Chapter 2: Part 1. Enemies Accidentally Made.


[DECEMBER 16TH, 2023.]

Dark awakes the next day, it was 11:39 on the dot that he woke up. Even if it was a lil later than he usually wakes up, nothing quite changed. The house was silent, minus the TV playing some random ass YouTube video. As Dark sits up, he grabs the remote and switches the TV over to the news. For a few moments Dark watched it, but Dark grew bored. Standing up to go make himself a classic bowl of cereal for breakfast. Except instead of eating at his table he sat on the couch to listen in on the news speaking on the chaos of the city that broke out during last night's storm. By now the storm had broken up a bit, but it still snowed heavily. Crime still plagued the city. The police spoke on the case of many criminals being knocked out due to blunt force trauma, which raised questions throughout the city and especially to the police. Apparently the force was 'searching for the culprit'. Yeah right. The police in New Angeles did their work, but usually didn't do a lot regarding crime rings, or major crime bosses. They got paid off.

"Man...the city must be going to shit."

Corrupt politicians, crime rings, inefficient police, and heavy winter weather? Yeah. It's going to shit.

"Maybe..I'm making an impact? I did take down alot of criminals..."

Dark was right, but not completely right. If you're gonna take a crime ring down, you've gotta investigate. But Dark isn't too...bright. How could he even get his first few steps of evidence?

As Dark thought to himself...the police chief spoke. Nicholas Dover. Wait, the police chief...that's it!

"...But why would the police chief talk to me?"

Well, Dark had a few ideas. So Dark finished his breakfast, got his gear on..but instead of going unmasked, he had a mask. A scarf pulled over his nose, tied tight. Dark could barely breathe through, but he'd be fine. With that...Dark left his apartment to go meet the police chief.

Cut two to three hours, he approaches the police headquarters. Now the question rises to Dark:

Why would the chief wanna talk to him?

What if he tries to get the chief's attention onto him by sneaking into his office...?

Yeah, then the chief will be impressed and wanna know what Dark wants.

"God, I'm so smart..."

Dark walks into the building, looking left to right. Police walked around, some people sat inside waiting to report crimes, but nobody watched him. So Dark took his chance, jumping up into a vent and barely making his way in without falling. It raised suspicion from the noise, but he was open to find Nicholas's office.

After a while of climbing: Dark was above the police locker room. Upon hearing voices, he eaves dropped. Listening into their conversation. One police man stood out, he had a deep voice..and spoke vaguely.

"So, boys, how about that meeting in the deep club?"

"Yeah, can't wait."

Deep club? What's that? Dark has lived in the city for a while, but never heard of a...'deep club'. Dark knew of one club, the sun down. It was heaven for people with a night life. Dark's never actually gone inside so...everything he knew was just what he's heard.

"How about For the big man."

The rustling of a bag was heard. Then the cocking of a pistol was heard. Guns? Were they selling guns to someone?

"but they're police...shouldn't they be trying to catch the guys who do this?"

Dark whispered to himself, looking into the small bit of view he had from the vent. The men had walked off.

"Hm...a little further, I hope."

Dark kept crawling, feeling as if the walls were growing smaller...well, they were. This was where he had to stop. Dark wasn't a fan of getting stuck, so he forced his way out of the ventilation. In the process Dark broke the vent, and landed in the middle of a crossroads. One way led to a stairwell up. The left went to an evidence room, and some other rooms Dark didn't recognize. The right was bathrooms, and break rooms. Dark decides to go to the left, to the evidence room. Maybe he'll find something cool...


Dark thought of what he might find. Smiling as he ran towards the door upon hearing the stomping of boots from the stairs.

Upon reaching the door of the evidence room, Dark ran to the left. Behind a wall that formed a corner of the hallway Dark went down.The sound of his heart beating got louder...and the stomping did too. Those were the two sounds he focused on...the stomping was getting closer, and then getting further...what the hell? That's..weird. Dark looked around the corner. The police walked down the hallway Dark originally climbed out of the vent at, and investigated his destruction.

"....too close..."

"Yeah, it really was."

