14 ✘ blackmail

ATLAS MCALLISTER IS labelled the 'mysterious' one for a reason, trying to track him down is like a dog trying to catch its own tale. It's nearly impossible.

Lucky for me, Sage Evanders is always the centre of attention, and where he is Atlas is usually close by.

Currently, Sage is standing on a table as some of the girls from the cheerleading team teach him a move that they do. It's a provocative one that had my Mom clutching her pearls when she'd come to see one of the football games last year.

There aren't a lot of things I'm sure of, but I definitely know that hips are not supposed to be moving the way Sage's are. "And your body just...moves like this?" The boy asks, genuinely in shock, as he rests his hands on his hip with a cock of his head.

One of the girls nods, "Mhmmm and it's worse when we're on our period. It's like ten thousand pins stabbing into my guts whilst I try to oooh—" She moves her hips in a perfectly smooth circle, "And ahhhh—" She reverses it. It's impressive I'll give her that, especially in the mostly unflattering Sterling Academy uniform that makes everyone look like boxes.

Sage's hips move again in the sensual circle, "Fuck, I've got a lot of respect for you girls. I mean keep moving your hips like that and you might just have to show me the rest of the dance."

They all giggle, "We might."

"Mr Evanders, get down from that table," Principal Leighton sighs, not even paying attention to the light haired boy.

With a cheeky grin, Sage raises his hands in surrender but ultimately gets down. By the time he has Principal Leighton has already walked passed.

I flicker my eyes over to where Atlas is seated. He's to the left of the whole commotion, currently sporting an unimpressed look towards Sage which the other refutes with an easy wink.

I make a beeline straight towards him, knowing this well and truly might be my only time to speak to him. I've already told Ajay and Eva to not wait up for me after class, so they'll be waiting at our spot in the cafeteria.

The closer I draw to Atlas, the more clammier I find my hands being. I wipe them against my skirt twice and settle them by my side.

Atlas isn't scary, he's just quiet. I don't see him hanging out with anyone other than his friends and the basketball team. Though, the time with the latter has been cut short since his acl tear that everyone heard about over summer break.

Other than those two groups, he occasionally hangs around Xemina Ćurković and Aristotle Reyes, but I'm pretty sure that's because the three of them have been neighbours since forever.

I reach him slower than I thought I would, Atlas has his eyes directed right past me and I would feel badly if I wasn't as confident as I am. Under the sun his rich brown skin glows and I plaster on a smile. When there's no acknowledgement on his behalf, I cough.

Slowly, his dark eyes flicker over to me. "Do I know you?" Atlas asks, after a moment of silence.

I don't know where boys like him get off by acting rudely. A simple 'what's up?' would've sufficed. I don't let it get to me though, because in under five minutes he's about to be at my mercy.

"You're about to," I retort, with a wolfish smile.

"Is that right, why?" He asks, I catch the sun reflecting off of something. When I look down for a second, I find Atlas playing with a silver ring on his finger.

"I'm about to be the reason you wish you were never born on this earth or in this lifetime." I smile sweetly, but there is no mistaking my tone as anything but.

"Oh, don't tell me this is some sort of foreplay. We keep that in the bedroom," He genuinely groans. "Sorry I'm not really good with names," He drawls, "...or faces apparently. Don't take it too harsh. I probably can't name half of you guys that end up underneath my sheets."

Laughter bubbles its way out of me. Does he think this will get to me? Does he think I don't know how disgusting boys are?

"Two words Atlas," I lean towards him, it frustrates me that I'm leaning down. Even seated he's a good height, and that's saying something because I'm five eight. He doesn't move, doesn't even flinch. "Damien Monroe." I whisper, before drawing back in order to gauge his reaction.

"What did you just say?" His jaw visibly clenches and his eyes never leave mine once, he stands now and I'm inferior to him due to his height.

"My significance to you Atlas, are the secrets I have," I reply simply.

"I dont know what you're talking about." Sure, because that's why he reacted the way he did.

"Damien Monroe, he was on the swim team a few years back. Looks like you, was taken into Reed Sorens Hospital when he was barely two weeks old." I list off nonchalantly. The photo's still burn in the back of my mind though, I can't forget about them no matter how hard I try.

Atlas bares his teeth, eyes growing cold. A sinister sensation settles in my stomach at the way he's looking at me. If looks could kill I would have had my funeral yesterday.

"What do you want?" He seethes, disgusted.

I shrug, "You."

After doing some thinking I realised just having Atlas' secret wasn't enough. Who am I to know the security of the secret when in regards to Atlas. If he doesn't give two shits about his dad, than this secret is a waste. I'm not trying to bring his family down. I'm trying to end him.

