Question 9

Q: It's almost like the world couldn't find anyone else to pick on. My life is currently pretty f****d up (mind my language), and it's causing me to do some pretty crazy things, like plagiarize somebodies story. All my relationships are crazy. I can't stay with one person longer then 10 minutes without getting mad at them for some petty reason. My parents are disappointed that I was going on Wattpad without them knowing, my sister is cooped up in her room for some reason, and my brother is just five. My friends are ignoring me because I snapped at them and a bunch of other things. I'm working on patching up things with them, but it's half working. I have midterms in March and I honestly just want a break. I used to cut myself (USED TO), but now I just draw or use ice. After all of this, I'm trying really hard not too, but.... Would you have any ideas on what to do to keep myself away from that? Or any other suggestion to fix things?

A: Hello! I am so sorry you used to cut, life can be "f****d up" sometimes. Honestly, if your friends are real friends, they will understand you were just mad and didn't mean it. That is an awesome substitute for cutting, I have to say. Draw a little heart on the inside of your wrist/where you cut or write all your friend's names on here/in real life. It really helps. You could also use a rubberband and put one on your wrist and lightly snap it? Make sure you talk to your sister also. If she just ignores you, make sure she knows you're there. Thanks for trusting us.

~Kate {Admin}