Dark jumped, letting out a small scream as he heard another voice.


The feminine figure in black, similar to Dark, pulls him into the evidence room and puts a hand over his mouth.

Dark completely panicked, looking to the window of the door and then to her glassy eyes.

"who are you?"

Dark said with a muffled voice. The female didn't answer, but walked off towards the evidence lockers.

"Did they take something from you, too?"

The female turns to him, waiting for an answer.

"No...just looking for something cool."

The female giggles, finding Dark's answer amusing as she took some items she formerly used.

A silenced glock 19, a black-steel bladed knife, a grappler, and a silenced rifle with some kind of grappling contraption on it. Was she a mercenary?

"Are you a mercenary...?"

Dark asked as he searched through another locker. Nothing he could use...

"Hmmm...what do you think, smarts?"

The female pulls the bolt back, and then pushes it forward. Both guns had no ammo.

"Of course I am."

Dark nodded slowly, walking through the evidence room. Taking a quick glance of her body for just a moment, as he kept looking through lockers. Dark mostly found guns, weapons, sometimes money which he took, and other stuff. But for now Dark tried to recall his reasoning of being here.

Oh. The chief.

"I'm gonna go now-"

The female turns to him, looking confused.


Dark put a hand onto the doorknob to leave.

"I have business here. I got distracted by this evidence room..."

As Dark turned the knob, he felt his wrist grabbed. In one quick moment Dark was taken down to the ground by this woman, and he could barely struggle.

"I can't have you telling people, can I now~?"

She put a knife to his neck, pressing down a bit and breaking skin.

"It's such a're quite cute, too...almost my type~"

Dark forced his way to the left, taking a cut to his neck. The cut didn't hit anything important, but he was bleeding.

"Well, you're..DEFINITELY MY TYPE!"

The female was stunned as he forced his way up with her confusion. With Dark's action of getting up, he made some distance between himself and her.


She locks the door, and then hops off of it for momentum. The knife she held had its blade facing away from Dark as she slashed at his leg. It cut Dark's pant leg a bit, and drew blood. Dark returns her attack with a headbutt, and an uppercut to the stomach.


She returns with a sweep of his legs, and a fierce stomp to his stomach with her combat boots. It hurt like a mother fucker, and he spat up some blood. To recover, he rolled himself away and then got up.

"Awwwee, did that hurt pretty boy~?"

The female taunts him. So Dark smirks confidently, wiping blood from his face as he thought of a comeback.

"It did hurt, but it won't hurt as much as this left hook."

Dark rushed forward, jumping up and delivering a kick to her face. This kick was blocked by her, but Dark follows his kick with a slam of his fist into her throat. Using the momentum of his drop, it left her stunned, stumbling to the ground. Dark didn't allow her to fall, but Dark grabbed her wrist. Pulling the female up and then elbowing her in the chin, following his elbow with a headbutt. With his quick attacks, it left her stunned, so Dark quickly pinned her wrists above her and kept her against a wall.

"Oohhh~ How romantic~"

Dark looked her in the eye, and then spoke.

"I'm leaving. That's all this is amounting to."

The female seemed to frown with her eyes as Dark let her go and then walked out.

"We were having so much fun, weren't we?!"

"Cmon, don't leave...!"

Dark kept walking, guiding himself to the stairs. A chief would usually be on the higher points of the building, right? All Dark had to do was make it up here, and hopefully find the chief. Without luck, he had searched all of the second floor. Dark went up the next set of stairs upon hearing stomping coming up to the second floor. At the top of the building...well, the top floor of it, should be where the chief is. It was also where every cop was for the moment...

"Could be bad...could be worse..."

Dark whispered to himself as he crouched low. Moving as fast as he could through a pathway past 2 groups of officers. To the left was a security room and the SWAT team's locker rooms. To the right...the chief's office, and a breakroom.

The camera pans to an office, quite sizeable. It looked like it was made for someone important. A golden name tag stays on the desk, reading 'Police Chief, Nicholas Dover'. One night of mass crime, and now the city was eating itself. Crime was like a cancer, and Nicholas could never track it down...either his policemen were too lazy to find anything, or too incompetent to understand what they're doing. If anything Nick blamed himself. The mess of papers on his desk led to nowhere, all being separate from each other in nature, and all covering unsolved cases.

