chapter nine

Eiji said ignored Ash’s question about what he stopped before saying. Of course, Eiji knew Ash was smarter than that. Ash could easily figure out what Eiji was going to say.

Eiji hugged back even tighter, saying like that as he cried for a little longer. Once he calmed down, he took a deep breath. “... I lied to you earlier when I told you I had been okay.” Eiji confessed, though Ash likely already knew.

“I barley left my bed most days... I barley talked to my family... I thought of you every single day.” He said , looking down. Ash meant everything to him. “Being away from you ... it was torture.” He said, sniffling and rubbing his nose. He was just... upset to learn all that. That Ash was hurt by something that was supposed to make him happy.Ash kept silent whilst Eiji spoke. He took a deep breath and hugged him tighter. "I know you did Eiji...I just didn't say anything about it at first.."  He kept on messing with Eijis hair with one hand, rubbing his back with the other. 

"But listen, I'm here now okay? I hated being away from you too, when I was at the hospital I always felt a part of me was missing, and that was you.  And trust me, your letter never hurt me. If you were to blame anybody it should be me, I'm the one who got you hurt on multiple occasions.."

Ash sighed and leant back, he kept Eiji close to him. He didn't say anything else, he wasn't sure what he should say anyway.  The two was silent for afew minutes, Ash sighed and looked back at Eiji. "You should get some rest...we can talk about this tomorrow"Eiji held onto Ash tightly, sniffling quietly. He didn’t want to go to sleep. If he went to sleep now... he wouldn’t be able to see Ash. So, he asked, a bit nervously.
“Will you go to sleep with me?” He asked, averting his gaze to avoid embarrassment. Eiji was asking if Ash would sleep in the same bed as him.

Eiji looked at Ash as they were silent, scanning over his face. There was so much he admired about Ash, it was something that made his heart race. He was well aware that he was in love with Ash, and Ash likely knew that too.

Eiji quietly and slowly moved a hand toward Ash’s face, lovingly cupping his cheek. He slowly and comfortingly moved his thumb back and forth. Part of him was doing it to remind himself that Ash was really there, alive, in the flesh. The other part desperately wanted to be touching Ash, to never let him go again.
