Tag and Hide-An-Seek | Game on!

(You know what? I'mma change the name Author to Buddy since Author is kinda getting annoying to write at the beginning of each talks.)

Elena: "Okay, now that we're outside... TOUCH THE GROUND AND YOUR NOT IT!"

Me: "AAAH!" *I touch the ground as fast as I could*

Buddy: *Quickly and completely does a DJ spin on the ground while having his hand on the ground.*

Mateo: "Hey! No fair, I was holding the snacks!"

Elena: *Started laughing* "That's why I gave you the picnic basket! Hahahah!"

Mateo: "Hmph. Fine, if you want me to be the it then so be it." *Smirks at Elena*

Me: "Ok, Mateo. You count from 1 to 10 and then you can chase us okay?"

Mateo: "Okay, I'm ready."


Mateo: "1..2..3.."

Elena, Me, and Buddy: *Starts running and find a corner to stay in for a while*

Mateo: "4..5..6..7.."


Mateo: "8..9.."

Buddy and Elena: "OK!"

Mateo: "10!! Ready or not here I come!" *Looks around and finds Elena in one corner and decides to chase her because of revenge*

Elena: *Sees Mateo coming and decides to run before he could get close* "Ahhh!! Chase Ducks and Buddy! Come on, please! I'M SORRY I MADE YOU GET THE PICNIC BASKET!!"

Mateo: "Too late for that!! Hahahah!"

Me and Buddy: "Poor, poor Elena."

Me: "At least we don't have to get chased and run for our lives."

Buddy: "Yea."

Elena: "HELP ME YOU GUYS!!" *Still running for her life and ran straight towards me and Buddy*

Mateo: "Oh no you don't!" *Runs even faster and cuts her off*

Buddy and Me: "Uh oh."

Me: "Elena! Keep running!" *Laughs so hard while running to another corner*

Buddy: "Keep going Elena! Run for your life!" *Also running with Ducks*

Elena: "Okok, Mateo please stop, I'm so tired!"

Mateo: "Oh look at the person who gave her royal wizard a picnic basket so he would be it!"

Me and Buddy: "Rest in peace Elena." *We joked and started laughing because we're stuck here in another corner watching Mateo chase Elena*

Me: "Hmm, this seems better when Mateo chases Elena and not us, right Buddy?"

Buddy: "Yea." *Still feeling like his friend is suspicious*

Elena: *Finally stops and breathes then Mateo ran into her, knocking her over making him on top of her*

Mateo: "Hah! I finally caught you! Your it!"

Me: "HEY MATEO!" *I said running to them*

Mateo: "What is it Ducks?"

Me: *I started laughing a little*

Buddy: *Walked to me and saw what I was laughing at and decided to walk away because he was annoyed with me*

Mateo: "What's so funny Ducks?"

Elena: "..." *Blushes as red as a tomato*

Me: "You're on top of Elena." *I said while laughing and pointing to Elena who was still blushing*

Mateo: *Looks down and noticed that he was on top of Elena and blushed* "Oops, I'm so sorry Elena." *Getting off her and offering his hand to her*

Me: *I sit up and layed down on the grass still laughing*

Buddy: *Rolls eyes then picks me up*

Me: "Ok, I'll stop now and thanks Buddy."

Elena: *Takes Mateo's hand and stands up, blushing a little less.*

Mateo: "I'm sorry Elena, but that's what you get for making me it in tag."

Elena: "It's okay Mateo. but next time your not going to be it. Maybe never ever again." *Hugs Mateo*

Mateo: *Hugs back* "Oh well, it was fun while it lasted."

Everyone: *Stays silent for a while*

Me: "Ahmm." *Clearing my throat to stop the awkwardness* "So Hide-An-Seek next?"

Buddy, Elena, and Mateo: "Yea, sure."

Elena: "I need water first, I'm so thirsty from all that running."

Me: "Okay Elena."

Buddy: "For real Ducks, you got to be the most ridiculous friend I ever had but your still my best friend."

Me: "Aww, thanks a lot." *Sarcastically speaking* -w-

Buddy: "No problem." *Doesn't seem to notice the sarcasm*

Elena: *Comes back from getting water* "Ok, so who's it for Hide-An-Seek and definitely not Mateo."

Mateo: "Aww please Elena, I won't chase you again I promise." *Begs Elena*

Me and Buddy: "Yea, come on Elena. Just this once?"

Elena: "Fine, you can be it Mateo. But if you keep targeting me, I'm going to take your tamborita."

Mateo: "Ok, deal." *Shook hands with Elena*

Me: "Ok, Mateo is it again, correct?"

Everyone: "Yes." *Elena sighs*

Buddy: "Ok then, now let's start. This time Elena, you wanna come with us because we have something to show you."

Elena: "Ok."

Mateo: "I'll give you 30 seconds for all you to hide. But not in the palace, only here in the yard, got it?"

Everyone: "Yes."

Mateo: "Ok then, start hiding!"

Elena: "So what did you want to show me Ducks and Buddy?"

Me and Buddy: *Looks at Elena then back at each other, then smiles*

Buddy: *Whispers to Elena* "We found a hidden doors in the big bushes that we can hide in, it's big enough for each of us. And its comfy too."

Elena: "Wow! Really?"

Me: "Yes, now come along Elena." *Opens a door in one of the bushes and pushes Elena in it*

Mateo: "28...29...30! Ready or not, here I come!"

Elena: "Wow, he really won't find us in here."

Me and Buddy: "Yup." we said in unison.

(After 20 mins. later)

Mateo: "OK! I GIVE UP!"

Elena: *Sleeps while Ducks and Buddy watch for Mateo*

Buddy, Ducks, and Elena: *Finally hearing Mateo gave up, they all came out."


(After we gathered back together, we went inside the palace to eat and sleep for tomorrow.)