"What the hell do I do...?"

Nicholas's voice was a bit high, a bit low, and it sounded tired. In appearance he looked...semi-professional. Having hair that curled into itself, and seemed to never look flat. Nick's suit already screamed 'police' based on the connections of leather to his holster that held a revolver.

"All these cases leading to this point, I might as well manage these cases myself..."

Nicholas felt his consciousness slipping to slumber. His sleep had gotten worse from restless nights like this. It would only get worse if he had to work on things alone...

Then the door opened.

"Ahem. Mr. Dover, I think I could help."

Dark stood there in the doorway, masked and in dark clothing.

Nicholas thought this kid must've broken in to break shit, so he pressed onto a button to speak to his officers.

"Has anyone see-"

Dark quickly tried to stop him, lightly pushing his hand to the side as he tried to reason with the chief.

"Before you jump to conclusions. I know how you feel about this. Listen, Mr.Dover I'm only here to help you. Those cases of criminals unconscious? Me. Question me yourself all you need. Just give me a case, and I'll find stuff on it. All you need to do is sit back and guide me, okay? One chance, and I won't disappoint you."

Nicholas narrowed his eyes, questionative of this kid...but he looked down, sighing deeply as he groaned.

"...Fine. Here."

Nicholas hands Dark notes, papers, and pictures.

"Gunrunning business. Seemingly organized by someone named on the street...'Big H'. We aren't sure of his name, or identity because he's usually masked or hidden alone. I believe it's connected to that politician running. Names...'Harris Walker'. Right now I'm not sure, but we've seem his buyers, sellers, and accomplices coming from the sun down club. I'm gonna need you to go into the sun down, and find evidence. I'll set you up for investigation now, since it's..."

4:30 pm. When the party goers wake up to go to the club.

"Perfect timing to send you out. 4:30's when the party goers show up to the club. Your main objective will be to make it inside, and find yourself to the underground of the club. As long as you make it there, I can help you find info."

The camera pans onto the club. With an LED name sign saying 'Sun Down, come party!'

Dark stood in front of the club, his face illuminated by the lights. Dark dawns the clothing he had on before, to conceal himself, but added with circular, golden sunglasses, and a very small earpiece hidden under the darkness of his hood. The sunglasses didn't darken his vision, somehow, but it gave him vision to see what people are convicted with, who they associate with, and who they are. It'll help him investigate.

As he approaches the door, Dark bangs on it. Two men, bigger than him, and taller than him answer it.


Dark froze up for a moment, hearing Nicholas speak into his earpiece.

'Hayden! Hayden Loft!'

"Hayden Loft."

The bouncers walk to the side, seeming to apologize for the misunderstanding.

"Our apologies Mr.Loft! Won't happen again!"

Dark spoke lowly to Nicholas.

"who's Hayden Loft?"

Nicholas responds with some information, speaking quickly as to not sidetrack the mission.

'The lofts are a powerful crime family in New Angeles. They run the streets with guns and narcotics...the youngest member they have is...well, we're not sure of his real name, but it's Reaper Loft. This guy runs the sun down, and he's a nasty fucker when it comes to people messing with his business.'

"wouldn't that be putting me in trouble?"

'Not unless he's out with his wife Glysania. She came in from Europe to apparently meet him.'

"how nice...a Russian Mafia family and a New Angeles Mafia family coming together...doesn't that mean I'm double fucked if I encounter them?"

'You're not gonna like this.'


'This investigation is to bust the loft family.'

"...Fucking hell...whatever. I hope you know what you're doing man."

'I know what I'm doing. I'm the police chief.'

As Dark digs his way through the crowded club, some women touch him, some men push him around, but he focuses on getting to where he believes the underground entrance may be.

"hey, could I know..."

The bouncer, dressed in a white suit and a red tie looked confused. Shoving Dark away and laughing.

