Chapter 8

Chapter 8

"Ugh!" Drew complained as he threw his phone on the bed. He had been trying to get in touch with May for the past week. She had yet to even answer the phone.

"Maybe this is hopeless..." The aspiring actor thought as he laid down.

He would have never thought he would feel so empty without May. He couldn't get through simply tasks without her going through his head. It hurt...He had considered going to her house after the first few days, but he didn't even want to imagine what May's dad would do if May had told him what had happened.

Suddenly Drew heard a knock on his door.

He groaned as he sat up as the door opened revealing his purple haired brother.

"What do you want Harley?" Drew questioned in a annoyed tone.

Harley was 21, but unlike Drew he had no aspirations, no goals, not even a job. He pretty much roamed the streets all day.

"You still in here crying like a bitch over that girl?" Harley said with a smirk.

Drew just put his head into his pillow, he really didn't feel like dealing with his brother's smart ass attitude right now.

Harley wasn't about to just go, however as he sat down on the bed causing Drew to groan since he realized his brother wasn't just going to leave.

"Look at yourself. You look pathetic bro.." Harley gave his analysis of his brother before he looked towards the phone that was sitting at the end of the bed.

Drew once again sat up, only for his eyes to widen as he saw Harley's hand going towards his phone.

The green haired boy tried to get to the phone before his brother, but it was to late as Harley snatched up the phone and instantly saw Drew's call log.

"Dude..." Harley muttered as he looked through Drew's call log.

The younger male sighed knowing how desperate he was probably looking in his brother's eyes.

"Drew..You have to move on...You've called this girl over 100 times and she hasn't picked up once...I think it's safe to say you guys are over..." Harley slowly said not wanting to make fun of his brother after realizing just how bad he was feeling.

"I know...I just..." Drew started as he moved to the side of the bed so he was sitting next to his brother.

"I know if she gave me another chance...I wouldn't ruin it...I just want her to give me that.." Drew slowly said.

Harley listened to his brother intently. He had never seen his sibling so down. Drew was usually full of confidence, usually to the point where he seemed conceited so it didn't seem right to see him like this.

The purple haired brother sighed as he thought of something. "Alright Drew...Call her one more time. If she doesn't pick up then you have to move on...If she does than tell her what you just told me." He suggested.

Drew nodded as Harley handed him the phone. He quickly dialed the number and put it up to his ear.




Drew's heart seemingly stopped as he heard someone pick up the phone. This was it.

"Stop calling this number! May does not want to talk to you!" A masculine voice suddenly said surprising Drew.

The person who answered the phone didn't give Drew a chance to question who he was as he quickly ended the call.

Harley looked at his brother. He had also heard the male voice answer, he could only imagine what Drew had to be thinking right now.

"Who the fuck was that?!" Drew suddenly screamed surprising Harley.

The purple haired 21 year old had expected Drew to get sad, but clearly the voice had only pissed him off.

"No...That voice sounded familiar..." Drew continued talking to himself.

"Drew..This is clearly your hint to move on..Clearly she has." Harley said trying to calm his younger brother down as he put a hand on Drew's shoulder.

The green haired boy pushed his brother's hand off his shoulder. "I'm sure that was that asshole Ash's voice!" Drew concluded his voice full of fury.

The name Ash quickly made Harley think..He had heard that name before...He just couldn't remember where.

Drew suddenly stood up. "GOD DAMN IT!" He screamed as he punched the wall closest to his bed. Harley reacted quickly as he grabbed his brother to stop him from causing any damage to the house.

"Drew stop it!" Harley commanded as he threw his younger brother on his bed. His voice becoming extremely serious.

He was prepared to fight his brother if he had to in order to calm him down, but he quickly killed those thoughts as he heard Drew sniffle as he buried his head into his blanket.

"God damn it! I'm such a idiot! I had the perfect girl and I pretty much gave her to some other guy..." Drew cried into his blanket causing Harley to close his eyes as he put a hand on his younger brother's back.

He and Drew were about as different as siblings could be, but that didn't mean that he didn't love his younger brother and it pained him to see him like this.

"Please just leave me alone Harley...I want to be alone." Drew said bluntly.

Harley sighed as he stood up. Usually he would love to tease his brother, but even he knew the right time to do things and now wasn't the time.

"Drew..Keep your head up." Was all that Harley could offer as he walked out of the room unable to think of any other words to comfort the boy.

Drew didn't answer as he continued laying down clearly depressed.

"Ash I can't believe you did that!" May shouted as she snatched her phone away from the black haired teen.

Ash laughed while Gary gave him a high five. The group were currently in Gary's car on their way home. They had spent the whole week at the cabin and had grown close as friends. They had done plenty of things and Ash and Gary felt like they had not slacked on their training at all. Most of all it seemed to take Drew out of May's mind although the male hadn't stopped calling the whole week.

