
A cargo landship breaks through a sandstorm, she moves between a small mountain range and a desert with no life and only the originium meteor, just a normal sight for the crew. Far ahead of them was a landship with the logo and color of the biliton rim, that dark gray brick that was about 800 meters long, 300 meters wide and 180 meters high, in the dry port another cargo landship was unloading their cargo with the help of heavy industrial cranes and a series of cables and hauling machines.

It was Rhodes Island.

In the aisles they are large and long. A female feline lynx, in a green suit with white hair that had a little bit of green suet, she walked down the long hallways, she came out in a more open part and showed a part of Rhodes that was more like a small town than a research or military base. Many of these passageways are filled with civilians, scientists or military personnel, equally inside the island, infected or uninfected walking without fear of being seen as strange or crazy by people out of the island, they move without any sight of each other. While the passing operators greeted she and greeted her with hands full of documents.

As soon as she entered her office, her sat down and started unpacking the documents while turning on her computer, her room could not be said to be a decoration or decoration, family photos or anything that had no use was not there just a seat and a table.

The woman took some of the papers she was looking for and read all the incoming reports on her computer. After a while he suddenly received a call on the landline. When I reach for it, I immediately realize the emotions are so mixed up from frustration to self-indulgence.

."Kal'tsit!, please specifically where to start researching this thing!? ". A feminist voice shouted at her irritably.

."Closure?, what did you find out about the alien helmet? ". Women whose name is Kal'tsit speak without offense and only to the point.

."Okay from where first! ". Annoyed Closure.

Kal'tsit sipped her coffee."What did you find there first? ". She said as she looked at the documents.

."Their alternating energy, it's the single most replicable in our lab, the battery in my hand is a marvel in non-originium energy storage and any alternative energy company would kill for this thing!! ". Closure explained in a worried and agitated tone.

."That would be a certainty, but good work, so what else?". Kal'tsit asked.

Closure took a deep breath and spoke."Their helmet Armor is made of some kind of metametrial minerals and Metals, Metals to hold kinetic energy and minerals to help rapidly mediate thermal energy, both of which can withstand long blows and punishments ". Breathe in."While with all the electronics on this helmet being completely alien or alien in particular, I really really don't want to damage this thing... but I still can't connect it to our computer, I don't know what Fallsave the aliens installed, but the point is that I really don't want this place to explode AGAIN!. And my conclusion is that this is really hard to research... just too many objects that have absolutely no art!... your Kal'tsit has an influence on my consciousness now ". Her mumbled a little before returning to the phone."I'll give you a live file of the details later in the afternoon, if you ask me about their computer hatching, when I doubt that would be possible at all! ".

What Closure says is a fact. In this day and age many companies are looking for alternative resources other than originium, most experiments end with disappointing results... and the fact there are now aliens and after her talks with representatives. Some of them have already become desperate... things can get very ugly very quickly.

Lynx sighs always speak."Well I'll wait for him later ". Kal'tsit broke off her call.

Kal'tsit rereads the reports on his desk from new recruits, the profits made from the sale of medicines, the slow progress of Oripati's treatment, and a large number of other documents.

And also some old friends.

After almost an hour of signing the letter, she looked out the window, the little freighter departed from its anchor and was replaced by her newly arrived companion, and began to move slowly until it disappeared from sight. Although the vehicle had a very heavy load, but the landship was still at a speed of about almost 15 km/h, fast enough not to waste fuel and efficient enough but also at its own risk, with little repair infrastructure in the middle of No Man's land, meaning it could become very fatal.

Therefore many ships are more determined to move at the speed of marching troops (depending on race but the International candidate is Kuranta because the average speed is 10.32 km / h) it helps to reduce the stress of the ship's structure, means less intensive maintenance, means more money for who owns the ship.

It is very helpful to reach distant cities. I felt the last vibrations, especially towards the place of Closure. Without looking worried, my hand reached for my phone and saw a message that was a few minutes ago.

."My fault, everything is fine". Closure sent out her crying vampire emoji.

I shook my head and walked back to my desk. The door opens and displays Misery with an expression about but her eyes I can see little to no comfort.

."Ops Team 4 has completed its mission, data has been sent back to the requester ". He said it calmly.

injured." I asked

Misery shook his head and I said."Tell your team to rest, good job".

He nodded and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. While doing that, my body automatically goes to the computer and reads the report the only thing that matters is that we got a commercial deal at Kjerag more specifically Karlan's Commercial Company, a good deal for the sale of medicine and other things while meeting special treatment... I have also recently completed several deals with Penguin Logistic along with other smaller companies to facilitate the transportation of goods between cities.

The door opened revealing Warfarin, she held several papers in her hands.

."What do you need? ". Kal'tsit sipped another cup of coffee.

."Where did you get this? ". Warfarin asks straight to the point.

."Short or long version? ".

Warfarin rolled her eyes red blood."Just anyway you will tell me the short version! ". The Vampire's demands.

."GreyThroat search team found him". Lynx's hand reaches for her coffee cup."Columbia also approaching". Warfarin put on a worried face.

Warfarin sigh ."What about other countries or rather the yen? ". Her said with worry and her red eyes looked at Kal'tsit.

Kal'tsit checked several folders and spoke."No government system or intercity Network talks about it, Messenger doesn't see it and only Siesta stations see it".  Explain calmly.

