Ash and Red

"We need to talk."

The sound of his and Red's Pikachu playing around in the other room became more and more apparent. He shook his head, trying to focus.

Ash knew this would come sooner or later. He just wished it wasn't this soon. He ignored the words in favour of lowering his head and turning his gaze anywhere else. He felt Red's stern and piercing gaze on him.

"Ash, please." He said softly, Ash only closed his eyes and clenched his fist. "What happened? In Kalos. The crisis... I was- we.. we were all so worried." Red took a shaky breath to steady himself, before turning towards Ash who still had his head lowered.

Reluctantly Ash rose his head and looked behind Red, unable to meet his eyes. He opened his mouth but was unable to form any words. The silence rang out before Ash took a long breath and finally spoke though a bit quietly "It's nothing, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me, the crisis is over now." As soon as the words left his mouth he turned around and headed to the door.

Red quickly grabbed his wrist before he could reach the handle, pulling back just as quick when Ash let out a wince of pain. Shocked, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Ash brushed it off "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing, take off your glove."

"Really! It's nothin-." He didn't finish his sentence as Red pulled the glove down, only to see his wrist wrapped in bandages. Red opened his mouth to ask, but Ash quickly retracted it to his chest, holding his wrist with his opposite hand and looking away guilty.

Red horrified, shakily exclaimed "Ash... did you- did you do this...?" Staring at the bandages in disbelief.

"What!? No way!" he voiced, dumbstruck.

"What the hell happened then!?" he cried. Ash flinched, never having Red's anger directed at him. "I- I... I don't want to talk about it okay! At least not now." he spoke faintly.

Red immediately regretted raising his voice once he saw how uncomfortable and agitated Ash looked. His anger disappeared as he realised that Ash had just gotten home from Kalos sometime ago, and was probably already overwhelmed. 'I'm such an idiot.' he mused. Mentally punching himself. He sighed before turning his gaze to the tense boy.

"Ash, I'm really sorry. I was just so worried and afraid that you would get hurt or worse..." he paused, composing himself before continuing "It was really scary for me you know? One moment everybody is celebrating and the next there were those red vines everywhere, destroying and attacking everyone and everything in sight. Next thing I know, some sick maniac begins spewing about creating a new world. And, I was. So scared I'd lose you.." he spoke woefully.

Ash turned away "I'm sorry." voice cracking.

Red sighed, before placing his hands on his shoulders and softly began "It isn't your fault and never will be, you don't need to apologise so much, if anyone should be apologising it should be me. I should have known you've been feeling overwhelmed and didn't want to talk about it so soon, especially since you got back not long ago. You needed to relax, but I was selfish and just thought of myself. I'm sorry, I was so worried. But, I'm just glad you're still here. I will wait, for whenever you are ready. And, if you don't want to then that's okay. Don't feel pressured to tell me, alright?"

He smiled tenderly at the younger before pulling him into a hug.

A wave of guilt washed over him as he felt Ash tense. He remained like that for a bit longer, about to pull away when he felt a pair of smaller arms wrap around him.

Red felt Ash's body tremble as he began to cry softly on his chest. He raised an arm to caress his hair while the other gently rubbing circles on his back. They stayed like that for an indefinite amount of time before Ash pulled away. Red wipes away his tears, and lets out a silent chuckle as he ruffles Ash's hair and gives him a reassuring squeeze.

Red felt a sense of solace as he sensed Ash staring up at him with an expression of somewhere between comfort and relief.

He smiles before suggesting to take a seat and rest. Unable to form words at the moment Ash nods.

The two boys sit down in comfortable silence, remaining like that before Ash falls asleep on Red's shoulder, letting out soft and gentle breaths. Red gently smiled, hand ruffling Ash's hair once more before falling, and soon falling asleep as well.

Delia smiled tenderly as she put a blanket over the two boys, before getting a camera and snapping a photo.

"Sleep tight."

She walked away, turning off the lights and shutting the door quietly. She turned around to see the boys' Pikachu. She brought a finger to her smiling lips and shook her head. The Pikachu understood and kept silent while smiling all the same.

This is my first fic and I don't know how I feel about it. I've re-read it so many times and it just seems like a hot mess and brain rot honestly. This was inspired by "The Pallet Boys" by WillowBlueJay17 on Definitely check it out, it got me obsessed with this duo. This probably seems very OC but I tried. I also wanted to have Red as more quiet but I just didn't know how to to make it work.

Feel free to leave any tips or criticism. It is greatly appreciated.