"I would expect that from Gary, but not you!" May pouted as she watched the two males laugh in the front seat.

Ash finally stopped laughing as he replied. "I'm sorry! I was just getting tired of him calling so much...I understand he loss something amazing, but he has to catch the hint sooner or later that you don't want to speak to him."

May immediately blushed as she heard Ash's comment as she mumbled something that nobody in the car could hear.

Dawn laughed at her friend's actions as she turned her head to the front of the road. "I agree with Ash! I don't know what Drew wants to say, but honestly...I would have never pictured him as the desperate type." She bluntly stated.

"If your going to cheat, you have to be prepared for the outcome." Gary added in causing Dawn to roll her eyes.

"You would be the one to say that." She told the boy causing the car to be filled with laughter.

"Well I did want him to stop calling, so maybe what Ash did was for the best." May admitted as she looked out the window.

Ash quickly turned around from the passenger seat to look at May with a grin. "Exactly so thank me!"

May looked at Ash and rolled her eyes before turning her head back to the window.

She was a tad bit sad that they were leaving the cabin. She honestly couldn't believe just how much her life had changed since she had met Ash. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss Drew, but it was like missing something because you had become so accustomed to it..Eventually the feeling would pass she figured. She was overall happy that Dawn had convinced her to come, Gary and Ash were two of the most entertaining people she had ever met.

"UGH! Why couldn't we have stayed another week?" Dawn suddenly moaned. Obviously thinking the same thoughts as May.

Gary shrugged. "Well technically we could have, but unfortunately I have other obligations this summer."

"Like what?" Dawn questioned wondering what Gary had planned for the rest of their summer break.

"Well, me and my granddad are going on a family cruise...It's his idea for the next month, and after that the rest of the summer will probably be all basketball." Gary informed the group earning a nod from Dawn.

"What about you Ash? Do you have any plans this summer?" May questioned curious if the black haired boy had planned anything.

Ash nodded. "Not really..I'll probably be working out all summer...and you know getting those massages you promised me." he replied with a smirk reminding May of her lost bet.

May groaned. "No massages Ash.."

"I don't see why not, your single now! No excuses." Gary added in earning a fist bump from Ash for the assist.

Dawn couldn't help, but laugh. "Technically he is right May. Better invest in some oil."

May put her head down in her lap while the rest of the car laughed.

"Well girls, we're pulling into May's house now. So it's been fun." Ash said as he noticed Gary pull into the driveway.

"Jeez Ash you make it sound like I won't be here for a few more minutes until you drop me off." Dawn joked noticing how Ash's comment sounded.

The basketball player chuckled as he rolled his eyes as he watched May step out of the car and get her stuff.

"Don't forget May you've been with me all week! Hurry up before your parents see Gary's car." Dawn warned as she rushed the brown haired girl.

May instantly remembered her lie and grabbed her things quickly. "Thank you for an amazing week Ash and Gary. I really appreciated you two inviting me." May thanked before she walked to her front door after Ash and Gary waved goodbye.

The girl quickly watched the group pull off before she knocked on the door.

It took a few seconds before her father came to the door.

"Oh May, your back. Did you have fun sweetie?" He questioned as he let his eldest into the house.

"I had a great time." May answered as she walked to her room. It wasn't long before she felt her phone vibrate.

She sighed automatically assuming it was Drew as she looked at her phone only for her eyes to widen as she realized it was a text from Ash.

**Hey, so I have a surprise for you. I didn't want to bring it up around everybody.**

May smiled, she hadn't been away from him for 10 minutes and he was already texting her. She didn't know if he was clingy or it was just his personality. Not that she minded she enjoyed the fact that Ash wanted to talk to her so much. A trait Drew never had...

May frowned as she realized she had just thought about Drew.

"I guess without being around everybody my thoughts can't help, but drift to him..." May whispered to herself.

**And what would this surprise be?** She answered as she began to unpack her bag. She had made so many memories while at the cabin. It was definitely an experience she would never forget.

The teenager smiled as she pulled out her bikini as she remembered how they went swimming in the lake near the cabin.


"May come on!" Ash beckoned. He along with Dawn and Gary had already jumped into the circular Lake and were waiting for her to as well.

"Show us what you've learned from all of those lessons with Ash!" Dawn teased as she swam in little circles.

May shook her head. "NO!"

Ash sighed. "Why not? It's not that deep May come on.." He begged, but the girl just continued to shake her head.

Gary laughed as he grabbed Dawn and pulled her deeper into the lake leaving Ash to handle May alone.

"There are fish in there Ash! If one of them touch me I swear to god I'll faint." May gave her reason for not wanting to get in the water causing Ash to fall over in the water laughing.

