
Ellie could barely sleep the night after their weekly movie night. She just couldn't get the thought of Jane out of her head. Did Jane get a vision through Ellie's head? Was it even a vision? Can she even get visions? She had no clue what to think.

As she laid in bed staring at the ceiling, she figured it was really late. She turned to the clock on her bedside and she was right. 3:49 am. Ellie took her pillow and shoved it on her face, groaning at the amount of sleep she wasn't getting. She decided to roll out of bed and procrastinate on her computer.

She logged on and saw that both Ethan and Benny were online at the same time. They were on a video call with each other, and Ellie wondered why they were up so late. She guessed that they both saw that she was online as they added her to the call.

"Why are you awake?" Benny asked her. "I was gonna ask you two the same thing."

"We couldn't sleep. We've been theorising about Jane's weird dream she had today," Ethan explained. "Yeah, me too."

"Ethan doesn't want to admit the fact that she could be psychic. It makes complete sense to me," Benny told her. "She could've looked inside of Ellie's head when she was asleep on her lap."

"I don't wanna believe that," Ethan said. "Ethan, she could be like you. What if this wasn't her first 'dream'? If it wasn't her first, then Jane would be really scared right now. She doesn't know what's happening and-"

"Wait," Ethan interrupted, as he looked towards his door. "What is that?"

Ethan was hearing these little whimpers from another room beside of his: Jane's. "Ethan, what is it?" Benny asked.

"Hold on." He got up off of his chair and stepped outside of his room. In the room right beside of him, he heard these faint whimpers that sounded like Jane. Ethan put his ear to the door and heard Jane rolling around in her bed, almost like she was shaking the mattress itself.

Ethan carefully opened the door and saw exactly what he heard. Jane was rolling from side to side in her bed, with her duvet on the floor and the mattress shaking from her movement. "Jane?" he whispered, walking slowly towards her.

He had second thoughts about trying to get a vision from her, but he did it anyway. Ethan reached his arm out to grab her shoulder until Jane yanked her hand and took Ethan's arm instead, causing him to get thrown into a vision.

The familiar mist surrounded him as he looked around. The first thing that he saw was Jane in the centre of the fog, definitely looking confused and scared. "Jane! I'm over here!" Ethan saw Jane look over to where he was standing. "Ethan!" She ran towards him and began to pounce onto her big brother and right when she was in mid-air, they both opened their eyes back into Jane's room.

Jane was hyperventilating right next to Ethan on her bed. All Ethan could do then was hug her and assure to his sister that it was okay. He had no clue what just happened, but the only thing he cared about at that moment was to make sure that she was alright. He knew himself that a lot of visions can be so powerful that they can literally drain you. That was one of the reasons that he was hoping Jane wasn't psychic, along with dozens of other things.

"H-How were you in there?" Jane asked him through tears. "You were there with me..."

"I know," Ethan told her. "Tomorrow, we're definitely gonna take a visit to Ms. Weir."



Ms. Weir was listening to what they were all talking about from the night before. Ethan and Ellie tried to tell her everything from start to finish of what happened with Jane, along with Benny and Sarah. "We're not lying, Ms. Weir."

"That's certainly peculiar," Ms. Weir began as she circled around her magic room. "It isn't unheard of that supernatural powers can go from heritage and siblings. It's quite common, actually."

"Then, how is it 'peculiar'?" Benny asked his grandmother, holding his fingers in air quotes.

"What's unnatural about it is how powerful her vision was," she explained. "Just by laying down on Ellie's lap caused her to see inside of Ellie's mind, and it took Ethan great strength and effort to do that when he wanted to."

"That's not all of it, though," Ellie mentioned. "I asked her more about it while I put her to bed, and she said that she saw the shadow of a guy in a robe."

"She also heard the guy say the words 'two cyclops', but we think she meant two psychics," Ethan added. "I just really want there to be one."

"Ethan, why don't you want Jane to be psychic?" Sarah asked him. "With another psychic, she can really help us with certain things-"

"No, I don't want her to be like me, or like us, in any way," he huffed. "She needs a semi-normal life."

"Her life right now is full of vampires and magic, Eth. I don't think her life could ever be normal anymore," Benny pointed out, chuckling sympathetically.

"I know what the problem is." Ms. Weir stood next to Ethan and sat him down in a chair. She was standing opposite of him with Benny, Ellie, and Sarah on each side of her. "You don't want her to be engulfed in all of this mess, because you think she'll be in danger."

"Older brother responsibilities," Benny chuckled.

"There is a very big possibility that leads to her being psychic, and we have to tell her that-"


Each of them whipped around to see Jane standing in the doorframe to the magic room, reading everyone's faces. "Am I really like Ethan?"

Ms. Weir walked away from the teenagers to meet with the little girl, smiling at the huge grin she had on her face. "You're very special, dear. You've got neat abilities just like they do," she explained, pointing to the four who were standing behind her.

"And just like we did with their powers, we're gonna help you with yours."
