Le art dump

The title basically

Ehehe spoiler alert-

Paralysis with my doggo TwT


Some AO characters
Kyrlas is just forever sleep deprived for no apparent reason-
And yes Larux looks like an Enderman lol

And also yes I use the light pen too much-

Here's the angel royal family (Montelor, Lynilis, and Fjonxor). I just felt like drawing a separate picture of them :3
Might redraw this differently when a post more chapters of the book...

Edit: I keep forgetting to mention, King Sornax also has a son, Nxomov. He'll come in later, since we really haven't met him yet. Sornax's wife died before the story for lore reasons

For whatever reason I like drawing Sornax.
The lil guy peeking from the top of the paper was drawn by Katherine :)

Ignore the middle picture-

Concepts for a short story I'm gonna make

I have no explanation for this paper-
Except the middle
S l i c e  a n d  d i c e

(And Candy Gulvic is over there as well-)

Wow spoilers for Hell :0
And Xyan hating on normal Gradient-
(I swear if the mention of Gradient starts an rp in the comments-)

Now it is my pleasure to introduce to you...

FISH! Or Zoe. But she likes to go by Fish. (The name was inspired by Katherine's character from Hidden in the Falls, also named Fish. I asked permission to name her after Fish >:3).

Tho she's a bunny-

She's my first and only therapist character (THERAFISH-)

I made her for the sake of helping my many twisted, traumatized characters-

For example:

Cinder got therapy.

She cried the rest of the afternoon (god help me-)

She fell in a pond when she was little, which is how the got the name Fish, and the name kind of stuck :b

Goodbye frens