"Unless you have a gift for the family's party, you can't get in bud."

Shit. Nicholas didn't know about this. Neither did Dark...

'Shit, do you have anything?'

"no, I don't."

'Improvise, then!'

Dark swings towards the man with his left fist, missing and then delivering a low uppercut blow to the bouncers chin. The bouncer only slightly reacted, laughing in his throat as he grappled onto Dark's head and lifted him up.


Dark keeps punching the man's arm over and over. Dark just swung his arms around and kicked at the bouncers stomach. Eventually, it worked. It left Dark in shock for a moment, but it worked. The bouncer goes to punch Dark in the face, and Dark dodges the punch. The bouncer tries again, Dark dodged. But this time Dark threw a quick hook to the bouncers side. It got a good reaction of injury from the bouncer, as he coughed up spit and stumbled to the side.

"Agh, you fucking brat!"

Dark looked around to the surrounding crowds. Dark sighed, raising his fists and bouncing on the heels of his feet.

Darks plan: move fast, hit hard, run past and try to lose the heat somehow.

The bouncer swings again, and Dark instead grabbed his arm and pushed it away. With that, Dark jumped up and hit the bouncer with a hard hook to the cheek, falling to the ground with his hit and then following up with a shot to the bouncers side.

"Not sure a brat could do all of this to a guy like you, right?"

The bouncer grapples onto Dark with one hand, but Dark quickly sends both of his legs into the bouncers chest. The force causes the Bouncer to cough, and stumble backwards. With that, Dark backs off and then motions to his chin. Doing a small gesture of 'hit me right here'.


The bouncer roars in anger, trying to break Dark's jaw but the bouncer fell into Dark's trap. With a quick movement backwards, Dark took a big step forward and used his momentum to hit a HARD liver shot. As tears exit the man's eyes, he falls over. Grunting in pain and laying there.

Dark wastes no time running past, into the underground. Upon hearing footsteps following him, Dark quickly disappeared into a grate on the ground.

"Did anyone see what he looked like?!"

"Nah, not really! All black clothing, face covered mostly, could be anyone in this damn club!"

A bouncer groans, walking to the left and into the underground club. Dark goes the opposite way, using the glasses to scan the women he sees above him.

'Jeez, kid, you're an efficient fighter.'

"Against big dudes like that, it's easy. They move slow, so you move fast. Take too long and they'd probably adapt and beat my ass."

'Smart. Right now you're looking for...well, anyone who has info on Reaper Loft. Or, alternatively, you could go after Loft and risk death.'

"How about a member of the Loft family willing to crack under pressure?"

'well...there's a mercenary. Black hair, blue eyes, wears black like you do,'

"....her? I saw her in the police building. She was last in the evidence locker."

'Knowing her, she's gone by now. We know she accompanies the Lofts as a body guard, and usually takes out their competitors.'

"Well, yeah, that's pretty obvious. Wait- the lofts...are here. Wouldn't she be here-?"

'Well, smart thinkin, kid. If you can get to her, you can get to the lofts. She's practically part of their family.'

"How about this; she gets alone, I interrogate, and we see what happens."

'That could work. Yeah. Go ahead.'

Dark exits the grate, walking among the politicians, scarcely clothed women, drunk mafia members, and criminals. Dark had one thing in mind: find the Loft family's body guard, take her down, interrogate her. Seems easy enough. Well...the only hard part, finding her.

After about 20 minutes of searching Dark almost gave up...before he spotted her. Speaking with the youngest head of the Lofts: Reaper. Wow...Dark found him to be intimidating, but he tried his best to sneak up and get the bodyguard's attention.

Dark walked up closer...and closer...and closer...before tapping on her shoulder and then dashing off. It got her attention, and she followed him. Bashing into him with all of her force, and sending him to the bathroom.

"What, got a secret crush or something~?"

The bodyguard said teasingly, as she smirked.

"Not...exactly? Not yet maybe? Who knows..."

The bodyguard rushed forward, going for a sweep kick. Dark quickly jumped up, and then slammed down with his fist into her head. She rolled backwards, and then introduced herself.