Warfarin growled and approached her ."What about Siesta, did they see them? ".

."No, Some info says that the light is in a special spectrum ".

The vampire sigh ."What about this report?".

Kal'tsit sigh and spoke."Hide them, no one should know, talks will be held today". She said that was quiet but she could see warfarin was listening to the worry in my voice.

Warfarin is bad."Then excuse me". She said before disappearing in the room and disappearing in the hallway.

"shit!"I heard a shocked cry from Warfarin. And the next thing I heard was how she began to run at full speed, while it was happening, I just continued my work, suddenly the walls began to shake and a very familiar sound was heard approaching.

"KOOOOKOODAAAYOOOO" came the cry from behind the door, when the Scream was over the walls stopped shaking.

I sighed and returned to the same paperwork routine as I had always done over the past few years since the founding of the island of Rhodes. Pharmaceutical companies that seek to eliminate the difference between infected and uninfected forever as our motto.

May I enjoy my life and practice my art / be respected by everyone and at all times

An email appeared on my computer related to Amiya

."I am negotiating with aliens, wish me and the Colombian representative". Kal'tsit looked at amiya's profile picture which showed her and the doctor who looked like our daughter.


Terra blesses Colombia, and we need it most for this crisis. In one of Colombia's most historic cities, there is a city that became a symbol of their freedom against colonial Victoria, a city that for the first time brought change to the entire colony...MAX DC a city that will never fall and never see darkness again.

Many of its citizens carry out activities that are so varied and only look like ants that go through various city streets, various mighty skyscrapers that can defeat many of their rivals around the world, educational districts that are advanced and can make many universities and academies around the world that can rival or embarrass them.

Now in the White Palace, a place where their proclamation of independence was signed by Victoria. Inside the halls of the palace building retains the old Victorian architecture. It was now filled with confused and worried people with faces that showed a sense of fear and confusion... One of their ways was conrad jackson vice president of Colombia.

A Liberi man of white hair showing his age reaching his 50s, he wore a black suit with a yellow tie with the logo of the star of Colombia, which also became the symbol of his gold badge in his pocket, on his shoulders was a dove with a small suit had a gold zipper with the words 'terra blesses us', also had the same badge.

He faced the breath and continued his way to his office holding the document from maylander. During the trip he also saw some people who were just as confused and waiting for more information, some were a little frustrated and some talked a little about doing business with them... but the result remains the same still hit the brick wall.

He opened his office door. His eyes were a little tired looking at a room with a classic Victorian design, his office filled with many antiques or factors from various countries, but he kept them like ordinary items and without giving them special treatment. On the wall there are dozens of classical music albums displayed on the wall proudly and each artist's name is written with gold boards and frames that they have art protection from all elements, in the wooden cabinets there are several books that are neatly stored to avoid damage, because each of the books is the result of a legendary Colombian writer who is proud, but he only keeps 5 special slots for the 5 most famous books.

Conrad approached his desk and looked at his baseball bat and his old uniform. The dove on his shoulder flew up and then opened the drawer, his foot pressed the button that instantly gave rise to an energy hold. His eyes glanced at the letter from his grandson.

."And now Congress is having a breakdown". a heavy-voiced man."Among the Cabinet there are those who want to talk to them or tell him to the whole
terra, What do you think Jackson? ". He asked.

Conrad sigh."The first is the best, the second is the most idiot!, the risk is too great to provoke a war with so many unknown possibilities". His hand opened the drawer."I mean it's like against the ægir all about them is really very unknown and many consider them a myth".

."And plus we can ask for a lot of Technology, anything made outside of the influence of originium is a gold mine for our science. DOD really lost his mind when he saw so many soldiers carrying long guns ".

Conrad opened his bottle of alcohol."DOD is now implementing ursus Policy, try our country's troops try to send troops to the other side of the world, but they don't try to know much about aliens! ". sigh and drink."It seems that the only one who acted with a cold head was maylander... nobody gave up people in the military on that simple fear ".

."You don't usually drink in the office? ".

Conrad was shocked and coughed."...just stress dealing... you know ".

."All right ".

."InterCity Network ursus nobody talks about this is a normal thing but yen?, You will hear that they discovered aliens first than we!... not a pharmaceutical company ".

Conrad interrupts."I have spoken to one of their command Chiefs, we both reached an agreement that we will both keep this secret deeply... a fortune RI became the first group they met ".

."How do you think the Angels reacted to their long guns being widely used by the aliens".

."What is clear is the warning not to spread such technologies to terra".

."It's time ".

."For what? ".

."The next phase of the protocol".

."Reports from international administrations say they know engaged in ethnic fighting on the other side of the door,... pmc people horned devil-". The journalist could not hold back his laughter.

."Another ethnic war? the Commonwealth government is corrupt!, they do not fight fully to protect society! ". A journalist in front of the camera shouted.

."Infected treatment procedures have reportedly been completed in automated hospitals across the Earth and several other planets... May God bless the 3,004,213 citizens of roswell ". A female journalist took out a cross and prayed.

."Separatists, the internet asks for a picture of the aliens we are talking about ". The male journalist before him is stopped by a shadow holding his microphone.

."This Constantin General of the first legion, people there really have extra features". He said before disappearing and dropping the microphone, hundreds of journalists tried to chase him before he fled, many of the journalists reaching the speed of a world champion athlete.