"Aw, really May is that it? The fish in here are tiny! Believe me they are much more afraid of you than you are of them." Ash explained as he calmed his laughter at how cute May was acting.

May seemed to think for a few seconds, but still didn't jump in.

Ash smirked as an idea formed into his head as he slowly got out of the water using the peer that May was standing on as support.

May couldn't help, but blush as she saw Ash's chest. No matter how many times she saw it, her reaction was always the same. She blamed it for never really knowing a boy who was as fit as Ash. She quickly forgot her thoughts as she felt Ash's powerful arms grab her.

"What are you-" May started before she felt herself being thrown into the lake. She shrieked as she felt herself leave Ash's arms.

Ash was a bit caught off guard when May grabbed onto him while she was being thrown causing him to fall back into the lake.

"Great job Ash!" Gary congratulated Ash for getting May in the water.

May's head flew up as she desperately searched for something to grab on to. The first thing that her hands could capture of course was Ash's neck.

"You jerk!" May continued to yell as she held on to Ash as if her life depended on it.

Ash clearly wasn't taking her seriously as he continued to laugh as he walked deeper into the lake joining Gary and Dawn.

"Come on May! It's not that bad see no fish are messing with me." Dawn said as they got closer to her as she pulled her friend off of the ebony haired basketball player.

May sighed as she slowly released her grip from Ash and allowed herself to slowly drift into the lake.

"See May that wasn't so -" Ash started before his head was suddenly pushed underwater causing May and Dawn to squeal in laughter having noticed Gary about to do it.

Gary joined in on the laughter about his actions, but he stopped as he felt a pair of arms grab his waist and lift him into the air before slamming him strongly into the water causing a huge splash.

May and Dawn used their hands to cover their eyes from the water, but May's eyes quickly opened as she heard Dawn squeal as well. Her eyes widened as she saw that Ash had quickly changed targets from Gary to Dawn as he lifted the blue haired girl and threw her into the water.

Thinking quickly May tried to escape, but she felt a pair of strong arms grab her once again.

"You do know what comes next right May?" Ash cockily asked as he turned May around so she could look him in his eyes before he tossed her.

May gave a nervous smile before replying. "Do I really have to answer that?" She asked before she felt herself being lifted into the air for the second time.

"ASH DON'T!" May screamed before she felt herself being thrown into the water.

"All hail the king of the lake!" Ash gestured as his three victims arose from the water.

"Oh you asked for it now!" Gary shouted as he rushed towards Ash who laughed as he sidestepped the bigger basketball player.

Dawn quickly jumped on Ash's back however catching him off guard.

"What the!" Ash said although he couldn't help, but blush as he felt the girl's breast press up against his back.

Gary smirked at Ash's innocence already knowing why he was blushing as he charged at him once again. His eyes widened however as a foot tripped him causing him to face plant into the water.

The brown haired boy came back up out the water after a few seconds, his eyes scanning for who could have done it. "May why would you help him?" Gary questioned unable to believe the brown haired girl's betrayal.

"Because if I don't help then I'll end up being thrown into the water again!" May laughed.

"Good choice May!" Ash said before he turned his head and looked at Dawn. "You know you messed up right." He stated, as he allowed himself to fall backwards causing Dawn to be submerged into the water.

-Flashback End-

May rolled her eyes at how childish Ash had been, but his actions had made her forget all about her fear about swimming with the fishes. Her attention went to her phone as she felt it vibrate.

**Well you know how I told you I would help you become a singer? Well I got in touch with my friend Brendan and he told me that we can meet him tomorrow so he can hear you.**

May's eyes widened as she read the message. She knew Ash had promised to help her get started, but she had thought that wouldn't be until next school year.

**Wow really? That's amazing! Where are we going to meet him?** She replied.

She chuckled to herself it would seem she was going to have quite the productive summer. Her smile disappeared as doubt crept into her mind. What if she wasn't as good as Ash told her...What if this Brendan guy told her it was stupid to think of being a singer...

May sighed.. Why was she trying to depress herself.

Ash's reply knocked her out of her thoughts.

**Well I'll ask my mom if I can drive her car and we can go to his house after I finish my workout..If your not busy? I know all of this is sudden.**

"What am I doing...Ash is trying really hard to help me. I have to have confidence." May told herself as she typed her reply.

**That's fine. What time will you pick me up?** May sent to him.

A reply came after a few seconds.

**8 am**

May's eyes widened as she read the message. Ash was clearly losing his mind. She was about to reply, but a second text message came before she could.

**You didn't forget that you're going to be helping me work out did you (¬‿¬)** Ash said seemingly reading May's mind.

May groaned out loud as she read the message. He was really going to make her regret making that deal. 8 am was completely insane.

A third text came interrupting her from her thoughts.

