I still believe

Why did i left it at home? I should have remember it this morning or even last night before going to bed, it's all my fault.

Rushing to get down from the cab, i enter inside our big gate then walk on the long driveway. Why didn't i ask the cab driver to get inside our driveway? Ugh! This is my house, i should have do that! I'm such an idiot.

Running towards our front door, i clumsily get inside, seeing my daughter all doll up while playing inside her pen. Can i just stay here and play with her? Oh no, of course, her Dad will get mad at me.

"Madam, your parents are at the garden, they are waiting for you." Waiting for me?

I step back then turn around, seeing one of our maids standing behind me.

"They are here since when?" I asked, not that i don't like to see them, but it's making me nervous, it's either about my sister or there's a problem.

"Just a few minutes ago Ma'am." I nodded, without second thought, i walk towards my daughter first and get her from her pen then walk towards my parents outside the garden.

"Hey Mom, Dad, any problem?" I place Amanda on the empty seat, while i'm standing behind her. Seeing my parents, with that fine condition, i'm doing all my best for them.

"None, we just need you to come with us, because it's a must that you should be there?" Huh? A must?

"Mom-ma." Placing a kiss on Amanda's lips, i get my attention back to my parents.

"Mom, i'm sorry but i can't. Vincent needs those file that i left at our office, the client will be there after an hour." I know i should agree to them, but that client is too demanding and i really need to go back to work.

"I'm sure Vincent will understand that." Don't use your puppy eyes on me Mom.

Sighing, i get my phone from my handbag then dialled Vincent's number. I hope he will agree.

"Hey babe!" I chirpily greeted, once he answered his phone. I'm praying to all the saints that Vincent will agree to me.

"Yes? Where are you now?" Ohh!! How his voice sounded when his commanding me?

"I'm still at the house, Mom and Dad are here.." I softly said. Breathe Isabelle. Breathe.

"And then?"

"They want me to go with them, is it okay if i ask our driver to deliver the files there?" Can we all pray for me? I think i will be dead today.

The line became silent. I look at my Mom and Dad, and they are pleading to me thru their eyes. Even if Vincent and i were together, i can't use that as a reason to leave from work.

"Where are you going?" Finally he talked again. Why does he sounds so serious?

I mouthed to Mom, if where are we going, and seems like she's thinking, but talk soon.

"Hotel near their beach house, i'm meeting someone there." I confusingly look at mom, seriously?

"You heard her babe, so, is it okay? Don't worry, i'm bringing our little princess." Using Amanda is perfect. I know that once he heard our daughter's name, he will agree on it.

"Just be home before i get home." Heard that? He agreed to me because i used our daughter. I raise my thumb to my parents while grinning, i can do a happy dance now.

"Yes. Thanks baby." I sweetly responded

"Just take care, i love you and Amanda." Aww, he really loves us. I can see how Vincent changed, from the day that i let him to be in my life again, his always saying that i will not regret this decision, and i'm feeling that.

"I love you too, see you later." That was a smooth talk.

"Now that he agreed, wear the dress that i left at your room. We need to dress properly, okay?" I just nod my head and pretend that i am not confuse with what's happenjng, but deep inside, i am. Dress properly to talk to someone? That's so, well, i don't know.

I left Amanda to them and make my way to our room. There's a rectangular box resting on top of our bed and i assume it's the dress.

As i pull out the dress from the box, i mentally gasp. It's a dream dress of every girl in town. It's a peach color dress, in which the upper part is beaded by those elegant crystals, creating a magnificent chandelier effect, while the lower part is plain but on it's toe length. The back of the dress has criss cross straps which you can barely see, because of the thread that was used. It's a stunning dress and i'm going to look gorgeous on this.

I didn't waste time, i change to that dress, then put some natural make up then let my hair up, to see the details of the dress. I match it with my white flat sandals, while my bag, is matching it's color too.

Ohh! Look at you Isabelle!

When i get down, i see my parents already changed their clothes too. I'm still confuse about why do we need to change our clothes into something so formal, is that someone that we are going to meet is too strict about dress codes?

"Let's go!" I announce, getting their attention. Amanda run towards me, but her nanny was too quick, so she spun my little girl on her arms.

One by one, we get inside the car. It's not a long ride if it's near to Vincent family's beach house, just an hour or less.

The drive going to the hotel was just a usual ride. We're just normally chatting about life and all. Of course Vincent is always texting me, his always asking me for updates if where i am, in which i find as the sweetest.

"Oh no! We're here actually.. Where?.. I see.. We'll be there soon." I look at mom as she hung up her phone then instructed the driver.

"Where are we going mom?" She just ignore me and continue her business with her phone. Why did i give her that thing?

Familiar road, the welcoming arch, those trees, the white sand and the beach house. How i miss this place. This is were, Vincent and i, did those x rated scene. Oh my!

Why are we here?

"Let's go down." I just follow my mom as she ordered that.

They are walking ahead of me and i was like a lost puppy that's been following them. Amanda on my hand, was hopping and seems like enjoying everything around her.

We walk inside the house, to found it empty. Then walk out of the garden door where you can pass to make your way to the beach.

"Mom, who are we going to meet? This is Vincent's beach house." I asked when i return back in to my track.

"Just go and sit there, we'll wait them here." I nodded knowing that i know this place.

Removing my flats, to feel the white sand on my feet. I gaze on the water and memories came rushing in my mind.

This is where Vincent and i did the miracle. You know, miracle, that showering me pleasure and happiness. Yay!

I look down at my daughter, that was looking somewhere. Looking towards where she is looking at, i can see a man standing outside the cottage.

A man? Who is this?

A blurry sight, causing me to rub my eyes softly not to ruin my make up. The rays of sunlight, hitting my flesh, making me more irritated. The wind, the scent of the sea, that i'm afraid of, because i think i might jump on the water because I love swimming!

"Dada!" Amanda shouted then started to run towards the man beside the cottage.

What is she saying? Her Daddy? Vincent is at our work place.

I follow her while she keeps on running. As we're getting near to the man, that's the time  that i stop on my track.

He spun Amanda on his arms, swaying her around as he hold her steadily. I can hear how my daughter giggles along with "Dada kiss."

Getting closer, in a shock state, i remain to be calm. His wearing a khaki pants and a white shirt with his sunglasses. He put down Amanda back on the sand then whisper something to her, causing her to run. I look where she is heading, and that made me surprise more. Amanda is now in the arms of my mom, beside her is my dad, my sister, our friends and Vincent's Mom.

Something's up here!

I look back to the man standing in front of me and notice that he get closer to me.

"Why are you here? Don't tell me--" I cut my words by getting closer to him, then hit him on his arm.

"You're hurting me babe!" I look at him, stopping but as he smirk at me, i hit him again.

"You plan all of this! I hate you!" Whining over nothing. I'm too childish.

Vincent wrap his arms on my waist, letting my head rest on his chest. His lips resting on top of my head and i just stop whining because of this.

"Last time that i am here, i'm alone.." He started

"I was searching for myself and for my happiness, but your not here." Aww, look at how adorable my Vincent is.

"You are my happiness, you and Amanda. You are the most stubborn, hard headed, spoiled girl that i've ever met but.." Did you hear him? If i don't love this man, i might walk out because of his speech.

"But i love you. I love you with all my heart and soul babe." I pull out from his hug and step back a little to see how he looks. He pull my hands, then clasp it together with his.

Why does it feels so right and fit?

"Marry me Miss Lauren, and this time it's for real. I'm not hiring you anymore, it will not be fake and let's make it together."