Diverting a large number of journalists from the assembly building.

President John I. E. Johnson looked into one of the windows of the House of Assembly in his office, added his face to the first general's behavior, and put on an uncomfortable face when he heard the news behind him.

."An audience of about 1 million people became one of the largest demonstrations in the history of the Commonwealth, with heading for the White House, they shouted slogans asking for President butcher to step down from his position ". The holographic TV in the back was turned off by his assistant.

Neither the streets nor the internet have Comment columns or videos discussing wormholes and some of the images or videos shown, of course, show very diverse reactions from many people, starting with great interest to the point of feeling very disturbed by the fact that one thing they do not know, is the future or alternative dimensions.

Many scientists from various fields related to wormhole or faster-than-light research say that the door is not a time machine, but it can be (one that is not at all helpful), with a community of scientists flooding the wormhole, aiming to research the active wormhole and unravel its secrets and how it works directly, for the betterment of humanity. the results can be said to be surprising. An unimaginable luck that it does not become a paradox hole.

The door behind him is open.

."Mr. President's cabinet". Said one of my ministers who appeared beside me.

."What is your need? ". I asked without taking my eyes off the window.

."I have come to give a report that has been examined and abbreviated by the president ". The man put an electronic tablet on his desk.

John turned around and sat down in his chair."So what about negotiations with Columbia or RI ". I asked to see it.

The minister read."They both agreed to meet today, the president has prepared the necessary price to hide us until the appointed time". He said quietly, but I could see his hand shaking.

I turned the chair once."So did truman invent the non mobile City". Grimacing from simple fear. Real antigravity technology and not a game of Quantum luck, each of those cities left some scientists shocked half to death until they fainted on the spot, but as always they were somehow able to decipher all the information and all kinds of exotic materials and technologies that were thought to be able to make something like this a reality and the result was... once again he had to make a mental note that never underestimate the collective scientific intelligence.

The secretary put on a face and shook his head, "outside a town of about 1000 people".

I sighed, and looked into his eyes."At least we can deal with the Crystal problem... then how is the handling of other types ".

The man looked at the tablet."Using nanobots, pin points of accuracy of operating robots, defrosting tubes, genetic therapy, which many people take ordinary augmentation, so far nothing can really stop its spread and only slow it down ".

."What about the West Coast".

."Elements of the National Guard and the first Legion helped to efficiently control the situation ".

I looked at the screen and breathed."And see if we can do regular diplomacy ". He turned and looked at his assistant."It's time...".
Isaac watched from the landing pad seeing two f35ba1 formations containing 4 units in separate formations escorting Colombian and Rhodes Island representatives. He saw a civilian Columbia Airbus H175 helicopter that was horrifically an almost identical clone, a V-22 Rhodes I thought was already a rather eye-catching and strange sight!.

The four fighters were ordered not to use Sign Language, their only task being to deliver VIPs to the base. After a few incidents we had to learn it the hard way... there is nothing truly universal in language.

And I was accompanied by my two bodyguards, around us were just a few Marines doing stupid things, a few logistics and maintenance personnel hanging around, convoys of logistics trucks and dozens of forklifts moving here and there... none of the 5 rows of Phantom Guard troops that were behind him stood in the empty field.

He always felt disturbed when Patriots did things like this.

Behind him was an entire armored battalion that was laid out in their hangar, and only looked like it had been under maintenance or was just protecting it from getting dusty... not all of them are really filled to the brim with their entire personnel and the entire company is under US, jump in and start shooting down anything.

I think that The Phantom Guard is enough for me... but the 3 m man swore to live, would not allow a single wound on my body... which ironically I don't care about at all.

And it's a waste of all the money and I'm the logistics guy in charge.

My group ANAZC-TF is a group of people who don't care about their bodies at all, as the third commander getting my body completely, destroyed over many times is an ordinary day to day... a lot of propaganda that none of us will die.

.'ANAZC-TF is the 300 Immortal, The Shield and spear of mankind and the core in the HF protection formation '.- wet dog.

With the news brought by the Air Force, the situation is getting more complex with the previous, some info provided by our little helper GreyThroat matter mostly about the political structure in general... their entire society was essentially transferred from living under the remission of the plagues and to escaping the plagues.

Big cities, small towns, ordinary villages and any military installations are mobile platforms, which are connected to each other by a large number or just a few. And only one small platform with a couple of simple apartment buildings (technically it's a village according to GreyThroat), so a mobile base or basically just an ordinary land ship is set in motion to keep an eye on the borders of influence.

I use the word 'influence', that most of the land in the world is completely unclaimed, the concept of territorial boundaries from what miss GreyThroat told me was nothing new, no more than 200 years ago. And now a million questions come to my mind about this civilization.

How can they create a mobile platform?

Where did the local population come from?

Why don't they use guns!?.

Himself could only scratch his head, seeing how much farther logistics required to build things. This is not the same as 200 years of our history is the biggest technological explosion in our history, from using steam engines to harvesting energy from fusion reactors... honestly everything accelerated due to very excessive fear, but...ah.

And the last thing that confuses me the most. With two types of low caliber weapons, the one owned by the mayor and the cat girl Jessica each of their weapons looks exactly the same as their counterpart on Earth, but for some reason, we realize that the ammunition the mayor uses has a casting that is obsidian Black.