**You are appreciated. (ᵔᴥᵔ)**

May rolled her eyes at Ash's text message. Once again she found herself questioning if he was actually a asshole with a great personality.

Suddenly a problem came to her mind. She was making plans and she had no idea if her parents would even be ok with her leaving with Ash so early. Sure they had shown that they had liked him, but that didn't mean they would be cool with her spending a lot of time with him.


May sighed as she walked out of her room to tell her dad her plans. She would have to deal with Ash's early schedule after all she didn't want to be a liar.

"Dad." May said as she found him in the living room watching television. She wasn't surprised to see it was ESPN like always.

"Oh May. What is it? Have you put away all of your clothes from your week with Dawn? Don't forget to put the dirty ones in the laundry room?" Norman said although his eyes never left the television.

May laughed a bit at her father's actions. It was only to be expected though it was the NBA Playoffs, she was lucky he had even came to the door earlier...It had probably been on commercial.

"Dad, so...I promised Ash, I'd help him train this summer..." May started not wanting to beat around the bush.

That instantly caught Norman's attention as he grabbed the remote and muted the television. "Oh? And what does he need your help with?" He questioned.

May was a bit intimidated now that she had all of her father's attention, but she continued with what she had set out to do. "Well, I'm not sure really...Grab his rebounds when he misses, stuff like that I guess.." May gave a small description of what her job would be.

Norman nodded. "Well don't distract him sweetie." He replied before he looked back at the television.

The brown haired girl really couldn't believe just how differently her father acted whenever it involved Ash. If she had said she was going to be helping Drew with something he would have questioned her nonstop about it.

May rolled her eyes. "Men.." She muttered to herself.

"So when do you start?" Norman asked interrupting May out of her thoughts.

"Start what?"

Norman looked at his daughter and frowned. "Helping Ash? Come on May...You just said it literally five seconds ago..." he joked.

"Oh! I wasn't sure if that's what you meant! But he said he'll pick me up at 8 tomorrow for us to get started." May answered.

"Eight at night? That's kind of late don't you think? Norman inquired as his attention was now back on his daughter, although he couldn't help, but look at the tv screen every couple seconds to make sure somebody hadn't scored.

"No...Eight in the morning..." May muttered a bit annoyed that it was so early.

"Ah! Well that makes a lot more sense, well stay safe. I'm glad you and Ash are getting close. It'll definitely help you get over that other boy..What was his name Dew?" Norman said.

May gave a small laugh, clearly her mother had told her father the details of her break up.

"Drew, not Dew dad...He wasn't a type of soda.." May informed her father as she stopped laughing.

"Ah, I know I was just joking. Well, be good with Ash sweetie. I trust that you aren't doing anything I wouldn't approve of." Norman said seriously. This was the first time he actually expressed a bit of concern with her hanging out with Ash. May guessed that despite the fact that he liked him he still was going to worry a bit. That was part of the duty of being a father.

"Of course not. We're just friends I keep telling people that. Jeez." May told her father causing him to chuckle.

"Yeah, I believe you." Norman playfully said before he looked back at the television and immediately frowned. At some point during his conversation his team had managed to lose their 10 point lead. He really was curious on how they had managed to mess up that much so quickly.

"I wanted to tell you something else to Dad..." May suddenly said once again earning her father's attention. Despite how much he wanted to watch the game he knew that his daughter came first.

"Yes?" He questioned.

May took a small gulp. Why was she feeling nervous to tell him about her new goal to pursue singing. Ash's previous words flooded her mind. She really was scared to know how her family would react to it. After all her family were realist and would probably want her to do something more realistic.

"Nothing, never mind. I don't know what time i'll be getting home whenever I help Ash, but I promise I won't be out to late." May quickly said as she ran out of the living room.

Norman blinked a few times confused about what had just happened before he shrugged his shoulders and cut the volume back up on the television.

"AND THE DRAGONS HAVE LOSS...What a shame after barely making it as an 8th seed many people believed they could pull off the upset after forcing a game 7 who would have thought that they would have blown a 10 point lead in the last 3 minutes of the game... Wow, they are going home folks and they only have themselves to blame...I have a feeling a rebuilding process is going to have to take place before this team reclaims it's former glory. Lance can't do it alone." The sports announcer said causing Norman to groan.

"Maybe next year." He sighed as he turned the television off. Disappointed.


May let out a sad sigh as she laid on her bed. Disappointed that she hadn't had the guts to tell her dad that she was going to try to pursue singing seriously.

"If I start showing results...Then I'll tell my family..." May whispered to herself as she grabbed her phone and scrolled to Ash's last message so she could reply. She was sure he was waiting for it.

** Your lucky I'm a nice person! I'll be waiting for you at 8. Don't be late!:P ** The text said.

May laughed a bit at her face, she had no clue how Ash made his creative faces and whenever she asked him he had just winked and said it was a secret. Her basic face would have to suffice.

