~a ghostly presence~

3rd POV

"Thank you" Aizawa said, his voice shaking. "But please," he started, "Don't tell anyone this that can't be trusted, okay?" He finished.

"Yes, sir." Bakugo said as he went back into class.

~~Time skip~~

It's now lunch and Bakugo is waiting for Todoroki to hury up and get to the rooftop. Soon Todoroki finally came up to the rooftop with his food.

"Sorry I took so long." Todoroki said, sitting down next to Bakugo.

"Yeah, it's fine Todoroki." Bakugo said, looking at the taller male beside him.

"I'm sorry you had to go threw that." Todoroki stated. "I lost someone special to me too." He said.

Bakugo looked up at him to show him that he's listening.

"My older brother, Touya." Todoroki started, "He went missing when I was 5 however his case was closed when I was 6. He was never found." Todoroki finished as he felt a tear fall from his face.

Bakugo wiped the tear from Todoroki's face.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Bakugo reassured.

The boys sat and ate on the rooftop after they were done talking. Everything was okay during lunch but things got weird when heroic's class started.

~~Before heroic's class~~
Aizawa was sitting at his desk while thinking. 'Today's lesson is simple, we are going over how to act in a serious situation' he thought while looking at his elbow remembering the USJ attack. 'I wonder what would have happened if I wasn't strong enough to save them.' he thought as he sighed.

As the bell rang, Aizawa stood up going to his classroom, opening the door. He made sure that everyone was here and started the lesson.

Deku's POV

I was sitting next to the door while Kacchan's teacher was teaching. He was talking about how to stay calm during a villain attack, I wasn't paying attention though. It was soo cold in the room, so I quickly went to the ac to turn it off.

'that's better!' I thought as I went back to my spot next to Kacchan.

3rd person POV

While the class was working, Aizawa sighed a bit. 'Why is it so hot?' The ravenette thought. He looked over at the ac seeing that somehow it had turned off. He went over to it and turned it back on.

A few minutes later Izuku was trying to float but accidentally turned off the lights.
Aizawa immediately knew that something wasn't right, so he went over to the lights turning them back on and looked around the room. Toru wasn't in class today because she was sick, so he knew it wasn't her. So he went straight to the conclusion that it was paranormal activity.

Soon later class was over for the day so Aizawa dismissed his students, and went over to his phone to call an old friend.

//May I speak with Aiko?//


