Chapter Ten

A/N: I am very sorry for the late update my fellow readers.  I was not really at my best and I tried to juggle part-time, college and writing. I hope you understand. Anyway, this story contains slight NSFW, bullying, violence, gore and some triggering stuff. Please read this story carefully. The picture is not mine, credit to the owner Lecidre from Deviantart. 



(Y/N) POV:

Everything suddenly turns black and I cannot see anything, I cannot even hear anyone's sound. It was all dark with no one on my side except that girl who purposely tried to give me an anxiety attack. I almost cannot hear it because of how small the voice is but I can make all the words that she said to me.

'Sleep....and .....awake.......everything is a nightmare....'


Everything is dark, I couldn't detect anything except the colour of darkness or people saying the colour of nothing but there were two voices that I recognized. One of them is Arcee, a deep yet caring voice and the other one I forgot the name of the owner but I do remember his looks. He has short white hair with the back part of the hair that doesn't reach his neck and the red colour in the middle of his white hair.

"Are you sure, she is fine, Ratchet?" Arcee mumbled on the left side of me.

"Yes, I am sure that she is fine after the medicine," The male on my right side clarified to her.

"I almost got a heart attack...when I saw her on top of her," Arcee sighs as I sense pressure on the stretcher on my left side.

"We are lucky we came quickly, who knows what Airachnid would do," The other male hand decides to check on my pulse.

I can feel the tip of my fingers has their receptive sensory back as one of his hands grasps one of my wrists. His touch soft and warm stood like a feather, "Oh, I think she is waking up," He studies the movement of my finger as it twitched a little bit after the tip of his finger made a contact with my hand.

My throat feels closed. Nevertheless, I attempted to let a little bit of sound, warning both the two people who are on my side. Slowly, I could feel my eyes regain a little bit of endurance before opening them slightly with hazy vision. I could feel another warmth on my left side as another hand is holding onto my arms gently, "Careful.... just follow the light," she instructed me while I am opening my eyes.

There was a small blue light moving around in my blurry vision, making me unconsciously follow the movements of those lights. The light moves like a firefly, flying around in a circular motion. I keep following those lights while listening to 'Ratchet' instructing slowly, "Yess....that's good. Keep following the lights," he instructed me. Blinking twice, my sight was getting better and I could see my surroundings perfectly.

I recalled that I was laying on the bed as the students brought me here after fooling out the guy with messy navy blue hair and yellow eyes colour to complement his good looks. After the fight, I was sent to the Medical bay by the other students' help and the nurse of the school. Many students feel bad, thinking that guy with navy colour hair was hurting me even though he didn't do any damage to me.

Arriving at the medic bay, a girl with wavy long black hair, violet eyes, fangs like a snake, a pale skin tone like a sick person, and golden eyeliner on her eyes got inside the medical bay and she purposely scared me by exposing my hidden secrets, sending me into a panic attack before it was getting harder for me to breath and everything turns dark as I hear her last word which was 'nightmare'.

Her whisper still haunts me, "Do you remember what just happened to you?" Ratchet almost invaded my personal space, it would be okay if the stranger with curly black hair didn't do anything to me but because of that. I couldn't help but flinch a little bit, his actions reminded me of her harassment. Watching me flinch, the male with a coat backed away for a little bit to give me some space, "Sorry, Airachnid probably did something to you, huh?" His voice was raspy but soothing.

I look down a little bit, putting on a brief nod as my hands were gripping the metal bars a little bit too tight. Arcee's and Ratchet's stare makes me a little bit uncomfortable but I know they mean well, my heart feels a little bit bad after Arcee and Ratchet are staring at me with concern. "Do you remember what Airachnid did to you?" Arcee asks me, gently stroking my hand in a circular motion to calm my nerve.

"Who is Airachnid?" I ask her.

"It is the girl.....with a long wavy black hair, purple eyes, golden eyeliner and fangs, I guess," Arcee explains.

"She....uhh, I think she was trying to scare me so bad and I got a little bit panicked....but I'm fine now," I try to make Arcee feel less worried about my condition

"Are you sure? Your arms are a little bit bruised, I think she....kinda hurts you," Arcee gently pulled my sleeves up, showing a purple colour on my arms.

I stood a little bit surprised, there were several purple marks on my arms, some of them even letting out a painful sting like sharp knives slicing up on my arms even though it was already covered with bandages. Arcee looks up at me in the eyes, "You're lucky that we came here early and we saw Airachnid hurting you. I don't know what is she planning for you but we know it's not a good one either. I quickly shoo her away while Ratchet was tending all of your wounds," She covered both of my arms once again.

Even if these wounds sting badly like a paper cut, I feel pleased and delighted that Arcee and Ratchet came here but I am not sure why and how they know that Airachnid came here. There is something that I am not aware and I need to find out as quickly as I can, it seems that everyone is hiding something from me, "Thank you so much for helping me. Finally, what is my next class?" I look at them, wondering why they suddenly averting their eyes away from me. 









 Before shooting another question to them, the door was blasted open with an enormous force. The three of us recognize a tall muscular man with red eyes, he has messy dark violet purple hair, deep red eyes with an eyepatch on the left side of his eyes, A sharp V jawline, a fair medium skin tone and some scars on his arms. He looks scary, intimidating, and grim look like a trooper or a fighter.

