Full name - Alice River

Hero Name - doesn't have one...?

Villain - isn't one..?

Powers - is a witch!!! She has her own powers

Race - American 

Universe - Harry Potter, Marauders era

House - Hufflepuff

Relation to people - best friends with Lola Brains, friends with Olivia Black, is the older sister of Cheryl Jean  (has a strong relationship with book characters, if that counts) 

Love interest - it has a little something to do with, Sirius Black

Book (s) : 

Unwanted Fame (NOT PUBLISHED)

Okie dokie, this one will be my first Sirius Black story, and please do expect it this summer. Also this is not the last Marauders era story I have, I have others, and they will ALL be connected. All of my H.P. books will be connected with each other, other than the Harry Potter twin sister one I had out.  And any more info, and if you're interested, you just have to read it! I'm not really going to provide a summary, because I'm really lazy XD.
