AM - 17

Yuri walking to her place and sit. She look at Yena place. She can felt that her chest was heavy.

She want to crying but she hold it. "Jo Yuri!"

Yuri lift her head up and saw Hyewon was walking to her and sit at Yena place.

"What do you want, Hyewon?" ask Yuri as she felt so tired. Hyewon grabbed her hands and held it tight.

"Tell me everything. Now." Yuri meet her eyes. "Tell you what?"

ask Yuri as she pretend she don't know everything.

Hyewon laughed sarcastically. "Don't act like you stupid, Jo Yuri ssi. Tell me everything!"

Hyewon said hardly. Make Yuri lowered her head and silent. Then, her tears fall down on her cheeks.

Hyewon just looked at her. She take out her tissue and gave it to Yuri. Yuri slowly take it and say thanks.

She wipes her tears. "Now tell me everything Yuri. I know there must be something. Something happen in Paris right?" ask the older.

Yet, Yuri nodded. She sighed heavily. "Yes. Something happen when I was in Paris, 2 month before I come back here."

Yuri start to story. Suddenly, Eunbi and her friends appeared.

They walked to Yuri and Hyewon and sit beside them. Yuri bite her lips.

"It's my fault. I-I supposed to let she explain to me. Not leaving her alone."

Yuri start to crying, Hyewon pulled her and hug her tight. The others just silent.

They want to heard the story more. Yuri take a deep breath.

"I met Yiren when I was walking alone at the park." everyone was shocked.

"Y-You meet her?" ask Yujin and Nako. Yuri nodded.

Flashback 2 months ago..

Yuri was walking alone in the park, just to want to be alone without her friends and for fun.

Suddenly, she thinking about her parents. She miss them so much.

Yuri sit on the chair. She sighed. "I miss you mom, dad. I hope you guys happy at there."

Yuri look at the sky, smiling as her tears start to fall down. "Now I'm alone again, Yena.. She cheat on me."

Yuri tell to her parents even she know her parents was not beside her. She sobs.

"She kissed with her ex. And it's pissed me off. How could she cheated on me when I give my loves to her. I hate her so much, mom.. dad.." Yuri continue to speak.

"Luckily I have a money form you dad. Now I'm im Paris, can't you see? I want to stayed out from them. From Yena. I have to forget her. Even I can't. How I wish I can forget her but I can't cause I love her so much."

Yuri laughed for her stupidness.

"I'm so stupid right? Falling in love with my enemy. Yet she cheated on me."

"She's not cheating on you, Yuri ssi."

Yuri was shocked when she heard a voice interrupted her and quickly she stood up. Yuri turn to her behind.

Her face changed. Cold. "Yiren?" the girlㅡ Yiren smiles and she nodded.

"What are you doing here? Where is Yena? Did you come with her?" ask Yuri coldly. Yiren shook her head.

"No. I came here alone. With my parents." answer her.

She walk beside Yuri. "Can we have a sit first? I want to tell you everything." Yiren said, as she pointed at the chair.

Yuri just silent and she sit. Yiren too. "Yena didn't cheated on you. It's my fault." tell Yiren and Yuri laughed.

"Don't lie to me Yiren. I saw you guys kissing. And it hurt me so much! She cheated on me! With you! You must be happy now right?"

Yiren look at Yuri and shook her head.

"No! Yes we're kissing, but I forced her. She didn't kissed me back. She tried to pushed me but I grip her collar. I just wanna you saw it and yes you saw it. You left her. And I was happy. But I still can't get her. Because of what? Because she still loving you. She love you so much."

Yiren explain. She stopped for a while.

Yuri look down. She don't want to believe this but her heart want it.

"Your friends come to me. Chaeyeon punch me. They was so mad. Then, Yena come to us and almost killed me."

Yuri was shocked and lift her head up. She met Yiren's eyes. She can tell the girl is telling the truth.

"She stranggled me and yelled at my face. I can tell that time she really felt lost. Even when I couple with her, she had never be like that. What I can tell is, you really changed her Yuri." Yiren looked down, trying to hold her tears.

"I promised to her to not appeared in front of them anymore. I was so scared that time. Yena was not in her sense. That is not the real Yena."

said Yiren and look at Yuri. She held Yuri hands tight.

"Yuri I'm so so sorry for you. Please forgive me. Please comeback to Yena. She really misses you right now."

Yiren apologized to her. Yuri just silent. She just stared at Yiren who keep saying sorry to her. And then, her tears fall down again.

End flashback..

Yuri wiping her tears slowly. "It's my fault, guys. I'm sorry. I should listen to you Hyewon. Now I regretted."

said Yuri. Eunbi leaned closer to her and hugged her to tight.

"No. It's not your fault. You should acted like that because you are misunderstanding. We understand you Yuri."

replied Eunbi as she stroke Yuri's hair gently. Yuri just nodded.

"We miss you, Yuri." say Minju and hugged Yuri again. They followed Minju. Yuri laughed.

"I miss you guys too." answered Yuri and smiled. But it doesn't long when her eyes landed at the door.

Her smile fade away when she saw Yena was looking at them. Mostly, her. Yuri felt nervous.

Eunbi realized it and broke the hugged. She smiles at Yena. "Yena.. Come here."

They look at her. Yena turn her attention to Eunbi. "Yes, unnie?" ask Yena.

Yuri closed her eyes. She missed Yena's voice so much. "Come here. Let's talking." said Chaewon. Yena smile a little and nodded.

She walked to them and Hyewon stood up and go to her place.

Yena seems awkward but she covered it. She then sit beside Yuri. They both felt nervous. Everyone smiled.

YURI walked to her parents's grave but she stopped when she saw Yena at her parent's grave.

She walked closer to her. "Your daughter is now back, mom.. Dad.. I'm glad she's back. But would she forgive me for what happen?"

ask Yena. The older still don't realized that Yuri was standing behind her.

Yuri tried her best to hold her tears from falling down. Yena wipe her tears.

"I still love your daughter, Forgive me because I hurt your daughter."

Yena said once again, before she stand up. She smiled.

"I will get home now. I will come tomorrow. Goodbye mom, dad." Yena utter and she turn around.

She shocked when saw Yuri standing in front of her. Yuri look down.

"D-Did you heard everything?" ask Yena nervously. Yuri take a deep breath and shook her head.

"No. I just came here a while ago." answer Yuri, tried to act cold. Yena nodded.

"Ahh.. O-Okay. I will go home. Bye." yena walked passing Yuri. The girl turn her face. "Yena." call her.

Yena frozed. She stopped. "Yes?" ask Yena. Yuri clear her throat.

"I will stayed with you. I don't have a house right now. Can you let me stayed in your house for a while?" ask Yuri and she faced Yena.

Yena speechless but then she nodded. "Of course. It's your house too. You can stay wherever you want."

Yena smiled fakely and walk leaving the girl.

Yuri closed her eyes and then, her tears fall down. She look at her parents grave.

She just know today, that Yena will come to her parents grave everyday. Yuri bite her lips.

"I miss you." both of them said in the same time, but at different place.

To be continued...