Noticing the standing horrifying man in front of us, my blue orbs widened upon seeing Arcee and Ratchet staring at me and him. The two of them suddenly barricaded the male in front of me, not letting the purple-haired man get close to me. "Shockwave, what the hell do you want? Don't even think of coming closer," Ratchet steps closer to me.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. The leader of the Decepticons needs the girl," Shockwave tilted his head to the side to look at me.

"Megatron? Why the hell does Megatron need her?! I won't allow you to get close to her!" Arcee growled.

"Listen (Y/N), I want you to run away as fast as you can. I don't want you to get caught by the Decepticons, Shockwave is dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt. In the count of three, you must run as fast as you can," Ratchet whispered to my ears as his hands gently patted my back.

"Wait! What about you?!" I whisper yell at him,

"It doesn't matter! You need to run, Arcee and I can take him down. He is too strong for you to take him down," Ratchet said as he pushed me gently as my position is on his back.

I couldn't help but stare at the fight in a mixture of amazement and aghast. Arcee was fearless as he keeps attacking Shockwave with words and with her own hands but what was most surprising was the gruff-looking man acted as if he knew and predicted what's Arcee next movement was. Shockwave was rather chill and unbothered, blocking smaller yet lethal females who are sending him painful kicks and punches.

Ratchet carefully pulls me closer to the door, opening the door without causing any screeching sound as he looks at the surroundings to see if any dangerous students are targeting me, "Ratchet, why does it seem that Autobot and Decepticon hate-" A finger placed on top of my lips, his cold blue eyes glancing at me as if he is threatening me to stop talking and not continue my question.

His blue eyes were bright like the colour of the sea and I don't want to admit it but his eyes make me mesmerized by it, his eyes as bright as a mixture of a deep sea and snow. "Please don't ask, you don't need to know yet. I will explain as soon as you are ready. For now, you don't need to know anything," he held my hands, gently pulling them and dragging me somewhere else.

"Wow Doc, trying to seduce the new girl?" Ratchet freezes, turning around.

I turn around to see the same bastard that teases me in the laboratory. I couldn't help but smile a little bit, "Oh hey Knockout, what are you do-" I was cut off again by Ratchet. He pulls me once again but this time it was quite hard, causing me to let out a tiny bit of a hiss in pain. His eyes stared at Knockout with anger, "What the hell do you want, Knockout. Don't even think of getting close with (Y/N)," Ratchet kept me behind his back.

"Oh don't be stingy, Ratchet. After all, we used to be a partner~" Knockout steps closer.

".......Run until the count of three," He ordered me.

"But-" I was still confused about why this suddenly happened and why Ratchet kept me away from Knockout.

"One......Two......" Knockout keeps getting closer with a smirk, my eyes widened he pulled something sharp from his pocket and Ratchet pulls something out too.

"Ratchet, What's going on-" I was going to ask once again but it was;t by Ratchet this time.

The door of the Medical bay busted open like it was nothing even though the door is metallic and heavier than the rest of the doors. A gasp left my lips and surprised to see the same intimidating male standing there with blood on his uniform and his hands. 'Arcee.....No.....Please tell me she is not badly injured!' I pray silently.

Ratchet's eyes widened, turning around to glance at me before shoving me, "THREE!!! RUN (Y/N)!" Fear struck through my brain and my heart, giving me a boost of adrenaline, allowing me to run away as quick as I can to get away from the tall broody man. I could hear his heavy step, it wasn't fast but the step keeps haunting me, it gives a chilling atmosphere as the air gets colder than a few hours ago.

My heart keeps getting beating faster and faster, almost giving me a hard time to breath while I am keeping my fast pace. It feels like a serial killer on my tail, waiting to end me at the right time. The image of Knockout standing there with a smirk hurts me, he was friendly to me but I didn't believe he would hurt others. Tears flow down from the corner of my eyes, causing a little bit of burnt sensation since the wind keeps blowing to my face.

Without any second thought, I saw an empty class and goes inside it, hiding behind one of the empty and broken lockers before closing my eyes and trying hard to hold my breath. There are many options to hide from him but it was a little bit too obvious because he could bend down and look underneath the tables. Hiding inside of the lockers was also too obvious, he could easily rip the doors away.






I almost jump from my hiding spot and let out a scream of surprise but my hand was faster by closing my mouth to stop the sound from coming out. "I know you are here, the leader of Decepticons needs to see you," his voice was heavy with no stutter no tone in it like a robot. Slowly, I crouch down so I could see the silhouette of shoes and legs without him noticing my movement.

Both of my hands were carefully positioned on top of the grounds, silently moving away with my feet following from behind. Trying to make a zero noise. Another slam almost makes me cry in fear, scaring me almost to death. It was a sound of a broken table giving an impact on the wall as the result of me seeing some particles fly in front of me. It feels like I am getting trapped inside a small space together with a serial killer and trying to survive.

'Please help me' I continue praying to myself.

Another broken table was slammed but it wasn't in front of me. Nonetheless, the sound still scares me to death and it's either not a good idea just to stay in there and hope anyone to save me like a damsel in distress. Taking a silent but deep breath, my heartbeat calms down with each second. I continue trudging to the other tables without him noticing me. I was smart enough to bring a compact mirror so I could see his reflection of him before moving away.

Carefully, I open the mirror once again to see where he is facing and close it a little bit so it won't make a clicking sound and to make me easier to get away from him. He was looking on the front side but he wasn't aware that I was watching him from far away with the help of the light and reflection. My orbs keep darting back and forth, getting ready to escape from this hell-hole. 


~ Cliffhanger ~


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this chapter!