The next morning

"You seem tired." Ash said to the yawning girl who was currently sitting in his passenger seat.

"Shut up.." May replied as she wiped her eyes trying to wake herself up. Ash had came just like he said at 8 am. She had managed to dress in a pair of pink nike running shoes, a white tank top and a pair of black yoga pants. She also put her hair in a pony tail to prevent any of it from getting in her hair.

Ash had on yet another pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. May had gotten accustomed to seeing him dressed in such a way while they were at the cabin, since Ash had spent a lot of time working out.

The basketball player chuckled at his friend. "Well today is going to be pretty light since I'm a bit sore from lifting weights with Gary last night after dropping Dawn off." Ash admitted.

"I'm nervous to see what your definition of light is." May muttered as she leaned her head against the passenger door.

The car they were driving was nothing to brag about, especially after driving in Gary's car, but May knew Ash's circumstances so she wouldn't dare joke about it. Even though occasionally Ash would talk about how the car was a piece of junk.

"Well just some basic shooting drills at the park, before it gets crowded really. Then we're going to go meet up with Brendan. I really can't wait for you to meet him. He's probably the best singer in our high school...Well he was before I found out about you." Ash informed May causing her to blush.

"I can't wait to meet him.." May said shyly.

Ash chuckled. May really was shy when it came to talking about her singing.

It didn't take long for the two to get to the park and although Ash had said it was going to be a light day, May quickly saw that her definition of light and his definition were about as different as night and day. Since it was so early they had the court to themselves and Ash had told her to sit on the bench while he warmed up. His warm up consisted of a few sprints back and forth from one side of the court to the other about 20 times before he picked up the two basketballs he had brought with him and dribbled them while running back and forth another 20 times.

May grimaced as she imagined the kind of conditioning it took to be able to do such a thing. After Ash had finished that he finally told May to come to the court. She was pretty much his ball girl as she collected all of his shots and passed him the ball back. Ash pretty much shot jump shots for two hours straight. He would shoot a shot and immediately run to a different place on the court ready to shoot another one when May passed him the ball.

If May was honest, she had expected for them to talk a little bit, but as she saw the concentration on Ash's face she couldn't bring herself to interrupt him. The look of determination while his body dripped with sweat...

May occasionally had to deal with those kind of thoughts during the workout, but overall she really had no complaints. Her job was pretty easy, the only real hard part about helping Ash this summer was probably waking up.

After two hours passed they took a short break to eat a few snacks that May had brought from her kitchen. May was quick to compliment Ash on how he made a greater number of shots then he missed as she had kept count. Ash shook his head when she had told him this quickly commenting that she was a bigger nerd than he had thought. That brought about a few laughs and soon the duo continued Ash's training for another two hours before Ash stated that they were done for the day.

He was completely drenched. A combination of his sweat and multiple water bottles he had poured on himself to keep cool as it got hotter.

May wasn't nearly as bad, but she to had began sweating much to her discontent.

"Here dry yourself off." Ash shouted as he tossed May a sweat rag.

May quickly dodged the item and looked at Ash as if he had lost his mind.

"I will NOT put your dirty sweat rag on me." May said bluntly causing Ash to laugh.

"Fine then! I would hate for you to meet Brendan all sweaty though!" Ash commented with a knowing smirk as he saw May frown and look at the sweat rag.

She bent down to pick it up, but quickly stopped and stood straight once again. "NO! I refuse to even touch that! We will go to my house so I can change before we go!" May commanded.

Ash chuckled, but chose not to try and argue. He had learned after living with a single mother his whole life that arguing with a girl who was tired, sweaty and had been outside for the last four hours would not produce any favorable results.

"Yeah, I got you." Ash simply replied as he took off his sweaty t-shirt causing the brown haired girl to blush and turn her head.

"What are you doing!?" May shouted as Ash lifted himself up to sit on a nearby table. He quickly leaned back and smiled as he absorbed the sun light.

Ash didn't immediately answer May's question as he just laid in the sun with his eyes closed.

His eyes snapped opened however as he felt a bottle of water being poured on him.

"Oh my gosh!" Ash shouted as he jumped up not expecting the sudden assault.

May instantly loss the strength in her knees as she began laughing. "That's what you get for ignoring me! Oh, you should have saw your face!" She said as she pointed at the black haired voice.

Ash couldn't help, but roll his eyes at the girl's childish actions. "Your lucky I'm to tired to get you back. Besides that felt kind of good." he told the girl.

May grinned. "Well use your dirty rag to dry yourself off and let's go to my house. I'm sure you can fit my dad's clothing. You can borrow a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

Ash obliged as he stood up and began heading to the car with May following closely behind him. Ash waved to a few of the men who were arriving at the court as they were leaving. A few recognized May from Drew's altercation with Ash a while back.

