"Red White and Boy!"The Marketing Team Exclaims, "A Band Where War Veterans will wanna buy they're albums."They Explain And I cringe.

"I hate it, Why not let them be themselves?"I Ask and Gustavo holds up a finger. "What? I'm just telling the truth!"I add.

"Quiet you."He demands and I roll my eyes.

"I think we look good."James smiles and I shake my head.

"Your wrong James."I mutter under my breath.

"I hate it! What else do you have?" Gustavo Asks And the Prep team tackles them again.

"Danger Boy!"The Marketing Team Exclaims again And I frown at all of the boys. "Danger Boy is a band Parents won't allow they're kids to buy the albums, so the kids will steal they're parents credit cards to buy them!"The Marketing Team, once again explain,

"I can't feel my legs!"Logan squeaks And I drop my notebook to the ground.

"That's because the pants are dangerously tight."The Marketing Lady speaks And I sigh.

"Just Let them be they're selves! Please!"I exclaim and Gustavo shoots me a glare, "I'm serious!"I Add And he rolls his eyes through those big bug eyed sunglasses.

"I hate it! I need five new looks by tomorrow!"Gustavo Exclaims before walking off,

I get up and start to walk towards the boys as they start to follow Gustavo, but start to fall,

I run over and try to catch Kendall, but fall flat on the floor, with Kendall basically on top of me,

the both of our cheeks turn bright red, and he chuckles

"hi."i laughed, making him smile.

He smiles at me and I return the smile as the guys roll off of Kendall,

Ken rolls over to the side and I get up off the floor, then helping all of the guys up.


Gustavo Boomed walking in with mr.x walking behind him.

"This is Mr.X! He's choreographed for, Lady Gaga, Nikki Manash, Yo-Gabba-Gabba and Ashlee." Gustavo explains and all of the boy's eyes fall on me.

"But you were impossible to teach! You can't dance or ice skate!"Kendall Exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"For you Yes, Cause you don't know how to dance."I Smirk And kendall rolls his eyes.

"You two can fight later! Now! Mr.X,"Gustavo hands off to Mr.X,

"Cross, Leg, Spin, Pose."Mr.X Demands,

At first the boys do eh..

"Again."Mr.X Demands and the boys listen.

Logan somehow manages to smack Carlos with his hand, knocking him down, but he comes back up, smacking his helmet.

"They are Xcruciating And will not be ready by Friday."Mr.X Declares and Gustavo Looks him dead in the eyes.

"I'll X Double your salary."Gustavo Shoots back and Mr.X nods.

"X Done."

"Alright dogs, I'll be back in one Hour. I want to see Dancers Not Dogs."Gustavo Declares Before turning And leaving not before hearing a Word from me.

"THEY'RE NOT DOGS!"I shout and Mr.X Turns to the Boys.

"Cross Leg Spin Pose."He demands And once again the boys Screw up again.

Mr.X Demands That the Boys Do it again, and they do, and once again, screw up.

But then everything turns hell.

Mr.X Eventually Quits after screaming some profanity words that started with X, That even I can't say.

"Good Job Boys. Now. Do you wanna piss off Gustavo and make our Lives Hell?"I Ask And a Smirk forms on Kendall's face and for the other boys, They've got Terrified looks on they're faces.

"Well, I mean We could do that Couldn't we?"Kendall Asks And gets up before picking me up, and starts to spin me around.

I start laughing my head off and after a few minutes a loud voice interrupts our funny moment.

"What Happened To Mr.X?!" Gustavo yelled and I Squirm out of Kendall's Grip and over to Kelly.

"headphones Now."I demand and she tosses me a pair a headphones, Keeping one for herself, Quickly putting it on.

I hear nothing but see Gustavo start to shake and the whole building start to shake like an earthquake happened.


kendall was pushing gustavo, and i wasn't in the mood for it, and i shook my head no.

"Let's see Mr.Question-Everything-I-Do,"Gustavo yells as he gets up from the. Piano, and walked over to the records,

"Let's see, Picture to Burn, a Chipmunks Christmas, Chipmunks Christmas Remix, and Girl Girl Girl Which was number one for five weeks!" Gustavo yells as he jumps up, having a little tantrum like a kid,

He walks back to Kendall and gets in his face..

"Anymore Questions Dog?"Gustavo Asks And Kendall Looks Dead Into Gustavo's Eyes.

I shake my head no so many times, but Kendall ignores me.

"Are any of these songs from this girl millinoun?"A Goofy Smirk Forms on his face, and once again, Gustavo starts to shake.

"im gonna kill you!" i yelled, making him give me a goofy grin.

and then, another earthquake happened.


Kelly told gustavo, and he ripped off the machine wires and turns around before kelly stops them.

"Remember they haven't had a break all day, I think they're getting a little punchy.."Kelly Warns And Gustavo laughs.

"I don't Care!"He Yells And I chuckle out of frustration.

"Kelly Did Warn You, They Are Getting Punchy. I've seen them Moon Some hockey players during a game once, Kendall And Los Got Kicked For it. So Don't Say Kelly Didn't warn You."I Chimed in And Gustavo Presses the Button, Talking to the boys as I start to zone out until i heard the blondes voice.

"What's The Pillows For?"He Asks And Kelly Chimes In,

"It's just so Incase we have to add audio in later,"She Explains, "I also Added Fruit water in there too Incase your throats get dry."She finishes, Just as Kendall Whacks Carlos in the head with the Microphone.

"Not so Tough without you helmet bud aren't you?"Kendall Chuckles And Los is Annoyed,

"Funny, Do it again."And of course the smart ass blond does it again.

Los Reaches over to one of the fruit waters, Aiming towards Kendall, But hitting James.

"My Lucky White V-Neck is Ruined!"James Screeches, And Grabs a Fruit water, Hitting Logan and going back and forth.

"Ashlee Do Something!"Kelly Exclaims And I nod.

I sigh as I start to walk towards the booth doors.

The boys can be afraid of me sometimes and I just hope this works.

"BOYS!"I screamed, and they all stop for a second before Kendall squirts the fruit juice at me, Tinting the white part of my t-shirt pink,

"im gonna kill you!"I yelled, grabbing a bottle of juice and dumping it all over them.

once the bottle was gone i walked out, and i yelled behind me, "You can get them to Gustavo, I need to go put this sweatshirt with my stuff."

I walk into the little area for the stuff and i grabbed my stuff before leaving towards the main area.

I walk back to Gustavo and everyone, to see the boys lined up, covered in feathers.

"You can't Sing!"Gustavo Yells pointing at the short Latino.

"You can't Dance!"He Yells at Logan, who's frown drops even more.

"I can do a backflip."He States, before gustavo shuts him completely down.

A Bright Smiled James Awaits to hear his Fate, only For it to be upside down, by Gustavo skipping over him.

"And worst of all you don't seem to want this!"He Yells at Kendall, Who Luckily Had a mouth full of Feathers.

"I'd Rather Quit Right Now Than Commit POP Suicide on Friday!"He booms as he starts to walk towards his Piano.

"But I'll play you a song."He sighs before putting his Fingers in key positions.

"Oh now that I'm through,"Gustavo starts, "This Band Of Dogs Are Officially DEAD!"

The Guys start to walk off, and I give them a sympathetic look, for all of the hell they went through today.

gustavo gave me a frustrated look,

"booth now please."


*screams* i get to see maren in concert in 20 days😌
