Anita Darling

Yesterday I found the real (y/n) in me and when I woke up I wanted to stay that way a bit longer. I put on a magnificent outfit all in black and for once I don't put on my wig I leave my hair natural, in black and white. I put on a little more makeup than usual and join my friends who are having their breakfast. "Hi boys! They both look at you quite surprised" Wow, you look beautiful! "you thank Jasper and sit down with them for a second," So first of all I wanted to thank you again for yesterday, we did so well!" They nod their heads and look very proud of themselves. "Second, I'll go ask two friends for help, when I get back I'll explain the rest of the plan to you." Horace says with his mouth full "It works for me!" 

Jasper agrees with him and you let them finish their breakfast. On your side you are going to visit an old friend at Tattletale! When you arrive in the building you ask to see Anita, a few seconds later you turn around and see her coming "Anita Darling, My darling!" You follow her to her workstation and sit in front of her. "(y/n), it's been so long. You know. I kept staring at you at the party, and then it came to me. That's (y/n) from school." you smile "It's true, I'm glad to see you again after all these years and today I need you." Anita comes a little closer to show you that she is listening to you. "So you go to parties and you take pictures and you print gossip? That's your job?"

"Yes, well. Not as fun as it sounds." You shake your head. "Oh, it doesn't sound fun. It sounds useful." She raises her eyebrows. "I would like to prove myself to the baroness, long story. Why don't we work together to create some buzz?" Anita seems to be reflecting "You have that glint in your eye." "What glint?" "Well i'm starting to remember that you have a bit of an extreme side." You laugh and lean back in your chair. "It was so fun! Sure I can do a little too much sometimes but too much is better than not enough, right?" After this discussion you know that Anita is convinced, everything starts well. Now you're heading to Artie's shop. You walk into the store and Artie immediately recognizes you.

 "Well, it's been a while since I last saw you with that hairstyle." "Yes I wanted to go back to the origins, if you know what I mean." Artie gets up to observe your outfit and you turn around, after a few compliments you move on to the explanations. "I want to make art, Artie. And i want to make trouble. You in?" He smiles "I do love trouble!" To work on the plan, Artie must work with you, you explain the start of the plan to him in the car and then you go upstairs to join the other two. Get together boys, I have someone to introduce you. Horace and Jasper join you directly. "Artie, boys. Boys, Artie." The 3 greet each other and you continue.

(y/n): Artie will be working downstairs. He knows a lot about fashion. Now, what we have to do is create, spoil the events and for me to go to work!

Artie: Yes it's time for you to go see your beloved!

Horace: Ah, there you go! You also think she loves her!

Artie: Everyone thinks so, and after all you do all this for her.

(y/n): Not just for her, but in part. I hope that will make her change her mind...

Jasper: Don't worry I'm sure it will make her think.

You let the boys work and you put your wig back on to go to work, you hurry but you're a little late. As soon as you walk into the work room, Jeffrey says "She wants you, hurry up." Does she want me already? it will be easier than I expected. You run and climb the stairs to reach the office. Everyone else is already there and the Baroness was waiting for you to start. "Ah. Here she is. Late. Grab a pad." you push everyone to go get it and put yourself in the line next to the others. The baroness positions herself behind the chair of her office to begin.

"My spring collection. I need 12 pieces, and I have..." she stops "Let me count." She turns around in front of the board where the drawings were displayed and tears them off the board one by one. She turns to you, "Zero. I need ten pieces that work by 3:00 a.m. Go." The others come out before you and you hear the baroness calling you. You turn to her and she beckons you to come near her and asks everyone else to leave you both alone. She comes from your side and sits lightly on the desk, sighs and looks at you. You blame yourself a bit but try not to think about it "Are you okay, Baroness?"

She doesn't respond right away "After yesterday's disaster, my next show must be perfect. I'm counting on you." you nod "You know you can trust me." She takes your chin between her fingers to lift your head, she looks at you for a second. You feel a stroke of warm to her touch. "I hope so." She lets go of your chin "You look different today." you frown "Oh, really?" She stares at you like if she was staring at your soul "Yes you look... i don't know well pleased." You get up while answering "Oh that, it's just because I see you, it pleases my heart." you wink at her and as you walk out with confidence, you notice the look of astonishment on her face as she watches you leave.

I know there aren't many scenes with the Baroness at the moment but there will be more later don't worry. I kinda follow the script of the film until the parade and then I could invent whatever I want from there hehe!

-Djedje <3