"So you ended up stealing his girl? Damn Ash, I didn't know you had it in you!" Came a familiar voice causing Ash to turn to see who it was. He instantly smiled as he gave the dark skinned man a handshake.

"Stop, it isn't even like that Brock." Ash informed the boy with a small laugh.

Brock gave Ash a knowing look before turning to May. "Well it's nice to meet you, my name is Brock..I must say your beauty transcends -" He started before Ash quickly shoved his hand in the taller boy's face.

"Ignore him May. If you were going to find somebody worse then Gary this guy would be your goal." Ash said bluntly causing Brock to groan.

"Come on..Why ruin my chances." Brock mumbled as he rubbed his face.

May chuckled at the two boys before holding out her hand. "Nice to meet you Brock, my name is May Maple." She introduced sweetly.

Ash rolled his eyes at how friendly May was. "Don't say I didn't warn you. If he tries to flirt with you I won't stop him."

Brock ignored Ash as he bent down to one knee surprising May as he grabbed her hand and lifted it to his mouth intending to kiss it.

"Get your corny ass out of here!" Ash quickly stopped Brock from doing his actions as he kicked the boy over.

"I thought you weren't going to stop me!" Brock complained as he sat up rubbing his face from Ash's kick.

May laughed once again. Were all of Ash's friends such colorful characters.

"Well were in a bit of a rush Brock, It was nice meeting you." May nicely stated as she grabbed Ash's hand and began walking him to his car.

Brock laughed a bit as he watched them walk away. "They make a pretty cute couple."

At May's House

"Hey dad can Ash borrow some of your clothing?" May shouted from her room.

As soon as they had gotten to her house she had got in the shower. She hated feeling dirty. Her mom had given Ash some towels so he could use their guest bathroom to freshen up as well since May had told her now that they were done training they had plans to go out. At first May's mom expressed concern over the fact that she was starting to barely be home, but May quickly brushed it off saying she was getting older it was only to be expected. Caroline agreed, but also told May that she better make sure she didn't start neglecting her family.

"Sure sweetie! Look in the top drawer I should have some basketball shorts that I use to workout. You can find some t-shirts in there to probably." Norman shouted back from his normal place in the living room.

May had already gotten dressed since she had took a shower immediately unlike Ash who had to deal with her father and Max smothering him as soon as he walked in the door. She had put on a pair of black tights under a white mini skirt along with a yellow top. She opted to keep her hair in a pony tail since she didn't have the time, nor did she have the patience to try and tame it.

She walked to her parents room and looked in the drawer like her father had said finding a pair of black Kanto Dragon shorts along with a plain white t-shirt. Her father was around the same height as Ash should it would probably fit him pretty well. She shrugged figuring he would just have to deal if it didn't as she walked towards the guest bathroom and placed the clothing by the door.

"Your new clothes are out here. Try not to get them to dirty, I'm sure my dad wants them back eventually." May stated through the door. She smiled as she heard the boy suck his teeth from the inside. It was clear that he had already finished showering and had probably been waiting on her to bring him something to wear.

"Hurry up and leave so I can get the clothes!" Ash replied through the door causing May to blush as she quickly scurried away from the door not wishing to see any more of Ash then she had already. Lord knows she didn't need anymore blood rushing to her head from all of the blushing.


"Well we're leaving dad, mom! I'll be back in a few hours!" May shouted as she and Ash exited her home.

"Be good sweetie!" Her parents replied back as she closed the door.

The duo quickly got in the car and were on the road.

"You nervous?" Ash questioned as they got closer to Brendan's house.

"A little bit to be honest..." May answered in a small tone her shyness coming back.

She felt herself calm down a little as she felt Ash use one of arms to wrap around her shoulders.

"It's alright. Brendan is a pretty cool guy, he can be a bit serious sometimes, but once he hears your voice...I promise he'll be just as blown away as I was." Ash encouraged the young girl causing her to blush once again.

"You really are a pro at saying the right things..." May muttered as she looked down at her legs.

Ash chuckled as he removed his arm. "Well I'll take that as a compliment."

The rest of the ride was filled with the two talking like normal. It seemed that no matter how much they talked they never ran out of things to talk about. It really was amazing to May. Maybe Max was right..Maybe she should try to date somebody who had the same interest as her..

May's eyes widened as the thought crossed her head. Sure she and Ash had a lot in common, sure he had a great body, sure he was one of the sweetest guys she had ever met...

May groaned a bit as she stated some of Ash's good qualities in her head...Why did he seem so perfect..

May gave a sad smile as she looked over at Ash who was still talking as he looked at the road. If she had met Ash instead of Drew all those years ago what would her life be like now...She could only imagine. She had only known Ash for a few weeks and already she was dealing with so many new things.

