Chapter 146: Feast


The agent continued to persuade: \"You and Mr. He are getting more and more high profile now, you can't hide it.\"

\"I'll pay attention next time.\"Xu Chengyan sighed,\"Let's buy photos.\"

Broker Reminder: \"Very expensive.\"

Xu Chengyan said directly: \"It will be deducted from my salary and I will pay.\"

The agent sighed lightly on the other end of the phone and said: \"You should discuss it with Mr. He first.\"

The phone hangs up.

Xu Chengyan looked at the phone, still thinking about the photo.

The manager also sent over the photos that the paparazzi took candidly yesterday, and there was even a candid kissing video.

Seeing that there was even a video, Xu Chengyan felt even more headache.

So when He Yang came out of the bathroom, he saw that the young man was sitting by the bed looking at his mobile phone with a gloomy expression on his face.

He Yang wiped his hair and walked over, sat beside him, and asked: \"What's wrong?\"

Xu Chengyan raised her head and said, \"The manager just called.\"


\"Brother Fan said that the paparazzi took pictures of us yesterday, and they are still negotiating the price to buy the photos.\" Xu Chengyan had a headache and looked at the kissing photos on his mobile phone.

He Yang was beside him and saw the photos on his phone.

Although the photo is a bit blurry, it can still be seen that the two people in the photo are hugging and kissing intimately.

He Yang looked at the photos, but didn't really care, and said casually: \"If I take it, I will take it.\"

\"Buying photos is a waste of money...\" Xu Chengyan was a little unhappy, so inexplicably gave the paparazzi a large sum of money for nothing.

He Yang asked: \"How much?\"

Xu Chengyan quoted a price.

\"It's not expensive, I'll buy it.\" He Yang said, took the mobile phone from the bedside table again, and contacted the agent to buy photos.

Soon, the broker responded with a message.

[Mr. He, I just discussed it with Qin Zhou. It’s not really cost-effective to buy photos every time. Have you considered making your relationship public? 】

He Yang looked at the news, handed the phone to Xu Chengyan, and said, "We can make it public and save money."

Xu Chengyan glanced at the agent's reply, and said blankly: \"What to disclose? To disclose the relationship of the little lover?\"

\"Boyfriend relationship.\"

Xu Chengyan thought for a while, then shook his head: \"Forget it.\"

There is a huge gap between his identities and He Yang's.

He Yang did not continue to ask questions, nodded and said: \"Then buy photos this time.\"

\"Yeah.\" Xu Chengyan nodded, and when he looked at He Yang, he noticed that the ends of He Yang's hair were still wet, so he urged: \"Blow your hair first.\"

He Yang got up, brought the hair dryer over, and put the hair dryer in the hands of the young man.

Xu Chengyan also understood what He Yang meant, so he got up and stood by the bed to help He Yang blow his hair.

He Yang was sitting beside the bed, while Xu Chengyan was standing there condescendingly.

Xu Chengyan blew her hair earnestly, her fingertips running through the black hair.

The atmosphere in the room is very harmonious, and the whirring of the hair dryer can be heard.

Xu Chengyan helped to dry her hair until it was half dry, so she put the hairdryer aside.

However, before Xu Chengyan had time to turn around and leave, he suddenly noticed that his waist was tight, a hand was placed on his waist, and then his body was pulled over.

Xu Chengyan was caught off guard by He Yang and fell into the man's arms.

He Yang stretched out his hand and hugged the person in his arms tightly, and suddenly said: \"Yanyan, do you want to go back with me?\"

\"Huh?\" Xu Chengyan looked sideways at the man.

\"Go back to the old house with me, we will live together.\"He Yang held the young man's hand, and unconsciously touched the position of his ring finger, \"And Qiqi and Xiaowen, they are both in the old house.\"

Xu Chengyan didn't answer for a while.

He Yang touched the back of the young man's head and asked again: \"When you go back, do you want to move in with me?\"

Xu Chengyan asked: \"How long will you stay?\"

He Yang: \"You can stay as long as you want.\"

Xu Chengyan thought about it seriously, and replied: \"Looking at your performance, I will think about it carefully.\"


Xu Chengyan said again: \"Then go back to China tomorrow.\"

Because of the paparazzi thing, he doesn't really want to stay in Paris anymore, he will be photographed secretly.

\"Yeah.\"He Yang should come down,\"I'll book a flight ticket.\"

After that, He Yang started to book a return flight.

He Yang looked at the calendar again and asked: \"Do you have time this Saturday? Go out and get together.\"

\"With whom?\"

\"A few friends.\" He Yang said, \"There is a dinner party this week.\"

Xu Chengyan thought of He Yang's friends, and instantly thought of some bad memories.

In the past, He Yang would also take him out for dinner.

It's just that the people around He Yang regarded him as an optional substitute, and even mocked him in front of him.

Xu Chengyan just wanted to refuse, but heard a man's voice——

\"I want to introduce you to the people around you as a boyfriend.\"

After Xu Chengyan heard this, he fell silent.

Xu Chengyan thought about it for a long time, and finally came down: \"Okay.\"

The next day, the two boarded the return flight.

After the plane landed, Xu Chengyan returned to the apartment and rested in the room for a few days.

