TerrorLadd- Will you come back?


* Flashback *

As I go down the stairs, I see Brian carrying a backpack and leaving the front door. I started to get worried why he would do it without saying goodbye.

" Brian, where are you going? " I approach him. He turns back in shock.

" Um... I need to get stuff done. Um late night shift. " He scratches his head. He opens the door wider

" Brian... Will you come back? " A single tear runs down my face. He wipes it and smiles

" Of course, babe. I love you no matter what. I'll be back. " He kisses my lips gently and leaves out. I feel alone without him but he's coming back.

* end of flashback *

~9 weeks later

" Ok thank you... " I place down the phone and cry like always



My knees become numb and I fall to the ground. Slouching on a cold wall.

Nothing but tears started to rain on my face. I look hideous and depressed.

I have changed a lot since Brian left me.

How I look like, how I am inside and my life without him

I decided to walk around the streets to loosen my stress. I never wanted to be known because I am still MiniLadd. But after what happened, neither me nor Terroriser has been uploading videos. The whole crew has been worrying for us. Because they miss us. So I wore a black sweater with a hoodie.

They miss me and him. But I miss Brian more. He was the love of my life, the one, my other half.

Eventually I sat on a bench at a nearby park and listened to depressed songs. Songs that make me think about him more.

Some songs are the songs that Me and Brian love to listen to

But I couldn't enjoy it

Every single day, I would watch his videos. His funny Irish style just makes me wants to chuckle.

But I never had to urge to giggle or laugh because he's not there beside me.

So I cried again but I tried to control it so I wouldn't get any attention

Then I get one from a little cute girl. Looks like a 4 year old.

" Mister... Why are you crying? " The kid approaches me and sits next to me.

" Um...Nothing kid! Just go back to your father or mother. They might be worried sick about you "

" I'm lost and I don't know where my dad is. " She looks sad.

I can't bare to see kids sad so I helped her out. She told me what her dad looks like

" My dad has dark brown hair. He was wearing a jacket like that but it's grey. Um... he's kinda taller than you. He had a light brown chin beard, but not so long. " She gives more information.

That description just reminds me of Brian.
Just wants me to cry but I controlled it so the girl wouldn't mind

Minutes later the kid, pointed to a guy in a bench his hands were behind his neck. He looks worried. We were behind him so he doesn't know that we are there

I let go of the girl, but before she goes to him, she tells me her name

" Oh yeah... my name is Carrie, my dad said that, that name was from a guy he used to date but now he doesn't know where he is. He missed him. So to remember him, I was named Carrie "

Wait what...

Afterwards, the dad immediately stood up and wiped his tears he ran to her and hugged her tight.

And the dad looked so familiar

He was Brian

As the girl lets go of her dad. Carrie points at me then he looks at me.

Brian holds the hand of Carrie and confronts me

" Hey... um... hi Craig. " Brian said in an awkward voice.

" Daddy... is that-- " She questions him but Brian interrupts her. Then Brian gave her daughter to his sister to play with

" cute daughter... she's so kind and sweet. " I try to start a conversation to hold back the tears

" Yeah... I adopted her by myself. Well technically " He looks at her while she plays

I couldn't hold the tears anymore. I cried because one, Brian was finally there before me. It wasn't a dream. But two, because Brian raised a child without me. We could have had a happy family.

Brian hugs me, the feeling of him there just makes me feel happy and myself. I hug back and cry on his shoulder. He never minded how much sobbing I caused on his jacket.
I felt so happy!


But then... it was all just a dream

He wasn't there, nor the cute daughter nor the park where I reunited with him

But then I heard noises down the kitchen, that made me shiver and scared.

" Hello? ANYONE HERE?! " I go down the steps of my stairs

Then I see him


F*ck might be another stupid f*cking dream of me reuniting with him.

" Craig, here is breakfast " Brian spoke and gave me bacon and egg for breakfast

Yup it's a stupid dream

" This is another dream! Don't make me cry. Please wake up... " I start crying because I knew I would never see him again.

Then Brian pinches me

" AW! " He pinched me again

" Wait... aw... aw... IT'S NOT! " I hug Brian. He looked confused

" Craig, what's going on? Why are you acting like I left you or something. " He looks curious

I hug him tighter without any word

" I love you, Brian. "

" I love you too, Craig. Always. "


Basically the whole story was a dream ( as in one dream, that's how long he slept ) except for he part when he woke up.

Confused or nah?

Cause if you're confused, just tell me and I'll let you understand about this chapter