There's also the unkowingness that comes with knowing what his plans are between now and when the girls find out the rest of the boys' secrets. He could be like one of those rebel kids and spill his parents secrets for fun. Though, he's never acted out before. Atrlas is the perfect child for an even more perfect family.

"What do you mean? Like I have you as a girlfriend?" He sputters out, choking on a laugh. I raise a brow, did I stutter? "Look," He begins, "You're hot, sure. But I'm not into this stalker—type shit. Just because you said a name doesn't mean it rings a bell."

I place my manicured nail just below the school crest on the white blouse he's wearing, methodically Atlas looks down at it and I use the time to slip a hand inside my bra and pull out the usb.

I retract my hand from his blouse, and wave the little gadget.

"Everything you've ever known Atlas is here. Do you really want a scandal when daddy is in the running for Mayor again in a couple of months?" I ask, cocking my head to assess him.

"You're fucking crazy man. You dont know what you're talking about." He points out, as if that's some type of insult.

I smirk in response, but my confidence from before has wavered. I didn't anticipate that Atlas would be this hard to crack, sure I knew he'd probably retaliate but I've just shown him the USB. He's supposed to be begging. Why isn't he begging?

"I've seen the photo, Atlas." I finally say, hoping that it'll draw out a reaction. I almost fall to my knees, relieved when I notice him go rigid. The composed boy from earlier has completely diminished and instead, I'm met with the sight of someone much more guarded.

"Show me what you've got," he says, remaining somewhat calm.

"You aren't scared?"

"Oh don't worry I'm shitting myself. But I'm just trying to get this over and done with. What is it you want, money? Cars? Helicopters?"


"How do you know I'm not bulshitting?" For all I know he could be playing me right now too.

"Your dad owns one of the biggest law firms in the district. Nayelie, almost all the best lawyers work under him because of that." Oh so he does know who I am. "You have tabs on everyone. One phone call to daddy and you're in. That's how you did it, isn't it?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Nope. I just walked in."

"Privilege isn't a good look on you."

"Jealousy isn't either," I retort.

His eyes look askance for a moment, probably catching Sage's gaze. "What do you really want?" He asks, once they draw back to me.

"I want in."

"You did all this for popularity?" The judgment in his voice is untamed, the disgust in his eyes follows.

"I couldn't give two shits about popularity." I spit, insulted. Had I wanted popularity I would've piggybacked off of hers, but I didn't.

"That's not what it looks like."

"Look if we're here to really question morals, I dont think it's mine we should."

"No one will ever believe I settled." He finally says, pinpointing the very thing I had been worried about. I'm not stupid, I know if Atlas and I just started to date out of nowhere, no one would believe it.

I can't show him that he's right though. I can't give him that power. "Well, I guess it's a good thing the majority of people at this school are pretty gullible, dont you think?"

"I'll never forgive you for this."

"Do you really think I care?" I wait for Atlas's cold reply, but It never comes. Instead he plasters on a fake half—smile and I'm about to ask him what he's doing before I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Whatever he did, I'll apologize, he can't remember half the shit he gets himself into," the voice says.

I spin on the flats of my shoe. I'm probably one of the only people at Sterling Academy who don't wear the Mary Jane shoes that Amber practically installed as a fashion trend.

The familiar cheery face of Sage Evanders greets me. He's grinning at me with that smile of his that shows off his left dimple. Around his neck, his infamous key necklace glistens. My eyes fall on it now, because it's the only thing he's ever caught wearing.

He's a bit of a headless chicken at this school, rarely ever sporting clothes and all. I'd been greeted to a rude awakening on the first day of Sterling Academy during freshman year and saw a shirtless and pantless Sage Evanders running around the school grounds.

I still don't know what had made him run like that. The rumours were endless though.

"Oh no I was just asking about a question I had on Ap Biology,"

"He doesn't take Ap Bio," Sage muses, obviously amused with my lie.

I swallow down my irritation, why the fuck would I say Ap Bio? "Well he should, he answered it perfectly."

"Is that so?" Sage deliberates, sparkly blue eyes holding mine. He's so extremely sweet that it's borderline sickening.

I don't have to reply back because before I know Atlas's hoarse voice does it for me, "Yeah, I really did."

I falter in containing my smile. Ladies and gentlemen, that's how you blackmail: You deceive.


Bonjour Ma Papillions

We've started online schooling where I am, I finished writing this chapter in between my 'school breaks,' I got my English marks back, and I'm happy to announce my teacher has started to grade me properly - not how I'm used to, but I'll settle for now.

Also having some major writer's block with the next chapter ahhh !!! but I haven't updated AEOU in more than a week, so it's only fair to get this out to you guys, mwah love you all, and stay safe out there !!! the pandemic is just as prevalent as ever <3
