The Titan's Curse


AN: Harem votes as of 8/1/2021 are 10 to 5 in favor of the harem.

Fanfiction readers, I really need you guys to step up here, Wattpad readers are a lot more vocal.

If you have an account, PLEASE vote in the harem poll in my profile. For those who are guests are review pretty frequently (you know who you are) you all have been here pretty consistently since the beginning, so I would love to know your opinion on your next review, and I'll count your vote.

I'm kind of torn on this, so it would be great to know everyone's opinion.

I want EVERYONE who reads this story to chime in, this harem poll ISN'T something you can just not vote on unless you truly don't care.

The outcome of the vote WILL change the direction of the story drastically, so I want all readers to chime in on this.

If I was to write a harem, I think I would end up writing... ahem... mature scenes that I would just post on Wattpad (smut is actually illegal on FFN) so I don't get banned. I don't want to run that risk. This fanfic will remain rated T.


Do you guys think I should write a story or a one-shot about Perseus' involvement in the Trojan War? Or maybe I could write one about some other war instead of the Trojan war since that one is used so much...

Anyways, review and give me your thoughts on that. I'll write it if I get a significant amount of people that want to see a short story of it.

Sidenote: I wrote Heracles differently in this story than from other authors; I wanted to reflect Riordan's full view of the character. In canon, although Heracles is viewed negatively in Zoe's eyes, he is not entirely bad. Many authors write Heracles as a completely rotten character, which I find to be bland. Additionally, Hercules, his roman side, is less arrogant in canon (remember when Jason Grace meets Hercules the god in Mark of Athena).


Discord link if you want to join just to chill:

FFN version (remove spaces since FFN doesn't like links): discord . gg / at9dx7kVaV

Wattpad version (for those on FFN this will look weird): /at9dx7kVaV





Alright... I trust you. Go on, you can read the chapter now.

The Titan's Curse

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 7

The black-haired daughter of Zeus looked around cautiously before she ran through the woods, towards the agreed upon meeting area. The night was silent, and the crickets ceased to chirp, she observed. Maybe Artemis was watching her. She shivered at the thought, no doubt she would be punished drastically for associating with the dark god. Regardless, it was in her best interest to meet with the elder huntresses rather than go on the run; perhaps she could try to convince them...

She stepped into the clearing. Thalia nearly snarled at the sight in front of her. Zoe stood there with another two huntresses keeping watch that Thalia didn't recognize. Their silver gear glistened dangerously in the silver moonlight.

One was a blonde girl, with bright blue eyes not so different from her own. She was the tallest of the group, around five foot eleven, around four inches taller than Thalia's five foot eight. The girl standing to Zoe's left was a redhead with a fiery look to her, around five foot three. Her archnemesis herself was around five foot eight; Nightshade's expression was always irritatingly regal and composed, her onyx black eyes carefully observing the daughter of Zeus.

"We know of your association with Perseus," the blonde stated evenly, her tone unreadable as well as her expression.

The blonde's bright blue eyes carefully surveyed Thalia's electric blue ones.

Thalia took a few steps backwards, her heart pounding frantically in her chest. No doubt they were here to bring her to Olympus. Powerful as she was, she doubted she could take three elder huntresses and still live to tell the tale. She cursed herself; she was an idiot to trust the lieutenant of Artemis.

The daughter of Zeus discreetly prepared to sprint. Her calves flexed, getting ready to sprint. She turned around and-

"WAIT!" Zoe shouted frantically.

For some reason, this froze Thalia.

"Did Perseus visit you?" Zoe half-whispered, half-shouted across the clearing.

Thalia moved next to the three huntresses and nodded.

The red-haired huntress looked around warily before whispering in Thalia's ear, "We're with him too."

Thalia's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why would the three eldest and most trusted hunters of Artemis be with Perseus?

"All of you?" the daughter of Zeus whispered back, not understanding why the three huntresses were being so quiet.

Thalia received three nods in unison. The blonde dragged her into a huddle. Two masses of black hair along with a fiery mass of red hair and a mass of blonde hair touched each other in the huddle.

"I noticed you fixed your English," Thalia fixed Zoe with a pointed look, but failed to intimidate her. Zoe quickly responded to the daughter of Zeus, "I put my back into it."