May's smile disappeared as Drew came into her head.. He hadn't called today..That was new..He had yet to not call her since they broke up..Maybe Ash picking up the phone really did give him that final push to move on. May couldn't help, but feel a small prick at her heart. She quickly shook the thoughts out of her head. Now wasn't the time. Besides it was good that Drew stopped calling right. Why would she want to talk to somebody who had been cheating for who knows how long.

"May? Are you listening?" Ash questioned bringing May out of her thoughts.

"Yeah?" She questioned a bit ashamed that she hadn't heard what Ash was talking about.

"You alright?" Ash asked a bit worried about May spacing out.

May nodded. "I'm fine.."

Ash looked at his friend for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders. "Well we are about to pull up at Brendan's house so I hope your ready."

May gulped as they pulled into a driveway.

"Like I said calm down. Brendan is a high school kid just like us. No reason to be nervous."

"I'm just nervous about having to sing for him.." May admitted.

Ash chuckled. "Well, i'm sure you'll be great." He said as he parked the car in front of a nice house.

"Let's do this." May said to herself.

The duo made their way to Brendan's door and rang the doorbell. It took a few seconds before finally a tanned male stepped out.

He was a little bit shorter than Ash probably standing at around 5'10 with brown hair covered by a white toboggan.

"Ash! It took you long enough! Get in here!" He greeted happily. "And this must be your friend May. It's nice to meet you I've heard nothing, but nice things!" Brendan introduced in a charming voice as he held out his hand for May to shake.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm looking forward to working with you.." May answered happy that he seemed like a pretty nice person like Ash had said.

"Well come inside you two." He motioned for them to enter. "Just follow me, I have my own in home studio in the basement, so we'll be down there." Brendan stated as he walked in front of the two showing them the way.

"Oh wow your own studio?" May questioned a bit impressed.

Brendan chuckled. "Well...It's just a mic and a computer, but you know these days that's all you really need if your talented!" He corrected his previous statement.

"Yep! If you don't need all of that auto-tune nonsense and pitch correcting software." Ash chimed in to which Brendan agreed with.

The trio made their way downstairs and Mays smiled at the set up. There was a decent sized flat screen tv hanging up on the wall along with a couch and table and in the corner of the room was a Mac desktop along with an expensive looking studio mic.

The room looked extremely comfortable.

"Welcome to my home..Inside my home!" Brendan joked as he walked to his computer.

"Brendan how about you show May something. So she knows your the real deal!" Ash suggested.

"I would love to hear you sing." May corrected Ash statement so she didn't seem like some kind of asshole.

Brendan smirked. "Well I was about to record a song I just wrote last night. So I guess you guys can listen."

Ash and May nodded that they wanted to hear as they sat on the couch as Brendan put on a pair of headphones before clicking a few keys on his computer.

"Get ready to be amazed May!" Ash said unable to contain his excitement causing May to smile. It was obvious that Ash loved great singing.

May turned her attention to Brendan as she heard the beat play.

"I have it set up so you guys can hear the beat through my computer speakers so you hear more than just me singing." Brendan explained before turning his attention back to the mic and took a breath.

He hummed a bit as the beat continued playing.

"Oh no..Oh No..

You'll never make me stay
So take your weight off of me
I know your every move
So won't you please let me be
I've been here times before
But I was to blind to see
That you seduce every man
This time you won't seduce me"

May smiled as she looked towards Ash who gave her a look that clearly said "I told you so" referring to the boy's good singing. The two looked back towards Brendan however as the beat got louder as a bass drum entered.

"She's saying that's ok
Hey baby do what you please
I have the stuff the you want
I am the thing that you need
She looked me deep in the eyes
She's touchin' me so to start
She says there's no turnin' back
She trapped me in her heart

Dirty Diantha, No
Dirty Diantha, No
Dirty Diantha, No
Dirty Diantha
Let Me Be!

Oh No ...
Oh No ...
Oh No ..."

"Oh my god! Is he singing about the singer Diantha?" May questioned.

Ash laughed. "I have no idea! He's amazing though right!?"

"He really is..." May muttered as she continued listening..Was she on his level? She honestly couldn't believe this was a high school student. He sounded like a professional.

"She likes the boys in the band
She knows when they come to town
Every musician's fan after the curtains comes down
She waits at backstage doors
For those who have prestige
Who promise fortune and fame
A life that's so carefree

She's says that's ok
Hey baby do what you want
I'll be your night lovin' thing
I'll be the freak you can taunt
And I don't care what you say
I want to go too far
I'll be your everything
If you make me a star

Dirty Diantha, oh
Dirty Diantha, no
Dirty Diantha, ooh
Dirty Diantha
Dirty Diantha
Dirty Diantha, nooo
Dirty Diantha, nah
Dirty Diantha, no no
Dirty Diantha
Let me be…oooo"

May began clapping as the beat slowed down, but stopped as Brendan held a hand out to her signaling that he wasn't done yet. She blushed as Ash chuckled a bit.

