🌊Finding lo'ak🌊

Jake (pov)
I searched everyone on the right side of the reef "with my ikran "bob. I looked on top of the rock and found nothing. I mounted "bob and took off to the left side of the reef , I saw tulkun with a missing fin but I thought nothing about. I kept looking keeping my eyes peeled until it landed on a rock with a blue figure. I walked up to the blue figure and realized it was lo'ak. I shake him repeatedly almost knocking into the ocean but he wouldn't move or respond. " I quickly checked his pulsed and than froze in fear". (Jake in mind: he can't be dead no no not my son)
After "Jake stopped crying he picked his son up and took him on the ikran and mounted "bob and flew to the village a sound or a peep.

Jake ( I looked around for the kids , luckily they wasn't to far they was on the beach ). Kids I have something to tell you. Before I could even speak they looked at the cold blue body I had in my hands. Did koro hurt big brother I heard my youngest daughter tuk say."
Tuk he uh died by a akula and suffered a lot of injuries. What - wha but why tuk cry's. Well tuk because he doesn't like us and he is a bad person. Come on we have to go home and get some rest. I will place lo'ak in Ronal medical marui.
After Jake takes lo'ak to the medical marui he gives him his final good "Nga yawne lu oer" before kissing his forehead and gives thanks to ronal after heading out.

Word count : 282