The long-legged blonde cleared her throat, ending Thalia's remark in her throat.

The blonde gestured to herself, "I'm Celyn, daughter of Apollo, and that," she pointed to the redhead, "is Phoebe, daughter of Enyo."

"Perseus saved us way, way back in the day," Phoebe explained.

The long-legged blonde, the tallest of the three, continued speaking, "Perseus saved Phoebe from the Greeks during the Trojan war. Phoebe was an impulsive and rather idiotic teenager at the time, running out to fight the soldiers pillaging the fire.

Phoebe stomped her foot indignantly, clearly peeved at the daughter of Apollo. "I was not idiotic, and certainly not that impulsive!" she whispered angrily into the huddle of four demigods. She was promptly ignored by the daughter of Apollo, and Nightshade elbowed the fiery redhead in the ribs.

Celyn cleared her throat, "Anyway, Phoebe was about to be...ahem... forced upon by Neoptolemus-

Zoe winced along with Phoebe, presumably at the memory.

-when Perseus came in and ripped the man's head off using one hand, causing a massive stream of blood."

Thalia cringed, the thought of it giving her goosebumps across her skin. How was it even possible to rip someone's head off with one hand? Yeah, sure he was a god, but how? One really didn't want to be on Perseus' bad side.

Phoebe continued, "Zoe was once the fifth Hesperide, the guardians of the garden, daughter of Atlas."

Thalia's eyes widened, but Celyn read her mind and assured her that Zoe was fully on Perseus' side.

"She wanted to explore the world, and jumped on the opportunity when Heracles, the son of Zeus came into the garden of the Hesperides, looking for Hera's famed golden apples..."

Zoe said his name sadly, not like poison as the daughter of Zeus would have expected.

Zoe noticed Thalia's confused look and explained, "I don't blame him entirely for what he did to me; however, I don't condone what he has done."

Zoe watched carefully from behind a tree as a five foot nine, stocky man approached the garden of the Hesperides. A son of Zeus, she guessed, based on his electric blue eyes. Maybe he could be the one to finally help her leave the garden.

"Hello there pretty one," the man rumbled. Zoe glanced up, startled at the man's approach. Not that he was silent, the man walked every step like he was the king of the world; no, Zoe had been too absorbed in her thinking to notice.

"H-hello," she stammered, suddenly losing the confidence to ask a stranger anything.

"What is your name, pretty one?" the man asked.

"My name is Zoe."

"This is the garden of the Hesperides, yes?" the man spoke as if it was a statement, rather than a question.

"Yes," she nodded, "why are you here?"

"I am here to collect an apple from the Tree."

Zoe suddenly started laughing in Heracles' face. The son of Zeus grew angrier by the second, his red face making Zoe even more amused.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You won't get past Ladon."

"I don't care about your little dragon," Heracles snarled, "I need an Apple."

Heracles stormed past Zoe, but Zoe called out, "Wait!"

The son of Zeus turned around; his electric blue eyes were stormy with anger and frustration. He'd been mocked and the injustice constantly inflicted upon him made the son of Zeus irrationally tense and moody.

"What is it?" he growled angrily.

"Here," Zoe took her hair clip off of her long, wavy black hair and placed it in the man's hands, "this will help you."

Heracles laughed at the Hesperide, "Pretty one, what will a hair clip do against the great Ladon?"

"It will transform into a bronze sword to aid you against Ladon."

Heracles was slightly surprised. A random act of kindness caught him slightly off guard. He was used to punishments and beratements from Hera, enduring all sorts of pain. Even emotional pain, when he was driven mad by Hera, again, to kill his own wife and children. The son of Zeus started trembling at the memory, before he straightened himself. The twelve labors, he reminded himself.

"Thank you pretty one."

"There is one more thing. When you leave, could you take me with you?"

Heracles was confused. Why would a Hesperide, who was immortal for gods' sake, want to leave the garden?

Zoe answered the son of Zeus' unspoken question, "I long to explore the world."

Heracles grit his teeth silently. He couldn't bring a companion with him on his travels. He was to walk the road to his destiny alone, Hera said.

"I will take you with me," Heracles found himself saying.

Heracles turned away from the Hesperide, walking into the Garden of the Hesperides, not looking back.