I sighed and watched the helicopter come down from the sky with some strange smell here, like metal but not the metal I knew... I shook my head, the v-22 Rhodes and airbus H175 landed on the helipad with the smell still stuck in my nose.

Columbia and Rhodes Island, one is a state described as 19th century America when Masters of industry roamed, and the other is a semi-state of pharmaceutical companies that focused itself towards Crystal Cancer Research. One is the reason for our further hiding and some price needs to be paid, the second is studying this world.

Colombia has left a bad expression in our eyes, so far I just want to talk to hide us and only a little cooperation that maybe we will try to do... still I do not like a country that extorts money from the infected who only as cheap workers, has the worst extortion insurance business he has ever seen... I will keep my son off the hands of all those things.

I will tell you the truth that cooperation with Rhodes Island, became our best option with a lot of cooperation that we can do without bureaucratic work and envious glances from the surrounding countries.

Rhodes Island is within our traditional range of influence. As for the country, it needs an entire division specially created to grow the country and install our puppet leaders.

And if my theory is correct, I can take advantage of Amiya's inexperience, at least for now, someone should be in Amiya's shadow at all times to guide the girl, Our priority is to influence her as quickly as possible and directly gain a foothold without hard work.

Or just send a letter of invitation to the SCP Foundation. At least, there shouldn't be a CIA or worse ONI meddling on our affairs.

As far as we know that Colombia is a country that is on the other side of this continent, now leaving only ursus a threat for the base and the Wormhole, the problem is that we have absolutely no idea how the explosion of the wormhole will have an impact. It is best to destroy this part of the continent and at worst directly wipe out the planet's atmosphere in a powerful explosion. Which is why the reason that we put a million soldiers on this side, because of the stupidity or inattention of any country dealing with wormholes and their consequences.

both doors of the plane opened and showed both arrivals with their groups to each other.

Amiya is watching a Colombian helicopter flying towards the alien's designated location. So we both headed in that direction and started talking to the aliens. I wish we could start joint operations while I wonder what they want, some kind of Trade Agreement? What are they trying to talk to our world leaders about, and even though I was CEO of Rhodes Island more than once but I really need Kal'tsit, to help me at this time to get cooperation or help the search for the hostages and our operators.

."It was Colombia's elite experimental force... Why did they come here? ". Doberman took a picture of some soldiers who can be seen from the window.

Ace crossed his arms and spoke."Aren't they in mutual trouble with the old Army that views as a weak new generation that is too dependent on new technologies ".

."Exactly ". Doberman looked sharp. "Didn't you leave the car in the city? ". Say the lever.

."No need to bother, I asked the former Ursus soldier to get him out". It was Sharp who gave the thumbs up to the paranoid Perro woman.

Yato corrected him."And also the motor ".

Sharp got the gaze of Rhodes ' training instructor sharply, before Nearl coughed."doberman we are not allowed to be there and... Calm down ". Speaking in his worried voice.

."Miss amy". Pilot talking in helicopter cockpit. All the members in the mission are scattered throughout the Cargo room.

."yes". I said getting off the chair and approaching him.

."Colombia asks if it sees the same thing on the Radar". The man said when he saw the light disturbance that if it disappeared and featured 4 planes."4 objects 12 hours...".

."One is confirmed... How did the Radar not see that? ". Blaze spoke.

Amiya looked at the Columbia helicopter, he could only see a thin silhouette in the glass, but his eyes were sharp enough to see some sudden movements.

."It looks like Colombia is just as surprised". The pilot's words were chuckled and impressed to see the plane. There are several types of art that can be used to hide vehicles but are never or very difficult to hide on modern radars.

Suddenly the 4 planes turned out to be a kind of fighter jet that had never been seen before. The Jets had an organic design painted entirely black with alien Star logos on both their wings and a cockpit that reflected all the light around it making it impossible to see our eyes.

They passed at high speed in front of us, then turned right and positioned themselves on the sides of the two groups.

Moments later, the pilot received a signal."This Global Air Defense Force is under the UEF, both of you have been intercepted, please follow the instructions or you will be regarded as hostile ".

"well at least they're honest".  Blaze commented. While studying the fighters from one of the windows.

The two groups simply followed the plane from the sky but when the plane began to crash into the sky boundary. Everyone looked in disbelief to see that the plane had crossed the sky barrier, as if it were nothing.

The Pilot with a trembling and shocked hand immediately threw his call to me and I held it tight enough to see the plane fly past the Starpon restrictions."Please fly higher than this, you need to fly to an altitude of 5 km above sea level ". Voice Watch with a Victorian accent.

Blaze put on a surprised face and I immediately spoke."Sorry but our helicopter Bad Guy we are designed to fly below 4 km altitude, when in fact it we had to do a lot of modifications to reach that altitude!... Oh My God ". Amiya unconsciously bites her nails.

."What... Oh wait there's another call...". The call was silent for a while and some people listened to it and looked up at the sky."... Alright just just follow us, but stay in our sights... ahh I didn't sign up to listen to this absurd scientific explanation ". He muttered... amiya put the radio back on the pilot.

I sat and was silent and it was done by everyone. As time went by a long period of silence, and we slowly began to see two types of alien bases... my eyes widened in horror when I saw the size of the military base, the alien base was a colossal area that reached several kilometers, with a sea of cement and concrete, hundreds of armored vehicles lined up with what I saw were thousands of military members roaming the base.