He has no activities in the past few days, and the agent also helped him solve the paparazzi problem smoothly and bought all the photos.

On Saturday night, He Yang came to pick him up.

The two came to the bar.

He Yang took the young man's hand and walked towards the private room upstairs.

As soon as the two entered the private room, someone noticed.

\"It's Young Master He!\"

\"Young Master He finally came out for a party!\"

He Yang nodded to the others, and led the people beside him to the middle of the sofa and sat down.

Xu Chengyan took off his hat and mask, and sat quietly beside He Yang as before.

The other young masters in the box were also looking at Xu Chengyan secretly. After all, this was the first time He Yang had brought people over in four years.

A young master came over tentatively and asked: \"Young Master He brought a friend here?\"

He Yang: \"Boyfriend.\"

\"Boyfriend?\" Brother Young Master was a little surprised, and looked at Xu Chengyan's face carefully.

And because the young man's dressing style was different from the original, Brother Gongzi didn't recognize who this face was at first.

When the young man looked up, Brother Young Master immediately recognized the peach blossom eyes, so he asked: \"Is it Qin Zhou?\"

\"Yeah.\" He Yang nodded.

Others next to him also heard it, and came to join in the fun with a smile.

\"It turned out to be Qin Zhou!\"

\"Come, come, have a drink!\"

\"Would you like to come and play together?\" Someone next to him invited Xu Chengyan to play cards.

Everyone's attitude was very enthusiastic, Xu Chengyan nodded with a smile, and went to the game table.

He Yang didn't plan to play cards, but he followed and sat beside Xu Chengyan.

The cards had already been dealt on the game table, and He Yang approached the young man's ear and asked in a low voice: \"Will you do it?\"

Xu Chengyan replied: \"I saw you play before, so I know a little bit.\"

He had come out with He Yang before and knew that He Yang and the others liked to play cards.

Although he hadn't played it before, but seeing He Yang played a lot, he would know it.

Soon, Xu Chengyan got the card and started playing seriously.

He Yang sat aside and watched Xu Chengyan play his cards.

And because it was the first round, the others deliberately released water, allowing Xu Chengyan to win the game first.

\"Qin Zhou won!\"

\"So amazing! Come and come again!\"

The young masters happily piled up the chips on Xu Chengyan's side, and urged them to come to the next round.

After several rounds of games, Xu Chengyan won.

Seeing that Xu Chengyan was getting along well with the others, He Yang put down the wine glass and said, "You guys play first, I'll go out and smoke one."

Xu Chengyan nodded and continued to play cards.

And He Yang also got up and walked outside the private room, planning to find a place to smoke.

It's just that when He Yang left, the originally harmonious atmosphere of the private room became a little more subtle.

The young master who was sitting opposite Xu Chengyan instantly became lazy, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, looked up at Xu Chengyan, and said slowly: \"You are Qin Zhou, I know you.\"

\"It's my honor.\" Xu Chengyan nodded with a smile and pushed out the chips.

\"Who doesn't know Qin Zhou, but he's famous.\" Another young master laughed, \"I'm quite capable.\"

\"Yeah, it must be amazing to be the boyfriend of Young Master He.\" There was a strange person next to him.

Hearing this, Xu Chengyan narrowed his eyes slightly.

\"No way, who made Qin Zhou lucky, that face is beautiful.\" A young man smiled and looked over, \"Qin Zhou, what do you think?\"

Xu Chengyan nodded actively: \"Indeed, my face looks good.\"

\"That's for sure, it looks exactly the same as Yanyan.\" The man smiled and asked again: \"By the way, do you know who Yanyan is?\"

Xu Chengyan nodded calmly, \"I know.\"

The man suddenly sighed: \"So you still know about Yanyan, take the initiative to be a substitute...\"

Others also echoed: \"After all, it is in the entertainment industry. If Yanyan had this scheming, he would have been in the position long ago, and it would be someone else's turn.\"

\"Indeed, it's a pity that Yanyan died early...\"

When Xu Chengyan listened to what these young masters said, he suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

When he was still by He Yang's side before, everyone laughed at him as a substitute for Shen Xiuzhu.

But now he is the identity of \"Qin Zhou\", and these people are mocking him as a substitute for \"Yanyan\", pretending to fight for \"Yanyan\".

Xu Chengyan said directly: \"Then there is no way, now He Yang is by my side.\"

A young man sneered: \"You don't really think that Young Master He is interested in you, right? It's just for fun, are you serious?\"

At this moment, the private room door was pushed open and He Yang came back.

Others saw He Yang coming, so they stopped talking instantly.

He Yang walked towards the game table and asked: \"What are you talking about?\"

\"Let's chat with Qin Zhou casually.\" A young man smiled and understated it, intending to skip this topic.

However, Xu Chengyan didn't intend to expose this matter easily, so he put down the cards and said directly: \"I don't play anymore, I'm not in the mood.\"

The atmosphere on the table cooled down for a while.

He Yang noticed something was wrong, looked at the young man, and asked: \"What's wrong?\"

\"Mr. He.\" Xu Chengyan smiled and said to He Yang: \"If this is your friend's attitude, you don't need to bring me here in the future.\"
