Chapter 19

Third Person POV

As Bakugou and Liam talked inside, Kirishima was anxiously pacing in front of the door. He considered eavesdropping but then decided that it wasn't manly at all. So, instead, he opted to chew nervously away at his fingernails.

"Oh, hey, Kiri!"

"Huh, oh! Hi, Katsumi!" The redhead waved, grateful for the distraction.

"What are you doing here?" She asked though it looked like she already knew the answer. Not like the boy could see that through all his nervousness.

"Oh, uh-," Kirishima stumbled over his words.

Does she know yet?

The small blonde seemed to read his thoughts and rolled her eyes, "I already know about the whole adopting thing."

"Oh," He sighed, that was one awkward conversation out of the way. "Um, how do you feel about it?" The girl shuffled around.

"I honestly don't know."

"Well, it's okay if you don't. But, eventually, you'll understand it and really have a chance to be thankful and happy with your brother."

"Yeah.." But the older one could see the small fidgets and glances towards the door.

"Did something happen?" He decided to ask. Katsumi's eyes shot back towards the redhead.

"Uh, yeah. Actually."

"It's okay, whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise that I-,"

"I'm worried about Liam." The girl cut the other off. Kirishima was taken aback.

"Worried for Liam? I know that he doesn't really see eye to eye with Bakugou about-,"

"No, it's not that." Katsumi rubbed her temples. "I-, I'm just worried about him."

"I get that. But-,"

"No!" She shouted, then looked at the other, almost scared that she might've scared him away.

"Katsumi?" (a/n: Don't worry, she's not depressed or have anxiety or anything. I'm not gonna write angst about a 10-year-old.)

"I-, well, it's not really my place to say." She managed.

"Is it about your brother?" Kirishima asked. (a/n: Bruh, he literally just said that she was worried about Liam.)

"No, it's about Liam."

"What about him?"

"Well," She looked at Kirishima and back to the door. "You have to promise not to tell him that I told you."

"Sure.." The teen replied hesitantly. 

"Okay," Katsumi took a deep breath. "I walked in on Liam cutting in the bathroom."

Kirishima was shell-shocked, "Wh-,"

"I saw him. I stopped him from doing it. But, it's like an addiction. You can't stop it that easily. I'm worried that he's gonna start doing it again. I mean," She started pacing, tugging at her hair.  "I can't watch him that closely. Then, I feel bad because I'm partly the reason he's like this and-,"

"Woah, Woah, Woah." Kirishima put his hands on Katusmi's shoulders, stopping her. "Calm down."

"Calm down?! He's literally-,"

"I know," The teen said more forcefully. "But, panicking is not going to change that." 

"I know.." Katsumi mumbled dejectedly. 

"Now, did you tell anyone else about it?"

"Well, I told Zoey. But that's because she forced me too. She kept on complaining that I was zoning out a lot and twidling my fingers or whatever."

"Okay, that's fine. She has a right to worry about you, but have you made sure that Zoey isn't going to tell anyone?"

Katsumi looked offended, "You don't trust my judgment?"

"No, no, I do," The redhead didn't want to stress the girl out any more than she already is. "Just double-checking." 

"Good." Though she still looked at him skeptically. 

"Okay, now I have an idea about what to do. But, I need you to stop stressing. Talk to Zoey, you're only 10, you shouldn't have to worry about stuff like this. I'll do whatever I can to help, but panicking and wondering about 'what-ifs' isn't going to help."

"I guess..." The blonde muttered, kicking at the carpet. Kirishima smiled, but if you looked closely you could tell that there was some strain to it. 

"Good. Go get some rest, you shouldn't be getting grey-hairs this young." He joked, which only got him an eye roll, but at least it was something. 

"Thanks, Kiri."

"No problem." He waved as Katsumi walked around the corner, probably to go to her room. Now the nerves piled up even more. 

Let's hope my idea doesn't flop, or else I just made this even worse.

Pulling out his phone, Kirishima dialed a number. The ringing tone seemed to go one forever and the redhead started pacing again. Occasionally glancing at the, still, closed door. Soft voices could be heard from the other side. Kirishima took this as a good sign. 

At least they aren't fighting, right? That's good.

Finally, the line clicked.


"Mr. Aizawa, I need your help."


I think most of you already know where this is going 😏

Well, I think I'm almost done? I dunno.

Enjoy, I guess.