It was hours later when the son of Zeus stumbled out of the garden, bruises visible throughout his ripped chiton. The utterly exhausted Heracles collapsed on a rock, his muscles burning. The hero had no clue how he had even survived Ladon for a bit and then held up the sky after tricking Atlas, what a dimwit. He snickered at the thought.

His once-white chiton was almost completely black, save for a part near the waist, which he used to wipe the grime and dirt off his face.

He started to descend the mountain, but Zoe appeared in front of him, complicating his plan to leave quickly. She stopped him, "Will you take me with you?"

Heracles was torn mentally. He didn't want to lie and bring Zoe pain, but he could not abandon her. He took a deep breath, fully aware of what he was about to do.

"I am sorry Zoe. I cannot bring a companion with me on my travels. I fear the gods may punish me."

Heracles refused to look at the Hesperide's eyes, knowing they would be filled with tears.

"But-" Zoe sniffled, "My sisters would banish me? Please!"

The Hesperide clung to the son of Zeus' forearm, but Heracles shook her off roughly, anger in his stance. "I am sorry, Zoe."

The son of Zeus descended the mountain, leaving Zoe at the mercy of her Hesperide sisters.

Zoe turned around, hearing footsteps behind her. Her heart pounded nervously. A furious look was on each of her sisters' faces. Heavy disappointment was apparent on her eldest sister Arethusa's face. Zoe felt a pang of guilt resonating through her heart for betraying her sisters.

Zoe took a couple steps backward, opening her mouth to plead her case, but Arethusa interrupted her, "Go! You wanted to explore the world, go! Do not come back. You are no longer a Hesperide."

Tears spilt from Zoe's volcanic black eyes onto her caramel-colored skin. She fell to her knees, pleading, but her former sisters ignored her, turning their backs on her. The group of now four Hesperides faded into the garden, while Zoe pleaded her case to the air, muttering incoherent things.

Suddenly, a flash of gold appeared in front of her, and the former Hesperide shielded her eyes. When the light faded, a handsome man appeared in front of her. Zoe gasped despite herself. Why would the king of the gods pay her a visit? High cheekbones rested elegantly on his face with a chiseled jawline and a deep cupid's bow graced his lips. His elegant, dark eyes scanned her intensively. The former Hesperide had never seen someone so stunning; she blushed despite herself.

Zoe went to kneel. Lord Perseus, god of time, darkness, and mountains, was not one to be trifled with. She had heard multiple stories of his prowess in battle, personally witnessing the powerful king push her own father, Atlas, who was the titan of endurance and strength for gods' sake, under the sky.

A hand on her shoulder stopped her from kneeling, somehow giving her confidence at pretty much the lowest point in her life.

Zoe looked up to see the king of the gods with a warm smile on his face.

"I saw the entire fiasco. Let's get you cleaned up; I'll take you to the Hunt, a group of maidens who swear off love for partial immortality, founded by myself and Artemis . Are you fine with that?"

Zoe nodded wordlessly. Lord Perseus held out his hand, and Zoe held his hand as the king of the gods flashed them away...

"I did NOT blush," Zoe argued vehemently.

The fiery redhead Phoebe smirked, "Oh... I think you did." The blonde nodded in agreement, "Don't deny it. C'mon. We all did." The lieutenant of the hunt didn't answer, clearly blushing in embarrassment at being called out.

Phoebe suddenly pushed Thalia into the ground, landing on her. The daughter of Enyo whispered into Thalia's ear, "We need to stage a fight. Which means we're fighting for real now. Us three against you. Think you can handle it?"

Thalia growled dangerously and pushed Phoebe off of her, her bright blue eyes flashing dangerously. She saw Phoebe slightly flinch at her menacing look, and Thalia allowed a cocky smile to grace her lips.

Maybe this fight wouldn't be so one-sided after all.

Thalia charged at the daughter of Apollo, surprising all three huntresses.

Line break

"Atlas! What the f# k!" the former king of Olympus hollered, "For gods' sake! Stop smoking in this god damn room!"

All of the other immortals were too busy coughing to back Perseus up. Atlas had a habit of smoking cigars. Thank the gods he hadn't discovered that new stupid mortal invention vaping.