"They usually call me...'wolf' but you...can call me Sophia~"

Sophia jumps off of the wall, and then the roof, trying to get the pounce onto him. Dark took his chance, slamming her head into the ground and then kicking her shoulder. It sent Sophia flying into the wall, as she growled. Standing up fully and bearing her claws. They were small razors on her nails, Sophia giggled and went to slash him rapidly.


Dark raised his arms, taking slashes across them as blood ran down his sleeves, sometimes falling into the ground.

'I can't let her slash my mask...or she'll find me!'

"Heh- that all you've got?!"

Dark quickly hit her with a combo of blows, hitting her in the throat, the stomach, the middle of her chest, and then Dark made alot of space between them using an uppercut, and then a low kick to her side.


Sophia tried to move herself, but ended up in the bathroom stall. With a quick mad growl, she smashed through a stall's wall, and punched Dark in the cheek. Dark's eyes widened, as he tried to return with a liver shot- but then Sophia slashed Dark's arm again and then slashed right across his chest. Blood flowed again, and Dark felt his body weakening.


Dark had to finish this quickly, as then Nicholas began speaking:

'Hit her in the stomach! Do what you did to that big guy, and she'll probably fall on down!'

Smart, Nick! Dark quickly jumped back into action, as Sophia backed up. Dark winds up an uppercut, barely scraping her chin as Sophia teases Dark.

"Heh, what was that, a love tap~? Finally accepting your feelings with me hun~?"

Then Dark put all of his force into a mean liver shot, making tears fall from her eyes, as Sophia fell to the ground. Sophia was in pain, and she just grunted in pain.


Sophia was unconscious.

"Hey, Chief, question."

'Yeah, kid?'

"How am I supposed to find myself an exit with her?"

'Well, let me look through the footage so far and- maybe I can figure something out...gimme about 30 minutes to like an hour.'


Comms were silent, now Dark looked for a place he could hide- because Dark heard a few people approaching. When hearing a booming voice, Dark knew it was Reaper. Dark drags Sophie with him, and then hides in a stall.

Thump...thump...thump...the sound of the mob boss's boots horrified him.

Ba-bum.'s heart beat speeds up, and it's about all he can hear other than Reaper's boots stomping.

"Sophia? You in here? The party's about to start..."


"Ah...stomach problems, ey? Maybe all of those snacks didn't do ya so well..."

Reaper chuckled, washing his hands and speaking about personal stuff.

"Ya know...being the youngest mob boss ain't too shabby. Stressful, you know? Some pricks think they can mess with me, they can't. Same with this...vigilante prick dressed in all black. He's messin with my stuff, so I should mess with him...but I can't find him. Prick leaves before the sun sets, or before the sun rises!"

Dark listened, interested in what his plan was now.

"So let's do somethin...get more of our men out on the city, with guns, cause more chaos, maybe that bastard will come and try to 'save the city' heheh...maybe you can catch him, haven't mentioned ever seein em, but he dressed a lil like you, but...more...delinquent. You're sophisticated, combat efficient, this prick's just...some kid."

Dark looked down, then back up.

"But...that's all I've gotta say to ya, Sophia. I'll see ya out here when you've fixed yourself."

Reaper walked out after drying his hands, as the outside got a little louder. Their party started.

Maybe Dark can use the sound...and the distraction of them getting drunk could probably work.


Right as Dark was gonna leave, Nicholas tuned in.

'If you haven't noticed, they've started partying, and there's also a bunch of drunk people out there too. You can-'

"Yeah yeah yeah use the chaos and stuff of the party and just walk out."

'How did you...?'

"Already thought of it. alright...I'll try my best to make it there."

'Okay...I'll wait outside in my car.'

"Thanks for making it easier..."

'See you there.'

In a quick fashion, Dark put Sophia on his back and then began to run through the club.

"Hopefully I don't run into any trouble..."

Suddenly, he saw a dude, a dude with a small figure, curly hair, and this dude was mostly masked. Out of nowhere, Dark was drop kicked in the stomach. Sending him flying back- and letting Sophia hit a wall.