This is no ordinary military base... this is the invasion force . The colossal base is connected by several KM of heavy cargo rail lines and a very busy but also very smooth asphalt road... and it immediately draws on the civilian sector of this base, what can be described is the industrial sector needed to build a new nomadic plate being there, with a whole complex of apartment buildings that look like they were built in some famous city in the world, their streets are also filled with civilians ranging from working to people in white coats that I can think of as scientists.

My eyes can see several sectors under construction and my eyes look at the yellow spider robots of construction workers, who are seen working between the skeletons of buildings.

."I think they are really very fast ahaha...". The pilot was equally amazed and horrified but tried to fake a laugh.

The streets of the military base were filled with improvised military vehicles from mobile artillery, various variants of light armored vehicles, and several variants of IFVs from machine guns, artillery cannons and some miniized magnetic weapons, to flamethrowers. I also saw several variants of the vehicle that share the same hull but have anti-air weaponry from missiles to machine guns, and also some drones parked in large numbers outside their large warehouse.

And my eyes focused on two of the most alien of the many alien vehicles, the hover armored vehicles that once again split the hull of the same APC but they had their flamethrowers floating with halos under them, and I saw some soldiers crawling underneath and coming out unharmed, his comrades laughing before their officers came. A quadrangular box armored vehicle with a huge cannon on it, in the parking lot with a large number in many drones and for the most part they have the same jungle camouflage of most of the vehicles seen here, my eyes turned to the giant who had just come out of his fence.

The armored vehicle was an armored giant, possessing cannons that could easily tear down and break through the defenses of nomadic fortresses with ease. the object appears to be being maintained by a maintenance crew, reloading 4 machine guns on each side, to the point of loading some of the vehicle's heavy ammunition. Almost all of these vehicles are classified as super heavy artillery.

."Wow... that steel monster reminds me so much of the latest Colombia movie?!". Blaze spoke while pointing with her tail moving very fast, her finger showing several vehicles.

."How come they were able to put Nomadic City defense cannons on an armored vehicle with such a strange and absurd design? ". Nearl spoke analyzing the vehicle, and partly it just made it feel odd.

."Maybe break through the entrance? ". Sharp held his chin and gave his opinion and was immediately stared at by his instructor.

."The same can be done by artillery, and if you really want to do that, you can look at The Mighty Ursus Harpoon Cannon if you just want to punch a hole". Doberman told him with indifference

."It was basically a giant firearm". Jessica speak

."I've seen much larger artillery pieces and what I remember most is reaching 10 floors of apartment buildings, and the results... I'm sure there are many civilians with bleeding ears there ". Doberman said in an emotionless monotonous voice.

Jessica lowered her ears lower."I'm sorry ". She said in a sad voice but it could be heard that she was horrified.

."But with the smaller variants, it is clear they are made to manoeuvre and provide fire support for the infantry, their task advancing alongside the infantry on the battlefield, providing enough firepower to break through enemy lines with ease ". Nearl held her chin.

."Guys, look at the city". Said the pilot while pointing at the direction of the city, seen a domed structure made of black crystals like originium, vehicles entering and exiting, most of the vehicles disappeared as if crossing an inter-dimensional portal, then with many scientists wandering around the foundation as they studied it?.

Everyone saw it.

."Why do scientists look at it? ". Sharp interrupted his head.

."It's definitely not what was expected, is it? ". Ace glanced at his partner with a small smile.

Blaze put on a face."What do you two expect? ".

."Giant starships in science fiction in general". Ace spoke to the cat.

."yeah... good point" blaze retorted

"is that Origanium?"Nearl asked in surprise. Everyone looked at the mysterious door and saw a scientist pleasing a UV flashlight and showing the color of originium they were familiar with.

Some went to Ptilopsis for help, but she fell asleep in a chair.

Both our helicopter and the Colombian landed at the found location, his blue eyes looking at the feline man dressed in a formal suit and with his two bodyguards

Amiya prepares herself while standing in front of the back door of the vehicle to talk to an important person, she never expected to talk to aliens.

."Those alien military bases, at least save for the moment reach at best tens of thousands and at worst hundreds of thousands and are oblivious to the fact that... all those firearms are widely used ". A woman's voice reacted with disbelief and horror at the sight of a huge number of firearms.

."And also super heavy artillery that can be very distracting for warfare between ships, and they can somehow attach City defense cannons to those steel giants ". His hand pointed to the large armored vehicle carrying the city's resistance Cannon.

Each alien soldier has a long weapon in the form of a simple pistol or rifle, but also followed by a short sword or just a short spear, in which itself can take some assumptions, maybe firearms ammunition is quite expensive but can be mass-produced, but it is expensive and forces many soldiers have to still carry their cold weapons.

Their military doctrine focused on range and excessive firepower. With the number of armored vehicles consisting of IFVs, APCs, heavy support from mobile and Mortal artillery, and also... air support something that really doesn't exist on terra, if their jet planes can fly through any barrier or limitation of starpot without any problem at all, then the aliens will have uncontested air power, at least 1 to 3 years, if their existence doesn't trigger, a much tougher arms race. and I almost forgot something ... their ammo doesn't depend on originium it just opens up more possibilities which right now... just makes it a headache.

His robotic hand lights a cigarette and he inhales it."The lateranos, would very much dislike the fact that we are their discoverers... but I would very much like to hear only their whining ". The sound filter produces a robot-like sound but still leaves a lot of its heavy human voice.

