Chapter 1

Your POV
This is it.My last day in LA.Most of my life was in this state.The first 8 years of my life I have lived in Korea but I don't remember it.The only thing I remember from this was 7 boys which were my best friends but nothing else.

I just can't leave everything in here.My friends,classmates,bad teachers and mostly my funny and beautiful BFF- Mina.She was the first one who greeted me in LA:

-Mom!I don't like it here!I want to be in Korea!
-Sorry sweetie!This is the way it has to be now.You'll love this place and you'll find new friends...
-NO!I want my old friends!-then I just ran away.I didn't know where was I going but I knew one thing:I won't find another friends like them in my entire life!In that movie moment I just found a swing and near it Thera was a girl who was crying.I ran to her to see if she is okay.Her knee was bleeding!
-Hey!Are you okay?-I asked.
-Yes,I am I just fell from the swing.That's all...but thank you that you cared about me!My name is Mina what is yours?
-Nice to meet you Mina.I am Y/N.
-Nice to meet you Y/N.Do you want to be friends?
-Sure!I just moved here and I don't know anything about this place.
-Don't worry. I will show you around!

End of  flashback.

Thats how it all started!I introduced in her to my mom,we had pajama parties(because our houses were like few meters away),we played hide and seek and suddenly we became best friends.I'm not ready to leave her!Then someone knock on my door:

-Come in.
-Y/N it's time to go!-my father said.
-Papa,I don't want to go!I want to stay here!-I said in a high voice and hugged him.
-I know..but you will be okay.Me and your mother will do anything for you to be happy there like how we did when we came here.I promise!-he said.
-Pinky swear?-I said in a childish voice.
-Pinky swear!-he said in a childish voice too.Then he took my suit bags and went down.I said last goodbye to my room where I have done so many stupid things and I went down the stairs.I saw Mina and I started crying,she did it too.

-Promise you will chat me everyday?-she said.
- Everyday.-I replied.
-Promise you won't forget me?
-I will never forget you.
-And...if you find a boyfriend,before me,in Korea you will find me one too?-she said with a laugh.
-Of course!!!-We laughed together and then I went into the car.I saw her waving at me from the side mirror of the car and I felt a tear on my face.

Mina's POV

I can't believe that my BFF is leaving,but I am happy for her.She goes on a new adventure and IF I have to I will go to Korea if she has a problem,because she is really nice and anyone can make her feel sad very easy,so just in case I will be ready to punch some faces.

Your POV

From now I am going on a new adventure and I will start a new life.

Thank you for reading the first chapter!If more people are going to read my story I am going to update more!
XOXO-from me.Bye!❤️💜💙
