I forgot how nice it was to draw characters without trauma XD

But it won't be a story without trauma

Talli is Karu's...Um... how do you put this?.. Love interest. They are distant and are enemies, but Karu thinks Talli is cute. (I think Talli is adorable :D, he is, you can't argue with it, I'm planning to maybe do a Gummy Bear meme animation and add him and Karu in it wearing gummy bear PJ's XD)

Talli is leading the army of the Svyrin Republic, unknown that Karu is manipulating both The Svyrin army and Yadnryon Empire. He is part of the SSS(the Svyrin Secret Service), a group of resistance that tries to get to the bottom of the war. Talli's best friend and boss is named Runarii. I was too lazy to draw her XD

Happy halloween from ghost and Phantom!

I posted this early because I won't be active during ACTUAL Halloween. Sorry. 

Also confirmed: Ghost likes watching 'Friday The 13th'
