Finally Nabu

Aʂƚɾα Pσʋ

After we all recovered we made our way to the tower and we were met with a tiny door. Timmy is looking at a small door covered in strange symbols.

"I wonder what this says, this looks like an ancient Quilean language. Can any of you guys read it?" I squated in from of it and squinted. "Only magic creatures of noble heart and pure soul may enter, I think" Flora put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Good thing you took advanced forest creature languages," I nodded my head in agreement.

"I bet that if we could miniaturize we could get in, when is that supposed to happen?" Musa suggested and Tecna said, "Ms. Faragonda said "when the time is right". Stella groaned at that and said, "Just what does that mean anyway? When you're old enough to handle it?" And Musa continued, "Yeah, when are  you big enough to be small? I hate all the mystic mumbo jumbo, they should just give us a timetable!" I laughed at their outburst.

"Maybe it just means when you need it and you're ready." Aisha  suggested, and then I had an idea, "I have an idea, since our fairy dust is anti-darkness," And bloom continued " Yeah, Astra right if we put it on ourselves, it should remove any traces of darkness from us."

Stella looked confused and asked, "What darkness?" Timmy shrugged and said, "Everyone's got some kind of darkness, like vanity." Stella rubbed her neck embarressed, "Oh, yeah." Flora shrugged and said, "Well I say it's worth a try,"and Tecna said, "Let's do it," agreeing. The Winx and i used our fairy dust on ourselves.

"Something weird's happening," Stella said and I said, "I feel tingly," and Aisha followed, "Checks it!" The Winx and I , except for Bloom, miniaturise. "We're miniaturizing!"

"I guess the time was right,"Tecna said as she opens the door. "We're in!" Flora exclaimed. Then we turned around and saw bloom was still big. "I couldn't do it. Since my Enchantix wasn't earned the same way as yours, Ms. Faragonda said it might have limitations, but I want you guys to go on ahead-" Then I stopped her, "We were going anyways Bloom," I said looking at her weird and Stella then said, "Don't worry Bloom, we'll get them!"

"Good luck Tecna!" Timmy said, "Good luck princess," Eiden said blowing me a kiss, and I smiled. And lastly Riven said, "I'll be waiting right here for you 'til you get back, Musa." The girls and I sigh and enter the Golden Kingdom.

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All of us were on what seemed like clouds and it felt amazing. The girls and I bounce around on the clouds. The six of us arrive in the golden kingdom. A goblin-like being plays a trumpet.

Goblin : "Follow me please. First you get the guided tour, and then the elders will see you. On your right is stardust from the very first wishing star ever to shoot across a night sky, and on your left is a special box."  We keep walking.

Goblin: "This portrait is of Arcadia, the first fairy ever to flutter wings in the magical dimension."
Mermaid Elder: "I'm here. I heard the Council of Elders is meeting."
Pegataur Elder: "I was called as well."
Owl Elder: "We're scheduled to meet right now."Arcadia makes her entrance.

Arcadia: "I am Arcadia, fairy of the Golden Kingdom, and we are the Elder Council."
Pegataur Elder: "And when she says elder, she means it."

Mermaid Elder: "We have been around since the very beginning of the magical universe."
Owl Elder: "We are at once both part of time, and outside of it."
Arcadia: "Who will speak for you?" The others look at me and I looked confused.

"Astra?" Musa said looking at me and Arcadia spoked to me.

Arcadia: "You are Astra of Galatica?" I stepped forward and said,"Yes, ma'am.
Arcadia: "Speak."

"We are fighting this bad guy, Valtor-" Then interrupted and said, "Pegataur Elder: "We know about Valtor."

I then continued, "Well, Valtor is partially made of Dragon Fire, just like our friend, Bloom. We thought that if we could get the Water Stars, we could take away Valtor's power long enough to defeat him." I said finishing, and Musa shrugged and said, "I'd say that about sums it up."

Owl Elder: "The Water Stars are indeed the opposite of the Dragon Fire."

Arcadia: "How badly do you want them?"

"More than anything. I mean, if Valtor isn't stopped," Musa said, and Flora finished, " And soon he'll become so powerful he could take over the whole world."
Mermaid Elder: "So, then you care more about the world than yourselves?"
Stella rolled her eyes at the Mermaid and said, "Well duh, I mean no offense, but doesn't everyone?"

Arcadia: "We will see. Four of you will enter the Crystal Labyrinth. If you can find your way out, we will give you the Water Stars."
"And if we don't?" Tecna asked
Arcadia: "Like we said, we're both part of time, and outside of it, so if you can't find your way out, then there you will stay." "You mean forever?" I asked kinda of frighten.