"Fuckin hell...."

Dark was already tired, then he looked to the side, seeing a woman, with long hair colored the same as the smaller dude's, a dirty blonde. This girl quickly ran at him at speeds Dark could barely see, and then landed a quick blow on his stomach. It did minimal damage- but with her speed, it hit hard. The smaller dude came in for some hits, attacking faster than Dark could see.


The twins laugh, and rush towards Dark. Dark quickly gets ready, tackling the female and then throwing her at the smaller dude, who is knocked over with the female. With their confusion, Dark runs up, grabbing the male and then throwing him into a wall.

With swift movements- Dark returned the favor of being hit, hitting 2 left-right hooks and then a few shots and jabs to the body. The dude coughed, some drops of blood mixed with his cough as Dark threw him back to the female, who quickly pushed the male to the side and allowed him to recover.

1 down for now.

The female rushes forward, landing a blow to Dark's stomach. Dark had a plan- to flex his stomach, and make the impact lessen. It did, infact, lessen the impact as Dark grabbed her arm by the elbow, threatening to break it as Dark spoke with aggression, and authority.

"Who are you? Tell me now before I break your damn arm and take you right to the police station."

The female breathes heavily, whimpering as she struggled.

"You wouldn't dare hurt a girl like this!"

Dark grips down harder.

"I would."

The female has tears in her eyes, breaking and finally telling Dark what he wanted.

"Esther- Esther! H-He's Echo! We're loft's body guards!"

Dark throws her like a ragdoll into Echo, walking back to Sophia and picking her up.

"I better not see you two here again. If I do, I'll take you to the police station myself. Okay?"

Esther nods rapidly, kind of scared, but not horrified. Echo didn't have much of a say since he was still trying to catch his breath.

"See ya."

Dark ran off at full speed, putting Sophia into the back of Nicholas's police car, and then getting into the passenger.

"How'd it go in there?"

Nicholas starts the car, and drives off to the police station.

"I discovered 2 more bodyguards."

Nicholas looks over to Dark, raising an eyebrow.

"What did you do with them?"

Dark looks out the window, leaning against it as the sun began to rise.

"Scared them into leaving the crime life."

Nicholas nodded, growing silent as he only focused on driving them to the police station.

30 minutes later...they reach the police station. It's empty. Quiet...

"...Dark. Be at the ready. I'll take the bodyguard."

Dark passes Sophia to Nocholas, queueing his music through the earbuds connected to his ears.

'System of a down: Toxicity.'

"You get to somewhere you know intruders can't reach, I'll get attention onto me...well, if there is anyone."

Nicholas runs off, as Dark hears distant laughing- and gunshots from the inside. Dark jumps into action, sprinting to the trouble and then crouching behind a wall.

How many were there? Dark peaks over the side of the wall. 1...2...there's about 40. Some clowns, some men in prison jump suits, and some policemen have seemed to join together in raiding the police station. For what, though...? They bang on a vault, quite a big vault for that matter.


About 5 years ago, a grand opening of certain military documents, some city funds, and other major political valuables existed inside of the vault. But- out of nowhere- a female, with long black hair rushed out. She wore a long trench coat, and had a cigar in her mouth. Also dawning circular glasses, Dark recognizes her- Natalie?

Natalie jumped forward, and then suddenly appeared behind abut 7 men. Unknown to Dark, she unsheathed a katana, which pointed to the wall. All 7 men fall over, and blood spurts from deep wounds that hit veins around the throat, or in the arms.

"...Where is Dark?"

Natalie's eyes shine red. Last time Dark saw her, she didn't have red eyes. Was something wrong? Why could she do such damage to so many people at once? Why did she look for Dark?

"Do any of you know?"

The criminals scramble to speak, one saying they saw a dark figure at the sun down, one saying in this station, but most lied. Natalie sheaths her katana, which had golden markings on it.

"well...that's a shame. Your families won't be having a good Christmas without you all, huh?"

With swift, violent movements, the criminals fell. Dark was confused, his vision felt...blurred. What happened?

