
It was getting too cold. The depth of the night only made this feeling grow stronger and carve deep into my numb body. The moon was shining high into the blackness, like it was a small light of hope… But that was a mere mask of hope in which people believe, but it is too late when they realize it is only mocking them… I was unable to move anymore. I couldn't feel my limbs; it was like someone cut them off. My blood was rushing out of the deep wound I had on my abdomen, coloring everything around me in dark red. I tried hiding in a nearby cave, but my powers left me and now I was lying in the middle of this forest, where every hope and light was killed by the pitch dark and fearsome nature. I breathed in yet again and coughed out some red liquid. So it was this bad already huh? I was able to move my left hand, grabbed a small white tissue I had in my pocket and placed it on the wound to try and stop the bleeding, but it turned out to be deeper than I expected.

I was walking around the outskirts of the small village I was in, when out of nowhere someone stabbed me with a knife in the stomach. I couldn't see his face - it had a mask on. The man twisted the blade inside my body and I could feel how it ripped through the soft skin of my organs… Strong, sharp pain… and yet I did not scream. They would have noticed me if I did. The only option I had was running… It was already too late for me, but I would not let those creatures kill me. I rather die on my own. So I ran… Ran and didn't look back. But the blood loss had its effect on me and soon I gave up. I just fell on the hard ground and waited for everything to end. Many thoughts passed by my mind. My brother, my husband and child, my friends… Goodbye all… I knew all along that was the future that awaited someone like me…

The hours passed and the pain was getting stronger. I was so numb now, that I couldn't even blink properly. It was over… I could see the light; I could hear voices calling out for me. I shut my sapphire eyes and slowed down my breathing. At that point all I could feel was a cold hand on my shoulder. It slid down to the wound and I could feel the fingers exploring the depth of it. When the hand was finally out of my body I was picked up. The corpse I was held against was even colder than the hand… Or maybe that is what dying people feel… Freezing right before everything ends.

”I warned you that this might happen one day. Now it is too late.” It spoke out.

That voice… Strong, serious and yet somehow comforting. It had to be him…

”It is over for you… Are you ready to go?” the male questioned, while I started getting colder and weaker.

He knew the answer. I was able to slightly open my right eye and all I remember was the emerald glow before everything went dark…

I passed away and my body was nowhere to be found. My husband and child fell in depression; my brother lost his mind and was sent to the hospital and my friends mourned for a long period of time. But that was to be expected… That is what I get for involving myself with demonic creatures… Death… Agony… Loneliness…

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