Chapter 36


"(Y/n)? Dammit, she's bleeding!" I hold her up while Sin bandages her head. "Don't worry. The cut's not so bad. It should stop bleeding soon, though she'll probably feel dizzy for a while," he assures.

"Sin, I..." "It's fine," he interrupts. "I'm not sure what just happened, but you can save the explanation for later."

(Y/n) stirs and opens her (e/c) eyes. "Ja'far, you're okay now right?" I nod. Aside from a very slight chill in my body, I'm pretty much fine. She smiles in relief and relaxes. Geez, she should worry more about herself. I almost...

A bitter feeling rises in my throat when I think about what I almost did to her and the others. "I still have to get rid of those puppets," says (y/n) as she tries to get up. "Wait! You can barely walk in this state. You don't know how much magoi you even have left. We need a plan," I protest.

"If we don't know how much magoi you have left, we don't know how many attacks you have left for the puppets," mutters Sin. "That means I have to take as many of them out in one shot," says (y/n). Soon, we managed to form a plan, if we can even call it that. "Let's do this together, then!" exclaims Sin. "Hai!" both (y/n) and I reply.


I stare at the "mirrors" spread around my room that reflect different parts of Sindria. I wipe the sweat from my forehead, finally managing to secure the shield above Drakon's army.

All of a sudden, a pain explodes in my head, as if I've been hit. "What the-" I gasp when one of my mirrors reflects about a dozen magicians blasting a giant hole through the shield on the southwest side of the island. Just as I retaliate with another spell, I realise that I'm running out of magoi. Uttering a few curse words under my breath, I grab one of my magoi-storing devices from my desk and throw it onto the floor until it shatters. Fresh magoi courses through my veins, giving me the power to close the huge hole in the shield. However, that doesn't stop the magician's attacks.

They're strong. But everyone has to run out of magoi eventually. My eyes sweep over the shelf of magoi-storing devices. Not counting the ones I have in my hair, I have two left.

This is going to be a battle of endurance, of whoever has enough magoi left.