Atlas grumbled to himself, clearly unhappy about the no smoking policy. The titan of endurance threw his cigarette away from the table, managing to land it into the trash with impeccable aim.

Perseus waved his hand, and the air in the room cleared again.

"Thank you."

An exasperated god of time reached his hand out, moving his queen.

"Queen C8. Checkmate," Perseus stated with amusement to the stunned titan of anger.

Pallas snorted at Menoetius' flabbergasted expression, "You really thought you could win against him? After he's won every single round of chess we've had?"

"I thought I had him there!" a frustrated Menoetius argued.

"Yeah, maybe mate in eight if he played zero moves. Sooooo close to his mate in one. Absolute dumbass," Pallas snickered at the titan of anger.

"GaaAAAH!" Menoetius swept the chess pieces off the board, making a mess of black and white pieces on the ground and on the table.

"As expected," Atlas threw his hands up in exasperation, "my brother rages once again."

Menoetius grumbled, "How does he win every match?"

Hades rolled his eyes at the titan of anger. "No one expected you to win except you."

Poseidon nodded in agreement with his elder brother, clearly still a bit nervous at the presence of Atlas and the other titans. But if Perseus said they were allies, then they most likely were.

Perseus snapped his fingers, clearing the table of all rampant chess pieces. He took a sip of his ice-cold water; the taste was refreshing to the god of mountains.

The other five immortals in the room immediately sat forward; Perseus had a fun side, and he had a serious side. The time for games was over.

The god of time snapped his fingers again, summoning his most trusted subordinates to the vicinity. Hecate, Nemesis, and Eris appeared next to him.

"What can we do for you?" The three minor goddesses purred seductively in unison at the god of time.

Perseus stiffened. Their hands were dangerously close to his loins, and he was currently pitching a tent at the worst possible time. The god of time wordlessly gestured for the three to take a seat.

Heracles appeared after a few moments; his eyes widened dramatically when he saw Atlas in the meeting room.

The son of Zeus smirked widely, "Look who it is! Atlas, the dimwitted!"

Atlas shared Heracles' look of surprise before roaring angrily, "You LITTLE SHIT! I'll get you!"

The titan of endurance jumped out of his chair, straining to get to Heracles, but he was restrained by Pallas and Menoetius, along with shadows from the god of the underworld.

The titan of anger smirked at Atlas, "Look who has to be calmed down now, brother."

Atlas struggled for a few more moments before he was pushed back into his seat, growling.

"Looks like someone needs some anger management classes," Perseus remarked, smirking, "Either way, the minor god of strength is here to help us. All Zeus did was make him some gatekeeper, a butler, a doorman for the Olympians, as well as the guardian of some shitty island, with pretty much nothing interesting to do. Trust me, I would know. When I arrived on the island to get him, Heracles, god of strength for f# #*ks sake, was playing with a couple of rocks, smashing them together like a petulant child.

The council of Perseus chuckled heartily at the image while the minor god of strength flushed bright red in embarrassment.

All heads turned to the former king of Olympus as he cleared his throat loudly. The voices quieted, and the room was silent.

"Currently, the moon goddess is trapped under Atlas' burden, thanks to Hecate," he gestured to the minor goddess who winked suggestively right back at him, "so the Oracle of the sun god will issue a prophecy, probably something about saving the goddess. I will ensure most of the demigods that go on that quest will be our allies. Three elder huntresses of mine and a daughter of Zeus who is loyal to me will fill the quest.""

"Yes?" Perseus glared daggers at Atlas and the titan's raised hand. Immortals raising their hand never meant good.

"Can I mess with the huntresses?"

"No, Atlas, I told you they are our allies. I know how much you hate the hunters, but you hate the gods even more. Do not jeopardize the mission."

Atlas grumbled yet again, something he seemed to be doing a lot today. He was used to getting his way.

Perseus cleared his throat and snapped his fingers, causing a three-dimensional map to appear over the table. Everyone leaned in.

The former king of the gods pointed to a tall mountain near the coast of California, "This is Mount Tamalpais. It lies near the coast of California, near a mortal city called San Francisco. This mountain is where Orthys lies, and it is where the questers will be headed."

Menoetius raised his hand, causing Perseus to groan, "Just ask the question."

"Where is California?"

