After haldi ceremony everyone geos back to there chamber it was night tomorrow was arjun subhadra marriage.

Subhadra was sitting in her room she was so happy to marry arjun. He love her a lot more than himself her love story is going to be completed with marriage . She was looking at moon. She admire arjun name in her hand she has not meet him after mehandi Ceremony.

Her thoughts get broke by a sound of vase break. She immediately look back she can't able to see anything because of darkness.

She shivered in fear and said"who is there".

Suddenly three man entered. One is drupad second is duryodhan and third is shakuni.

Subhadra said"this is way to enter yadhavi chamber".

Duryodhan came forward and said"I don't need permission to entered in my would be wife chamber " .

Subhadra get angry and said"I think you have memory loss problem I am going to marry arjun ".

Drupad said" Your lover arjun will marry my daughter draupadi and you will marry duryodhan " .

Subhadra said"maharaj drupad I am yadhavi and going to be kulvadhu of hastinapur dont even dare to touch me I tell it to pitamaha bhishma and maharaj dhritarashtra".

She start to go suddenly someone hit her head from back. Subhadra stop she touch her hand her hand fill with blood she look back and see duryodhan beat her head with a vase. she feel lot of pain suddenly she fainted.

They trip start to laugh. They shifted subhadra in jail. They tied her hand.

Meanwhile arjun was sitting in his chamber dreaming about his subhadra. He was so happy he is going to marry subhadra. He is going to get his love as his wife . He hug pillow and sleep dreaming about subhadra.

Later in morning marriage arrangement was going on.

Suddenly renu came and said"subhadra is not in her room mata devaki".

Everyone get shocked.

Devaki said"where subhadra left then only some hour are left for marriage ".

Everyone gathered at Hall.

They were discussed about the matter.

Suddenly draupadi shakuni and drupad came.

Shakuni show as paper and said" I found it in duryodhan chamber".

Bhishma said"what is this read it out".

Shakuni read the letter.

Pithashree me and subhadra run away as we love each other but because of some misunderstanding you all arrange arjun subhadra marry I can't live without her so we both run away.

Every get shocked arjun get hurt. Aditya look at arjun.

Vasudev said"impossible my daughter can't do this if she must have love duryodhan she must have tell me she wont run away like this".

Shakuni said"maharaj vasudev you know rajkumari  subhadra respect you a lot so that day she didn't able to say no when you all ask her is she ready to marry rajkumaar arjun may be duryodhan didn't want to leave without her so he must have take her with him it is better we let them get married not to find them".

Vasudev said" you even don't need find gandharj I know my daughter I will find her".

He with his family left from court.

Vidhur said"now what we will do taha shree"

Bhishma said"what I will say vidhur rajkumari subhadra is not there everyone are waiting to witness marriage what we will do now I don't have idea"..

Drupad said"mahamim bhishma I will like to accept rajkumar arjun as my son in law I am ready to give my daughter draupadi hand in arjun hand rajmata kunti are you ready to accept my daughter as you daughter in law. "

Kunti said"yes I am ready to accept today arjun subhadra marriage was going to happen but subhadra is not here and we don't know truth and guest need to witness wedding so I agree for draupadi arjun marriage ".

Everyone agree at last everyone look at arjun.

Arjun was little confuse how can subhadra betrayed him she love him how can she run away with duryodhan is this plan but he said" I am ready for marriage ".

Draupadi drupad shakuni get happy.

Aditya ask him with eyes what you said are you serious.

Arjun ignored him.

Everyone left back to there work .

Aditya nakul take Arjun with them.

Aditya said" Arjun why you agree to marry draupadi you know she was planning to marry you so she made plan that she will come in your room at night and ask her maid to lock the door me and nakul hear it and we lock  her in her own room and send subhadra in your room without her knowing and we bring elders to your room and everything goes occurring to my and nakul plan ".

Arjun said" But she ran away".

Aditya said"keep hand on your heart and think can subhadra ran away with duryodhan by cheating you I am sure it is duryodhan and draupadi plan to separate you and subhadra".

Arjun ignored him a left..

Aditya said"nakul what is happening ".

Nakul said" Don't know".

It was time for marriage Aditya and Yudhishthir were not present.

First Arjun entered in mandap his face was covered. Later draupadi arrived she look at Arjun but couldn't see his face. She sit besides him.

The marriage start they followed every ritual at last they both get married.

Draupadi drupad shakuni get happy.

To be continued.

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