Chapter Thirteen, Find Me Out.

"Hey Dip n' dots!" Bill called from the front door. He had made a change of clothes - a yellow hoodie with black jeans, the hoodie had words printed on it in black saying 'graduated from the academy of insanity' - he also got rid of his top hat. I looked at him surprised.

"What are you-" he rushed into the house and grabbed my by the arm, smiling at me.

"What? Can't a boyfriend drop in on his boyfriend when he's in the area?" Bill smiled. I frowned at him, arching my eyebrows downwards.

"What is going on-"

"Huh! You must be Drake!" Mabel said, she came running up to me and Bill and smiled all wide eyed. Bill nodded and patted Mabel's head.

"You must be Mabel, Dipper has told me so much about you!" Bill smiled. Mabel pushed up his hair that was usually covering his left eye, and spotted a triangular eye patch. Bill turned red and smacked Mabel's hand away gently.

"Mabel! Don't just grab people's hair!" I said back, not knowing why I decided to defend Bill. Mabel laughed.

"I thought I saw an eye patch, who are you? Ciel Phantomhive?" She giggled but I knew that moving Bill's hair out of his face bothered him. I didn't know what was under there, I didn't want to ask either, it felt like an invasion of privacy.

"Oh so Dippers gonna be your Alois?" Mabel continued. Now my face went red along with Bill's. Mabel and her stupid yaoi.

"Absolutely adorable!" Mabel squeed. I shot her a glare letting her know to stop and she got the message, tucking her hands behind her back.

"Uh... Dipper who is this?" This was Soos' voice from behind me and Bill, we both turned around, our arms linked. Bill answered before I could.

"I'm Drake, Dippers new boyfriend,"
Bill spit out. Soos looked confused beyond explanation. I cleared my throat and was about to start trying to explain, but Soos just went off.

"Wait since when are you gay? And who is this Drake guy? And when did you meet? And where did you meet? And-"

"Uhhhh. Your worse then Mabel" I sighed. Soos stopped asking questions after that. I looked at Bill and then around me. What an idiot, what in the world is he thinking?

"Why don't we go upstairs Dipper-kun," Bill smiled and grabbed onto my arm. I stared at him angrily as he dragged me up the stairs, Mabel smiling and waving to us. Once we got out of site I smacked Bill and pushed him off of me.

"And what exactly are you doing?!" I yelled to him, he shushed me and smiled.

"Oh, well I thought that if you were going to say you had a fake boyfriend when you were really hanging out with me, I mine as well play the part. But seriously Drake was the best name you could come up with?" Bill laughed at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not good with coming up with names, also it was late" I explained.

"Oh bullshit, that's everyone's excuse" Bill said. I clenched my fists at him.

"You are so annoying" I said. I sat down on the edge of my bed.

"What are you going to do in here huh? You were in here like ten minutes ago" I said to him. I shrugged and then snapped his fingers, making something appear in his hand.

"Well first I wanted to give you this" he said, passing me whatever it was he had. I took a closer look and noticed it was an iPhone.

"To keep in touch with me" he said, I clicked the home button and saw that the lock screen was a half naked picture of Bill. I quickly closed the phone and tossed it onto my bed. Bill laughed at me.

"If you thought that was to much to see, I wouldn't recommend unlocking it" I suddenly got mad at him and shoved him into the wall behind him. He stopped laughing once he noticed how mad I looked.

"What's up Dip 'n dots?" He said in a very unsure voice. I growled at him, pushing him harder into the wall.

"Why the fuck do you keep coming back here? Why the fuck are you confusing the god damn hell out of me and what the fuck are you doing anyways? If you can't answer any of those questions fucking leave because I am done with all your confusing shit. One minute I wanna kill you and the next I wanna-" Bill cut me off my smashing his lips into mine, kissing me deeply. He slipped his tongue across my bottom lip and held onto the side of my face with his arms. I let to of him, holding his waist, scrunching up my toes. Bill pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I wanna kiss you. Oh god, I wanna kiss you. I wanna hold you too, and I kept trying to tell myself it was to bother you, I just wanted to get inside your head and bother you long enough for Ford to come back but I was lying to myself. I want to be with you Dipper Pines, you caught me," he grabbed my hands and interlocked our fingers "I love you Dipper Pines, and the only thing on my mind lately has been you"

I had to take a moment to collect myself, and take it all in. Was Bill being honest? Was he really speaking from his heart? Of was he talking out of his ass and trying to make me fall for some sick twisted joke? What I missing something? Or was I getting the whole story? Did Bill Cipher actually have feelings for me?

"Dipper, please I beg you, give me a chance" Bill said, looking at me with longing, I couldn't see anything but truth in his visible eye. I looked down at the ground, at my feet, as I relaxed my toes. No ones ever mad me scrunch them like that by kissing me. Maybe, deep down inside, I wanted to give Bill a chance. Redemption is always in style. And I guess with Mabel and Soos thinking he's my boyfriend everything should be fine. I took a deep breath and looked at Bill again.

"Ok Bill, I'll give you a chance"


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A/N sorry it's kinda a filler chapter! Next one will be better! Also look how my friend addressed me today ! He's literally my Senpai