Perseus nearly exploded in frustration but kept calm.

"California is on the west coast of the United States which is the country where we are in right now. The Olympians are located" – the map zoomed out of the West Coast – "on top of this building, called the Empire state building. This is where Mount Olympus is."

The map zoomed back out, panning to the shot of the Western Coast.

Perseus took a deep breath, "I will have a fake version of Atlas engage the questers and take out anyone who is dissenting. Kronos," the room shivered at the name, "may send one of his lackeys, which is why I need a fake version of Atlas there, so that Kronos doesn't realize I am out of the pit and with allies."

"Why not just send the real me then?" the titan of endurance and strength questioned.

"I can't do such a thing," he pointed to a small village near the coast of Oregon, "because this is where you will be stationed, Atlas. I want you to engage Krios near the sea before he reaches Camp Jupiter."

All the immortals shifted into their Roman personas when Perseus mentioned Camp Jupiter. Deus continued for his Greek counterpart, "This way, after you eliminate Krios, or Crius if he is in his roman form, Saturn will believe that one of the Romans somehow managed to take out his ally and one of his most trusted titans, further riling up my father."

"I assumed you want me to make the fake version of Atlas?" Trivia leaned dangerously close to Deus, who nodded stiffly.

"Well, I've already prepared the potion. All we need is to make the actual construct out of some material, preferably shadows," she declared to the council.

She leaned in even further, her hands wandering into...places. She whispered into Deus' ear, "And perhaps I could take care of... a little something for you..."

"That's enough," Deus stated, lightly pushing the flirtatious goddess of magic away.

The god of darkness and time straightened himself and continued, "Hercules will lend some of his strength into the construct, and will basically be playing street fighter from home, except without a controller. He won't actually feel any pain, but he doesn't need to act in pain anyway; Atlas never shows any pain."

Atlas grinned at the praise from his ex-enemy, evident proudness on his cold, regal features.

The god of strength grinned at the prospect of fighting the moon goddess with a construct. This would be fun.

"Any suggestions to the plan? Yes Poseidon?"

All eyes turned to the god of the seas, as the immortals shifted back into their Greek forms. The sea god's beard appeared to be a lot less gray than before, when Perseus was still banished. His eyes were slightly wary but twinkled with hidden happiness at his brother. Poseidon was easy going; he sported sandals and a simple t-shirt with khakis. Despite all his physical improvements, Poseidon's shoulders were tense, like he was about to drop a bombshell on the council.

"Brother, I must confess that Oceanus is rising against me once again, with a very formidable army. Amphitrite has turned against me and is allied with her father as well."

The room exploded in an uproar as Poseidon divulged this information. Control of the high seas was now up in the balance. If Oceanus was to take control of the seas, they would lose a powerful ally. Something that could not be allowed to happen.

Perseus summoned his symbol of power, slamming the hilt of his sword into the ground. The room stopped chatter immediately, becoming deathly silent.

"Thank you," Perseus sighed, then pursed his lips, "Brother, what about your son Triton? Where does his loyalty lie? With his mother or with you?"

Poseidon's face became less grim, "He is loyal to me, for all I know."

"Dione, will you assist Poseidon against Oceanus?"

The minor goddess of lakes nodded shyly; her face blushing as her sea green eyes met Perseus' dominating black ones.

"I suggest Dione engage Amphitrite if she comes," Poseidon started to argue, but Perseus held up his hand, effectively silencing his brother, "since Amphitrite may very well deceive you. Or you would be blinded by rage, too absorbed by it to notice things. You would become much like Ares. She is," the god of time shrugged, "well was, your traitorous wife after all. I am not doubting your prowess, but either Triton or you wouldn't see a backstabbing coming. Dione will see it from miles away."

Poseidon nodded stiffly, clearly not too happy with the arrangement but accepting his brother's evaluation as valid.

"I have bad news as well, brother," Hades interjected, "the Kakodaimones have been reborn, attacking my subjects like wild."

Quiet murmurs erupted at this, but no one was entirely sure what the god of the underworld was talking about.

"Please elaborate, Hades," the cold voice of Perseus interrupted the whispering among the council, "What are the Kakodaimones and why have we never been informed of these before?"