A criminal runs off, a clown. The clown hides behind Dark....this one was 15, and didn't have his face fully covered in this makeup.

"I-I-I never wanted to do this! Please, sir, help!"

As wind blew in from the front door...Dark came face to face with Natalie.

"Go, now kid. Don't do this ever again. Do something better to help your family.

Tears fall from the kids eyes, as he nods and runs off.


Natalie turned to Dark.


A family reunion...but not how most have them. Natalie wasn't herself. Something pushed her to a brink. A brink where she killed everyone in sight..


Natalie had gotten to the side of Dark, and left him undefended from an attack.


A slash hits his arm, ripping clothing and skin as Dark jumped off from the walls, backing up.

"Natalie, I won't hurt you, I don't want to..."

Natalie stood unresponsive. She rushed forward.


Dark bled, red droplets falling to the ground like rain...

"Natalie, please!"

Dark dodged a slash, and took damage to his clothing.


Natalie jumped off from a wall, and slashed down Dark's face. The scarf was ripped, and revealed his face. The hood of his hoodie blew in the wind, as Dark yelled again for her.

Dark wouldn't hurt his older sister.


Natalie sheathed her sword, rushing forward and then ending up behind him in a blink. Slashes broke his skin, and his clothing. Leaving him shirtless with only his hood left.


Blood fell, and he felt woozy. Dark held himself up, and then barely caught Natalie's sword with his hands.

"Natalie...please...don't fucking do this to me! LISTEN TO ME, NOW! I'M SORRY FOR ALL OF THOSE TIMES I WAS AN ASSHOLE, OKAY?! I...I'm sorry for it all!"

Natalie slashes down, hitting the ground and making Sparks. Then her sword flies up, towards his chin. Inching...everything was slow. Everything yelled move! Move! Move! Dark couldn't.

Darks heart weighed down on itself...but...everything flared up. Dark's heart pounded, everything in his body heated up to the maximum, adrenaline kicked in as Dark roared out.


Tears fell..mixing with blood, as Dark put all of his force into hitting Natalie in the temple.

Natalie dodged his hit, and returned with a spin kick- into a swift x slash down his chest.

"You can't win...because you are weak, delinquent. You always will be weaker Dark...and you'll never be able to save anybody."

Dark rushed forward, hitting Natalie in the gut with full force, and then grabbing her by the shoulders.


With a loud BANG! Dark headbutted Natalie, sending her stumbling backwards. Dark took his chance. Hitting her left, into a wall. Grabbing her and throwing her right, back into a wall again. With a last hit, Dark grabbed her by the pony tail, whipping her right to the ground, and then whipping her backwards, towards the front door.

"You aren't Natalie...and you aren't my sister...I know it."

Natalie smirks, her eyes flickering purple, then red, then to hazel. Natalie's real eyes. It made Dark freeze up, and then Natalie rushed forward. Stabbing him clean through the leg.

Dark forced himself backwards, stumbling on his injured leg and then rushing forward. Going for a throat shot but being met with a blade- as Dark's fist hit it, his knu kled let off blood, and turned a strange purple-yellow color upon beginning to bruise. Tears fell from his eyes out of pain, but Dark went for a gut punch, missing as they began to clash hits.

One last blow is exchanged, and Glysania slashes Dark's face. Right down his left eye. The eye took no damage, but his face did. It hurt.

"Heheh...I may not be your sister...but I'm someone you're going after. not someone you will win against easily."

Glysania! Loft's wife? Dark's eyes widened, as he roared out one last time, grabbing her by the throat and holding her up.

Glysania fights for her life, punching and kicking at Dark. It only wore Dark, and herself out more.


Dark's eyes dilate to a dark color, his blood vessels popping in his eyes.


Glysania laughs maniacally, taunting him, messing with his head.


Dark threw her out of the door, with the katana she wielded. With his adrenaline leaving, and Dark's consciousness following, he ran. Ran for his life to the voice of Nicholas.

'If I pass out here...someone will kill me...I...can't...'

Dark fell, crawling to the interrogation room...and then passing out. Feeling his head slam into the door of the room. 