Then Tecna, Musa, Stella , and are teleported into the Crystal Labyrinth. "Hey, where are Aisha and Flora?" I looked around and they weren't here. "More importantly, where are we?" Stella said as we walk into the labyrinth.

Stella, Tecna, Musa, and I are making our way through the maze."I say go the way that looks the prettiest," I scoffed at her and said, "I think we should follow our hearts," and Musa agreed, "Yeah,It's better to follow your feelings," Musa and I smiled at each other.

"I say use your mind, follow logic. If you try each turn, logic dictates eventually you will find the exit." Tecna said, and that sounded no fun. "I guess we're each supposed to find our own way out." And then I suggested, "Well since we had similar plans we can go together," I suggested to Musa.
"See you when I see you, girls." Stella said walking away. And Musa walked away together.

As we walked Arcadia appeared, Arcadia: "Musa, Astra, this is a place where time bends around in a circle; all that ever existed still exists here."

A door shows Matlin playing the piano, and my father painting, "Mum!" "Daddy," Musa and I exclaimed as we ran towards our parents. "Hi Starlight," My father said kissing my head.  (the moment with Musa and her mom is still going on)

"Is that really you?" I asked crying. He nodded his head and said, "Yes, Starlight, I miss you so much," I cried even harder. "Papa. It's amazing to see you."

Arcadia: "Musa, Astra, if you stay in here, you can talk to your mother and father, you can hold them, and hug them too." Musa and I looked at each other and she said, "But what about the water stars?" and I added, "Yeah, thats what we came here for," I said sadly.
Arcadia: "The exit is through the other door. Tecna and Stella have already made it out." Musa and I looked weary and she said, "So if I leave here we get the water stars?"
Arcadia: "Yes."  I signed and looked toward my father. "Papa," he smiled at me and said,"Starlight?"
"You have to believe that more than anything in the world I want to hold you again, I want to hug you, talk to you, I want to hear you fuss at me for silly things. But the rest of the world would be in trouble if I go with you. I'm sorry, Dad." Musa and I looked at eachother walked to the other door, but then my dad whispered, "Keep Eiden and your friends close, and I love you," And with that Musa and I linked hands and walked through the other door.

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Musa and I appear in front of the rest of the girls. Mermaid Elder: "Fairies of Alfea, you did very very well." And then I heard Stella say, "Wanna tell that to my boyfriend when he sees this mug." I turned to her and said, "Ah-ey, Stella what happen to your face?" Flora hit me on my shoulder, and I put my hands up in surrender.

Pegataur Elder: "You have proven that you care more about the world than you do about yourselves."
Owl Elder: "And so we will entrust you with the water stars."
Arcadia: "These stars are as old as the magical universe itself; they are the only thing that can extinguish the dragon fire." Arcadia hands over the water stars.

Pegataur Elder: "Good luck." And then Tecna says, "Luck will have no bearing on the outcome," I wonder why she's talking like that. "Thank you," Musa said.

Arcadia: "Use this to carry them." She hands me a box.

Arcadia: "Oh, and one more thing, you're not much fun being a by the numbers girl." Arcadia uses magic to restore Tecna's emotions.

Arcadia: "And I don't see why we have to make everyone else look at that mug, as you call it."Arcadia uses her magic to restore Stella's face also.

Then she looked towards Musa and I. Arcadia: And for you Musa and Astra, I can't give you back your parents, but I do know they'll always live inside of you. Magic speed, fairies. And then the door opens.

Once we exit we find Bloom fighting Icy, and we stopped her. Now that we have the water stars we'll be able to stop Valtor.

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Aʂƚɾα Pσʋ

We were sitting on the quad trying to understand how the stars work "So, the question is, do we work on the water stars or go check out the sales in Magix?" Stella asked and I rolled my eyes and Tecna said, "The water stars are our first priority," then I smiled and said, "But on the other hand prom is coming up pretty soon."

Flora hugged my shoulders and said, "And of course Eiden asked you." He did right before I got that call from my brother for my father."Why not do both? We can do some work in the magi-lab this morning and then we can hit the stores this afternoon." Aisha suggested and I smiled and said, "That's an excellent idea. So, let's go over what we know about the water stars."

"Okay, well so far what we know is that they are the exact scientific opposite of the Dragon Fire." Tecna said and Musa continued, " And we know that both forces date back to the beginning of the Magical Universe." Bloom nodded her head and said, "Both are equally powerful and neither is good or evil."
"We just have to figure out how to use them," Tecna said and Aisha smiled and said, "Then let's get started."

