Chapter 5

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"I'm John," he tell me and reaches out his hand. I look up at him and shake it nervously. He smiles. "I saw you dancing with your friend. Your good at it."

I bite my lip. "Thanks," I say awkwardly. He just stares at me with no response. "God, your so hot," he tells me, and quickly shoves his lips into mine.

My eyes widen and I push him away, gasping for breath. "You idiot!" I yell at him and stomp out the house.

I can't believe it. I knew a boy for three minutes, and he tried to kiss me. Wow. I wipe my lips and run back to Liv, who kept questioning me on what happened.

I roll my eyes. "He tried to kiss me!" Liv gasps at my comment. "But I pushed him and left the house. What a jerk he is."

Liv nodded in agreement and continues dancing. I decided to just sit at a bench and think. Then I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. So much for that idea.

I take it out and see that the caller ID is mom. I answer it saying, "Hey, mom." "Hi, honey. I want you to come on your way home. I don't want you up partying that late." I sigh in disgust. "Fine," I tell her, and say goodbyes before I go back home.

● ● ● ●

I open my eyes to the stream of light pouring through the window. I sit up in bed and stretch my arms out while yawning. Then I force my body to get up and eat breakfast.

I have some cereal while my dad is across me at the table reading the newspaper.

It was silence for a minute, before I hear my dad gasp. I look up. "What's wrong?" I ask. He bites his lip and looks at me back. He turns the newspaper around for me to see it.

I squint as I try to make out what he wanted to show me. I see a big text that said CODY STARKS ARRESTED FOR STEALING FROM MALL: NEW YORK CITY.

I gasp and put my hand over my mouth. No. It cant be. I look below the text. I was wrong. There was a picture of Cody in a jail cell. He was hanging onto the bars with a depressed facial expression.

"Oh my gosh," I whisper. Cody got arrested?! In school he was always the good and obedient kid! How can he turn into a thief!?

My dad tells mom, who had the same thoughts that I did. I stand up and dump my bowl of cereal in the trash. I put the bowl and spoon in the sink before I walked to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and buried my face in my knees. Now what? Do I keep sending letters to a criminal? Do I just move on?

My mom comes and sits down next to me. She puts her hand om my back. "Don't worry, honey. You are a very beautiful girl. You will get over him soon and will find someone else. But keep sending him letters, okay?" I nod and hear her leave.

I finally got up the nerves to get dressed for work. I say bye to my parents before getting in my car and driving to the strip club.

I park my car in the parking lot, hearing the music coming from inside. I try not to trip, fall, and die in my high heels that were soon gonna break my ankle.

I push open the doors and see men checking other strippers out as they dance. Others were just drinking or sleeping.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see John. He grinned when I jumped back in shock. "What the heck?!" I yell. He puts his finger on my lips and shushes me. I quickly grab them and throw them down.

"Babe," he told me. "I just want a re-do." He grins again. He must be really drunk.

He licks his lips, opens his mouth, and leans in which tells me he wants a long french kiss.

But I ain't gonna do that. When his face was an inch away from mine I took my hand and smacked him across the face. He fell down in surprise, feelinf his cheek with his hand.

He starts moaning in pain. "What is going on!?" I hear behind me. I turm around and see my boss, Martha, standing there with her hands on her hips.

"She... smacked me!" John said. My boss looks at me. "He tried to kiss me!" I told her. She shakes her head with her eyes closed.

"No, I don't want to hear it! Smacking people is not allowed! Scarlet, you're fired!"

I freeze in shock as Martha walks away. I try to contain myself by just quickly leaving the building before I scream my head out.

Great. First I lose Cody, then a random guy tries to kiss me, and now I'm fired.

My life is over.
