16) killing anti

Jacks pov:
I hope I can get out soon...
I wanna see Mark again so badly...
I can't just come out of anti just like that...
He will have to kill him to get me out...
But how?? Anti is immune to ****!
Okay as long as I can distract anti for however long I'll be okay and Dark and Wilford will kill anti. I just hope that it'll work... what if it doesn't work and I'm stuck with him forever?? Oh god, I can't even bare the thought of it!! Okay don't think negative, think that it will work and that I will see Sèan again and we will be so happy to see each other. It's kina like those pages on instagram where you meet your Internet friends or your boyfriend/ girlfriend in a long distance relationship. What happens if he doesn't recognise me because he's been possed for that long?? Well I think he's been possed anyways. "Hey Mark you ready?? You looked so spaced out" Dark giggles. "Hm?? What?? Oh yeah I'm ready, I was just thinking about this that's all" I smile "right then let's do it!" Wilford excitedly says. "Alright!" Me and Dark both say. Oh god I'm so nervous why are my hands shaking?? Its okay I've got this just don't think about it! "Okay I'm going now, good luck guys" I nervously say. "And mark remember you've got this" Dark says I nod. Alright, keep cool you've got this. I've got to distract him for a long period of time so how will I do it?? Oh I know! I need to get a mask and say that I've done something terribly horrible and then he'll probably get mad and me and him can have a argument!! Oh yeah I need to find some fake blood to make it as real as possible. Right plan of action: to get a mask and say that I've killed someone and be covered in fake blood and I will have to see his reaction then hopefully dark and Wilford will kill him. What a genius plan!! Right I've got to go and find those things. I swear I've seen a mask somewhere in the house ah I know where it is its in anti's bedroom! I run upstairs to go into Anti's room and I find it. A/n I'm gonna describe some disturbing shit here so if you dont wanna have that in printed into your mind then please skip ahead. I'm kinda doing a cross over with a show I've seen and this so yeah. (oh and PS if you know what show I've been watching I will love you forever and would love to be friends with you. :P)
As I come closer to the mask and I pick it up its really disturbing, it looks like it's made out of human flesh... it's like bloody faces mask!!! But I thought he was dead? Either that or anti has become bloody face which is a disturbing thing to imagine. As I look closer it has the eyes cut out and there are teeth there too!! I feel so sick I want to vomit so badly but I can't. I get my phone out and take a photo then texts dark.
Start of text

What is it Mark. Have you distracted anti yet??

*I send the picture of the mask to dark*

What the fuck is that b l o o d y f a c e s m a s k??


I thought he was dead??


Yeah same


I know you would be


Okay bye??

End of text

Right I've got the mask now I've got to find the fake blood. I rush downstairs into the living room and grab the fake blood. I pour it all over me. Right time for my acting skills to come into play, God I hope it works... "A-Anti..." I stammer. "Yeah??" Anti yells "Where are you??" I yell back. "I'm in the kitchen" he yells. "O-okay" I stammer. I walk into the kitchen my hands shaking like crazy "I've done a bad thing..." I shakily say "oh my God Mark... What the fuck have you done??!!" Anti angrily says. "I killed a guy and skinned him afterwards." I creeping say. I turn around and see dark and Wilford and mine now. "Oh god no... nonononononononnnno" anti says, laying his head on the table. Then dark and Wilford ran into the kitchen. Wilford shoots a gun at anti but doesn't even hurt him! Anti rises up and starts to laugh insanely " you really thiugh that you can kill me??" "Well good luck with that" I yell at dark "NOW!!!!" Then dark gets a circle and throws it at anti. "No not circles!! Fucking circles!!!" Anti cries and then dissolves like the witch did in the wizard of Oz. "We... we did it!!!!!" I burst out into happy tears. I look down to where anti was and there was jack fast asleep. I smile at him. "Thank you guys so much I could have never have done it without you guys" I happily say. "Oh it's noting really it's kinda like when we first met when you came into my car and we drove to the hospital" Dark chuckles. "So.. what do we do now??" Wilford says "uh I'm actually not sure about that. Lemme just have a shower and throw that mask away" I yawn. "Alright" Dark smiled. I go and have a shower and go back downstairs to see a happy Sèan sat at the table. I run to him and give him a massive hug and start to cry. "Oh mark I've missed you so much!" Jacks happily says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile and kiss him back. "So now what do we do??" Jack asks. "Well let's go and eat first" I say "okay we can do that, I'm starring anyone else starving to??" Jack says and everyone nods. Right let's go! I happily say.

Words 1054. Wow I've actually managed to write a chapter and publish it I'm a day!! 😂😂 but anyways I hope you liked this chapter and did you get what I was watching or did you like the joke?? Please either write what you liked or what you got ((; but anyways I'll see you... in the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buh byee!