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Then we all made our way to the labs at Alfea. The girls and I are surrounded around a table in a lab, the water stars in the middle."Nothing seems to be working," Flora said and Stella then said,"Maybe we should try hitting them with a burst of energy to see if it gets them going. What do you think?" Tenca and I looked at her and said, "I don't know, Stella, that could be dangerous," And I continued, "Yeah,they might have a negative reaction."

"We don't wanna blow up the science lab," Musa said and Stella scoffed and said, "Been there, done that." Aisha spoke up, "I could wrap one in a Morphix ball and we could send our magic through that." which was a good suggestion. "I think that maybe we should try a more personal approach," Bloom said as she touches a water star and it emits a green light. Then we said how if it could destroy him then it could do the same to her, but she said she was willing to take that risk.

Before we left I called Eiden, "Hey, Gorgeous," I smiled and said, "Remember how I told you I know Ophir," he nodded his head and said, "Yeah, and you forgot to tell me darling," he was right we tell each other everything.

"So a when before I started at Alfea, my parents said I needed an arrange marriage, and I would have to finish princess school, but I declined a million times, but them made us hang out anyways, and guess who the guy was?"

Eiden made an anger face and said, "Ophir-" I cut him off and said, "his real name is Nabu, and he's to arranged Aisha now, but I think they'll end up together either way, I know things. But we've been friends since we decided not to go with the marriage," I finished.

"So you don't have feelings for him at all," Eiden said he said looking nervous, I laughed at him. "Baby your the only one I love alright, anyways I just wanted to tell you before I forgot, but I gotta go I'll see you at the club," he smiled at me. "Thanks for telling me, and I can't wait to see you there." I smiled and we hung up.

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The girls and I walk along the street in our new outfits."Shopping was a great idea," I said smiling and spinning in my new outfit. " And hitting the disco an even better one," Musa said posing.

"Just wait until the guys see us in these outfits. They're gonna- what the?!" Stella said screaming, and Tecna questioned her, "What's going on? What's the problem? Huh?" Stella has run over to a shop window and is looking at a bag. "That bag! It's on mega sale!" We groaned and yelled at her for scaring us.

"Huh? What? You think I should wait until they reduce it even more?" We groaned and Bloom said, "We're late already." I nodded my head in agreement. "We were supposed to meet up with the guys at the disco ten minutes ago, and I don't want to keep my baby waiting, onward ladies," I said as we kept walking.

"Don't worry, Aisha. We won't leave you alone tonight, I promise," Flora said and I nodded and smiled. Aisha made a face and said, " Well, actually, I won't be alone, because I invited Ophir. We grew kinda close to each other when we were fighting together in the Golden Kingdom." I squealed, "I knew it!"

"Aisha and Ophir? Ophir and Aisha? Both sound good," Stella smiled at her and Aisha shock her head at her, "Stella, don't get carried away. I don't even know if he really like-likes me," I gasped at what she said. "Oh, he like-likes you. He like-liked you the minute he saw you, and I called it so ha!"

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When we arrived I saw Eiden looking hot in his tight black jeans and purple button up. I walked over to him and he spun me into his arms. I giggled as he said, "You look gorgeous princess," I gave him a kiss on his cheek as we entered the club.

Eiden and I were slow dancing and enjoying ourselves when we saw Ophir running, I groaned and ran after him with Aisha in front of me.Outside, lightning is striking the streets and people are running everywhere.

"Where's all this lightning coming from?" Aisha asked and Timmy observed, "You guys, the strike patterns don't look natural." And then Flora pointed to something in the sky, "Up there! Look! Valtor's sign!" Valtor's sign is glowing in the sky. More lightning strikes and everyone but the girls, the specialists and I run off.

"There he is!" Eiden yelled as Valtor appeared. "Citizens of Magix, I come in peace... more or less. I, Valtor, officially challenge each of your three school heads to a duel. If they accept, only then will your city be spared from total destruction. Faragonda, Griffin, Saladin, here are my terms: if I win, you will surrender all the magic secrets that are kept in your school. Watch carefully."

Then we watched the sky as Cloud tower disappeared.We gasped as that happen. The guys went back to Red Fountain, and we went back to Alfea.

We watched the battle on the roof of Alfea. Valtor lifts Saladin into the air and drops him to the ground, raining glass down on him. Saladin prepares to attack back, but Griffin, thinking Saladin is Valtor, attacks him first. Faragonda runs out of energy and is blasted backwards. The girls and I are worried as the protective barrier starts to falter.

