16. Suicide or Murder?

Ola amigos I was too busy as there was a program at my school on teacher's day we did a advance teacher's day so sowiee for late update so let's start

I am sorry guys who all wanted annual day many of you wanted murder mystery so plz bare with it I swear I will complete it in 2 or 3 chapter!! Sowieeeee

Author's POV:

2 Month later

Now abhinavi and krupyan are offical couples and send a lot of time together which means sidneet have to hangout alone which always leads to them getting into a fight and her breaking one of his bone.The group bonded a bit with the new girl Preesha as she entered in the mid semi so they are helping her in her studies and she have invited them for the first time to her mansion and they all are heading towards there

Avneet's POV:

we were going to pree's house for the first time she is really sweet independent and extremely introvert girl it took 1 month for us to make her our friend but she talks freely with us now,here we are,we got down nand rang the bell but no answer

I remember she said she kept her spear key under the mat if she went out and got late we might use it

So I took it and open it. It opened there was pin drop silence

"Preee you there" Krups yelled her voice echoed in the beautiful mansion we kept searching for her then we knocked her bedroom door but no answer then we got know the door was ajar open we opened it and the scenario in front of us left us numb

Vaishu mom hugged abhi papa while keeping her head on papa's chest and closing her eyes tight and a few drops of tear rolled down papa hugged her back and calmed her down same thing happened to krupyan, siddharth's jaw clutched and stared at her with anger filled eyes and I was just looking at her with anger only 3 words came from my mouth

"Call the cops" I said siddharth gave them a call and they were on there way you wanna know what we saw

When we entered we saw her(preesha) beautiful room all beautifully  set but preesha, she was hang to the fan with help of a piece of cloth. She was dead the innocent soul we ever known was no more I can say she couldn't just hung herself. After some time the police arrived

"How are related to her?" The S.I(sub inspector) asked

"We are her friends" I said

"Why did you came here?" Again the S.I asked

"We were here to help her in studies as she was new here" I said

"Isn't she a student of Xavier and a pretty rich girl" The S.I asked her name turns out to be Sia

"Yah! So?" I asked she called some one I know who she calling our college dean she talked for a while and ended the call and turned towards and started talking( pree parents are no more she live all alone no relatives no nothing there parents made a trust fund on her name till the age of 23 after that she will earn by herself)

"So we got a suicide note on her table saying that she did this attempt because she was to depressed about her recent break up so I guess it's a open and shut case" She said my blood boil

"Officer you didn't even did the basic investigation and.. " I was cut off by vaishu

"Yah and what about the post mortem, it's a basic thing you have to do it no matter if it a suicide or murder" Vaishu yelled

"Look we investigated we got this note and that's it" Officer Sia said I dig my nails in palm they just want to close the case as our so called dean don't want his college reputation to be destroyed,I won't let that happen I will find out the truth

"You? Investigated wah nice joke"I said Sai gritted her teeth

"What do mean there is nothing accept this suicide note you think your to smart go find some other evidence, then I will continue the investigation, I will challenge you can't" Bull's eye I thought I knew it she is short tempered I saw her Squeezing a smiley ball while talking to our dean as she is a short tempered she gets provoked soon

"Ya sure why not" I said with full confidence

I went near her body now her body was laying on the bed which is all set I saw some marks and some red finger prints and some scratches over her fore arms I guess she had a fight with some one then I moved around the whole room I got nothing and then I went to the bathroom which is connected to her room

I was shocked I am dam sure it's a murder I yelled ever one to come in they did

"What happened did you got and evidence? and I don't think there is anything suspicious here" Sia said

"What can't you see?" I yelled a bit in shock

"What to see? " She asked calmly

"Can't you see the bath salt(A/N: it is used while taking bath it helps to kill bacteria and stops from smelling)all set in her bath tub and her clothes all set to wear and I beat she won't hung herself and say I will set every thing now and take a bath after I suicide" I yelled my friends nodded in agreement

"Look kids I can't help it the dean of your college have forbidden us to go ahead and investigate as the college would get a bad reputation and have paid our senior to shut there mouth I really wanna find out but my hands are tied up " Sia said I knew it I won't leave the murderer we will serve you justice pree

"Look just go ahead with your investigation" Siddharth said said while gritting his teeth and curling his finger into fist

"Yep otherwise we know what to do" Abhi papa said and smirked we all understood and smirked too

"What will you kids do?" She asked while raising her thin well shaped right eyebrow we all looked at each other and smirk wider

"We will spread the news to the media that you were trying to close the case without proper investigation" Siddharth said with full anger

"We want justice for preesha" We all roared,Sia huffed

"Okay fine I am in but don't late anyone know that investigation is on you all have to help me go talk to the people she have a contact with and if you have doubt one someone just manage to bring some of their hair it may be helpful and about post mortem I will get it done by my way without letting anyone know about it"sia said her plan and we were okay with it and happy to help to find out the killer we exchanged numbers with Sia

And went to my home and went to bed no one was sleepy everyone were thinking about pree how can that even happened and we couldn't even save her.We were in a same room and were shifting positions and we slept like 2 or 3 hour I guess and it was morning we dressed and went to college


So how was the chappy liking the case 👉🏻👈🏻? I swear I will complete it in up coming 3 chapter just don't stop reading murder mystery concept is important

After this I will only concentrate on sidneet 😉😏!
So bare with it for some time and keep supporting 

Happy teacher's day!!!

Love you all take care

Adios amigos


Votes:20 would be fine

