Part 9

“I want to talk with her” she is serious.

Nodding his head he gave the phone to her

“Hello” she said in a low voice

“Did he force you? Tell me betiya, I will tear him up. Don’t get scared, I’m with you. Tell me, did he force you?” she asked

‘WHAT THE!!!” he said

Both looked at each other and looked at the phone surprised and shocked thinking about what made them think that Arnav ‘forced’ Khushi

“Shut up Chote... We know very well about you. You will get more possessive about your things. You will do anything to get what you want. That is the reason Dadi is asking Khushi bitiya, thinking you might have forced her decision about your marriage” said Aran controlling his happiness.

Both Khushi and Arnav sighed in relief and smiled little.

“No sir... he didn’t force me in my decision. It’s completely my decision to marry him. Sorry for making you all wait” said Khushi in low voice

“What did you say?” both Aran and Dadi said in high voice making Khushi shocked

“S..i..r... I... sorry sir... but what... did... I mean what did I say?” Khushi asked with trembling voice

Arnav immediately hugged Khushi sideways and said “Shh... Khushi... it’s nothing... shh...” Arnav knew what Khushi feels about his father and he also knew that she can’t take his harsh voice. He immediately understood what might be Khushi feeling after hearing his father’s voice

“But... I... didn’t... say...” tears forming in her voice

“Shh... you are calling him ‘Sir’ that’s why dad became serious, in fact pretending. Nothing else Khushi, relax...he is just kidding” he said in phone “Dad... Don’t scare her. She is getting emotional now” he looked Khushi lovingly and hugged her little tight from her side.

Khushi looked at him feeling embarrassed and shy for the hug.

“Dad I will call you again. Bua Ji said she will talk with you about the wedding dates and all. I need to inform her about me breaking the news to you. And please inform Mom about this”

“Sure beta... take care...” they dropped the call.

“Amma... I’m so happy now. Khushi agreed for the marriage. From now on I don’t have any tension or fear about Chote’s future. I know Khushi will take care of him” said Aran

“Yes, beta... I too am feeling the same. I think only Khushi betiya can control this angry and naughty Chote. Devi Mayya... please support my children and take care of them” said Dadi requesting the Goddess and sending silent thanks

“What’s going on?” asked Akshaya – Arnav's mother, coming inside from her social work

“Akshaya... you are late...” Dadi said, hugging her tightly

“Sasuma... you are looking happy... what did your Chote do?”

“Why did you say that? And what do you mean by that?”

“Because, only Chote can make you this much happy” smiled Akshaya

“Yes, you are right, but now... it’s not Chote... it’s Khushi betiya...”

“Khushi???” frowned Akshaya

“Ha... Akshaya... she agreed for the marriage. Just now Chote called”

“I don’t understand why all hell bent to make her agree for this marriage” Akshaya thought.

“Akshaya... what are you thinking? Here your son is going to be married and your mind is elsewhere? What’s wrong? Is everything okay with you?” asked Aran with concern

“Yeah... I’m fine... I’m just... Leave it... why didn’t Chote call me?”

“Check your mobile Akshaya. Chote first called you only. But when you didn’t answer his call, he called me to inform and he also asked me to inform you and also said me to say that he loves you” Aran is well aware of his wife’s mind. He never allows anything to spoil his son’s happiness. He will do anything for his son’s then his family’s happiness. That is the reason he is bringing ‘Khushi’ to this house

Hearing Aran’s words, Akshaya felt happy but didn’t show that.

“Okay... then I will call him and talk to him. I’m tired with my hectic day” with that she left from there leaving two happy yet confused souls behind.

Akshaya is very much confused, tensed, irritated, angry, frustrated and yet happy. She couldn’t digest the fact that they are waiting for one middle class girl’s decision. She couldn't digest the fact that her dynamic son’s marriage is depended on one mear middle class girl. She hates the fact that the mere middle class girl is an epitome of beauty. The trio – Dadi, Aran and Arnav's behaviour is irritating her. She is disappointed with Arnav's desperateness about this chit of a girl. But she couldn't say or do anything in this matter; in fact nobody can do anything as they well know, if Arnav wants something then he will get that for sure. He never lose anything he likes or he wants. Now, he wants this girl, he loved her at the first sight. Then it is really foolishness to say no to this girl. They would be idiots to go into his negative mind. So, they have to be silent in this matter.

“I’m really feeling helpless now. I never thought Arnav will be the reason for my situation. I always wanted him to be my strength. But...” she sighed and sat on the bed drifting into her thoughts once again. She hates the fact that the family like them are dying to bring that beauty to their house as DIL, wife and granddaughter. Somewhere in her heart, she too wants to bring Khushi to her house. This frustrated her more.

