3- Jack

I always enjoy Russia. The permanent chilliness. Lack of people. No-one to bug me. No-one to give me bugs. Can I get bugs? I've never tried...

But there's something about Elsa that I can't get out of my head. I see her in the snow. I hear her in the wind. I regret rejecting her request to come with me.

One night, after a lengthy dream about her which I wake up very disappointed from, I collate my thoughts and try and work out what it is about Elsa that I like so much.

She is stunning. I'll give her that. Very beautiful. Even when she's crying, she's so adorable. Her eyes are big, blue discs that tell a story. I don't even have to hear her say anything and I know what page she's on. She has a very cute nose that's turned up a tiny little bit at the end. Her lips are thin but I can see their every move. As for her voice! Her singing voice is sensational. I really wouldn't mind if she sang our kid to sleep every night. (Wait...!) Her spoken voice is soft, gently and regal, I suppose, like it ought to be.

I'm not a shallow boy. I look for more than good looks in a girl.

I guess I'm particularly drawn to her vulnerability. She acts hard, she acts like nothing bothers her and she totally had this freaking-out-and-running-away thing completely planned. But she didn't. And everything bothers her. Trust must be an issue, although she did tell me her life story before asking for my name. She's scared. Frightened. It's hard being all alone.

She also seems to be loyal and smart. She ran away because she didn't want to hurt other people. She left her sister, who she clearly adores, down in Arendelle. It hurt her to do it, but she did it out of love.

I left my sister too, down on Earth. I did it out of love. I ought to tell Elsa sometime. She might not feel so bad about the whole thing. 

I need to see Elsa again. I need to.

I get up and brush myself down. There's no way I'm going to back to sleep now. I kick the snow all the way to the local town. I wander into a pub and ask the barman for the weather. Then, I realise that he can't see me. Damn!

They don't have tellies in shop windows in Russia, so I have to guess when to fly back. Something inside me is telling me to. I consult my crook's calendar and it shows me that I've only been here 3 months. 3 months is nowhere near long enough. I'm only halfway through.

I left in July... August, September, October.

It might be fun to prank people on Halloween...

Yes! Yes!

I'll do it. I'll fly over there and I'll surprise her again and we can have a deep conversation and-

What if she doesn't love me?
