
A bright light almost blinded me, it felt warm and a one way path. But as I got closer, it got darker and darker until I was back to that night.
"You like that movie don't you Bruce?"asked Thomas to his son
"Yeah dad, it's incredible!"replied little Bruce
The family entered a dark alley, not knowing what awaiting for them.
"Hands up, this is a robbery!"
"Easy, you go" said Thomas Wayne as he handed in his wallet to the thief. But wasn't enough, 2 bullets came of the revolver, taking Bruce's parents.
"Bruce...don't be afraid...don't be..." said Thomas as he closed his eyes forever.
That night was little Bruce, this time was Batman on his knees contemplating his own failure. The rain that fell on the cowl and cape felt nonexistent. What followed was Batman's most dark moments but in all of them Batman was always there like a reminder of his failure.
"Why do we fall, Master Bruce? So that we can learn to get ourselves up"
"HAHAHAHA, the jokes on you Batman!"
"Your parents death was not your fault, was your father's"
"Always remind I'll love you Bruce"
"Say your goodbyes, once you turn fear into anger, you'll be ready to face me"
"It all ends where it begun"
"Only 6 six legs entered that alley and it only came out 2?"
"A man strength doesn't came from his inteligente and body but from it's allies"
All those voices running around Batman's mind, friends and foes, allies and enemies.
Batman woke up quickly, a hospital with sleeping Catwoman by his side. He reminded what happened but the bigger question was, how long ago? He had a few stitches on his torso, he couldn't believe he wasn't dead, knowing that Ra's Al Ghul's sword went literally went through him.
"Psst, hey, Selina" said Batman quietly as he tried to wake her up. After a few couple of attempts he managed to make her eyes open.
"OH MY GOD" exclaimed Selina in amazement
"Shhh!...come here" replied Bruce as he widen his arms to welcome her. Her jaw was on the floor, she actually thought he was good as dead.
"I thought you were dead" she said as Batman held her tightly and tears rolled through her eyes.
"Climb on board" suggested Bruce as she chuckled and wiped her tears.
"I never thought we would cuddle in a place like this"
"It's nice though"
"Does it hurt?"
"Little bit, I've gone through worse"
"How are you not dead?"
"I'm Batman" said Bruce while smiling
"But Batman is a human"
"No, Batman is a symbol. Something indestructible, a legend. Bruce Wayne is a human, Batman is a myth that will live forever"
"So even like'll make love to me?"
"Are you challenging me?"
"You're the worlds greatest detective, you tell me"
"My guess have my love guaranteed"
"Aw, never thought the Batman would be so sweet"
"How long is it been?"
"Yeah, managed to call the Batmobile to get us to here. The doctors were very surprised and I stayed on the operating room so they didn't discover your identity, they said you were really lucky"
"I must be" said Batman as he grabbed her hand
"You're sweet but I was extremely worried"
"Well because they say human have only 2 liters of blood and you spelled much more than that"
"And then...why I'm not dead"
"Hahaha, funny, but you really passed out for a while"
"Yeah, saw a bright light"
"And you were dumb enough to go to it?"
"Couldn't help it, and then every memory filled with emotion, started to run through my head"
"When Joker killed Robin and he send me his suit filled with Jason's blood and Haha the joke's in you Batman wrote on the chess plate"
"Oh, I'm sorry Bruce, I didn't know"
"But they were good ones too, you, Alfred, Nightwing..."
