Part Seven

Kaminari's POV

I was sitting in the lounge area with Jirou, Tokoyami, Todoroki, and Shoji. We were just talking about random things. An odd group in my opinion but it somehow works.
"Oo, they have pretty good music " I heard Jirou respond to someone in the group. I sorta spaced out from what they were talking about but felt someone poke my hand. I looked over and seen Todoroki staring at me.
"You alright, Kaminari?" he asked. I smiled before nodding.
"Ah, yeah, I'm alright! Just spaced out for a sec" I say to him as he nods and smiled ever so slightly. I think lately he's been trying to show more emotion, I think I also over analyze stuff though. I seen Katsuki walk in the room from the corner of my eye but got caught up in a conversation with the group. Eventually I felt someone's stare and glanced around till I found the culprit. I smiled at Katsuki as he glanced away.
"I'll be right back guys!" I say to the group and stand up. I walk over to Katsuki and raise an eyebrow.
"You gonna just watch me or actually talk to me?" I say with a laugh as he rolls his eyes.
"I do what I want" he said looking away.
"Alright" I say as I kiss his cheek. He looks at me as I grab his hand and yank him over to the group. I sat down on one of the couches and Kat just sat on the opposite side of the couch.
The group starts to talk as I start putting my input into their conversation. I knew Katsuki was just sitting there grumpily.
I glanced at him and scooted closer to him. I took his hand in mine and went back to the conversation. I felt Katsuki's gaze on me. I rubbed my thumb against his hand.

Bakugou's POV

This little bit of affection and I'm a flustered mess. What the hell is Denki doing to me.
I stare at him and take in his features. He laughed at something the extras said and it was fucking cute. Fucking hell. I'm getting mushy. I tighten my grip on his hand as I get annoyed at myself. I usually dig my finger nails into my own flesh when I get annoyed or some shit. But accidentally did that to Denki. He turned his head towards me.
"You alright?" He asked as tuned out the others.
"I just. I just think I'm tired" I say as he nodded.
"I'll come with you, if you want of course" Denki said with a smile.
"If you want to" I answer and get up, letting our hands fall away from each other. I heard him start to wrap up his conversation with the extras. I start heading to my dorm as I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and Denki bumps into me.
"Ah, Katsuki" he said and smiled up at me. I turn around as we walked side by side to my dorm.
Once we enter my dorm I feel Kami wrap his arms around my waist. I stand there for a second before turning in his grip and cupping his cheeks. I lean forward and kiss his lips gently.
"Oh! Guess what!" Denki squealed, breaking the kiss. I pulled back and looked at him.
"Huh?" I question. He pulled out his phone and held up his finger signalling that I had to wait. I saw him scrolling on his phone for something then clicked something.
"I down know if you were serious or not but I got the merch I was talking about!" He said and turned the phones screen towards me. I looked down at it and in fact it was merch of our selves. I smirk at him and roll my eyes.
"I didn't think you were serious about it but guess I'm stuck wearing that hoodie when it arrives. No promises I'll wear it in public" I said and crossed my arms at the last part making him giggle. I turn around, walking to my bed and laying down on the black and orange blankets. My pillows were dark green, so my bed looks like my hero costume. Denki quickly put his phone in his back pocket and flopped on my bed dramatically.
"Oi, Pikachu" I say and open my arms. Kaminari's face lights up as he cuddles into me and wraps his arms around my waist. I I do the same, wrapping my arms around him comfortably.
It's weird to think I actually have someone that likes me. I don't really know how to act.
I closed my eyes, taking in this moment. It felt nice to hold someone. I don't remember when but I fell asleep cuddling Pikachu. I woke up and it was dark in the room. I felt Denki still in my arms and a blanket over us. I sat up just enough to look around the room. I looked at the clock and squinted to see the time. It was 1:30 am. Great. I lay my head back down and bring him closer to my chest. I could smell his hair, it smelt like apples. I kissed his head and yawned. I felt my eyes grow heavy again and let sleep consume me once again.
"Bakugou" I heard someone say, more specifically I heard Pikachu say my name.
I groaned as I opened my eyes, adjusting to the light in the room. I meet eyes with Denki and lean forward and kiss his lips. I felt him smile against my lips and he kissed back. I separate and sit up, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep away.
"You're hot" I heard Denki say. I look at him and smirk.
"Thanks for the reminder" I say as he laughs and playfully punches my arm. Kaminari brought his hand up to my face and runs his hand through my hair. He brings his hand down to my cheek after.
"Damn, why did you choose me" I heard him mutter.
"Cause you're Denki fucking Kaminari" I say as he giggles and leans in and kisses my lips.
"We should go get smoothies later!" The yellow haired boy said excitedly. I smirk at him and agree.
"Sounds good, haven't had one for awhile" I tell him as he smiled at me.
"Oh, time to go take our meds!" He said like he would forget. I nodded and we got up and  headed down to get our medicine together. 

After we had done that we went to get the smoothies we had just talked about. I walked next to Denki and he grabbed my hand.
"Y'know, life has definitely gotten better ever since you first kissed me" I said as Denki look over at me.
"Same here, I didn't think you'd react like that and actually date me" Denki said with a laugh. I roll my eyes and keep walking.
We entered the dorms and walked back to his. Denki threw away his now empty cup and looked at me with a smirk.

Uh I don't like how this chapter turned out but here you guys go, an update finally