Hades nodded grimly, "The kakodaimones are creatures of evil, their only intent is to kill. They aren't mindless creatures, however. The kakodaimones can wield all sorts of weapons, including daggers, spears, swords, clubs, you name it. They come in many different shapes and sizes. Usually, they are humanoid with a third arm and around five feet, the average ones. The stronger ones can grow up to six feet, with strength rivaling that of a newly born god and speed slightly faster than the average demigod. Kakodaimones appear as black shadows, with white had no immunity up until recently, when we discovered their resistance to shadows, most likely developed after years of killing off the ones who weren't immune. They've evolved to become faster now, almost as fast as the children of Hermes who inherit the thief god's speed. Kakodaimones have battle formations and commanders, much like ancient Greece had with the Phalanx. Up until now, they were never a trouble, numbering the hundreds. A pest yes, but one my furies and Cerberus could take care of along with a few of the undead warriors. Now? They run rampant, nearing half a million of them approaching my kingdom."

Perseus pursed his lips in frustration. The timing was so unfortunate.

"Hecate, you will assist my brother and... Eris you can assist Hades by wreaking havoc within their lines. Menoetius, why don't you help out as well? I'm sure it would do well to get a little anger out of your system."

Hecate nodded at Perseus' declaration, passing by Perseus towards Hades, whispering breathily in his ear, "Anything for you... Lord Perseus..."

The minor goddess flipped her hair, swaying her hips like a model to give the god of time a little show. Perseus rolled her eyes at her antics, as Eris passed the god, giving him a quick peck on the cheek and blushing bright gold when she was caught.

Perseus had to avoid rolling his eyes again; how could the minor goddesses be so flirtatious? Yes, maybe he was a bit dense; after all, he didn't want to risk losing friends. But he could sometimes tell when they were being flirty, something that allowed him to fight off Aphrodite's advances. At least he wasn't married, otherwise he would have to protect them from his imaginary wife's wrath, and he would have to suffer too.

Menoetius passed Perseus, high fiving the former king of Olympus like they were brothers. That was the good thing about the titan of anger. His fits of anger passed rather quickly, and he was quick to forgive and forget minor transgressions such as pranks...

Perseus remembered one time when Pallas painted Menoetius' entire room pink. He snickered at the thought before sobering up.

"Okay," he grumbled, "any more complications? No? Good. Alright minor gods, keep recruiting demigods and nature spirits, don't forget them, and I repeat, stay under cover. We don't want both the Mad titan and Olympus to know there is a third side in the war. Olympus is enough on our hands for now. Council dismissed."

Perseus slammed the golden and black staff of Aesea into the floor, dismissing all of his allies as they flashed away. The king of Olympus reclined in his comfy, leather chair, seemingly waiting for something...

He was twirling a pen idly in his hand when a bright flash appeared before him, so intense that any minor god would have been vaporized.

Three young, beautiful women appeared in front of him, all sporting angry and haughty expressions. Their hourglass figures were drool worthy, and high cheekbones sat on their faces. Their luscious red lips were fixed in a frown, seemingly disproving of the former king of Olympus' actions. The god of time fixed them with a hard stare into their brown eyes.

Despite themselves, the Moirai shivered under the cold stare of the eldest of Kronos and Rhea, taking a few steps backwards before straightening themselves.

"You are interfering with destiny!" Atropos shrieked at the god of darkness, "all prophecies must be FULFILLED! Especially this side prophecy! It is extremely vital to-"

"Silence!" he roared, sending a wave of shadow out, causing the Fates to stumble backwards.

"I am the god of time! Your puny threads of fate do not apply to me, as I've shown time and time again. My thread is non-existent! Fate flows in tandem with time, yet fate flows around me!"

The former king of Olympus rose from his chair, looking every bit like the divine god he was, and spoke in a cold tone, "As far as Ananke is concerned, I am eternal. No thread of yours exists for me. Time coexists with fate, even intertwining with it at times...yet fate does not control me, and I command time. Now, get out of my sight."

He slammed the staff of Aesea into the floor, cracking it and sending out a massive golden shockwave strong enough to topple full trains. The Fates left in fear of his anger.

The god panted from the exertion, looking downwards. There was a crack in the floor.

He groaned in exasperation. Someone would need to fix that.

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