All the fairies started to freak because of the barrier. Then something happened with Bloom and she said she could sense Valtor even though he's in the battle. We run through the quad following bloom. Then we ended up in the library.

"Stop right there!" Bloom exclaimed as we caught Valtor. He smirked at us, "Bloom, I see you've come to share this moment."The rest of the girls catch up."The only moment we're gonna share with you is the one where we run you out of here." Musa said standing strong.

He laughed at us and said, "You've got no chance against me," I scowled at him and then he conjured a ring of fire around the us with his magic.

"I think he's going in," Aisha said as we saw Valtor enters the library. I look at the girls said, "Let's go Enchantix!" The Winx and I transform into our Enchantix forms. And we fly over the top of the fire.

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Valtor is going through the books and is surprised to see the Winx Club.

Tecna: "No ones allowed in here without a library pass."Tecna uses her magic to make the books fall off the shelves and onto Valtor but he throws them off.*

Aisha: "Morphix Shield!" Aisha uses her magic to shield them from the books.*

Flora: "Ivy Vine Wrap!" Flora uses her magic to wrap Valtor in vines. Musa attacks Valtor with her magic.

Stella: "Solarian Sun Beam!"Stella attacks Valtor with her magic.

Astra: "Meteor Shower!" Valtor seems unharmed and throws off the vines, surprising the girls. Astra sends an attack at him, but he dodges it and He attacks them with his magic, throwing them backwards.

Bloom: "Dragon Fury!" Bloom attacks Valtor with her magic. Bloom conjures the box containing the water stars.

Bloom: "I know it's risky, you guys, but I'm gonna try to activate the water stars."

Astra: "Wait! Don't do it, Bloom."

Stella: "You don't know how they could affect you."
Valtor: "What they do to me, they'll do to you."
Flora: "We can do this without the water stars."'
Bloom: "Flora, you know we can't, they're our only hope.Bloom touches one of the water stars and fire surrounds it.

Bloom: "Dragon Essence!"A bright light emerges from the water stars, blinding everyone.

Valtor: "No!"The light disappears and Bloom collapses.

Flora: "Bloom! Are you okay?"
Bloom: "I'm fine, but what about Valtor?"Valtor is lying on the ground, Bloom stands over him.*

Bloom: "Valtor, it's over."
Valtor: "If you destroy me, Bloom, you'll also destroy your parents."
Bloom: "What? What are you talking about?"
Valtor: "They are inside of me. As I'm sure you're aware, when I fought the final battle against your birth parents, Oritel and Miriam, they defeated me."
Bloom: "Yeah?"
Valtor: "But what you don't know is that just before they sent me away I cast an absorption spell and imprisoned them in my body. And so, Bloom, if you destroy me, they will be gone forever too." Valtor collapses on the floor as Bloom starts to cry.

Bloom: "Oh no, that's-" Valtor disappears.

Aisha: "Valtor just escaped."

Astra: "Jeez Bloom why are you so gullible?" Astra said annoyed.

After the battle with the heads of the school was over and back to semi-normal. The girls gave disco night another chance. Then Aisha and Ophir had an moment.

Aisha and Ophir (Nabu) sit at their own table.*

Aisha: This doesn't feel very private.
Ophir (Nabu): I know it doesn't, but these guys won't let me out of their sight even for a second.

The guys in suits and glasses are back.*

Aisha: Well them, why don't you just go ahead and tell me what's going on with you?
Ophir (Nabu): Alright, these guards didn't come here to arrest me, they came to take me home. About a month or so ago, I ran away. And my parents sent them here to find me. Aisha, I come from Tides, and my real name is Nabu.
Aisha: I know you come from Tides, but wait a minute, your name is Nabu?!
Nabu: Yeah, I'm the one you're supposed to marry. Or at least that's what our parents arranged, before I ran away.
Aisha: But why come to Alfea.
Nabu: I don't like to disobey my parents but this time I knew they were wrong. So I came here to see first hand just how exactly horrible this Aisha was that they had picked out for me.
Aisha: And was she as horrible as you expected?Nabu takes Aisha's hands.*

Nabu: Worse... I fell for her big time. Layla, I'm sorry that I lied to you. Please, believe me, I didn't mean to deceive you. Also Astra was supposed to be my fiance but she rebelled so much they broke it off and now were friends. So don't be mad at her for not telling you. Aisha touches his face and smile.

Aisha: "I'll get her later" Then Astra and Eiden danced over to them and Astra smiled and said, "Finally, Nabu you told her, took you long enough"

AN: We're so close to SEASON 4!!! I'm sooo excited 😆