“Why am I waiting for that girl to come here?” this question is eating her brain from the time she saw her son’s glare at that girl. She sat there thinking about this. Suddenly she realised or thought that she realized “Yes, that is the reason for my waiting. I want Arnav to be happy in his life. If that is possible with only that girl, then be it. I will bring her into my house. If she acts different then I will show her what she is and from where she came. I never allow anyone to back answer me or stand against me. I have to concentrate on this girl more. I don’t know why, but I’m feeling a strong feeling that this girl’s entry will bring huge change in our house, but it is bad or good I don’t know. I have to be careful...” thought Akshaya.

Her thoughts got disturbed by their maid’s words informing her about the lunch. She left her room after freshening towards dining hall.



“Come on Khushi... let’s have lunch together to celebrate my success” said over joyful Arnav

“Your success?”

“Then what else? You are agreeing for this marriage is definitely my success. I never had this happiness before. Thank you for coming into my life Khushi. I never believed in love at first sight till I saw you. You are the amazing crazy girl I met till now” he looked at Khushi lovingly while holding her hands.

Khushi looked at him with wide open mouth and big eyes which make Arnav chuckle. He pinched her nose little and said “Cute” making Khushi lower her head in little shy

“Khushi... feel free to talk with me. I’m a friend to you before I become your husband. You can talk with me anything whenever you want, okay? You can ask me anything you want. Just make sure, you won’t hesitate to ask. I want you to be comfortable with me. Don’t worry; I won’t force you to do the things which you are not comfortable. I won’t force you for anything, I mean ANYTHING... okay? Relax and make yourself comfortable with me”

“Thanks for understanding me Arnav Ji. You don’t know how happy you made me today by giving yourself to me as a friend, much needed friend. Thanks a lot Arnav Ji. I will try my best to be the perfect girl for your house. Thanks you” she is genuinely happy and thankful

“You are welcome. But Khushi... can we talk all these while eating or after eating? because, I’m really hungry now. If I won’t eat anything my sugar levels will drop. Please... I’m hungry” he said

Khushi nodded while smiling little. They left from there, seeing the waiters’ faces as they are still in the same restaurant from their breakfast time. he cursed under his breath when the car didn’t start.

“What’s wrong Arnav Ji?”

“I think there is a problem Khushi... just give me few minutes” he got down from the car and checked the engine and all. Not able to fix the problem, he looked at Khushi apologetically and called his driver to bring another car.

“What? No car is available? One minute” he turned to Khushi “Khushi there is no other car available now. Is it... is it okay with you if we I mean... if we ride my bike...”

“Bike!?” Khushi looked at him with some hesitation, suddenly something click in her mind and asked “But Arnav Ji... how can you ride bike? It’s not good for you, I mean you security...”

She was stopped by Arnav “Oh... don’t go there. I will be fine... just tell me can you ride bike with me? Will you be comfortable?”

“Woh... I... I mean...” she took some time to gather her guts and thoughts and said “I’m fine with that”

“Great...” he then talked in his phone and ordered his driver to bring the bike

They waited for some time, till his driver bring the bike. He took the keys and handed over the car keys to him and said “Take car with you to home. I will come by my own” he hopped the bike and asked Khushi to sit. After waiting for few minutes he again asked Khushi to sit

“Come on Khushi... fast... sit... I’m hungry...”

“I... I already sat Arnav Ji” said Khushi in low voice

“What?!” he looked at his back to see Khushi sitting

“Khushi get down” he said and hurriedly got down the bike. He kept bike on stand and suddenly lifted Khushi in his arms terrifying Khushi

“What the!!”

“Arnav Ji... what are you doing? Put me down... Arnav Ji...”

“Khushi you weight so light. This is not good Khushi... Are you not taking your food? Why are you so less in weight? Are you okay?” he kept Khushi down looking at her so concerned

Khushi looked at his concern for her and said “I’m like this from my childhood Arnav Ji. How much ever I eat, I won’t get weight. Doctor said if I don’t feel weak then there is no need to worry. I’m fine...” she said thinking about his concern and understanding his love towards her

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m. Come on Arnav Ji... let’s move from here. I’m feeling hungry” she comfortably diverted his mind.

“Oh yeah... hungry... me too hungry... let’s go...” he too comfortably masked his worry for her with a smile

They both hopped the bike and zoomed towards the restaurant.

As I said before this story contains lots of sorrys and thank yous. No offence to anyone.

And yeah one more thing,

I think few of you missed my message about the delay in updates. So, I'm telling again. The reason is, I'm blessed with baby boy and I'm busy in taking care of him. So, it will take time for me to come back to post as before. But be assured, the stories will be completed. Still I will try to post whenever I get time and chance. Hope you guys understand this and gives me time.

Thank you for the love and concern.

Sorry for making you all wait for AFYL.
