Chapter 3

Stanford P.O.V

I saw Stan come in the room. Great i am not in the mood for his nonsense. What does he want anyway. "Some one is blushing. Tell me who is the lucky gal" Stanley said in a sassy tone. Then i realized im still blushing...hard. "Stan can you leave me alone for a bit. Im not in the mood" i looked at him to see a sassy but serieas face. I gulped to hope that he doesn't take it out of me. BOY WAS I WRONG. "Ford if you dont tell me i will litraly push you back into the portal" he said more serieas now. "Ok ok you win......i met..s-some one you dont like witch is from the U.S Goverment" i lied. He chuckled and said " I know when your lieing Ford. At least tell me her name and everything about her so i can meet her and mostly steal her stuff- i have a amjer regret for what i just said" i laughed and walked up to my room to see glitter on my over clothes.....every where. "FORD. I made your room pretty. Candy and grenda made your books interesting by putting pictures every where on the words. I pershonaly wanted to do the jernals but Dipper screamed at me not to tough them" as she continued. I looked at my books and just tryed not to freak out and interrupting Mabel saying "Mabel honey. If you clean up. I'll get a unicorn for you to ride it for the day tomorrow. Ok" Her face sprong up as she went straight to cleening every thing. I looked for my jernals and realized and thougjt that Dipper had them.

"Dipper! Where are you?!" I yelled. And then in a split second Dipper ran up to me gave me my jernals and ran off. I looked at the kitchen to see that Candy and Grenda with make up and a twice the size rope on there hands. And they pinned me down....putting make up on me. *sigh* sometimes i wish to be back in the portal where there where no make up and no nothing there.


I was walking around gravity falls until i stumbled across the 'Mystory Shack' or does it say hack. Oh well i went in there anyway because i was bored and i was at the merchandise store. I bought a few things like a snow globe. A shirt and 2 more things that i didn't evan know what they are.

And then i heard a man behind me. "Y/N? Is that you" i turned around and saw Ford behind me. I was in shock. Or surprised. It was a mixed emotion and walked up to stanford and started talking to him. "What are you doing here?" He asked in curiosity. "Well i got bored at watching T.V. so i decided to wonder around. You know. In the forset, in the town. Finding a creepy triangle statue. The useral" i said normaly. He looked like he had seen a ghost because he was pale like it self wanted him to die or something. "A triangle statue. Can you show me where it is. Because well my niece kind of distroide my bedroom so im trying to thing about some thing else" he asked. I was weirded out but i agread. I payed for my stuff and left to go to the creepy triangle statue.

It was a long silence when we was walking there. " When you was in my kind of uh...kissed me on the cheek. Why did you do that?" I said breaking the silence. STUPID QUESTION. STUPID QUESTION. I thought.

"I- uh...well y-you see um..i kind of well" he hesitated. "You don't have to answer. It is a stupid question. Really it is" i tryed to change the subject."no ill answer it and it isn't a stupid question" he said confidently. "Well you see i kind you. Its stupid right?" He said. He looked like he was ready to be slapped. I just froze and blushed hard and i think he notest. It was a stronge silence until i said "it is not stupid and i...uh i like you too" i tryed not to blush but faild. Miserably. Fords eyes shot up and hugged me tight.

He was so warm, so comfortable. And i hugged back. We broke apart and carried on walking to the statue.

When we got there the statue has moved to a different it self.....

*MWAHAHA Cliff hanger your one weekness. Expect a chapter on Saturday or Friday. BAIII*
