-carter pov-

i left georges room and made my way towards my own. i lightly shut the door and walked back over to my bed.

i picked my phone up and noticed i had a missed call from clay. i didn't feel like calling him. i know i would get mad at him. more mad than i already was.


what do you want

is he okay? i need to explain all of this to him

no he's not fucking okay. he's sitting in his room right now crying. i went in there to go talk to him and he can barely even talk. i don't know what the fuck you did to him. i've never seen him like this. ever.

please tell him to call me

he doesn't want to talk to you. you can try talking to him at school


i shut my phone off and put it down onto my night stand. i found a comfortable position and quickly fell asleep.


we were now at school, and the second bell had rang. meaning it was now time for lunch. the halls began to pile up as everyone made their was to the lunch room.

at the lunch table only sat clay and i. i pulled out my phone to text george, just to make sure he didn't go home.


did you go home? or are you and sapnap in the library?


okay. i'm gonna talk to clay.

don't be mean to him



i put my phone down as i let out a small and short sigh, then looking over at clay. his eyes were red and puffy. it was obvious that he stayed up all night crying.

"where is george?" he asked.

"he's in the library with-"

before i could finish my sentence clay began to sit up from the table. obviously he was going to go to the library to try and talk to george. except i wasn't going to allow that.

i grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down to the table.

"carter, stop"

"no, clay. the last thing he wants to do right now is talk to you. just give him some space for now"


"what did you do to him?" i asked. "it's obvious both of you stayed up all night crying."

"something happened yesterday at the party..."

"did you both get drunk and..."

"no," he immediately replied. "it's that stupid ass julia chick"

"isn't that the truth or dare girl?" i asked.

i immediately paused. the truth or dare girl. THE TRUTH OR DARE GIRL.

"that's what all of this is about isn't it? that fucking truth or dare shit from the party?" i asked. it was obvious i was getting mad.

clay didn't respond. i saw his eyes widen and his breathing getting heavier.

"you made george fall in love with you? that's why he's crying. then you broke his heart, right?"

"carter, i can explain, i promise"

"clay, there's nothing to explain though. it's exactly how it sounds," i responded. "you got him to fall in love with you and now you broke his heart. so there! you got what you want."

"i- no. i need to go find george"

clay sat up from the table and pulled out his phone. he started typing as he walked away. i assumed he was texting george.

i rolled my eyes as i made my way to the bathroom before class started.

-george pov-

sapnap and i were sitting down in the library to avoid seeing clay. i still never told him what happened. he didn't push me to tell him though. all he cared about was being here for support.

all that i told him was something happened between clay and i. that's it. he was skeptical seeing clay and i used to hang out all the time.

i grabbed my phone which was sitting on my lap and opened my messages app. i opened clays contact and started typing. as i was typing i looked up at sapnap. he was scrolling through his phone as well.

i looked back down at my phone and texted clay.


can we talk after school?

right as i sent the message i shut my phone off. seconds later i felt my phone vibrate. i picked it back up and tapped the screen.

yes, please.

sapnap and i sat in the library until the bell rang. once the bell finally rang we went to class and waited for the day to end.


once the final bell of the day rang i pulled out my phone to text clay. even though he texted me first.

do you want to talk in the parking lot?

call me later.

he read the message but didn't respond. i ignored it and began to make my way towards the parking lot.

i got in the car as carter began driving us both home. once we got home i went into my room to call clay.


can you call rn


clay immediately called me. i held my breathe as i answered it.

"george look, i'm sorry i just-"

"all you want to do is apologize, and apologize, and apologize. i get it. it was a dare. you don't need to keep acting sorry, it's fine."

"george, i know it was a dare at the start but..." he paused to take in a deep breathe. except i interrupted him before he could continue.

"i wouldn't care if it was all a dare. that's if you didn't take it so far. it got to the point where we would kiss everytime we saw each other," i continued. "then you started dating me? clay, it got to the point where i came out to my parents for you. FOR YOU. so that i wouldn't have to hide you from them."

"george i'm so fucking sorry, but it's not like that" he spoke back.

"so explain. explain exactly what happened"

"okay okay. at the first party after you left. we continued playing truth or dare and i got dared to make you fall in love with me," he explained. "except the other half of the dare was, when you do fall in love with me...i have to break your heart"

"i understand that, clay. i don't care about that, i get it. but why did you do it? you could've simply said 'sure, yeah i'll do it' then just don't do it. it's not like she's going to be stalking you making sure you do your dare"

"i don't know why i did it okay! i don't know! i was fucking drunk i wasn't thinking right. i'm sorry"

"that's not an excuse, clay. you weren't drunk when you started to hang out with me. yes, you were drunk at the party. but i know for a fact you weren't when you wanted to hang out with me" i yelled back.

"look you're right. i don't know what i was thinking, okay?"

"why did you do it though? you don't just go to your best friends brother and plan to have them fall in love with you? you know, carter was-" my yelling got interrupted.

"i didn't tell you because i actually fell in love with you, okay! is that what you wanted me to tell you? i didn't tell you it was a dare because i actually caught feelings for you, george."

my heart stopped. i felt it begin to beat faster and faster by the second. what do i say? was he even telling the truth?

"clay, i- i have one question for you"

"go on...?" he replied.

"when did you actually catch feelings for me?" i asked.

"and you want me to answer this truthfully?"

"yes. don't lie to me."

"i really started to catch feelings for you," he paused letting out a deep breathe. "a little after we started dating."

i felt my heart sink. he was kidding, right?

"you're telling me everytime we kissed it was fake? you only asked me to date you for the dare? why the fuck were you so dedicated to it?!"

"i don't know george! i don't fucking know. i messed up, and regret everything. i'm so sorry."

without replying i hung up the phone. i shut it off and threw it against my bed. i made my way towards my door to go to the bathroom. i felt a tear began to form in my eyes.

i opened my door only to see carter standing there. i pushed past him and made my to the bathroom. once i got in i immediately shut the door and locked it.

"you never told me you guys were dating?" he spoke from outside.

"well, we were dating" i corrected. "how much of that did you hear?"

"all of it..."

i shook my head as i looked into the mirror, then wiping away the tears that formed in my eyes.

"when you're ready come into my room. i'm going to call clay real quick" carter responded as he walked away.

i thought things couldn't get any worse. obviously, i was wrong.