Brendan took a deep breath.

"She said I have to go home
Cause I'm real tired you see
But I hate sleepin' alone
Why don't you come with me
I said my baby's at home
She's probably worried tonight
I didn't call on the phone to
Say that I'm alright

Diantha walked up to me
She said I'm all yours tonight
At that I ran to the phone
Sayin' baby I'm alright
I said unlock the door
Because I forgot the key
She said he's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with me

Dirty Diantha, No
Dirty Diantha, No
Dirty Diantha, No"

"Now you may clap. "Brendan joked as he wiped a bit of sweat of his forehead.

"You were so amazing!" May suddenly complimented as she walked up to Brendan.

Brendan put a hand behind his head as he laughed. "Well thank you."

"See May! I told you. He is great." Ash said as he also walked up to the boy.

"Let me hear you May! Ash has never bragged as much as he bragged about you. I really want to hear you." Brendan suddenly said.

May instantly blushed. "I don't know..I don't even know what I'd sing..." She said replied trying to find an excuse causing Ash to frown, but the basketball didn't say anything as he had already told Brendan that May would try to get out of singing so he should prepare a song for her in advance.

"That's fine! You can sing a song I wrote last night! Let me show you how it goes." Brendan stated surprising May.

Brendan made writing a song sound simple.

Without waiting for May to reply Brendan quickly grabbed a keyboard that he had under his desk and handed May a piece of a paper.

"Just try and sing that on the beat that I give. It's pretty easy." Brendan informed the girl still talking to quickly for May to say anything. "And Ash I just want you to clap your hands like this." Brendan told the basketball player as he gave Ash a simple tempo.

Ash nodded in understanding. "Good luck May."

May groaned. "I'll try I guess..." She replied as she looked at the paper and read the lyrics.

"Alright let's go!" Brendan shouted surprising everyone. "I'll point at you when you your suppose to start! Ash you start at the same time as her!"

Both teenagers nodded.

Brendan began playing the piano. Ash nodded his head already liking the sound of the beat.



Here we go!"

Brendan started before he pointed at May surprising her. May quickly caught on as she sang what was on the paper as Ash began clapping in the tempo that Brendan had given him.

"I could write a song with my new piano
I could sing about how love is a losing battle
Not hard, (it's not hard),
It's not hard, (it's not hard),
It's not hard, (it's not hard),
It's not hard, (It's not hard),

And I could sing about cupid and his shooting arrow
In the end, you'll find out that my heart was battered
Real hard (Real hard)
It's so hard (So hard)
Real hard (Real hard)
It's that hard (It's that hard)"

"You amazing!" Brendan shouted as he continued playing the piano. His comment made May gain some confidence as she continued.

"But I'd rather make a song they can play on the radio
That makes you wanna dance
Don't it make you wanna dance
But I'd rather make a song they can play on the radio
That makes you wanna grab your lover's hand

So hold up and
Take it through the night
And you should follow through
To make it alright
Now grab each others' hands, get 'em up
I wanna see you rock to the piano, the piano"

"I'm going to get tired of saying I told you so by the time today is over!" Ash said as he continued the tempo. He was smiling happy that May was showing her talent.

"I could write a song by my new piano
I could sing about how love is a losing battle
Not hard (It's not hard)
It's not hard (It's not hard)
It's not hard (It's not hard)
It's not hard (It's not hard)

And I could sing about cupid and his shooting arrow
In the end, you'll find out that my heart was battered
Real hard (It's not hard)
So hard (So hard)
Real hard (It's not hard)
It's not hard (It's not hard)"

Brendan suddenly stopped playing as he looked at May. "Oh my god! Where have you been hiding! Ash wasn't kidding your amazing! You made that song sound like it was written exclusively for you and it was only your first time singing it!" He said unable to believe that the girl was so talented.

"Thank you.." May blushed.

"You can thank me now Brendan for bringing her to you!" Ash joked.

Brendan didn't see it as a joke, however as he began thanking Ash. "You have no idea how grateful I am. Wow! If me and May work together there is no way we won't attract attention." He stated.

Ash nodded in agreement. "I know! You guys are going to be big stars one day!"

May just listened to the words and couldn't help, but smile. Maybe she wasn't out of her mind by trying to do this. With somebody as talented as Brendan helping her...It definitely seemed possible.

Songs Used: Dirty Diana - The Weeknd (Micheal Jackson Remix) I thought it was clever to make it Dirty Diantha instead...Lol might be corny though lol.

Ariana Grande - Piano
