•||Chapter 6||•

→*Welcome to the chapter where you twinsies manifest your quirks! And be aware, I wont follow the My Hero Academia plot much. Okay, that's probably it, let's go!!


It was a sunny morning. You and Katsuki were still asleep, drooling. You were no longer in the right position.

You are hugging a pillow and your head is in a place where the foot should be. You were also curved like a ball. Katsuki's arms were spread wide.

The alarm clock rang. And since you both were sleeping well, you both woke up with a jolt and fell off the bed with an audible 'oof' and a thud.

Mitsuki came saying "Wake up!~ Time for breakfast!"

Both slowly sat up, stood and went down, rubbing their eyes in the process.

"Good morning!" greeted by your father. Both of you answered with a grunt.

*Timeskip brought to you by laziness*


It was snacks and you were busy with Izuku rambling about All Might while eating. Katsuki was just beside you, listening.

Minutes later, there came a cracking sound (just like firecrackers and you actually mistaken it for one) beside you.

"W-Woah! Satsuki, look!" You turned you head and looked at Katsuki's palm where tiny explosions were emitting. He stood up, followed by you. "S-sensei! Look!" Katsuki showed it and you were beside him, mouth open in awe. The teachers were complimenting on how his quirk is and that he will be, with his sister, great heroes in the future. Izuku's eyes were sparkling with the crowd.

And the day went on.....

You both were just in the playground near the house "Big brother! Your quirk is so cool!!" You faced Katsuki with sparkling eyes. Katsuki let out a big smile and patted your head. But then, the sparkles in eyes disappeared. "But..me. What if my quirk isn't cool.." You looked down. Tears started forming.

"....what if I was....quirkless...?" You started to look up then your tears fell. Katsuki suddenly hugged you. Tears kept flowing, thinking that you wouldn't be a hero in the future with your brother.

"Even if you're quirkless.....you will always be my sister and a hero. Even if your quirk won't be cool, I know that we will still be heroes in the future anyway. You will always be my sister and no one can ever replace you...."

Katsuki caressed your hair.

"...but now that I think about it...It's impossible that you don't have a quirk. We're twins! Don't worry."

Katsuki faced you, with a reassuring smile and it made tears flow more.

"I-I --"
"Shh." Katsuki shushed you and hugged you once more. "I know...that you will always be my hero..."

He continued to comfort you.


When you had calm down, you and Katsuki were on the swing.

"Big brother, look! The sun is setting!" You pointed.

Katsuki looked at the direction you were pointing. Indeed, the sun was setting. It was beautiful....very beautiful. Despite your puffy eyes and dried tears on your cheeks, you were still able to see the sunset.

Katsuki, being the big brother, didn't care if they go home a little late. He wanted to make you happy because you had made him happy too. Even if he will take most of the responsibility, he just..wanted to see you happy.

You were staring at it when you noticed your brother staring. "Hehe, Big brother! Are you ok???" Katsuki jolted in suprise. "O-oh. Hehe. Well I'm just thinking you are very...."
"'Very' what?"

"Just special...."

Katsuki gave you a smile. Then he stood up, and now in front of you. He extended a hand to you.

"Shall we go home then? Mom might be worried."


Okay that's it.

Holy Fudge, I could just imagine him doing that! He would remind me of a lil prince!!! Kwdneksnduwnskssnsnsjnssnnsns
The missing thing is him wearing a prince outfit. Awwww....

Also sorry for my long absence...

Has it been months? years? Wait, years? Yo, that's pretty far..

And finally, I HAVE GRADUATED!! (Week ago)
And summer just begun(in our way)  and yea...

This is my gift for y'all cuz I've been absent for a long time...Three chapters...woo hoo!

And, 100+ views, WTF?!?!
This book is clearly random and crap. Before I was like "Hey, 10 views is fine tho.." And there was someone who followed me and added this book to one of her reading lists. I felt so happy...
Then, when I came back there was 50+ I literally almost threw myself off the bed. Then a time I was offline and decided to write more chapters again, I saw the views was 100+! I thought I was dreaming but hell nah!

So now I'll try to write chapters and post them if I have a chance. And don't ever think I'm dead(even if I am cuz I miss somebody so much) if I'm not posting for a long time cuz..... Y'all know.

Okay, really that's it. Thank you so much!!



(Ewww! I'm cringing at the fact I mentioned I missed my old old crush! 😂)

Also, is this chapter long enough? I'm not really into them... My idea was only up to 500 or 600 but I added some add-ons... It's not supposed to be that way....but its  fine..at least it makes sense, right?