."What is clear is that it will be a cry internationally ". One of his escorts or comments."Mr. tin Man".

Ho'olheyak closed her laptop with a sigh, tin man looked behind her and saw the elder's face."Their craft can break through starpot restrictions without drastic energy loss...". Ho'olheyak spoke happily and with a wide smile, and also I could see her little tail moving full of joy and excitement.

The Tin man chuckled and stood up."Ho'olheyak What do you think about the portal ". His hand pointed at the tip of the frail of these mountains, where a dome made of originium or black glass was laid, several times he saw the scientist a pleasant UV light and the object immediately showed the color of originium familiar to us.

Ho'olheyak looked in the same direction."What is clear is that it is some kind of other variant of originium, clearly visible from that UV light, but that draws some questions how their world is, Is it that their civilization is the same as ours or a civilization that actually developed before originium fell into their world... the rest is very irrelevant theories fill my head ". Smile briefly and look at the Dome below.

He looked at the designated location and what he saw was a white-haired feline man standing up to 7 feet tall with 2 bodyguards reaching over his shoulder, in the vicinity of which was a less busy airport than his opposite counterpart.

."Why does he remind me so much of that businessman from the snow realm ".

."Mr. silverash".

."Yes it is".

The Tin man walked up to her and spoke."Something nice that this whole base is not dominated by one species but there are several others... he is too similar to his wife ". Releasing comments that make some people laugh.

Ho'olheyak chuckled."What do you expect from an exotic species". In an instant the player's face turned into a serious face."Do you see some silhouettes there". Her hand pointed to the empty field behind him.

."Almost". The Tin man responds and the entire team immediately gets the command mentally, preparing themselves and improving their instincts to deal with a particular unit."Ho'olheyak behave well, we don't know anything here ". Words full of calculations.

."Yes I know! ". She responded lightly by patting the detective on the shoulder.

Ho'olheyak stood up and took some supplies and looked at himself, after a while he sat down on his chair and sighed. After a while, the helicopter reached the ground.

."go go go Kids! ".

Airbus H175 Columbia and V-22 osprey Rhodes Island landing. The Airbus immediately opened its doors with several soldiers securing each parameter. Isaac stood observing that type of Soldier which consisted of Vanguard, infantry, Crossbowman, Defender and the last one was Caster.

The last one to come out is Ho'olheyak and the Android is wearing a brown leather coat, a white shirt with a blue tie, basically his appearance looks like an old classic detective. And he smokes too?.

And the keeper of them both is, a guy wearing a Retro-futurism BDU that feels weird because it looks like it was designed in a certain year but it has some ornamentation that results in a weird familiar feel and it's divided into several classes but has has the same core of design.

Vanguard wears a Retro-futurism BDU with plastic parts, he wears a one-way glass riot tactical helmet, wears a rather heavy vest but focuses on his legs and chest, has a spear with a strange but mostly visible mechanism operated with a gas system that produces incredible support for boiling opponent armor ( now I'm starting to see the theme), and a bag that runs an oxygen hose from the mouth to the bag.

Infantry wearing a BDU is not very compatible with, at War I imagine. They looked more like strangely dressed American Marines than professional troopers wielding cold weapons, wearing light vests with those very strange helmets.

The Crossbowman wears a somewhat different BDU, wears a tactical helmet with Boxy VR Goggles, a heavier looking vest designed to hold heavy darts, the vest is full of pockets, and a bit of freshness in his eyes is the desert camouflage Cape he wears, he holds a gas operated automatic crossbow and has a drum magazine, most of his Megas are stored in his waist bag and his back backpack where there are some sort of tubes and antennas that I could think of as drone launches and Dick antennas.

And the Defender is a 2m tall person with rhino horn that bursts out of his Robocop helmet. He's wearing a Kepler gel vest and iron plate, a BDU jumpsuit with an exoskeleton designed to help him hold his position, and not to forget a heavy shield that really isn't a particle... I just feel sorry for this guy just going to be a magnet for darts and attacks.

And the last is Caster with... folding table Ikea helmet used, wearing a vest with more pockets, and the rest he is not at all different from the infantry only helmet that's all that makes that only produces effective psychological attacks only on competent military helmet designer.

And most of the criticism I've had is that the design doesn't make any sense at all in the book and in the end it looks stupid to be pitted against a real army ( although my wife told me that they might be elite troops but it didn't help me to understand why it was like that?), now I have a trust issue regarding the designer here...ah.

."Mrs. Ho'olheyak and Ms. amiya, nice to meet you both and also welcome to cerberus base ". Isaac said as he held out his hand to the two guests.

."Nice to meet you". He said with a sweet girl's smile.

."And so is Rhodes Island ". With a smile I turned to the Columbia representative."Mrs. Ho'olheyak, introduce me is isaac truman the director of this base, for now I will be busy with Miss amiya, my colleague will talk to you ". The speech of isaac who looked at Ho'olheyak whose gaze was locked on a forklift.

Ho'olheyak spoke."I can accept that, anyway this is the first stage of diplomatic relations between the two worlds...". Android is moving forward. Ho'olheyak did not care about it and only paid attention to the completeness of logistics here.

The Android was blowing cigarette smoke."May I ask you something? ". Sounds like a sound program rather than an organic sound. I nodded."How many bodyguards are allowed ". Suck the pipe.

