First Learn Stand

I wake up in the morning and get ready for school. Running down the stairs I say good morning to my mom, grab a granola bar and an apple heading for the door. I am rushing out because I was supposed to visit my friends brother before school. Me and Shawn Payne have been best friends for years. I was devastated when he left New York but we've kept in contact all these years. Shawn has been in juvie for a bit and I call almost every day, he is supposed to get out soon but who know with his temper. His little brother is starting his first day of eighth grade and Shawn asked me to pep him up since I was cheer captain. He meant it in a sarcastic matter but I knew he was truly worried for his brother, so I was going to stop by before school.

Arriving at the home I ring the doorbell and wait. Not a second later a little boy around 5'4 opens the door. "Uh can I help you" he asked looking around, smiling brightly "Hi you must be Kenny?" I asked to which he nodded "I'm Anastasia but you can call me Annie I'm Shawn's best friend" I finished looking down at him. "oh come in please Shawn talked about you a lot before he left" Kenny said opening the door. I walked in and took a seat at the dining room table Kenny soon joining me. We talked about some things and he told me that Shawn's sentence got extended to which I just sighed. When I checked the time I saw it was almost time for the bus to arrive.

Normally I would just give Kenny a ride but if I did that then I would be late. I wished Kenny luck and headed off to West Valley High.


Arriving at the school I park and head in. As soon as I walk in I am greeted by a chest. I look up to see who I crashed into, it's a boy with a spiked purple mohawk and a scar on his lip. "Shit my bad" he said looking down at me. He wasn't much taller than me as I was 5'5 and he looked about 5'8 or 5'9. "No it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going" I said looking at my shoes once again, a habit I do when I'm nervous or uncomfortable. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around" he asked me. "Um yeah actually, I just moved here from New York but uh can you point me to the main office?" I asked nicely kind of in a hurry. "Yeah I'll walk you the name's hawk by the way" he replied, "Anastasia Creed" I say with a tight lipped smile.

Hawk said he would wait for me so he could show me to my class. The office had a stiff vibe to it. I approached the lady at the front desk telling her my name and what I was there for. She quickly printed out the papers handing them to me and sending me on my way. Walking out I see hawk still standing there. "So let me see" he says holding his hand out for my schedule. As I was about to hand it to him I heard my name being called. I look up and see Kyler and the other cobras making me roll my eyes and sigh. "Ayo wassup Assassin" he greets putting his arm around my shoulders. "Hey Kyler" I said heavily annoyed, I just wanted to get to my locker. Kyler and Hawk locked eyes and you could feel the tension it created. That's when it clicked in my mind, this was the traitor Tory was telling me about.

Thinking quickly I get out from under Kyler and stand in between everyone. "Okay lets get going guys I still need to find my locker" I say to the gang pushing them away. "Yeah ok, catch you later shit lip" Kyler taunts Hawk before walking away. Turning around to apologize Hawk cuts me off, "you're a cobra?" he asked sharply. Taken back by his harsh voice I dodge the question, "thanks for the help Hawk I really appreciate it, catch you later" I replied before running to catch up with the other cobras


School was over and I was walking to my car when I saw hawk and some others standing by it. I kept walking anyways because I had to go see Tory before practice. When I reach my car some girl speaks up "we need to talk" she says kinda rudely. "Who are you" I asked with the same snarky tone, "Samantha LaRusso, you?" she asked. "Anastasia Creed, now is there something you need or can I go?" I asked trying to get to Tory. I look at my phone and see a text from Kenny, I'll have to answer after this. "You need to get away from cobra kai as fast as possible, they are bad news if you want real fundamental karate then you should join miyagi-do" she says. "Oh so this is what it's about, you're recruiting? Well guess what 'princess' unlike you I'm loyal. So don't ever try this again" I replied getting in her face before walking around to my door and getting in speeding off.

Stoping in front of Tory's apartment complex I text her saying I'm outside. While waiting I check the text I got from Kenny.


Annie I finished my first day

It wasn't that bad just a couple of kids picking with the new guyπŸ˜•

Hey I'm sorry Kenny

Tell you what why don't we go visit Shawn today?

That'll be great thanks

Ok well I gtg but I'll pick you up at 6

My car door opens and tory gets in. We exchange greetings and she starts telling me about her day. I told her about my encounter with sam and she was livid. "These damn LaRusso's" she said punching my dashboard. "Hey hey I'm mad to but don't take it out on Vicky" I say rubbing the dash. "You named your car??" Tory asked with a raised eyebrow, "of course now put on some music" I responded handing her the aux cord. We listen to music while heading to practice.


After practice I pick Kenny up and we head to the juvenile detention center. I greet Shawn and Kenny starts talking. "Ever since I started this new school, my life has been miserable. They chase me, beat me up." Kenny starts but my phone rings cutting him off. I look down and saw that it was an unknown number. I quickly excuse my self going to take the call.

"Hello?" I answer "ah Creed sorry for the unexpected call" I hear Kreese's voice from the other side. "Not a problem sensei." I responded not knowing the point of this call. "I couldn't help but notice that you were distracted at practice is everything all right?" sensei asked. "Yes everything is fine sensei it's just" I trail off not really knowing if I should tell the man. "Just what Creed?" he inquires digging deeper into my brain. "The LaRusso girl, she approached me at school. Offered me a spot at miyagi-do, I turned her down though. I am loyal to cobra kai" I continued making sure to assure the man that I was not switching sides.

"That's fine Creed, not to worry I will deal with it. Have a good night" and with that he hung up. Kenny walked up to me looking better. "Ready to go?" I asked to which he nodded. Dropping him off I headed back to my own home where I got dressed and ready for bed. Laying down facing the ceiling I thought about what happened today. "God what did I get myself into" I muttered out loud before drifting into a dark slumber.

Demi Speaks

Hiii sorry for the shorter chapter but there wasn't much cobra kai in this episode but 2 down 8 to go school is starting tomorrow tho so I don't know how the updates will go anyways
bye lovely's β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
