won't forget it, in the future You got it!