Amiya looked at his questioningly and, then I answered."Only two guards and one assistant, no weapons for security superiors ".

Amiya speaks."So then, I take ace and Nearl with me while the others will remain in the helicopter ".

I looked at all the local people again. At least we have four casters ( amiya is still included but that is a bit doubtful), 20 guards and it causes interesting questions. Ace has a Captain America shield that gets to withstand armor penetrating rounds and plasma, Nearl unknown but seeing from her race... maybe super speed?, then to Ho'olheyak who is clearly a Caster, then an Android who can probably fly like Iron Man and bombard the base with fireballs.

Everything is very, very variable and really difficult to predict directly. His two bodyguards grimaced, both of them might be phantom elite troops but without armor, they would be quickly slaughtered. For the few times I've thanked that man for setting up The Phantom Battalion behind me... it would have been helpful.

Both groups left their weapons in their helicopters. And uniquely Ho'olheyak really kepts her staff in check, as she gave her guards a wave of wind coming out of her fingers, as if coming from thin air, basically. She was just threatening the guards.

Amiya and I and his two bodyguards walked towards the front limousine with JLTV 8 standing guard between the two units. My two bodyguards sat into the front seats, while we sat in the back seats, and the Columbia group also entered their limousine.

Isaac on a whim checking public channel

.'How do you think she sleeps?'.

.'The better question is where, most of the body fat is stored, my friend'.

.'You know it's gonna sound like you're a pervert'.

.'Come on as a Phantom Guard, we have hobbies too and I'm very curious about the anatomy'.

.'I guess you guys used that knowledge to stab your opponent instead of helping?'.

Isaac's out of the channel. He was found by Rhodes who was busy looking at a truck carrying MGGTOSH-12W1Q (missile guided ground-to-orbit sonichyper ), a relic of operative war, which kind of Drew eyebrows coming here when it was first spotted. I cleared my throat, their gaze for less than a second instantly changed."First of all I would like to apologize for calling you too soon, but this is out of necessity or compulsion on our part ".

Amiya shook her head."I understand very well your problem, but by the way Why did you call me? ". Her soft speech with her twitching ears and a hint of his brown hair, showed her human ears.

The convoy began to move. Isaac spoke."I appreciate that Miss amiya, but as you know we are newcomers, and we need information about how this world works and all the crises happening in this world ". His left hand holds his tail and his hand holds his chin."We are ready to compensate information for that info".

Knight horse Nearl gave him a look of high suspicion, Ace only raised an eyebrow and slightly adjusted himself because of the backpack on his back. Amiya gets excited (Axelle will literally choke him later), like a 15-year-old girl receiving a new toy."yes I accept it, only as long as the exchange is fair, and of course! ". Her little excitement.

Isaac nodded and she spoke."What do you want to do in our world? ".

Isaac thinks for a moment and responds."It's only a matter of time amiya, my government will not go to war with this world, and just try to make a profit after seeing the wonders in this world... as far as I know the original plan was massive colonization outside the first system... ". Isaac put on a face and pulled out his white lie.

Nearl looked at it very vigilantly and I saw a little tiny spark in her hand. Ace on the other hand was still looking at me calmly but I could feel a little annoyed over that. Amiya gave a diplomatic smile that became my everyday look in decades, to be honest I was more surprised that amiya could do it perfectly."I see, your world must have been in a peaceful state for some time, to compensate for exploring other worlds ". She e said and tried to analyze my every word.

... Yes, a peace that kills 30 million people ... is the price of good peace, paid for our civilization to make peace.

."Our world also has its own problems, nobody is perfect but many want to try to be better for a more beautiful and peaceful future for their children and grandchildren ". My smile that I use on tens or hundreds of high-class people I have met and always work happy my active period.

She put on a face."I understand very well, our world is not a good place with a lot of problems of countries like ursus and yen, which will always look like anytime a war will break out ". Her sigh."And all the suffering from Oripathy. Our world is far from what you can say best ".

Isaac grimaced imagining the geopolitical situation of this world with Oripathy, and how difficult it was to navigate."And Oripathy became a serious issue?... more or less the same as US but with far more resources to handle tens of thousands of people without problems ". I sighed. Our humanitarian attention will be focused on this world, to avert the first interstellar humanitarian crisis, and perhaps gain some meaningful allies, helping to spread our vision of humanity throughout the world.

All three were surprised."Only tens of thousands ... tens of thousands?, sir Our has millions of infected who are all over the world! ". Ace said in disbelief.

Amiya put on a worried face."Do you guys have any procedures that effectively deal with the spread of Oripathy? ". She asked with an attentive face.

."Not for a few months but after that, and now the situation is handled well, but many are infected as a result of bad experiences ". I said. The bad experience I'm referring to is the abandonment of artemis ' makeshift pot, it was simply taken by someone who hoped it could change his life... but it became a catastrophe, the result of the neglect of the station's orbital monitors who ignored it.

."You say that your civilization has just discovered originium!? ". Amiya said in horror when her head managed to connect all the dots on the board."When did you find him? ".

."6 months ago, at the end of our calendar year... it was basically a long time for your calendar ". Isaac held my tail slightly attached and my ears became more lethargic.

Nearl stared at both of them and spoke."How can you create technology!? ". Nearl loudly said that and it made me raise an eyebrow.

