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I hear someone continuously ringing my doorbell, which causes me to wake up. It also doesn't help at all with my raging hangover.

I looked to my side, to see a naked blonde girl in my covers, lying next to me. She wasn't ugly, but not to my highest standard. She still looked like someone to have a good time with, hence her being here. Now that I think about it, she was wild. Maybe, just maybe I will keep her around.

I decide to ignore her existence, and put on some pants and make my way to see who is at the door.

I walk through many hallways and past many rooms to walk downstairs into my living room when I see my butler, Henry, walk towards me.

"Sir, you're parents are here."
Ugh, why are they here? We discussed that if it was about the business, then they should call my secretary, not come to see me.

"Send them away then." I said to him, all I wanted to do was be left alone.

"Sir, he said its urgent."

"Fine, let them in."

I then walk towards the living room and sat waiting for them to arrive. Why? What was so important that my parents had to come visit me?

If you couldn't already tell, me and my parents don't have the best relationship. They say they don't like my playboy behavior but that's my life baby, and no one is going to change that.

The only reason I put up with the both of them, especially my dad, is because I am about to take over the family business. That has become my main goal nowadays. Once I have taken over, I would have become the youngest and richest bachelor in all of New York. So if playing along with my parents for a while means that I get that business, then so be it.

"Mr. and Mrs. Parker" Henry announced my parents before they came in and sat down the the chair in front of me.

"Hello son." My dad says in a deep voice that could make people shake like a leaf. But I am his son, so this affect has no hold on me.

"Your mom and I have come to discuss some very important information with you about the business."

Good. My favorite type of discussion.

"Darling, we have considered giving you this business for a long time now, and we believe it is the right time to name you CEO of Parker Corp. We were given the option by your late grandfather that if and when the time comes for us to succeed that you would take our place by the time you turned 20. So here we are saying we're letting you take over." My mom suddenly taking over the conversation.

Yes. I'm about to become CEO of Parker Corp. I was about to go ballistic, until I heard a cough from my father.

"There is one condition that comes with you being CEO. You must be married before you can take over."

What the heck? What does marrige have anything to to with business? And the thought of being tied down to just one woman, utterly disgusted me.

"Please tell me this is some practical joke. I can't be married, I don't even have a girlfriend."

"That's were you are wrong son, you are already engaged." My dad said basically ignoring my rage.

"Are you both mentally insane?! I am never getting married. I can't be engaged to a person I don't even know."

I wanted to shred everything in sight. This has to be some practical joke that they are trying to pull. I knew this wouldn't end well for me. Why do you gave to be so cruel universe?

"Son, this is not immediate. We are just informing you of this information. A few years ago before your Grandfather passed away, he had made a deal with his best friend. That when the time comes, that we produce an heir son, that he would be married off to the first heir daughter of their family.

Even though we had your sister first, you are the only heir we have that's a male."

As my mother was trying to explain this to me, my mind was trying to put all the pieces together.

I'm about to be CEO of Parker Corp? Yes

I was engaged to a random girl who I don't know? Yes

Would I actually go through with this? Heck No

"I'm sorry to break it to you guys, but this is not happening. No way am I going to allow some stupid deal between two old men affect my life."

"I'm sorry sweetie, but this is just how it is. But fortunately for you, you have 2 months until the wedding. And we have the information of the girl, if you want you know who she is." Then, my mom took the packet from behind her and handed it to me.

I dint open it because like most girls, she's probably some gold digger who just wants my money and craves fame. I still took it though and handed it to Henry.

"Henry please keep this in my office." He immediately took it out of my hands, and left.

"James, with the engagement comes with some rules that both of you shall comply with.

1) You both must stay faithful to one another.
2) Must accompany each other on business events and important meetings.
3) Must produce an heir"


There is no way I'm following those rules. And the child one almost made me die of laughter. No way!

"Nope not happening. You guys can forget about this. I'm not changing my lifestyle for some.... girl or some arrangement." I almost shouted out in annoyance.

"I'm sorry son. What is done, is done. Nothing can change this. We have just come to inform you of this, but in the meantime we can talk about something else." My mom tried to say, hoping it will calm me down, while my dad just sighed in annoyance.

Yeah, you're not the only one.

My parents both soon finished talking to me about the transition of power to me, and it was all we talked about. Leaving the menace conversation of marriage away from me. We soon finished and they both stood up. I was so glad that this was over, but as they were about to leave through the door, a light voice stopped them and appeared in the room, half covered.

"James baby, where did you go?" I mentally rolled my eyes at the back of my head looking at her. Her hair was disheveled, and she was wearing nothing but my shirt and panties.

My parents turned around to look at me. My father looked not suprised, but my mother showed a look of regret and disappointment.

I shook it off, I don't care. They were soon exited out of my house by Henry, and then came to me.

"Sir, your 'friend' has requested your presence in the master bedroom to.... I prefer not to say sir."

This is why I hired Henry out of all the applicants. They all were either to stern, I don't need another father. Or they were to clingy, I don't need a girlfriend.

Henry was right in the middle, but he was one of my closest friends. He doesn't talk much, which is why he is still around. I also like to annoy him sometimes, like now.

"No, please Henry. What did my friend request of me for?" I asked him with a little smirk on my face. I knew he didn't want to say it, which made this all the more fun.

"Oh stop hassling the man, and go get you and your mistress of the day down for breakfast." Called out from the kitchen, my maid Amanda. She is this kind of old lady, who is very special to me. She is very bold and fierce, but can still stay in line.

She treats me like a son, which I like, but sometimes it can be a bit difficult. I shrugged off what she said, and made my way back into my room to see the young lady, laying on my bed, with her mouth dropped. She was trying to look seductively, but it looked kind of appalling, but why not?

She's already here. And some fun might take my mind off this whole marrige situation.

"Come on already, let's make this quick." She quickly jumped on me and we began our morning activity.

I couldn't help but think about what will become of me in 2 months. Would I still be able to enjoy life and have fun? Would my so called 'wife' be clingy?

One thing I know for sure that will remain the same is me. I won't change for my parents, for some stupid deal, not even for some gold digging girl. Heck, I'm freaking James Parker. I don't change.


Done with this pov.
Hoped yall liked it and enjoyed reading πŸ“š ✌🏾