Isaac felt a sense of nostalgia."So basically your technology depends only on the expensive crystals in your world?... right ". Isaac looks at his incredulous third expiration but tries to hide it, which is honestly worse than what he imagined, when he learns that our technology does not depend on anything material... is it really an idea that comes out of the general knowledge of the planet?.

Amaya nodded slowly. She was surprised while I felt a bit amused towards this situation!, it feels almost like a completely alien alien, but he dispels the thought, and imagines the same advantages that can be brought at the negotiating table, all the countries of the planet will kill for our small and simple technologies, and this frankly somewhat reminds him with the market of the turn of fossil energy to nuclear. And now we are your originium of exotic art and technology, and embody the whole craziest idea of mankind and can finally break through the Universal barrier of light.

."Miss amiya". I called the girl

."yes, Mr. truman? ". She responded with a smile.

."Well... can you tell me about originium art".

Amiya stared and realized."Is it, there are already infected people who are unlocking the potential of their art? ".


Amiya blinked and looked at Nearl."Origanium Arts is the manipulation of the laws of physics through willpower alone, which is allowed to function through the use of a material called Originium or what you call Black Crystal". Amiya spoke while Nearl watched my reaction.

Billions of questions popped out of my head when I heard that."Can you show me one? ". I asked with a bit of despair.

Amiya nodded and showed her Palm, slowly the air around him began to suck like a vacuum in her hand was formed, I raised my reaction time to milliseconds and I watched scene after scene how a space and time disturbance hole was formed in her hand that sucked the air in the car."My art is a manifestation of my willpower, by utilizing extracting energy from the originium and the art unit manifesting the desired art ". She eliminated the space and Time hole interference ball that was in her hand just disappeared?.

Isaac used his brain power process and one question came up."So basically you need all three components, the originium as an energy battery, the art unit as a neuron signal discoding system, and someone with willpower can manifesting that just like that? ". I understood a lot of the data but that part of the person kept bothering me.

nearl responded and nodded ."You explained two things perfectly. Originium art comes from willpower and not his physical strength". Nearl confirms this.

Isaac looked at her."So what about the other apps, and how to learn them? ". Himself asked to feel his own knowledge and for Human Security.

."Each individual has a certain will, in some cases its use is completely innate, while in others it must be learned. However the training is not the same with every person and some people may be better suited with some other art path, there are some cases where a swordsman trained himself for years with martial arts, only to discover that talent was in the arts related to treatment ". Nearl explanation.

The problem of standardization can be solved quickly, the style of training and University studies will be a little tough challenge for us, directly all three are very, very not burdensome for our economy. Another question to be answered is whether we are the ones using it, if this only requires some kind of simple implant or intensive genetic engineering, adding local DNA to our army.

Directly our economy can accommodate all these things, but whether we are able to use art, I doubt the fact that the human body can hold all that energy, without anything involving knowledge beyond the limits of our science.

Amiya asked me."Can you say something about your country?".

Isaac thought for a while and finally decided, cleared his throat and started talking like a history teacher."The Earth is ruled in a single World Government of 10 federations and the Union, with the formal name of United Earth Federation, becomes the federation that leads all humanity to a brighter future, and our capital as United City a capital that is in the Pacific Ocean of our world, becomes the economic, political, technological core, with an international armed force called The Global defense Force and its various branches that protect the Earth ".

Ace winced and reduced what I said."World Government? ". He's trying to process that."How many countries were you before this unification was successful!? ".

."On the other hand how many countries are you? ". I ask you to expand my knowledge of this world.

."18 countries". Amiya said looking up and thinking.

Isaac held his chin."Before unification there were 194 states, after which there were 10 federations and unions that were founded and joined as member states of the world government ". The answer explains. He read the report from his wife, and yes he could see her expression.

All three were surprised."Your world is on fire!... How can your civilizations unite? ". Nearl spoke with disbelief and horror.

Isaac remained calm and did not react."Not the world calms down before anything... and it happens". Himself mentally grimaced. He remembers a lot of riots and a lot of people who died, a lot of people who were desperate and looking for support, a lot who wanted revenge and just ended up at the end of the barrel of my gun. The days when aliens roamed were a sense of mass fear that ran rampant around the world.

."amiya, how old are you because I don't remember you saying anything? ". Isaac asked

."14 years of Mr. truman".

Isaac sighed and spoke."How long have you worked at your company? ". Question both.

Amiya nodded."I have 3 years experience in Rhodes Island". The response.

Isaac knows where this is going."Please tell me if there is a child protection bureau or just a child protection law? ". Isaac's emotions inside him seem to die and are replaced with a lot of memories of his time, about children... I have to send a lot of operatives here right away, a new crisis is about to begin.

."Laws prohibiting child labor? ". She asked confusedly and saw the dead emotion inside me."oh I do not know sorry! ".

Deep convoys entered residential and command areas. Past several apartment buildings, a building with a hexagon shape, is a glass building with an elegant and modern design, but it has some CIWS and missile pots hidden."Miss, we can go inside".

I got out of the limousine. Amiya noticed her height and my height and my tail that made raised eyebrows."Mr. truman? ".

."yes, amiya".

."How many species are in your world? ".

."Only human".

."I mean specifically ".

."amiya, man is man there is no distinction ". The response I wanted was to get a look from Ho'olheyak who was greeted by Axelle.
